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The Summer of Our Love: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 1)

Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  “What do you mean?” Reese asked, pretending she didn’t know what Jennifer was talking about.

  “Was she hitting on you?” Jennifer asked, unable to look at Reese’s face.

  Reese’s response was to laugh. “Are you jealous?” Jennifer shrugged. “If I’m not mistaken, she was hitting on you.”

  “How do you know her?” Jennifer asked, changing the subject.

  “She’s another attorney in town.”

  “She’s very pretty,” Jennifer said softly, and then found the courage to ask, “Have you gone out with her?”

  “I made the mistake of going out to dinner with her once.” Reese lifted her sunglasses so Jennifer could see her eyes. “I told her I wasn’t interested.” Her sunglasses came back down. “She still asks me out.” Reese chuckled. “I think she’ll stop now that she’s met you.”

  “Oh, great,” Jennifer said, pouting.

  “I bet she’ll be calling me later today asking for your phone number.” Reese laughed to herself seeing how uncomfortable Jennifer was becoming, but she continued to tease her. “Should I tell her you’re living next door to me?”

  Jennifer pointed her finger. “If you do, I’ll tell her you and I are lovers, and I have no interest in her.”

  “Oh,” Reese said quietly.

  Jennifer laughed hard. “Reese, I’m only teasing you. Don’t worry, I would never say that and I hope you won’t tell her where I’m living.”

  “No, Jen. I won’t tell her where you are living. I was teasing, too.”

  “So, why would she ask you out? Didn’t she know you were married once?”

  “She knew, but she told me a lot of lesbians were once married.” Reese thought for a moment before speaking. “I think I was a challenge to her. I don’t think too many women have turned her down.”

  “So she figures I’m an easy target since I’m gay?”

  Reese smiled. “You’re a famous lesbian writer,” Reese said as she sighed. “I’m sure you are capable of handling one fan.”

  “Yeah, yeah, make fun,” Jennifer said smiling.

  “How about a walk down the beach?” Reese asked, already out of her chair.

  “Lead the way,”

  The two women walked at the surf, stopping every so often to inspect sea glass or a beautiful shell. Reese walked ahead while Jennifer picked up a shell and put it in her pocket. When she looked up, she watched as Reese turned to her with a wide smile. There was no doubt that they were enjoying each other’s company finally.

  “Are you ready to go back?” Reese asked as she approached Jennifer.

  “Sure.” They walked together back down the beach. Their hands brushed together as they walked and Jennifer ached to hold Reese’s hand.

  Once they reached their beach, Reese asked, “Do you mind if I take a dip? It got so warm out.”

  “No, go ahead.” Reese handed her sunglasses to Jennifer who propped them on her head. Then Reese reached for her cover up. Jennifer was glad that she too wore sunglasses or her eyes would have definitely betrayed her. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the skin that was being exposed in front of her. The suit was high cut on her legs and the V in the suit showed just enough cleavage to make her tongue itch. Reese still had the body of a teenager, and Jennifer tried to keep her tongue from hanging out, like a dog with a bone. Reese handed the cover up to her and then dove into the ocean water. Reese surfaced a few seconds later, wearing a broad smile. Jennifer waved to her and Reese dove through a wave again. She looked up at the sky, and thanked whoever was responsible for this second chance she was getting with Reese. Reese walked out of the water wearing a smile so bright that it competed with the shining sun. “You really do belong at the beach.” Her head shook in astonishment. “I’ve been here over two weeks and I’ve never seen you this happy, Reese.”

  Reese just smiled, and took Jennifer’s arm while leading them back to their chairs. It wasn’t just the water that made her happy, Reese thought. It was finally spending time with Jennifer in the way they had been when they first met. There was no resentment, there was no arguing, and it was just being comfortable in each other’s company.

  “Would you like to do something tonight?” Jennifer asked cautiously.

  “What did you have in mind?” Reese asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

  Jennifer grinned, thinking, yeah, that’s what I would love to do, but instead she said, “Dinner and a movie at my house.”

