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Cum For Bigfoot 15

Page 2

by Virginia Wade

  “I’m good. I just want to get this baby out.” As the contraction began, I sucked in a breath, holding it, while bearing down. Remarkably, I could feel the baby sliding then, working its way through the birth canal. “I feel it moving!”

  “Okay, that’s so gross.” Lena glanced at me, a look of horror on her face.

  Ignoring her, I waited for the next contraction, as Zelda gazed at where the baby would appear. “You’re doing good. This probably won’t take long.”

  I’d managed to relax between each contraction, taking full advantage of the minutes that were pain free. When the next one descended, I was ready, grasping my legs behind the knees and pushing with all my might. Being thus engaged, the pain of the contraction was hardly perceivable, as the baby began to shimmy towards its final destination. Feeling the movement was unique and strange, but it was a good sign. My suffering would be over soon, and I was grateful for that.

  “I see the head!”

  “Oh, my fucking God!” shouted Lena. “That’s so gross!”

  I glared at my sister. I was at the end of my rope, and I had almost no patience left now. “Fuck you!” I shouted, while bearing down with another contraction. Pain flared, my pussy throbbing, as the head crowned. This was the absolute worst part of the ordeal, being stretched beyond the capacity of what was physically endurable, but I bore it, having no choice. Lendal’s presentation had been far larger, as I recalled. This baby wasn’t as big.

  “Ew…yuck! It’s all furry.”

  The confirmation that I was indeed having a Sasquatch baby was a relief.

  “Shoulders are out. We’re almost there. You’re doing real good, honey. One last push.”

  I obliged her, although there were no more contractions. The tiny body slid from me, Zelda capturing the bundle in a towel. “Leonard would be so proud,” I murmured tiredly. Mewling sounds began, and then the baby cried. “Music to my ears.”

  Mike hugged me. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fucking wiped out.”

  “Oh, my God!” uttered Zelda.

  Alarmed, I glanced at her. “What? What’s wrong?”

  Chapter Three

  “It’s a girl.”

  I struggled to sit up. “What?”

  “You had a girl.”

  The furry creature in Zelda’s hands cried, the sound high-pitched and insistent. “A girl?”

  “I’ve never seen this. You had a girl.”

  “Look again,” said Mike. “There’s probably a dick in there somewhere.” He grinned good-naturedly.

  “No. It’s a girl all right.” Zelda handed the baby to me. “She’s hungry too.”

  I took my daughter, seeing a tiny Sasquatch with damp fur. Her eyes were closed; as her mouth worked, the shrill screams filled the entire house. “I can’t believe this.” Her little fingers were curled. A pink tongue darted out between her lips repeatedly. I held her to my breast, her mouth clamping on a nipple. She began suckling almost immediately, with surprising strength.

  “Okay, that’s just totally weird,” said Lena. “But…it’s kinda cute.”

  Mike grinned. “Congratulations, honey.”

  “I gotta take her blood pressure.” Zelda was all business. “And we’re still waiting for the placenta to come out. The breast feeding should help with that.”

  “What’s a placenta?” Lena looked confused.

  “The afterbirth.”

  “Disgusting. You mean there’s more stuff in my sister?”

  “Yeah, there’s more stuff.”

  “What if it doesn’t come out?”

  “She’ll get a bad infection.”

  “I’m going in the other room. I’ve reached my quota for gross and disgusting things today.”

  I barely heard my sister. My focus was on the baby, who was now suckling happily, her little mouth working. My milk wouldn’t come in for three days, but the colostrum would be enough.

  “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  “A sandwich or something?”

  “That would be nice.”

  He kissed my forehead. “You did a great job. The baby looks good.”

  “I can’t believe I had a girl.”

  “They are rare.”

  “Leonard is going to be shocked.”

  “Okay. Give me your arm. Need to check your blood pressure.”

  “Yes, Zelda.”

  Once I’d expelled the afterbirth and eaten, I held the baby close, sleeping for several hours. When I woke, Mike was on the bed watching me. I turned to look at him.


