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The Summer of Our Love: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 1)

Page 10

by Lydia Rose

  “Yes, Reese is here,” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “Did she just get out of the shower?” Joyce’s voice rose with excitement.

  “Hold on a second, Joyce.” Jennifer held out the phone to Reese. “You tell her while I take my shower.”

  “Hi, Joyce, how are you?”

  “So you two finally got together?” Her excitement was contagious.

  “Yes, we finally got together.”

  “Are you happy, Reese?” Joyce asked softly.

  “I am ecstatic, elated, overjoyed. Words just can’t convey how happy I am, Joyce.” Reese reached for her shorts and pulled them on while she listened to Joyce.

  “I take it that it’s mutual?”

  “Mutual, I can’t speak for Jen, but…”

  Jennifer came out of the bathroom having heard part of Reese’s conversation. “Very mutual,” she said loud enough for Joyce to hear.

  “So tell me, is it going well with you and Tina?”

  “I am as happy as you sound, Reese.” Joyce sniffed. “I can’t believe we both are so happy. I’m afraid it won’t last.”

  Joyce had just said what had been in Reese’s mind. She wondered if this feeling of being so happy could last. “We both have to believe it will, Joyce.” Reese watched as Jennifer went back into the bathroom. “I couldn’t take it if she left me again,” Reese said, barely above a whisper.

  “I feel the same way about Tina,” Joyce chuckled. “We are a pair, aren’t we?”

  “Have you told Tina that you love her?” Reese asked.

  “No. I don’t want to scare her off. It’s too soon, isn’t it?”

  “I feel the same, but I want to say it so badly.” Jennifer came out the bathroom fully dressed. “Joyce, Jennifer is back. I’ll let you speak with her while I make us some dinner. It was good to speak with you.”

  “I miss you, Reese. Put my friend on the phone and we’ll talk.”

  “I miss you too.” Reese picked up her t-shirt and walked out of the room.

  “Hi again,” Jennifer said softly. “I can’t talk too long because I’m starving.”

  Joyce laughed. “So you two have been working up an appetite?” She paused. “So are you happy, Jen?”

  “Yeah, I am,” Jennifer answered honestly for the first time in a long time. She was thrilled to have Reese back in her life.

  “I know I don’t have to ask you if you love her because you’ve loved her since you were sixteen years old.”

  “But this is so different,” Jennifer admitted.

  “I know. It’s so much more, isn’t it?”

  Jennifer felt the lump in her throat as the words choked out, “She’s so unbelievable.”

  “What are your plans for returning to Chicago?” Joyce asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.

  “Chicago has always been my home, but right now, I can’t imagine spending a day without her,” Jennifer sighed. “I think it’s too soon to think that far into the future.”

  “Tina and I are moving in together.”

  “I’m really happy for both of you. I’m glad it’s working out.”

  Joyce was crying softly. “I’ll let you go so you can feed your stomach. I love you, Jen.”

  “I love you too, Joyce.”


  Jennifer and Reese found their routine over the next two days. They would get up in the morning and have breakfast together. Then Jennifer would go work for the next few hours while Reese went up to the beach. At lunchtime, Jennifer would walk up to the beach and she and Reese would come back to the house. After they had lunch, they would spend the afternoon in bed.

  Wednesday morning, Reese didn’t go to the beach. She went next door to visit her mother. “Hi, Mom,” Reese called as she walked in the back door.

  Carol came over and hugged her daughter. “Hi, stranger, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. How are you and dad doing?”

  Carol looked at her daughter closely and placed a cup of coffee in front of Reese as she took her seat. “We’re fine, dear.” Reese sipped her coffee and just sat there. “What’s wrong, Reese?”

  Reese looked at her mother and shrugged as she said, “Nothing. Everything is fine.”

  Carol took Reese’s hand. “You know you could never hide anything from me. Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

  Reese looked at her mother. “Really, it’s nothing but my own insecurities. Jen and I are getting along great, but she doesn’t really talk to me.”

