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Mad About the Boy

Page 21

by Suzan Battah

  He was serious. The sudden weight she felt on her shoulders doubled. Now she had to be the real deal. And there must be something scary about his parents if he never introduced his girlfriends to them. They couldn’t be that bad, could they?

  “Come on. You have to tell me what you mean.” Julia patted the spot next to her. As Chris sat back down, his hand fell on her knee, but he snatched it away. She pulled his hand back.

  “They know what I’m like. I’ve never been serious about a woman before. My mother will be mad about the whole thing, but she’ll get over it. You’re right, this is my party.”

  Julia ran her fingers though his hair. Chris always felt he needed to prove himself to his parents. He had turned the private dinner with them into a picnic with everyone invited.

  “Why don’t you explain to them we’re having a gathering to celebrate your birthday with some select friends and we’ll organize another private dinner for the next night? Just tell them.”

  “I’ll explain everything to my parents.” Chris shifted on the bed, stretching out until his head rested in her lap.

  Julia doubted he would explain to his parents, but there was hope. She grinned. Chris was so full of surprises.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The great barbecue picnic day arrived all too quickly. Julia made sure she had a nice banner for Chris’ thirtieth birthday with a picture of him surfing on it set up in the courtyard. When he came down, his eyes lit up. He loved that she put the effort in.

  Julia gave him a tender kiss. “Happy birthday, Chris. I have a surprise for you.” She gestured for one of the Augustine staff to bring in her gift. The staffer carried in the brand new surfboard, with a fire-blazing emblem of “Augustine Boy” splashed in bright blue and orange.

  Chris took the board, his eyes wide with awe. “This is amazing! I love it,” he declared and pulled her close for a more passionate kiss to show his appreciation.

  That evening, all of Chris’ friends began to show up in the courtyard, soon followed by Cole and Andreena. Hilda arrived with the rest of her family, bringing along Julia’s neighbor, Glenda. The place was abuzz with activity. Yet still no sign of Chris’ parents. She had thought he would have spoken to them.

  Julia tried to get his attention to ask him, “Chris?” Unfortunately, he was preoccupied talking about the latest race day coming up in Daytona with his surfing friends. She let him be for the moment, her attention diverted by her mother.

  They had booked out the Augustine courtyard for their private gathering. The neatly planted brush and foliage surrounded them, keeping them private from patrons of the hotel. The wide space of grass allowed the children to run around as the rich aroma of the caterer’s grill filled the air. The servers came out with trays of exquisite bite-sized food, which were needed because the barbecue couldn’t yet be served until the most important guests arrived. Julia’s big meeting with his parents was now in full swing, but there was still no sign of Chris’ mother and father. Nibbling on the appetizers, Julia waited and waited for Claire and Ryan to make an appearance. But by six o’clock, they still hadn’t shown and her pulse raced with anticipation.

  Chris’ sister Charlotte showed up alone. She was genuinely friendly and open, giving Julia a welcoming hug. Charlotte looked very similar to Chris in her features. Julia warmed to her straight away.

  “Charlie.” Chris said his sister’s nickname with a teasing look.

  Charlotte turned to her big brother, holding out her arms for a hug. Chris yanked her close and picked her up for a massive hug. “Oh, Christophe I’ve missed you so much. Happy birthday. You must come to Paris, take some time to visit, you’re both very welcome.

  “Julia, Christophe talks so much about you. It’s so good to finally meet the woman who’s tamed my wayward brother.” There was the slightest French accent in her voice.

  Ben soon made an appearance with Victoria Meldon’s daughter. The two of them looked smitten with each other. Chris grinned as his brother came forward to greet them.

  “Happy birthday, big brother.” Ben pulled Chris in for a hug. Ben leaned down to give her a brotherly kiss on the cheek. “You’ve done a good job organizing his birthday and you did a great job on his apartment.”

  “Thank you,” she responded, a little shy, feeling the welcoming warmth from his family.

  Chris was hanging around with his surfing friends. Julia approached Chris as he lounged comfortably on a chair. When she came to stand next to him, Chris shifted her in front of him to sit on his lap.

  Julia glanced at her watch. “Where are your parents?”

  Chris’ eyes widened. He set her on her feet, stood up, and headed for the lobby. Julia followed close behind, determined to know what else could go wrong.

  She overheard him on his cell phone. “Helen, could you please let my parents know that we are gathered in the private courtyard. They are more than likely in the Enchantee Bar.”

  Julia gave him a sharp look. “You didn’t tell them where the party is. You forgot to tell your own parents,” she whispered with a tight smile.

  Chris shrugged his shoulders sheepishly and started to go back to his friends. Julia grabbed the sleeve of his shirt to stop him. “You aren’t going anywhere. We’ll be waiting for them here. Do I look okay?”

  Chris’ lips quirked slightly and his eyes deepened sensually as he raised a brow at her. “You look amazing, as usual.”

  Julia grinned. Chris managed to give her the best feelings.