  Reese thought for a moment. “I may fall asleep on you if we watch a movie again.” Her smile was wide as she looked at a returning smile on Jennifer’s face.

  “I’ll wake you up this time,” Jennifer answered in a husky voice.

  “That won’t be necessary if it happens.” Her hands came up in contention. “As my mother said, she knows where I’ll be.”

  Jennifer’s lips curled into a grin, and she wondered if Reese was teasing or flirting with her.

  “Good to know,” Jennifer said, trying to hide the desire that she was sure was written on her face. “Where would you like to eat dinner?”

  “I thought we could pick up some Chinese food and a movie, and eat at your house.” She had almost said at home, but luckily her brain corrected itself before the words fell out of her mouth, Reese thought.

  “That sounds good to me, Reese.” Jennifer stood up. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to leave before your friend comes back.”

  Reese laughed. “I’m ready to leave myself.” She also stood, and they collected their things and walked back to the house.

  “I’ll be over around six o’clock with the food and movie,” Reese said as they reached the driveway.

  “Just come into the house when you get here, in case I’m working upstairs.” Jennifer opened her back door. She just remembered she had her chapters from her book. “Reese, I have some chapters of my book if you would like to read them.”

  “I’d love to.” Reese turned back toward Jennifer and held out her hand.

  “No rush, Reese,” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

  “’Bye,” Jennifer said, before opening the back door.

  “Hi Mom, Dad,” Reese said when she walked in the back door. “I won’t be here for dinner later.”

  “We thought so, dear,” Carol said.

  “How was the beach?” her dad asked.

  “The water was really nice today.” Reese sat down at the table. “Elise Parker was there.”

  Carol laughed. “What happened?”

  “She was just her usual annoying self. She practically drooled on Jen when she met her.” Carol and Richard looked at each other. “Well, I’m going to take a shower.” She got up from the table and walked up the stairs.

  “We are going to lose our daughter again,” Carol said to Richard.

  “Yes, but this time,” Richard said with a smile, “she’ll only be moving next door.”

  “You’ve forgotten Rich that Jennifer lives in Chicago,” Carol reminded him.

  “But Jennifer can write anywhere, so why not here?” Richard insisted.

  “I hope you’re right, Rich. I love Reese living with us, but I want her to be happy. If she has to move to Chicago to be with Jennifer, it will be so hard,” Carol confessed.

  Richard placed his hand on top of his wife’s hand. “Let’s not worry about it right now.” He patted her hand. “Okay?”

  “I can’t help it, Rich. I want so much for Reese to feel the love that you and I have, but I would hate for her to be so far away from us again.”

  Reese sat on the bed and read the chapters Jennifer had given her. She laughed and laughed as she read. Her mind thought, when did Jennifer get so funny?

  Reese came down the steps at five o’clock fresh out of a shower and dressed.

  “Would you like me to pick up Chinese food for you two?”

  “No, thanks honey. Your dad and I are going to eat at the club tonight with David and Francine.” Carol looked at her daughter wanting to
say so much more, but she knew it was too soon in their relationship to say anything. “Have a good time,” she called, as Reese went out the back door.

  “Are you sure those two will ever get together?” Richard asked. “It may not work out.”

  “Those two have been in love with each other since they were sixteen years old. I think this time they are mature enough to realize that they belong together.” Carol smiled and touched her husband’s hand.


  Reese carried the food into Jennifer’s house and called out. “Jen, I’m here with dinner.” She listened for a response and received none. Reese dropped the bag on the kitchen table and walked into the living room. Hearing soft music coming from upstairs, she called out again. “Jen, are you up there?” Silence was her response. She climbed the stairs heading to the room where the music was playing. Jennifer was sitting at her computer as her hands moved across the keyboard at record speed. Reese walked into the room, and placed her hands on Jennifer’s shoulders.