  “Are you afraid she’s going to leave at the end of the summer?” Reese nodded. “Or are you more afraid that she’ll ask you to go with her?”

  Reese’s mouth gaped open. “Yes. I don’t want her to leave me again and I don’t know if I want to pick up my life again and move to Chicago. If I tell her I want to stay here, will she go without me?”

  “I’ve had those thoughts too, Reese,” Carol admitted. “Your dad and I have loved you being here, but we know that we want you to be happy,” she sighed. “If that means you leave to be with Jennifer,” Carol shrugged, “then you do what you need to be happy.”

  “I’m going to sit on the beach awhile.” Reese picked up her cup and rinsed it in the sink. “Thanks for the coffee and the advice, Mom.”

  “Have a good time, dear.”

  Reese settled at the beach with her book in her lap when she glanced up and saw Elise Parker walking toward her. “Shit,” she mumbled.

  “Reese,” Elise said, drawing out her name.

  “Elise,” Reese said, not looking up. “Playing hooky?”

  Elise pointed at the beach. “What better day to play hooky than this?” She sat down on the blanket without being invited. “Where’s your other half?”

  Reese looked at her, not trying to hide her displeasure. “Who are you referring to?”

  Elise looked at her over the top of her sunglasses. “Jennifer Connelly, as if you didn’t know who I was talking about.” Her fingers went to her glasses and she pushed them up on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me you two were together?”

  “Because it’s none of your business,” Reese said bitterly.

  “I knew you always played for our team.” Elise’s fingertip went to her chin. “I just never understood why you turned me down.”

  “Maybe because I wasn’t interested in you.” Reese removed her sunglasses to make sure her point was emphasized.

  Elise laughed. “Was Jennifer your first?”

  Reese groaned loudly. “Why do you think any of this is your business?” She felt exasperated speaking with this woman.

  “We’re both gay and sharing stories is what we do. Or have you been in the closet so long, you don’t know that?”

  Reese was about to get up when Jennifer appeared. “Hello,” she said, looking warily at the two women.

  “Oh good, you’re here. I was just about ready to leave anyway.” Reese quickly stood up and gathered her things. She looked at Elise who was still sitting on her blanket. “Excuse me, Elise,” she said, grabbing one end of the blanket.

  “So, Jennifer, when are you planning on going back to Chicago?” Her glasses were removed as she stared at Jennifer.

  “I haven’t decided,” Jennifer said, taking Reese’s arm. “But when I do, you’ll be the first to know.” They turned their backs and walked off the beach.

  “That woman is infuriating.” Reese walked as though she was being chased.

  “Slow down, Reese,” Jennifer said, running to catch up. “Don’t let someone like her get to you. I’ve learned to tune out women like her. She just loves to push buttons.” She touched Reese’s arm. “Don’t let her push them.”

  “How do I do that? She was grilling me before you showed up.” Reese gritted her teeth. “She wanted to know why I always turned her down since we are both on the same team.”

  “Did you tell her that you don’t date bitches?”

  Reese finally laughed. “Where were you a half hour ago?” She put her arm thr
ough Jennifer’s arm and they walked home.

  That night after dinner, Jennifer asked, “Reese, would you mind if I go upstairs and work?”

  Reese looked at the pained face staring at her cautiously. “I don’t mind. I know you haven’t been able to spend the time that you need. Go on up and I’ll take care of the dishes.”

  Jennifer came over and kissed her cheek. “Thanks. I’ll try not to work too long.”

  Reese went up to bed at eleven and she felt Jennifer get into bed at three o’clock in the morning. They never had breakfast together since Jennifer was still fast asleep. She went in search of her mother at ten o’clock.

  “Good morning,” Reese said as she came in the back door carrying her bag.

  “Morning, dear. Have you come over to do your laundry?” Carol asked.

  “I’ll do that later. I thought maybe you and I could go shopping and then have lunch somewhere?” Reese asked, trying to sound upbeat.

  “Where’s Jennifer?” Carol asked suspiciously.

  “She’s sleeping now and when she gets up she’ll be working,” Reese responded without looking at her mother. “So are you up for an outing?”

