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Afternoon Delight Scrivener

Page 18

by Piper Rayne

  “Aren’t you guys the cutest.” Hannah steps out of a taxi. She pays the driver and I see she’s upped her game tonight.

  “Hannah,” Dean says, sliding his hand down my arm until it’s locked in his. “Nice to see you off the clock.”

  “Technically you don’t punch a clock for me since you’re helping pro bono.” She smiles, leans forward and kisses my cheek. “Glad you could make it.”

  “Nice outfit,” I comment, and she rolls her eyes. “It’s nothing.”

  “Uh-huh,” I say low enough that no one really pays me attention.

  She’s in a short black skirt and see-through blouse with a gold bra under. She’s asking for it tonight. And if I had my guess, I’d say she’s hoping a silver fox will hunt her down.

  A black SUV pulls up and stops beside the curb. Victoria and Reed file out. Uber express, I’m sure.

  “Great, we’re all here. Let’s go have some drinks and make some memories.” Hannah leads the pack down the alley as everyone says their hellos.

  Reed and Dean shake hands and discuss some new judge or some legal thing I’m not interested in.

  I’m wondering if I should’ve gone with my gut and taken Dean up on his offer to head straight to bed. Suddenly I really don’t want to share Dean.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ever notice how time flies when you’re happy? It’s been three weeks since Dean and I declared our love to each other and I’m not sure I’ve stayed at my own apartment since.

  The saying ignorance is bliss comes to mind, too.

  I haven’t spoken to my mom more than I’ve had to with Skylar’s wedding nearing. I’m still surprised she’s kept Dean and my relationship a secret from my entire family. I know this because cell phone towers would crash if they knew. I’d be getting calls from Skylar, Zoe, Mikey and whoever thinks it’s their business that I’m back with Dean.

  Tonight it all changes. Tonight is Dean’s coming out party. Actually it’s a birthday party for my Aunt Liz but I have a feeling Dean will be the center of attention rather than my aunt.

  “I really wish you’d told them.” Dean steps out of his bedroom in a pair of charcoal slacks and a t-shirt with a long coat that only enhances his broad shoulders. He clasps his silver watch around his wrist.

  “Surprises are better.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Says you. I’m the one people are going to give the cold shoulder to. Sky and Zoe will have you hidden in the bathroom.”

  My heels click on the floor as I break the distance between us. “Good thing you’re a lawyer.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you know how to set everyone at ease.” I lift my heels and kiss the hollow of his neck.

  The smell of his cologne awakens my lady parts.

  “I think you’re getting lawyer confused with mediator.” He squeezes my hip and pats my ass to get moving.

  I walk in front of him to grab my purse.

  “Sorry, Grover.” I bend and pet his head. “They don’t even know about the big guy yet. Next time.” I reach over on the end table, grab a Kleenex, and run it along the flaps of his mouth.

  “I think Grover is pretty smitten with you. Maybe you should just move in.” Dean winks then busies himself putting his wallet into his pocket and his cell phone into the front of his jacket.

  “Moving a little fast there, cowboy,” I remark.

  “Oh, I forgot, we’re still going five under the speed limit.”

  I laugh, throwing away the Kleenex and grab my clutch.

  “You’re catching on.”

  Neither of us taking it very seriously, he opens the door, I file out and we enter the elevator.

  “Remember the days when you wanted to make-out?” I joke because this might be my first elevator ride with Dean where his hand isn’t on skin. Skin that he shouldn’t be touching in public.

  “The night is young.” He winks and straightens forward.

  Just when I think we’ve already moved into comfortable territory, his hand reaches for mine, grabs my wrist and tugs me next to him.

  “Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.” He kisses my temple.

  “Look at me.” He glances down as I tilt my neck to look up. “Don’t be. I don’t care what they think.”

  His smile is tight and I’m not sure he believes me, but he will.

  The elevator dings open and I walk out, nodding at the night doorman.

