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Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)

Page 9

by Justine Elvira

  Me: No houses to show?

  Scott: I rescheduled everything for tomorrow. What are you doing today?

  Me: Boring day too. I'm off tonight so I'm probably just going to stay in my warm bed and read. It's cold for October.

  Scott: You should wear the lime green Snuggie. I love the Snuggie on you.

  Me: Yes, I know. I'll wear it just for you.

  Scott: Awesome.

  Scott: What should I annoy Autumn with today?

  Me: I think you being there will be annoying enough :)

  Scott: Funny

  Me: She just doesn't find you as charming as I do.

  Scott: And boy am I glad you find me charming. You going to call me tonight or do I have to call you?

  Me: I think you should call me. I like to feel like I'm wanted.

  Scott: You're always wanted. I'll call you around nine.



  Scott: Happy Thanksgiving!

  Me: Happy day that the white people came to America, stole the Indians' land and then celebrated with a feast that we made the Indians cook for us.

  Scott: Oh, you're one of those.

  Me: A realist. Yes, I'm one of those.

  Scott: So you don't celebrate Thanksgiving?

  Me: I celebrate but that's mostly because it's an obligation to see family that I only ever see once a year. I mostly just watch football.

  Scott: What a coincidence, me too! Who you cheering for this afternoon?

  Me: The Bears... ALWAYS!!!

  Scott: What? Okay we definitely need to make a bet on this game. Your Bears are going to lose.

  Me: You're on. What's the wager?

  Scott: Hmmm....

  Scott: If I win you have to let me teach you how to surf.

  Me: I'm surprised you didn't go for anything sexual in this wager.

  Scott: You didn't let me finish. I'll be teaching you while you're naked.

  Me: Oh, okay and WHEN I win you have to take me to The Grove for the afternoon so I can shop and you can hold my bags.

  Scott: I still don't understand your obsession with that place. It's a fucking outdoor mall. It sucks.

  Me: It's on TV all the time and I want to go but you, Autumn, and Jared all refuse to take me. That's the wager. Take it or leave it.

  Scott: I'll take it.

  Chapter Eight

  It's been several months since our weekend in Chicago and Scott and my friendship has evolved nicely. After he woke up Saturday morning alone, Scott found me on the small sofa bed at the other end of the room and woke me up. We spent all day Saturday exploring the city and he pleasured me all evening Saturday night.

  He definitely gets an A in foreplay.

  Then Sunday we spent our time near Rosemont. We had a nice lunch at a local steakhouse and after begging him for a half hour, we went to the casino for a few hours before I drove him to the airport to catch his flight. Then I made the journey back to Michigan.

  I spent the entire drive home thinking about him. Scott's a thoughtful lover. I'd never been with someone who always made sure my needs were met in the bedroom first. He's also funny, incredibly smart and knows how to have a good time. This all was a pleasant surprise and I found myself craving more time with him. We didn’t really discuss what would happen in the future with us. We just enjoyed every moment together.

  A few days after being back home he called me and we talked for hours. It's so easy to get lost in conversation with him and we never find ourselves with nothing to say. It was in that first call that we decided to be friends with the occasional benefits. I know, very immature and irresponsible of us, but I trusted Scott not to have unprotected sex with anyone he decided to hook up with in my absence. He trusted me to do the same.

  Little did I realize that he would have nothing to worry about. I haven't hooked up with anyone but Scott since our weekend together and it's been what? Six months now?


  I'm only ever monogamous when I'm in a relationship and Scott and I are definitely not in a relationship. We just talk on the phone several times a week and it usually ends after an amazing round of phone sex. We also text each other all day, everyday. Occasionally, our texts turn dirty and I love that, too, but I find it’s our simple conversations I love the most. I can tell him anything and he's a really supportive friend.

  When my boss wanted me to start stripping more for bachelor parties, Scott was the person I ran to for advice. He told me to tell my boss to kiss my ass. I don't strip and that the last time was a lapse in my better judgment. I was nervous to say those things to him but with Scott's support I was able to. I think my boss respected me a little more after that day and I've never had to strip at a bachelor party again. I strictly serve or dance in my lingerie now.

  We've been discreet about sleeping together, not wanting anyone, especially our siblings, to find out. I've been out to see Autumn on several weekend getaways over the past several months and during those trips Scott and I always find time to be alone.

  It never really mattered where we got privacy, we were usually so desperate by the time we got to be alone together that he was pummeling me before I could get my clothes off. I was able to sneak him in after everyone went to sleep during one of my visits. The problem with this was he fell asleep and I wasn't able to wake him back up. I ended up sleeping on the couch again. It wasn't until Jared was waking me up on the couch with a cup of coffee that I started freaking out. Scott wasn’t able to sneak out until early afternoon that day.

  Then there was the weekend when Scott and I left to pick up ice cream from the local convenient store. What normally would have taken fifteen minutes took almost an hour. We pulled off into an isolated area and went at it in his car. When we're together, we're insatiable.