  Carol knew there was more to this story, but she didn’t push. “Let’s go get changed and then you and I can enjoy ourselves,” Carol said, taking Reese’s arm.


  Jennifer looked out the window and saw that Reese’s car wasn’t in the driveway. She looked at her watch seeing it was two o’clock. Ignoring the warning bells in her head, she went back to work.

  The room began to get dark and Jennifer turned on the desk lamp. Her stomach began to growl and she went down to the kitchen. She eyed the fried chicken and put a couple of pieces on a plate and went back upstairs. Her phone beeped and she looked at the message. Working tomorrow, see you over the weekend, R. “Well, that’s not good,” Jennifer said to the empty room. Jennifer responded to the text. I’m sorry. Can we talk?” Jennifer waited. It’s late. Jennifer immediately typed. Please. It was at least five minutes before Reese responded. Your backyard. Jennifer knew this wasn’t going to go well since Reese didn’t even want to meet inside.

  Reese walked into the back yard wearing a pair of sleeping shorts and an old t-shirt. “This isn’t necessary, Jen. I know you’re busy with your book.”

  “I didn’t hear or see you all day,” Jennifer offered with her arms crossed in a defensive manner.

  “I could say the same to you.”

  “Weren’t we having a good time this week?”

  Reese didn’t answer.

  “I thought we were going to use this week to get to know each other again?” Reese finally asked.

  “Haven’t we been doing that?” Jennifer asked, moving closer to Reese.

  “I’m not interested in being your plaything in between your writing, Jen.” Reese turned her back on Jennifer trying to hide her tears.

  Jennifer felt all the pain rush to her heart. “Please, Reese,” she begged, “let’s not do this again.”

  Jennifer could tell that Reese was crying, even though she never turned around.

  “Please, let’s go inside.” Jennifer walked over and touched Reese’s shoulder. “I would rather not continue this show for the neighbors.”

  Reese nodded and they walked inside the house. Carol looked at her husband. “I don’t think Reese will be at work tomorrow.” Richard nodded, understanding.

  The two women walked into the living room without uttering a word. Jennifer turned a light on and looked at Reese.

  “I’m so sorry, Reese.” Jennifer shook her head trying to find the right words to explain. “You’ve heard the stories from Joyce,” she sighed. “I get so lost in writing that I forget the outside world. I don’t want to be like that anymore. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone in a room with just my computer.” Jennifer took Reese’s hands and led her over to the couch. “I love you Reese, I’ve always loved you.” She lifted Reese’s chin so their eyes met. “Please don’t leave me.”

  Reese looked at Jennifer and sighed. “I love you too, Jen. I won’t leave you.” A small grin appeared. “I’m sorry for being needy. I thought all you wanted from me was sex.”

  “Oh, Reese, I love making love with you, but that’s not all I love about you.” She hugged Reese to her and squeezed. “I want all of you.” Jennifer kissed her mouth. “We have always been great in bed together,” she touched Reese’s cheek and smiled. “We just have to find that magic outside the bedroom.”

  Reese laid her head on Jennifer’s shoulder.

  “Reese, if I have to give up writing to be with you, I will.” Jennifer patted her back.

  Reese sat up. “You would do that for me?”

  “I would do anything to keep you in my life. I don’t want to live without you in my life, Reese.” Reese began to sob as she held onto Jennifer as if her life depended on it. “We will work this out Reese, please don’t cry.” Jennifer tried to get her tears under control, but the tears dropped onto her cheek. After ten minutes, they both wiped their eyes. “Do you feel better now?”

  “I’m sorry, Jen,” Reese said, keeping her eyes averted.

  “Are you trying to tell me you’ve changed your mind?” Jennifer’s voice sounded desperate.

  Reese wiped her nose. “I have not changed my mind about us,” she said emphatically.

  Jennifer squeezed Reese to her. “You’re off for the next three days. I am not going to work. If you want to spend the next three days shopping, I’ll be by your side.”

  “I went shopping with my mom today,” Reese said with a grin.