  “Evening Mr. Bennett. Ms. …”

  I tilt my head and wait for him to figure out my name. The poor young kid’s face reddens.

  “I’m sorry.” He looks to Dean like he’s going to be mad.

  “Tell me, Sean, do you not know my name because Mr. Bennett has so many women come through here?”

  His eyes widen. “No. You’re the only one I’ve seen.”

  Dean’s chest hits my back, his hand molding to my hip. “Let’s leave the new guy alone, shall we Ms. Warner?” He chuckles.

  “Sean, you seem like a good guy. You’d tell me the truth, right?”

  I’m totally joking, and this kid looks like he might have a panic attack if I keep it going.

  “Yes. Honesty is the best policy. For sure, Ms. Warner.” He smiles over my shoulder to Dean.

  He can’t be more than eighteen. Where did they find this guy? A gnat could intimidate him.

  “Don’t worry, Sean, she’ll be Mrs. Bennett soon enough,” Dean says.

  I shake my head at his assumptions. “Can you believe the arrogance of this guy.” I thumb behind me.

  “How many times have I told you, it’s confidence, not arrogance.” Dean pulls me by my hand away from the doorman’s desk.

  “Have a great night, Sean.” I wave.

  “You too, Ms. Warner. Mr. Bennett.” He nods.

  “Please tell me you aren’t that insecure about where you stand in my life,” Dean says as he flags a cab for us.

  My hands slide under his jacket and I nuzzle into his body. “No. I was just playing with the guy. But you better watch it. You’re on the Autobahn with the moving in and now marriage comments.”

  “One day.” He winks, not saying anything else as he opens the cab door for me.

  I slide in and he joins me telling the cab driver the name of the restaurant.

  I settle into the leather seat since we’ll be leaving downtown and heading to the outskirts. I’m crossing fingers my entire family can behave themselves tonight, even if it’s not in their nature.

  * * *

  Crossing my fingers didn’t work.

  We drop our coats at the coat check, walk into the private room that’s already disturbing the restaurant with their laughter and loud talking. Half the group is probably already drunk.

  The doors open, and I thought we could slide in unnoticed, but Dean can’t slide in anywhere.

  You’d think we just came in with ski masks and guns, sounding a warning shot. My Aunt Liz’s jaw is on the floor. Skylar’s eyes are already slits focused on Dean. Zoe’s wrangled Caiden away from the cake with a small smile on her lips. My mom, well, her chest is heaving from how pissed she is that I brought him, and my dad sits there stunned.

  “Don’t you people have any manners?” I ask, tightening my grip on Dean’s hand. It’s cold and limp.

  Aunt Liz approaches first. “Chelsea.” She kisses me on each cheek, her eyes on Dean the entire time. “Dean.” She holds out her hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Her eyes focus back on me.

  Guess I should have told them.

  “Chelsea thought it would make a good surprise,” Dean rats me out.

  Aunt Liz’s displeased eyes land on me, piercing me with guilt.

  “I don’t see what the big deal is,” I continue to fight my decision.

  “Don’t play that innocent game with me.” Her eyes dip to our clasped hands. “So, you two are together?” She waves her finger between us. “Again?”

  “We are,” Dean answers and for some reason, my stomach flips from his declaration. Ma
ybe my family won’t make him run away from me.

  “This isn’t about a bet or money or some twisted joke?” she asks.

  “No,” I answer.

  “You’re not pregnant?”

  My stomach lurches. “Please give me some credit.”

  She nods.

  “A few more things.” She turns her attention to Dean. “What do you do with yourself now?”

  “I’m an attorney.”

  She cringes and glances at me from the corner of her eyes.

  “Tax attorney,” Dean clarifies so she doesn’t think he’s an ambulance chaser and she smiles.


  “Three years sober.”

  “I’m to assume that means no drugs as well?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And you’re ready to give this one hundred percent?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Okay, Aunt Liz,” I plead for her to stop.

  Dean’s squeezes my hand, he knows he’s getting somewhere with her.