  “You were tired.”


  “Your parents are on the way.”

  “Okay.” My family had met Lendal, and they adored Daisy.

  “When do you think you’ll head back to the woods?”

  “Not for a while.”

  “You should stay for a long time. It’s good to have you around.”

  “It’s good to be here.”

  “I wish you could stay for weeks.”

  “I don’t see why not.”


  “I could go back at the end of spring.”

  He smiled, his eyes crinkling around the edges. “I would love that.”

  “Daisy’s eventually going to school, and I want her to have a normal life.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’ll probably be here more often.” Understanding shone in his eyes. “As much as I love my guys and the mountains, I want Daisy to have what I had. School and friends and civilized things. She can visit the tribe on holidays and during the summer, but…I think it’s best that we make her life as normal as possible.” I gazed at my new baby. “What am I going to call her?”

  “What about Maggy?”

  Maggy was Leonard’s mother, who I’d never been particularly fond of. She had been less than sympathetic to me after my kidnapping, but...she had been his mother, and he had adored her. “That might work.”

  Daisy appeared then, with a face full of what looked like chocolate. “Mamma!” She crawled on the bed, the movement waking the baby. “She looks like Wolfie.”

  “Yes, she does.” Wolfie was Leslie’s Sasquatch boy, although he was growing rapidly.

  “Can I play with her?”

  “Not yet.”

  “How come?”

  “She’s too little.” Maggy began to cry; her utterances were repetitive and piercing. “I need to feed her.”

  “She looks like a teddy bear, mamma.”

  I held the baby to my chest. “Yes, she does.”

  “When can I play with her?”

  “When’s she’s a little older.”

  “Can I put clothes on her?”

  “I guess,” I laughed.

  Lena appeared in the doorway. “I can hear her screaming from across the house.”

  “Nice and loud, huh?”

  “Good God.” She sat on the bed as well. “I’m starving. There’s nothing to eat.”

  I glanced at Mike. “You should take Zelda to the store before my parents show up.”

  “I can do that.”

  The tenderness I felt for him brought tears to my eyes. I was incredibly lucky to have found him; although I was torn between my lovers at times, I had learned to appreciate them in their own ways. Once my parents arrived, we sat down for dinner, while Maggy slept in an infant carrier a few feet away.

  “I always worry about you giving birth without medical supervision,” said mother, who reached for a slice of pizza.

  “Zelda knows what she’s doing.”

  “I could never do that.”

  “I’m not sure I want to do it again.” This caught Mike’s attention. “I’m thinking of going on the pill.”

  Zelda glanced at me. “That’s interesting.”

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about it. When Daisy hits kindergarten, I want to be here most of the year.”

  My mother placed her hand ov
er mine. “I think that’s a good idea. You’ve been out in the wilderness long enough. It’s dangerous with those Bigfoot hunters and miners and the bears. I worry about you all the time.”

  “I’m pretty darn safe with the tribe. They can protect themselves.”

  “I know, honey, but we would like to see you more often.”

  “I’ll support whatever you want to do, honey,” said Mike.

  Dad reached for a slice of pizza. “You have time to figure things out. Daisy’s still young.”

  “Nothing has to be decided today.” Mike gave me a wink.

  It was wonderful knowing that I had a support system around me, especially Mike, who took a lot of things in stride. I never felt pressured to leave the woods, but for Daisy’s sake, I wanted her to have a normal life. If she chose to live with her brothers and sisters, that would be a decision she could make after she had graduated from high school.

  Later that night, we sat in the living room, which had a roaring fire. Lena was with Daisy, reading a book, while Zelda and I and mom sat and talked.

  “So, when do you think you’ll go back, hon?” asked my mother.

  “Early summer. I need to recuperate. I have to get back into shape.”

  “It gets harder with each pregnancy.”

  “I gotta call Dr. Haynes and let him know about Maggy. He’ll be surprised that I had a girl. I still can’t believe it.”

  “You’ve made the tribe proud.”