  Finally his mother, Claire, glided through the archway, holding onto Ryan’s arm. They were slightly tense but otherwise looked as elegant as she thought they would. Claire was wearing a gorgeous blue summer dress and looking every bit the lady. Ryan appeared much older than Julia had imagined for his seventy years. He was a tall man, broad in the shoulders with honey-gold hair streaked with grey. His cheeks were pale and gaunt, yet his chocolate eyes held a powerful spirit in them despite his obvious frail health. Julia was glad that Chris’ parents could come together for such an event without too much animosity between them.

  “Happy birthday, Christophe.” Ryan leaned on his cane. “The Augustine is looking good, son.”

  Chris moved to his father’s side proudly, giving him a hearty handshake before gesturing at Julia with a smile. The way Ryan put his hand on Chris’ back while they greeted each other showed great pride. Julia could see the well hidden joy in Ryan Augustine as he stood next to Chris. Obviously, Chris’ fear with his father’s approval came from his own issues.

  Claire smiled warmly at Chris. “Christophe, happy birthday, darling.”

  “Mamere, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Julia Mendoza. Julia, my father, Ryan, and my mother, Claire.”

  “It’s so good to finally meet you.” Julia hid her sudden trembling nerves well. They didn’t even notice her apprehension.

  Ryan approached her, a warm smile on his face as he held out his hand in greeting to pull her close for a hug. There was the slightest strength in his embrace just before he released her.

  “I hear you are doing a magnificent job on the Augustine. Word on the street is you’ve got an extraordinary talent in design. The Augustine will be a shining diamond.” Ryan looked down at her with a wink, and for her ears only, he told her, “My son is very lucky to have found you.”

  Julia smiled brightly at Ryan’s praise. She couldn’t wait to tell Chris in private what he said. She turned to get his attention but Claire was looking at Chris with shrewd mother eyes. Julia glanced from her boyfriend to his mother with wonder. She smiled when she saw that his mother had very similar characteristics to Chris, with the deepest black hair and the same green eyes. Their dark olive skin had exactly the same tone.

  Claire gave Chris a disapproving look before bestowing Julia a brilliant smile, coming over to give her a soft peck on the cheek. Julia fell in love with Claire, her casual elegance, her grace, her ease with this complicated situation. She even held her composure well, appearing to be amicable with Ryan.
Julia was glad there wasn’t any tension between his parents, for Chris’ sake. She didn’t like the idea of Chris being uneasy.

  Claire tsked her tongue, a French accent clearly prominent in her speech. “We’re having dinner, and you’re dressed so casually, Christophe. I taught you better than that.”

  Chris tensed. “Mamere, there was a change of plans… sorry I was supposed to call.”

  “Change of plans, what change of plans?” Claire shook her head, pursing her lips and her attention diverted to Julia now that Ryan had moved back to stand beside Chris. “Oh, you are so beautiful, my dear. It is such a pleasure to finally meet you.” Claire continued to smile at Julia, but gave Chris a stern look.

  Chris rushed forward to bestow a kiss on his mother’s cheek, but she turned away. “I will speak to you later, Christophe. If you can’t tell, I am not very pleased with you, young man.”

  Without another word, Claire hooked arms with Julia and they headed toward the private courtyard. Claire stopped at the entryway and stared at the casual, crowded party. Then, slowly, she turned to her son, who was now looking quite ill.

  “I can explain.” Chris put up his hands in surrender.

  Ryan chuckled. “Best you start explaining, my boy, before your mother decides to tear you apart.” Clapping Chris on the back, Ryan pushed him forward into the firing line of his extremely peeved mother.

  “How is it that an intimate dinner with your girlfriend turned into… into this?” Claire kept her voice level. “You’re having a party?”

  Julia could tell Claire was angry, she couldn’t even use the word “barbecue”. But she could manage other words, giving Chris a rush of French rebukes. Chris’ ears turned pink as he listened.

  “Wait, it’s not his fault.” Julia quickly intervened, taking Chris’ side and lying to protect him. “It’s just a select few friends and family. It’s his birthday, we wanted to celebrate with everyone and this is the only time we had. We’ve rescheduled a private dinner for us tomorrow night in the restaurant. Chris has been busy and forgot to let you know.”

  Chris looked from his mother to Julia. “Mamere, a bit of a misunderstanding, that’s all.”

  Claire dismissed his plea with a wave of her hand. “Yes, it was foolishness on your part not to let us know. But it’s done, and we must make the best of it. Come along, my dear Julia, we will mingle together.” Claire wrapped her arm around her waist and they moved away.

  Julia felt so welcomed by Claire and had no fear taking her over to introduce her to her mother and the rest of her family. They laughed and chatted, having a great time, despite Claire’s disapproval of the circumstances.

  Chris spent most of the time entertaining everyone with his funny stories and comic lines. He stayed close by his father, avoiding his mother’s watchful stare. Julia could see the way father and son interacted. Ryan was very proud of his son; he practically glowed with it while next to him.

  Finally, after Julia had guided her to a table, Claire beckoned Chris to join them. He came forward with a determined purpose, grabbed a chair to sit next to Julia, his hand going automatically to her knee. “Yes, Mamere?”

  Claire’s brow arched at his tone. Julia also frowned. His mother was waiting expectantly.