  “Definitely. I’m in it to win it.”

  They share a laugh.

  “Well then.” She extends her arms out. “Welcome back to the family.” She hugs him to her body and my eyes swell with tears. Why couldn’t my mom have a little bit of Aunt Liz’s DNA?

  Once they part, she sets her eyes on me. “I’m still not happy about you surprising everyone by bringing him here. It puts everyone—including Dean—in an awkward situation.” She shoots me those judging eyes only a mother can accomplish, and the feeling of disappointment falls over me.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  She nods and then hugs me into her body. “Congratulations. You look very happy.”

  “I am.”

  Pulling away, she turns to face the room. “Okay everyone, I know this was a huge surprise, but I’ve cleared the air. Dean is back in the picture. He’s an attorney now.”

  Grumbles ring out in the room.

  “A tax attorney,” she clarifies.

  They all sigh like that’s okay then.

  “He’s been sober for three years. No drugs and he promises he won’t hurt our girl.”

  A few people smile, a few whatevers ring out. I’m not sure why it has to be some big announcement.

  She pats my hand. “Good luck.” She walks away, picking up her grandson from Zoe’s arms and telling him how he needs to behave and how that’s Great-Grammie’s cake.

  Now that Zoe has her hands free she makes her way over to us. “I should beat the shit out of you out back,” she says to Dean.

  “If it makes you feel better, let’s go. Three free hits.”

  She shakes her head, a smile already playing on her lips. “I’m not as easily sold as my mom. I’ll be watching you.” She points her fingers to her eyes and then to Dean.

  “Understood.” He nods.

  A few other people come up to shake our hands, but Skylar keeps her distance. It isn’t until we’re at the bar that her fiancé, Beckett, approaches us.

  “Chelsea,” he says, taking a swig of his beer. “Always making an entrance.”

  I give him a sour look like I’m seven and boys have cooties.

  “Beckett, great to see you again,” I say, dripping with sarcasm.

  “How come I don’t think you mean that?” He takes another swig of his beer, his eyes landing on Dean. “Hey, I’m Beckett, Skylar’s fiancé.”

  Dean shakes his hand. “I saw you two on the news.”

  Beckett shrugs. “Not sure why it’s news, but I guess when two Winter Classics medalists get engaged, people find it interesting.”

  Dean steps closer to me. “See Chels, at least we dodged that. Imagine if our short marriage was splashed on magazines and news channels.”

  I roll my eyes. The pity of the entire U of I campus was enough for me to hightail it out there and head to concrete skyscrapers.

  “So, you two?” Beckett leaves the question in the air.

  “Yes,” I answer, and he takes another swig of his beer. “I’m glad. You seem happy.”

  “If only your fiancée would actually talk to me tonight.” I really should leave this topic alone. Let Skylar act like I’m invisible and Dean isn’t here. Let her act like a childish brat when it has nothing to do with her.

  “You know her. She’s a ball buster.”

  “To everyone but you.” My tone turns bitter and Dean’s hand squeezes my hip, telling me to quiet down. He knows better. That move never worked on me.

  “What can I say? It’s my charm I guess.” He holds his hands out to his side like ‘check me out.’

  “I think it’s your dick.”

  “Chels,” Dean says my name with warning and I have to say I like the way he’s trying to keep me in check.

  “Listen to your boyfriend,” Beckett says with a chuckle.

  “Are you suggesting your dick isn’t impressive enough for her to go easy on you?”

  “And that’s our cue.” Dean’s hand slides across my lower back, capturing my hand, ready to pull me away. “We’re going to take a breather.”

  Dean ignores my uncle Jim who tries to say hello to us on the way through the room and pushes open the back door into the alley.

  I struggle to free my hand from his grip, but he doesn’t let it go until he cages me in with his body against the wall.

  “I like your thinking.” My hand slides down the front of his shirt bumping along his abs until my finger slides under the waist of his slacks.