  I grinned. “Thanks, Zelda. I try.” It was wonderful that my family had come to see me, but I was exhausted, fighting to keep my eyes open. “I’m going to bed, guys.”

  “You look tired,” said mom. “I can put Daisy to bed.”

  “Thanks. I was up half the night with Maggy.”

  “Let me help you tonight.” Zelda got to her feet. “I can give her a bottle. She needs more milk anyway, that’s why she’s waking up every two hours.”

  “You’re awesome.”

  Mike followed me into the bedroom. “You sleeping?”

  “I’m exhausted.”

  “We’ll try to keep it down.”

  I crawled under the covers. “I won’t hear anything anyway.”

  “You get some rest.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Okay,” I yawned.

  He got into bed with me, drawing me into his arms. “You’ve done good. I love you, honey.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Four

  Four Months later…

  Summer in the Cascades was by far my favorite time of year. The weather was dryer, wild fruits were in abundance, and the snowmelt filled the rivers to the brim, as they teamed with fish. I’d arrived weeks ago with Daisy and Maggy, the Sasquatch baby a surprise to everyone, and Leonard had been so thrilled with a female, that he had held her up, displaying her to the other apes, while howling his pleasure.

  Female Bigfoots were rare, and the only female Sasquatch I had ever seen, Kat, had left the tribe a year ago, after the birth of her baby boy. Dale had gone with her to live with a northerly tribe, the family preferring to keep to themselves. Dale had been one of my first Bigfoot lovers, but, once he set eyes on Kat, he wasn’t interested in other women. Sasquatches were incredibly horny, taking any opportunity to snatch a young lady for sex, but Dale only had eyes for Kat. This rare occurrence was sweetly romantic.

  It was early morning, and, as I sat by the campfire, picking leaves from my hair, Zelda approached. “I got a call from Dr. Haynes. He’s coming later today.”

  “He is? Who’s he bringing with him?”

  “I don’t know.” She sat next to me.

  “We gotta warn the boys, especially Harry. He’s never met him before.”

  “Harry’s a good ape. He’s probably the smartest Bigfoot I’ve ever met.”

  Harry was Leslie’s new lover, having arrived from another tribe after Bubba’s funeral. They hit it off from the start, and he had stayed with us. They were now inseparable. Long and lean, Harry’s keen wit and intelligence made him remarkably fun to be around. I’d never seen Leslie so happy, and Harry loved Wolfie and Bubba Jr., who wasn’t so little anymore. Both he and Lendal were on the edge of being young men.

  “Harry’s pretty cool, but we don’t know how he’ll react around a human male,” I said.

  “It’ll be fine. I’ll have Leslie talk to him.”

  Wolfie ambled over, his face a matted mess. Maggy clung to his back. He and Daisy took care of Maggy, playing with her and watching over her, but she fussed at the moment, wanting to be fed. Daisy crawled out of a tent and sat next to me.

  The grizzled Bigfoot gave me the baby. “Thanks, Wolfie.”


  I held her, as she cried. “Oh, it’s okay. You’re just hungry.” Lifting my t-shirt, I lowered a flap on the bra. She settled down and attached herself to a nipple, and, moments later, the letdown reflex left me lethargic.

  “I should get some coffee going.”

  Zelda moved around the camp, while I stared at her, feeling utterly relaxed. There were noises in the woods: grunts, howls, and snapping branches. The boys were out gathering firewood.

  “We’re moving tomorrow.”


  “I heard them talking about it. They want to meet up with a southern tribe.”

  I sighed. “Great.” There were some benefits to the long days spent hiking. I had twenty pounds still to lose from having Maggy, and this exercise would go a long way to alleviate that burden. “Why am I always the last to know?”

  “You went to bed early. They were talking about it last night.”


  It had been harder to bounce back from this pregnancy. I struggled with exhaustion, and my mood was melancholic. I’d been feeling down for weeks now. Unbeknownst to Leonard, I had seen a doctor and gotten on the pill. I didn’t want another pregnancy. I wasn’t sure how Leonard would feel about that, but I needed to regain my strength and stamina, as Maggy had taken every last bit of energy out of me.