  “Phew,” Jennifer said brushing her fingers across her forehead. “I’m only kidding.” Jennifer held up her hands. “If you want to spend the day at the beach, I’ll be there with you. I mean it,” Jennifer said, reaching for Reese’s hand. “While you are at work, I’ll work. When you are home, I’ll be with you. Does that sound okay?”

  “I don’t want you to put your work aside for me. I know how important it is to you.”

  “I’ve finished the book and sent it on. Now the editor takes over and I have rewrites.” Jennifer smiled.

  “I know your work is just as important to you as mine is to me. I don’t want you to give up what you love to do to pacify me.” Reese struggled to convince Jennifer.

  Jennifer grinned. “Can we go to bed now?” her lips pouted. “I really miss my plaything.” Her eyebrows wiggled before she ran for the stairs.

  “Plaything? I’ll show you plaything.” Reese ran up the stairs after Jennifer laughing.

  Jennifer stopped at the edge of the bed as Reese came charging in the room. She held her hands up in defeat. “I’m sorry.” She edged closer to Reese. “You are so easy to tease.”

  “Tease me, huh? You forget I know all your ticklish spots,” Reese said with a grin.

  Jennifer jumped back on the bed trying to get away from the fingers that now pursued her. Reese straddled her in the middle of bed and looked down into Jennifer’s eyes. All thoughts of teasing were lost in the smoldering of the blue eyes that looked up at her. She looked at the lips she was so drawn to. If she didn’t kiss her at that moment, Reese thought she would die. Their lips came together with the passion of two teenagers kissing for the first time. Their tongues played a dance as Jennifer’s fingers found the edge of Reese’s shirt. Out of breath, they pulled apart and Jennifer pulled Reese’s shirt over her head. Her lips immediately went to Reese’s breast where her mouth began to tease the nipple. Reese’s moans caused the fire between Jennifer’s legs, soaking her underwear. Jennifer flipped Reese over on the bed and reached for the band on the shorts. A moan escaped her mouth as she realized she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  Before Jennifer could continue with her pursuit of Reese’s body, she looked up at the smoldering eyes. “I just can’t resist you when you look at me that way.”

  “Good,” Jennifer said, reaching for Reese again. “Because I am never letting you go.”


  The next few weeks worked well for the two women. Jennifer wrote while Reese was at work, and when Reese visited her mom in the evening, Jennifer worked again. The book now in rewrites, it was finally coming together. One day in late August, Jennifer got a call from her publisher.

  “Hi, Arlene, how are you?” Jennifer asked.

  “You know I love the new book. It’s so different from the books you've written in the past.” Arlene paused. “You know this is going to bring you a larger audience. I still can’t believe you wrote something so funny. I’m releasing the book in the next two weeks.”

  “Why so soon?” Jennifer asked, not understanding the rush.

  “Everyone that has read it has been going on and on about it. Can you meet me in the office tomorrow?” Arlene asked.

  “Arlene, I’m in New Jersey.”

  “You’re still there? When are you going to come home?” Arlene asked, showing her impatience.

  “I don’t know, Arlene.” Jennifer looked outside. “I like it here.”

  “Well, you have to come back here soon. I need you to do publicity on this book if we are going to get it to the masses. You have a winner here, and I want to do everything possible to make this a best seller.”

  “How much publicity do I have to do?” Jennifer asked, trying to control the tone in her voice.

  Arlene sighed. “Do you want to be a successful author?”

  “Yes,” Jennifer said softly.

  “Well, that takes work. Do you think Nicholas Sparks just sits around doing nothing once he’s written a book, or Stephen King?”

  “Okay, I get it,” Jennifer said with a rush of air. “Give me a week to settle things here and then I’ll be ready to start the train you’re planning.”

  “Good. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Jennifer hung up the phone and just sat there. She needed to talk to someone about this and she picked up her phone again.

  “Well, well, stranger,” the voice said into the phone.

  “Yes, I know we haven’t spoken in a while Joyce.”

  “So what did you do this time?” Joyce asked with a laugh.


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