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Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner)

Page 7

by Rumer Raines

  “Nope. Sorry, I don’t have any coffee. We can stop by the coffee shop before we head to the station.”

  I put the plates on the table and Frank scoops the eggs and toast onto my plate. Neither one of us has our eyes on the plates. We both are so focused on the other.

  “What’s next for us, Frank?” I ask as he gets up to go into the fridge and pulls out the orange juice and grabs two glasses

  “Well, I thought I would get dressed and take you…”

  I cut him off. “I don’t mean that. We crossed a line. If the department finds out --” Now Frank cuts me off.

  “They won’t find out, Lola. We won’t tell anyone. We’ll stay professional at work. What happens after hours isn’t anyone’s business.” I take a sip of my orange juice and finish up the eggs.

  “Are you saying that you want whatever this is to continue?” I ask and Frank looks up at me with heated eyes.

  “Lola, I think this has been going on since we meet at the gym. I know we’ve both felt it. I think we should find out where it leads.”

  “Do you only want it to lead back to your bedroom or further?”

  Frank chuckles. “Of course, I want it to lead back to my bedroom, but I am fine if it leads to yours too.”


  He grabs my hand and looks at me. “I want it to come out of the bedroom too, Lola.” Frank stands up, taking our plates to the sink and turns to head out of the kitchen. He stops in the doorway and says, “I want to make you an offer, Lola. You can either wash the dishes or come watch me take a quick shower.”

  “Hmmm. I think I better wash the dishes and wait out here.” Frank laughs and heads to take his shower. I have to be the dumbest girl in the world to choose the dishes. But I knew that if I went anywhere near that shower, I would have been in it with him. I head towards the sink and change my mind. Before I realize what the hell I am doing, I am out of my dress and headed towards the shower.


  We had two hours to get to the station. We were doing fine on the time. I fixed breakfast and we gazed at each other. We talked about how to handle the relationship and we were still okay on the time. Then Lola had to climb her ass into the shower with me. I didn’t think she would actually take me up on the offer. I really thought I could avoid distraction by getting her to do the dishes. Nope. Lola shocked the hell out of me when she climbed into the shower and I was quick to take advantage. Now we are running late. I threw on some clothes and she put back on her black slip dress. We practically had to run to my car and she gave me the directions to her place as I wove in and out of traffic.

  We can’t be late to work. How would that look if we were both late? I am watching the time and thought we might make it, but of course, there is a traffic backup. We are now sitting in traffic. Lola turns down the radio and looks at me with a smile.

  “Do you think we’ll make it?”

  “Hopefully.” I look over at Lola and notice her dress has risen up on her thighs.

  She clears her throat as she looks at me. “My eyes are up here.”

  I look up at her. “I know and they are beautiful.”

  Lola rolls her eyes. “I’ve been thinking about something, Frank. How about we go question the Gallo family to see if we can get a reaction from them if we mention Knight?”

  “Do you really want to start talking about work now, Lola?” I look over at her and she looks as if she really wants an answer to her question. “I think it’s a good time. We’re just sitting here.”

  “To be honest with you, I don’t think the mob had anything to do with Knight. I think we should close the case until he shows back up. At least until we’re able to question him.”

  Lola sits up in the seat and turns towards me. “Are you shitting me? You seriously want to close the case and not question the mob?”

  “There’s no evidence, Lola. We can’t just go accusing people if there is no evidence.”

  Lola is about to say something when Jaws starts to play in her purse. She closes her eyes as if it’s the last call she wants to receive. She turns back in her seat and doesn’t answer it. The music stops and immediately starts up again. “Are you going to answer that?” I ask and Lola looks back at me and turns away looking back towards the window. She is pissed at me. The music again stops and restarts up again. “Lola, will you answer the fucking phone? It’s obviously important!” Lola snatches the phone out of her purse and answers. “Yes... Yes... I can’t talk right now. I will. Yes!”

  She obviously didn’t want to say anything with me around. She hangs up the phone and I ask her who was on the phone. Lola looks at me contemplatively. “It was the mob; they wanted me to thank you for being such a loyal ass fan.” Lola turns back to look at traffic and thankfully it has started to move.