  Jennifer jumped off the chair and turned around. Holding a hand to her chest and breathing deeply, she said, “Reese, you scared the shit out me.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been calling you for five minutes.” Reese looked at the computer screen. “If you are in the middle of something important, finish up, and I’ll set us up downstairs.” She walked toward the doorway and turned around. “Don’t take too long or the food will get cold.”

  Reese put the cartons on the coffee table in the living room with forks and napkins. Then she went over to the stereo and put on an adult contemporary channel for them to enjoy during their meal. As Reese turned around, Jennifer was coming down the stairs.

  “Thanks for joining me,” Reese said with a grin.

  “Thanks for picking up the food.”

  They both took their seats at the corners of the sofa and opened the containers.

  “Smells good,” Jennifer said, digging into her food.

  Reese opened the container of vegetables. “How about some vegetables to go with your lo mein?”

  Jennifer moved closer to Reese, and stuck her fork into the container. “Thanks, it looks good.” She remained on the middle cushion of the sofa as they ate their dinner. “Did you get a movie?”

  Reese laughed. “I guess people don’t go out any more on a Saturday night because everything was out. I’m sure we can find something on TV, or we can always go through your aunt’s collection of movies. Reese picked up the containers and their silverware, and walked into the kitchen. Jennifer was about to follow her when someone knocked on the front door.

  Jennifer’s mouth opened in surprise when she saw who was standing on the front porch. “Elise, what are you doing here?”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me in?” she said, smiling brightly. Jennifer stepped to the side allowing Elise room to come inside. “You weren’t at the beach when I got back there.”

  “How did you find me?” Jennifer’s voice didn’t disguise her contempt.

  “It was easy. I read your blog and you talked about spending time at your aunt’s house in the summer.” Elise touched Jennifer’s arm softly. “I looked at the owners on both sides of Reese’s parent’s home, I knew this was it.”

  “So again, what are you doing here?” Jennifer didn’t disguise her frustration with having this woman in her house.

  As Jennifer asked her question, Reese came out of the kitchen. “Yeah, I’d like to hear the answer to that question too.”

  “Oh, Reese, I didn’t know I would find you here too.” Elise looked at Jennifer’s face and then Reese. “Are you two,” Elise paused, “together?”

  Jennifer turned toward Reese wondering what her answer would be. Reese’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. Jennifer turned around and faced Elise again. “She and I are friends. We told you we’ve been friends for a long time, and we just had dinner together.”

  “Well, then, how about going with me for a drink?” Elise asked, touching Jennifer’s arm.

  “Jen, it’s okay. We can watch a movie another night.” Reese walked toward the back door.”

  “Wait, Reese,” Jen called out, but she heard the screen door slam.

  Elise touched Jennifer’s arm again, and ran her hand softly up and down her arm. “Are you ready to go or do you want to change clothes?”

  Jennifer moved out of Elise’s grasp and faced her. “I’m not interested.” Her face burned red with fury. She was so tired of these women who thought they were so special that every woman would just fall at their feet. To Jennifer, Elise was nothing but an empty shell. She may be beautiful, but there was never any substance to these women. “Now, please leave.”

  “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” Elise’s hand gently stroked Jennifer’s arm again.

  “I will not change my mind,” Jennifer said firmly.

  Jennifer closed the door as soon as Elise stepped out of the door. She went toward the backyard and was at Reese’s door in a minute. Jennifer knocked several times, but no one answered. She opened her phone and called Reese, but only her voicemail responded. Where the hell is she? Then she realized where Reese would go. She walked, no practically ran toward the beach. Jennifer saw her sitting in the sand as soon as she reached the top of the boardwalk. She sat down next to her without saying a word.

  Reese looked at Jennifer as the tears clouded her eyes. “I’m sorry for not answering Elise’s question,” she said softly.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about, Reese,” Jennifer said with a smile. “Elise caught you off guard. You weren’t prepared for her question.”

  “I know you think that it’s because I didn’t want her to know that I’m a lesbian, but that isn’t why.” Reese swallowed and turned so Jennifer could see her face. “I didn’t think I had the right to say, yes, we are together.”