  He takes his hand and stops me, spurring my gaze to shift to his.

  “You’re cockblocking yourself?”

  “What’s with you?” he asks, his eyes appearing darker than normal.

  “Beckett and I have a mutual dislike of one another.”

  He doesn’t say a word, just stands there brooding and silent. His hand eventually leaves mine and he places it back on the brick that’s currently scratching my back.

  “Talk to me,” he says, all serious.

  “How about I taste you?” I fiddle with his belt and again his hand clasps down on mine.

  “Chelsea?” There’s that warning tone again.

  “Dean,” I return the same one. “Since when do you not want to fuck me?” My hand wiggles out of his grip and I dip under his arm.

  “What’s up with this whole night? You not telling your family I was coming? Not going up to Sky? Being a bitch to Beckett? I know you well enough to know you’re not dealing with something and that’s why you’re acting like this.”

  I pace up and down the filthy alley that reeks of old spaghetti and spoiled veal.

  “Skylar can do whatever the fuck she wants. She wants to be a brat, fine. I don’t care.”

  He leans his shoulder against the brick, his arms crossed and lets out a long sigh.

  Yeah, we both know I’m talking bullshit.

  “This isn’t about Sky.”

  I stop pacing, meeting his gaze. “It will never be like it is for them.” I choke back tears.

  “Like what?” His arms drop, and he pushes off the wall.

  “Beckett and Sky, everyone is so happy for them. No animosity, no anger. They just accepted him into the family.”

  A tight smile forms on his lips and he slowly walks toward me.

  “So maybe it does bother you more than you think that your parents don’t accept me?”

  I shrug.

  “It’s okay, you can tell me I’m right later.”

  I huff out a small laugh. He reaches up and cups my cheek. “Baby, one day they will. What we have is complicated and none of them understands. All they see is some has-been baseball player who lost his shit in a bottle of Jack. A guy who left his new bride alone and abandoned. But that Dean is gone and maybe they haven’t realized it yet, but you have. For me, that’s all that matters. But if those people in there matter this much to you, then I’ll make damn sure they know what we already do, that you’re number one in my life.”

  I shake my head. “You shouldn’t ha
ve to do that. It should be enough that I know, and I tell them so.”

  His large palms slide down my bare arms, taking each hand in his. “Your family is important to you. I’ve always known that.”

  I step into his strong arms and he holds me tight to his body.

  “But the bitchy girl who’s throwing a tantrum because she didn’t get what she wants has got to go.”

  I jab him in the stomach, but he never moves an inch.

  “You love my bitchy side.”

  He chuckles into the night air. “I love every side. But I think everyone in there would prefer to see a different side of you.”

  “How fitting I find you both in the alley?”

  Dean steps us to the side so we can see who it is, but I’d know that voice anywhere and I prepare myself for round two.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Thank goodness you have clothes on this time.” Skylar’s arms are crossed, her eyes throwing daggers at me.

  I slide out of Dean’s embrace, stepping in front of him as though I’m protecting him.

  “Let’s remember one thing before we get this started, I never gave you shit about Beckett. If anything, I pushed you toward another man, so he’d realize he loved you.”

  “Okay girls.”

  “Stay out of this, Dean,” we both say in unison.

  Dean steps out from behind me. “Fine. Go at each other’s throats.”

  Skylar and I are practically like sisters. We grew up together, playing tag around holiday dinner tables, secretly telling one another our crushes. Jeez, with the same last name, people thought we were a set of adopted twins all through school. This isn’t the first time we’ve thrown it down, and I know it won’t be the last.

  “I’ll be inside.” Dean opens the door, passing Skylar with a shake of his head.

  “Were you never going to tell me?” Skylar asks, her gaze narrowed on me.

  Anyone passing by would probably think we’re minutes away from pulling each other’s hair out. That’s not us though, we punch and kick. We just haven’t done it since we were sixteen.

  “Obviously from your reaction tonight, I chose correctly. I don’t need your doubts.”


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