  There was a loud crack suddenly, our attention shifting to the woods, where several Bigfoots appeared, tall and fearsome looking. Leonard and Harry approached, followed by Bubba Jr. and Lendal. Pooky emerged with a deer over his shoulder.

  “Well, look at that,” murmured Zelda. “We’re gonna eat very well tonight.”

  Leslie’s head poked out of a tent. She looked tired, as if she had just woken up. “Are the guys back?”

  “Yes, honey.”

  She scrambled to her feet, nearing. “I’m so tired lately.”

  I eyed her. “When was your last period?”

  “I know, I know. That’s what I’m thinking too.”

  Zelda handed her a metal cup. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks. I can’t believe I’m pregnant again.”

  “And this is a surprise?” I laughed. “You and Harry go at it like rabbits. I’m not surprised.”

  She grimaced. “The coffee’s hot.”

  The Sasquatches had arrived, strolling into camp with their arms full of firewood, deer, and fish. Self-sufficient and energetic, they began to assemble a larger fire, throwing heavy-looking logs onto the embers. Harry had already gutted the deer in the woods, and the task of disassembling the animal had begun. We would have venison stew along with deer steaks and fish.

  Leonard sat next to me, his arm going around my back. He smelled of pinesap and wet earth, as the latter was stuck to his feet. “Porsche,” he uttered, his tone sounding gruff.

  “Hi, Leonard.” He kissed Maggy’s head, the baby grunting while sucking. “She’s hungry today.”

  “Pretty boobies.” He grinned then, flashing strong-looking teeth. His look was almost comical.

  “You seem like you’re in a good mood today.”

  “Good hunting.”

  Leonard had taken to the new role of tribal leader admirably well, keeping us away from danger and deciding where we should live. “Are we really going south?”

  “Dr. Haynes is coming today. He’s bringing a new assistant with him.”

  He licked his lips. “We need chocolate.”

  “Oh, for God’s sakes. You’re turning into Bubba. Pretty soon you’ll be just as big as he was.” Our former leader had been fond of marijuana and chocolate and eating in general. His belly had been huge. The confection was a Sasquatch weakness.

  “Chocolate is good,” he rasped, grinning.

  “You have to tell Harry about Dr. Haynes. He’s never seen a white man before. I don’t want the researchers to get hurt.” These apes had no qualms about kidnapping women and impregnating them, and they had little use for men. In the years I’d been with the tribe, I had seen several hit over the head and killed. I wanted to spare Daisy the trauma of having to witness a murder. “You hear me? He can’t hurt the men.”

  Leonard snorted, clearly irritated. Then he spoke in a language I now understood perfectly. He said loudly, “Harry! Men are coming today. Don’t hurt them.” Leslie’s ape barely acknowledged him, working on the deer, but he grunted, shrugging his shoulders. Leonard met my stare. “He won’t hurt the men. Are you happy, Porsche?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  After the feeding, I put Maggy down for a nap and settled in against her, sleeping as well. I was only vaguely aware of the noises happening around me, members of the tribe coming and going. Succumbing to exhaustion, a series of pleasant dreams invaded my consciousness. A loud growl woke me some time later, and I turned to find Maggy on her back, her hairy legs in the air. She’d soiled her diaper and the unpleasant smell lingered in the tent.

  “Oh, my God!” shouted Leslie. “I don’t fucking believe this!”

  I sat up, suddenly worried. Snatching Maggy, I left the shelter to see what all the commotion was about. The tribe had tidied up, placing blankets and pillows around the fire in preparation for dinner. The aroma of cooking sent my tummy into a series of growls. My attention shifted to the trees, where several people had emerged, as the Sasquatches growled low in their throats.

  “I can’t believe it!” Leslie took off running.

  That was when I saw Shelly, who I hadn’t seen in years. “Shelly?” She had been with us when we had first been abducted by Leonard, having been snatched from a camping trip with Doug Vandekamp and some friends from school.


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