  Jennifer took Reese’s hand and threaded her fingers through Reese’s. “I would be very happy and proud to be considered your girlfriend.”

  Reese smiled. “Then the next person who asks that question, I’ll know how to respond.”

  “Can we go home now?” Jennifer asked with a squeeze of Reese’s hand. Her heart was soaring, thinking that at last she and Reese would get an opportunity to know each other again, and maybe this time it would work.

  “Love to,” Reese said, standing. She continued to hold Jennifer’s hand during the walk home.

  When they got back to the house, Reese suggested, “Why don’t I make us a pot of coffee? I didn’t buy any dessert, but I could go pick up something if you want.”

  “Coffee sounds good, but I’m not hungry. I’ll be right back,” Jennifer said, excusing herself to go to the bathroom. As she came back down the stairs, she stood in the kitchen doorway looking at Reese. “You look at home in this kitchen,” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “I spent a lot of time in this kitchen with your aunt. I shared things with Mary that I didn’t even share with my mother.” Reese thought back to when she had returned home to live with her parents.

  “He humiliated me, Mary,” Reese told her.

  “He humiliated himself. Steven was selfish and didn’t care about your feelings. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” Mary touched her hand, rubbing her finger slowly.

  “How could I have been so wrong about him?” Reese asked as her voice choked.

  “Did he break your heart, Reese?” Mary asked, looking into her eyes.

  Reese looked at Mary and wondered how she could know that. “No,” she said quietly.

  “Then you pick yourself up and start again,” Mary said smiling. “I tell Jennifer the same thing. She always dates the wrong type of woman. I want her to find a good woman and settle down.”

  Reese heard her name being called and turned around. “What?”

  “Where did you go?” Jennifer asked with a chuckle.

  “Lost in memories of Mary,” Reese offered with a grin.

  “Did Mary ever talk about me?” Jennifer asked as she moved closer
to Reese.

  “Not really. She did say that she wanted you to find someone to settle down with.” Reese laughed. “Did she talk about me?”

  “No.” Jennifer looked at Reese and then offered, “She did say once that you deserved to find someone who would treat you with kindness and love.”

  Reese poured them each a cup of coffee and handed a cup to Jennifer. “Let’s go sit down in the living room.”

  Jennifer took her seat and looked at Reese. “I’m sorry that Steven didn’t treat you with the respect you deserved.” Her eyes looked away.

  “Me, too,” Reese said with a laugh, and then her face fell. “It was humiliating finding out he was screwing any woman who would let him.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, Reese. That was his problem.” Jennifer moved closer to her.

  “Mary tried to tell me the same thing, but I wasn’t being a wife to him either.” Jennifer opened her mouth, but Reese held up her hand. “We never saw each other and when we were both home, we didn’t have time for each other.”

  “Did you cheat on him?” Jennifer finally asked.

  “Of course not,” she said, indignantly.

  “Then he was the selfish one.”

  “But, Jen, I didn’t care about being with him. Maybe he knew this and chose to go elsewhere for someone who wanted to be with him?” Reese’s eyes filled with tears. “It was my fault.”

  Jennifer moved next to Reese and put her arm around her. “Don’t you dare blame yourself, it wasn’t your fault. Men like that don’t need an excuse to cheat.” She squeezed her shoulder. “Women can do the same thing.”

  Reese looked at Jennifer’s face. “Did that happen to you?”

  Jennifer released Reese’s shoulder and dropped her hands to her lap. “I was seeing this woman, Carrie.” She took a deep breath. “We were talking about moving in together and one night Joyce saw her with another woman. I knew it was hard for Joyce to tell me, but it would have been so much worse if we had moved in together.” Jennifer shrugged. “It worked out for the best.”

  “I’m sorry, Jen.” Reese reached over and took Jennifer’s hand. “What is it with us that we find these people? She asked with a hearty laugh. “Do we have a sign on our foreheads that says come take advantage of us?”


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