  That's why I'm nervous about this visit. It's Christmas Eve and I've just flown in from Michigan... with my parents. We're celebrating Christmas at Autumn and Jared's new place in Calabasas and I'm a nervous wreck. What if I look at Scott the wrong way, or he touches me and someone sees? I'm worried that with one wrong move we're going to give away that we're screwing behind everyone's back.

  I know if we got caught Scott would just laugh it off and let everyone know it's not serious. We're not dating so that shouldn't bother me, but it does. I don’t have feelings for Scott. I really don't, but because he's the only guy I've been intimate with in months, I've formed an unhealthy attachment to him. So unhealthy that two months ago I let him know that I didn't want to hear about any of his conquests out in California.

  He laughed it off and said there were none to talk about, but I'm not stupid. He goes out regularly and even if he couldn't find a girl to sleep with for the night, there's always Tawny.

  Tawny. She's another wild card in the mix this Christmas. Things are no longer awkward between us but Tawny has issues keeping her mouth shut. I'm afraid she'll let something slip about our threesome in front of Jared and Autumn, or even worse, my parents. I'm going to have to keep my eyes on her the next few days.

  We're standing in the arrival terminal when I spot Scott standing beside his new Dodge Ram 3500. He called me right after he bought it. He needed something with a bed for his boards. Although he lives on the beach, he likes to surf in other areas and his new truck is perfect to carry his stuff.

  He sees me and lifts his hand, waving us over. His dark hair has gotten longer and it looks good. I take in a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I exhale before turning to my parents. "Scott's here. Let's go."

  My parents follow me and when we reach Scott's truck he takes my bag and puts it in the bed of his truck. Then he greets my parents and takes their bags as well. He opens the passenger door and the door to the back seat before looking back at us hesitantly.

  "Sorry, there's not a lot of room. I came straight from the beach, otherwise I would have taken a different vehicle. It seats four comfortably. Two upfront and two in back."

  I move to hop in the back seat when my mother r
eaches out and grabs my arm. "Your father and I will sit in the back. You sit upfront, dear."

  I nod and let her sit in the back, knowing never to argue with my mother in the presence of others. That's just how I was brought up.

  My parents slip into the backseat and I hold onto the door and attempt to pull myself up. It's hard to get up in such a large vehicle for a vertically challenged woman like myself. Scott comes up from behind me, placing his hands on my ass and lifts me up. He softly slaps and squeezes my cheeks discreetly before releasing me as I scoot in the passenger seat.

  A smile spreads across my face, but I hide it quickly before my parents can question what has me grinning. Within a few seconds Scott is getting back in the driver's seat and driving out into the airport traffic.

  We make small talk the entire way to Calabasas. My parents haven't really ever had a chance to talk with Scott in the past. They're usually solely focused on Jared, trying to find a flaw. They'll be looking for a long time because Jared's pretty much perfect.

  "So you're a real estate agent? How's the market out here?" my dad asks him as Scott maneuvers the truck through traffic.

  "The market suffered here like everywhere else in the country, but the median home price is so high that I've been able to keep my head afloat."

  "Must have. This new truck must've cost a pretty penny."

  "Dad!" I shout and then quickly lower my voice. "Daddy, don't be rude."

  "It's okay, Winn," Scott says, glancing in my direction and winking at me before turning his eyes back on the road. "I actually came into a little money so I was able to pay for it in cash. I try not to loan money from banks."

  His answer startles my dad, and quite frankly it startles me, too. He doesn't make the kind of money Jared does. How could he afford to pay for this in cash? I'm quickly taken out of my thoughts when my mother starts asking Scott about his family. She's really excited to see his parents and hoping these Christmas get togethers become a tradition. It's nice to get out of Michigan in the dead of winter.

  By the time we pull up to Jared and Autumn's new place my mother is fawning all over Scott and Scott looks exhausted. Unfortunately, there isn’t much time to rest because the next two days are packed with family activities.

  I promised to help Autumn and my mother prepare some of the dishes for Christmas dinner tomorrow and Scott is going with Jared and my dad to go get a Christmas tree. It's not because a Christmas tree isn't already up. Autumn has had a beautiful fake tree fully decorated in the living room for weeks. It's because my crazy mother wants a real tree at Christmas. It's a Midwest thing.

  The day drags on agonizingly slow and all I want is some alone time with Scott. We haven't seen each other in a while and I want what he's been promising me in our endless phone sex conversations. After a long day of cooking, cleaning the house and catching up with my sister, the boys are back with the real pine tree and we all start decorating.

  I have the tedious job of stringing popcorn on a long string of thread to drape around the tree. I'm halfway done stringing the second popped back of popcorn when my phone vibrates in my pocket.

  Scott: Hi

  For some reason this simple text lightens my mood and I'm smiling down at my phone as I reply.

  Me: Hi

  Scott: I miss you

  Me: You miss my body

  Scott: Well that's a given

  Me: I miss your body too!

  Scott: I already knew that ;)

  I look up to see Scott watching me, waiting for my reply.