  The ride to Lola’s place is silent and when she gets out she slams my door shut. I let down the window and wait for her to get inside. “I’ll see you in a few; I’ll stop to get the coffee.” Lola doesn’t even turn around to respond.

  We both are eventually at the station and I should admit Lola gives the cold shoulder like she got a Ph.D. in it. I tell her that we need to talk to Hill and let him know that there is no proof of mob involvement at this time. Lola didn’t want to do it, but she went in with me and sat there pissed off as I spoke. Captain Hill accepted the facts and advised that we are still to find Knight. He wants to find out what happened to him. Lola can’t get out of the office fast enough causing a cold breeze that I hope is only temporary.


  I am so pissed right now. I don’t even want to look at Frank, which is hard to do since I can feel his eyes on me. He basically ended the mob case knowing they are involved. How am I supposed to get information when I am going to be wasting my time doing unimportant shit? I don’t want to spend my day chasing after petty criminals. I need to kick up this Chicago mob shit. Frank mentions looking into Knight’s family and I don’t even respond to him. I need time alone to think. I need fresh air and coffee so I think this is the perfect time for a coffee run. I grab my purse out of the drawer and put on my jacket.

  “I am going for coffee, I’ll be back.”

  Frank lifts an eyebrow and tilts his head. “You’re not going to ask if I want to tag along. Or even offer to bring me a cup back?”

  “No.” I turn and walk off leaving Frank behind. I have no interest in him coming along or bringing him back shit. The coffee shop isn’t that far from the station so I decide to walk. I could use the time to think and to take a break away from Frank. I can’t believe how beautiful Chicago is though. I love the city which is almost like a cleaner version of New York. I love being around the people who are always so busy with their own lives. I weave in and out of the busy sidewalks and finally get to the coffee shop. There is a line, so instead of standing in it, I decide to sit for a few minutes to clear my mind. A couple walks into the shop hand in hand and laughing with each other. The guy whispers something in her ear and she laughs and whispers something back to him. It’s funny how couples trust each other enough to share the most intimate secrets with each other. Once you fall in love with someone you easily share your weaknesses. As I watch the couple, I realize that I still have a chance with Frank. Last night was the stepping stone I needed with him and I am going to stay on that path. I will seduce what I need out of Frank Deluca. As I am about to get in line I look at the clock. Brandon should be calling me any second now. I reach into my purse for my phone and it’s not there. I go back to the table so I can search through my purse and holy shit; I left my phone on my desk.


  Lola was pissed at me, so she wouldn’t even let me go with her to get coffee. I could have forced myself on her and gone along anyways, but I could tell she needed space. It would have been nice if she offered to bring me a cup, but hell, she wouldn’t even do that. I guess I’ll file that way knowing when Lola is pissed, she is pissed. Lola has been gone for almost thirty minutes and I really would like a cup of coffee
myself. There is coffee here at the station, but I prefer real coffee and not that shit. I lean back in my chair trying to decide if I should head to the coffee shop myself. It is a free country and I would like a cup. I just wonder if this would piss Lola off more. To hell with it, I am going to the coffee shop. I grab my jacket and suddenly, I hear the Jaws theme music playing on Lola’s desk. I walk over to pick it up and there is a guy on the screen and the name says, Brandon. Who the fuck is this? I am not sure if I should answer it and ask who the fuck is calling or set the phone down and find out from Lola later. This is the same ringtone that I have heard call her before. Hell, I think I have heard it several times before. Lola will normally leave the room and disappear once he calls. In the car, she made sure to keep her answers short and sweet with him. Who in the hell is this guy? Lola doesn’t seem like the girl that would sneak around on someone. What if this Brandon is a husband or boyfriend? I only assumed Lola wasn’t married. I have never asked the question. Lola also hasn’t mentioned any boyfriends either and she sure as hell didn’t act like it last night. Brandon finally catches a clue that Lola isn’t going to answer and the phone stops ringing. I look back at the screen and notice that he left a message. I put the phone in my pocket and head for the coffee shop for answers.