  Me: Always so arrogant

  Scott: Lucky for you I have the goods to back it up.

  Me: Too bad we'll have no privacy for you to prove that to me.

  I glance over at him while he reads my text and starts to reply. His fingers are moving frantically on his phone so I know this text will be a longer one. I smile at something my mother says, hoping she doesn't realize who my attention is on and then my phone vibrates in my hand.

  Scott: I'm going to get out of here soon. Stay up. I'll be back around eleven for you to sneak me in through the bedroom window. It'll be easier this time since it's a ranch. Make sure you're in the first room on the left.

  Me: And what if I don't want to see you tonight?

  Scott: I have a way to convince you that it's a good choice. Just be there to let me in.

  Me: Okay <3

  I don't know why I added the heart at the end of that last text. Scott's made it clear over the last several months that what we have is just physical, so a heart gives the wrong impression, but what I feel for him is more than physical. Or maybe it isn't. Seeing Scott in person again is just messing with my head. I've got to get my feelings under control and soon. I'm strong; I always have been so I should be able to defeat these feelings that have started to stir for Scott Reynolds.


  I'm giggling hysterically on the full size bed in the guest room Autumn set me up in, second door on the left. Apparently, she is hiding all of the Christmas gifts in the first bedroom on the left so it was off limits. I tried texting Scott to let him know, but as I found out just a second ago, he accidentally left his phone back in his car.

  "This is all your fault," he hisses, as I fail at trying to stop my laughter. It's just too funny. He was stuck outside waiting for me to open the window when the sprinkler system turned on, exactly at eleven pm. It took another ten minutes for me to open the window and look outside to see where he could possibly be. When I saw him standing under the other window, drenched with his clothes sticking to his body, I couldn’t control the laughter that erupted out of my mouth.

  "How is this my fault," I say a little more calmly, only letting a small giggle out.

  "I said the first room on the left. Not the second."

  "And if you would have been responsible and brought your phone with you, you would have seen my text saying that I was in the second bedroom instead." My laughter increases as I watch the water drops drip down his face from his damp hair.

  "Oh, you think this is funny?" Scott asks but before I can reply he is lunging across the bed for me. I fall down on my back and he stretches out on top of me, getting my clothing and the comforter wet in the process.

  "Not so funny now, huh?" He shifts slightly, lining his hips up with mine and my laughter subsides. I look up at him as the mood shifts in the room. His hard, wet chest feels good against my breasts, causing them to swell with desire. He must feel it too, because I can feel his large, thick friend rising up to play with me.

  "Now let's see how quiet you can be while I make you come. We wouldn't want to wake up your parents."


  Scott's breathing finally slows and I know he's asleep. Moving his arm from my shoulder, I slide out from under him and slowly get off the bed. It's sometime in the early morning hours. Scott and I made it through four rounds of passionate, wild sex where Scott was forced to cover my mouth the entire time. I may have left permanent bite marks.

  I can honestly say I'm spent. Scott's an animal in bed. He's sexually compatible with me in every way and by far the best lover I've ever been with. I know when I wake up in the morning I'm going to be sore in areas I didn’t even know existed.

  It's easy for me to find clothes to wear because I purposely put my suitcase in a visible area so I could grab my pajamas in the dark. It's the one rule Autumn has at her house. I'm not allowed to sleep in the nude.

  Once I'm dressed I slip out of the guest bedroom and move down the hallway. Jared and Autumn's new place is much easier to find things in. It's one level so all six bedrooms are on one floor and I know for a fact that the guest bedroom next to the office is vacant.

  I tip toe down the hallway so that I don't wake anyone up, especially my father. He's a light sleeper. Once I'm in the guest bedroom by the office I shut the door and plop down on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. This is the smallest bedroom in the house and Autumn wanted it to be designed for children, just in case any guests that stay with them
have little ones. She had it designed to look like you're outdoors and the bedding is a winter green.

  This may be cute for children, but it's freaking me out in the dark.

  I get back up and move over to the door, searching the walls for a light switch. When I find it I flick the lights on.

  Much better. I may be able to sleep tonight.

  I lay back down on the bottom bunk, not bothering to get under the bedding. I'm too physically exhausted and every time I move I'm reminded of that, and reminded that Scott is the reason my muscles hurt in the most delicious way. Closing my eyes, I can't help but think about his hard chest, chiseled arms, the way his lips feel against my skin, the way he holds me tightly after we've come, as if to make sure I'm okay. His hard cock and the way he loves to stroke the head across my clit several times, making me go crazy until he finally enters me. The way he hits me in just the right spot, over and over again, until I'm ready to come and then he stops, making me cry out in frustration before he starts the teasing all over again.

  My thoughts get away from me and it's not until I feel an orgasm approaching that I realize my hand is underneath my panties and rubbing me to ecstasy. I have a decision to make. I can stop and leave myself frustrated, which is probably the smarter decision since I've already come several times tonight. Or I could quickly let myself finish so that I'm not miserable before I fall asleep.


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