  I’m almost done with my coffee when Frank comes marching inside. I don’t understand why he didn’t get that I didn’t want to be near him right now. It’s quite obvious all the coffee shop girls notice when he enters because they are all standing at attention and suddenly have smiling faces. When I walked in they seemed more agitated than I did. One of the cute blond girls walks right up to the counter practically throwing her 40D’s in his face. “Hi, Detective Deluca. Did you want your usual? Or can I get you anything special today?” The sound of her voice is so sugary sweet that it makes me sick.

  “I’ll take my usual, Sara. I’ll be sitting with Detective Covelli when it’s ready.”

  “Oh my, isn’t that nice? Do they bring it to you and maybe blow on it so you don’t burn your sensitive lips?” I snarl at him as he sits across from me.

  Frank narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t know what’s cuter. The thought that you are acting annoyed that Sara likes me or that you’re thinking about my soft lips.”

  “I didn’t say anything about your lips being soft, I said sensitive.”

  Frank leans over the narrow little coffee shop table. “Lola, I won’t argue with you because we both know you enjoyed them last night.”

  “Did you just come to piss me off, Frank? I assumed I had made it clear that I wanted to get away from you. If I wasn’t, I’ll be crystal clear now. In the future, if I say I am going to get coffee and I won’t bring you any back that means I am trying to get away from you.”

  Frank chuckles and sits back in his chair. “I needed coffee, Lola. I didn’t get much sleep last night and I was running late this morning.” Frank states and I immediately start to blush before he continues.

  “I did notice that you appeared to want time alone, but I thought I should bring your phone when Brandon called again.”


  I think Lola turned several shades of red within seconds when I mentioned Brandon. I would almost think it was cute if I wasn’t waiting impatiently for her to say something as to who he is. I can also tell she is breathing harder, so I must have touched a nerve when mentioning him. Lola takes another sip of her coffee as Sara brings my cup over.

  “Here you go, Frank. Please don’t hesitate to ask for anything else.” She smiles and I watch her sway away from the table. As I turn my attention back to Lola, I notice she’s now watching me with narrowed eyes.

  “Don’t let me stop you, Frank. If you want to go over and chat with her, you should go.”

  “Don’t change the subject, Lola. Who is Brandon?”

  Lola puts her cup down and I can tell she is trying to come up with something to say. When you're used to questioning people, you can tell when they are thinking of a lie. You don’t have to think about the truth. Lola is thinking and I don’t like it.

  “Brandon is someone from my personal life. It doesn’t concern you.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her response. “Your personal life doesn’t concern me? Do I have to remind you that last night…” Lola cuts me off

  “I don’t need to be reminded of last night Frank. Look Brandon is a friend. He is looking out for me as a favor to my parents while I am here.”

  “How close are you and Brandon?” Lola tilts her head and pinches her nose. “Why are you asking?”

  “I don’t know Lola, your response when I asked you who he was, didn't scream friend. You didn’t want to answer your phone in my car this morning when he called. I can recall other times when I would hear that ringtone and you would disappear.”

  “Wow! Frank. I am guilty until proven innocent and the mob is innocent until proven guilty. Is there a reason for that? You act like they are more trustworthy than I am.”

  “Well, now that you mention it, I think I do know more about them than I do you, Lola.”


  I made a huge mistake leaving my phone on my desk. Frank now knows Brandon’s name and he’s started asking questions. The kind I don’t have answers for. The first thing I thought of was saying Brandon was a friend looking out for me for my parents. I don’t think he bought it. We had to get back to the station, so we both finished our coffee and walked back in silence.

  I couldn’t wait for the day to be over. Frank still had me looking into Knight’s family, while he dug into Knight himself. This is really a waste of my time. I look over and notice Frank staring at his computer screen. “How about we grab a pizza after work?”

  Frank glances at me and shakes his head. “Sure.” He quickly gets back to work.

  This won’t be good if Frank has lost his trust in me. I need him to fully trust me to get information from him.

  “I have an even better idea, how about I pick up a frozen pizza and we can have it at your place?”

  Frank looks at me and rubs his hand through his hair. “I don’t know if that is a good idea.”

  I stand and walk over to Frank’s desk and sit on the edge facing him. “Frank, I know you are rattled because of Brandon. I can assure you that he is only a friend. I really want us to work on whatever this is.”

  “Okay, Lola. Pick up the damn pizza.”


  Lola arrives with a frozen pizza and a bottle of wine. I like to think of myself as a good judge of character and for some reason, I am starting to have doubts about Lola. I just don’t know if I should really trust her. We put the pizza in the oven and I grab two wine glasses. Lola is curled up on my sofa watching me as I bring the glass over to her. “What are you thinking about, Frank? I can almost feel the questions bouncing off you.”

  “Honestly, Lola, I am wondering if I can trust you.” Lola sets her glass down and stands up and walks towards me. “I wonder the same about you too, Frank. We just have to learn to trust each other.”

  I put my glass down and place my hands on her face looking into her eyes. I lower my head and slowly cover her lips. Lola grabs my shirt and starts to unbutton it as I pull her ass slowly toward my now hard-as-a-rock dick. When she feels it she laughs and pulls away. “We better stop; we have a pizza in the oven.” I groan and walk into the kitchen and turn off the stove.

  “We’ll order a damn pizza later.” I grab Lola and throw her over my shoulder and head to my bedroom. Lola laughs as I toss her onto the bed and crawl over her. “It’s a good thing I don’t break, Frank. You are a little rough, aren’t you?” I lift her shirt and start kissing her stomach as I crawl further up. “Are you kidding baby? You loved it rough.”

  I sit up and look at her. Her eyes have darkened and she is breathing harder. “Are you sure about this? If we let this happen again there is no turning back, Lola. Once is a mistake and second time is always intentional.” Lola sits up and puts her hand on my cheek.
“I want you, Frank.”

  We’re out of our clothes in record time and Lola is now kissing her way down my chest. She’s going lower and lower and I only pray she goes low enough. I open my eyes and look down at her when I feel her lift off the bed. She has now settled between my legs and holds my dick with her soft hands. She gently strokes my length. Her warm little hands caressing me from the base to tip where she gives a little squeeze. “Are you just going to look at it, baby?” I ask. Lola looks up at me and shakes her head.

  “I am going to do a lot more than look, Frank.” Lola then parts her lips and takes my dick into her mouth. Her soft warmth feels so good as her tongue continues to caress my cock, her lips wrapped tightly around me as she takes me deeper. So deep, that feels like it’s I’m hitting the back of her throat. I wrap my hands in her hair to hold her closer. She massages my balls as her mouth continues on its quest and I thrust a little deeper. It takes a second to realize the groans I hear are my own. I am getting close, but I want to be buried deep within her when I finish. But first, I want to taste her. I withdraw from her amazing mouth and position her onto her back. Lola looks up at me with a question in her eyes.

  “I am hungry, And Lola. I don’t want to wait for the fucking pizza.” Lola looks puzzled as I position myself between her parted legs and place a kiss on her pussy. She threads her fingers in my hair holding me even closer. As she does so, her taste becomes even sweeter. I trace my tongue over her sweet folds as Lola pushes to meet my mouth. I hold her hips to keep her in place as I take her clit between my lips and suck it firmly. Lola shrieks as her orgasm washes over her. She tastes so good, I can’t get enough. I want to eat her all fucking night. I feel the tingle at the base of my spine starting. But I don’t want to come like this. I want to be inside Lola’s tight little pussy. Lola looks relaxed to the point of sleep, but I am not close to being done with her. She wanted me and she is going to get me. I climb up the bed and pull her to the edge positioning my dick at her entrance and I thrust into her. Lola groans and reflexively tries to close her legs. I pin her down once again as I pound into her. Lola pulls me down on top of her and is scratching the hell out of my back as I enter her. This only encourages me to slam harder and faster into her.


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