  Chris threw up his hands. “All right, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin our dinner. I’m sure you’ve had a good time anyway. You know I like the casual atmosphere more than a formal dinner. I’m always in a suit. I want to relax after work.”

  Claire muttered something in French and smiled to Hilda. “My son, so cheeky. I’m sure you understand.”

  Chris nodded and turned to call his father over. Claire leaned over to do the same thing. Both were preoccupied and did not see another guest walk into the private courtyard. It was Daniela, Ryan’s current and estranged wife. The gold-digger. The sudden tension in the air was thick amongst them. Claire was clearly annoyed, her lips pursed together. Ryan’s face burned with furious rage. Chris was yet to notice.

  Julia gave Chris a tiny shove. He turned, his eyes narrowed on Daniela. “I didn’t invite her,” he said, glaring at the woman in question.

  Claire looked around, her lips pursing in annoyance. “Well, well, well… The witch has flown in on her broom.”

  Daniela sauntered over then, giving a wicked smile. “Claire! Good to see you again. It’s been a while.”

  Chris groaned audibly. Julia could feel his body get tense.

  Ryan snapped at his wife. “You weren’t invited, Daniela. This is a private occasion.”

  Daniela looked thoughtful for a moment, pressing her lips together with a well-manicured finger as if she had a secret. “Well, if it is a private occasion for family alone, why is everyone else here? I didn’t know my son wouldn’t be a part of this special moment, especially with that child invited.” She gestured scornfully at Julia’s little nephew.

  Julia stood up the same instant Claire did. The courtyard fell silent and into the silence a child’s delighted cry filled the air. “Chris!”

  They all turned to see young Dylan Augustine running over to give his oldest brother a massive hug. Julia controlled her temper. She had seen him only briefly the last time Daniela had left him in Chris’ care.

  “Hello… Dylan.” Julia greeted him with a warm smile.

  Chris picked his brother up. He turned with him to look apologetically at Julia.

  “Hi,” Dylan responded shyly, hugging Chris’ neck tighter and hiding his face.

  Ryan took Daniela’s hand, tugging at her to leave. But Julia’s relatives, who loved children, had gathered around to talk with Dylan. In the background, Ryan’s voice rose slightly. Daniela stalked forward and grabbed her son from Chris’ arms.

  Dylan promptly started crying. “I want to stay! Mommy, please!”

  Julia’s heart went out to him. Daniela stopped there in the middle of the courtyard and set him back down hard on the ground. Claire gasped and quickly went over to pick the young boy up into her arms, while Daniela started to leave.

  “Excuse me, please,” Ryan forced out, grabbing his wife’s arm again and propelling her out of the courtyard.

  They didn’t come back. In the awkward moment that followed, Chris’ friends waved their goodbyes and soon it was quiet in the courtyard.

  Dylan clung to Chris. “Where’s Mommy? Is she coming back with Daddy?”

  “I don’t think so, buddy, but don’t worry. You can stay with me tonight.” Chris glanced at Julia, his eyes pleading for help.

  Julia smoothed Dylan’s dark hair away from his eyes and said cheerily, “We’re going to have a sleep-over at the Augustine tonight! I’m sure Chris has got some of your pajamas around somewhere.”

  Chris agreed and set his brother down in a chair. “I’m sorry the night didn’t end so well,” he muttered to his mother and Julia.

  The party was clearly over. Caterers started filing through to pack up. A sleepy Dylan lay against Chris’ shoulder, being rocked back and forth in a comforting way.

  Claire gazed at Julia. “Doesn’t he look wonderful with children?”

  “He looks just divine,” Julia whispered.

  Chris slowly turned, glancing down at her with an odd expression on his face. Realizing her mistake, Julia started to fidget under his close scrutiny.

  Claire and Hilda began to chatter excitedly. Julia could still sense Chris’ eyes on her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The tension of the family party vanished quickly and soon they were off to look for a new place for Chris to live. Chris’ requirements were not extreme. He wanted no roommates, no Augustine clients, just his own private sanctuary. As they drove to the first prospective place, she glanced over at Chris. Focusing his attention on buying a new place would give her the time she needed.

  The first open house was a brief moment of walking in and straight back out. The house was too large for both their tastes, with a small echo that reverberated off the walls when she opened her mouth to speak. No amou
nt of furniture could fix that, it just wasn’t right.

  As they were leaving, Julia couldn’t help but laugh, thinking how annoying it would be to live in that place.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “We most definitely can’t live there.”

  “Why?” He pressed the central locking for his car.

  She hugged him tighter around the waist, leaning up to whisper in his ear the reason she found it funny. He burst out laughing. “The neighbors would not like that one bit,” he agreed with a smirk.

  They stopped at a café to eat for lunch, before meeting up with the real estate agent to view a private complex of condos. “This is a very popular area for young couples,” the agent enthused brightly as they got out in the spacious parking area. “Restaurants and shops nearby.”

  “But not the beach,” Chris said as they followed the agent into the condo. “The price is ridiculously high, considering how far it is from the beach.”

  But he didn’t mind the condo itself, and gave Julia an inquisitive glance. She shook her head decisively. She didn’t like it at all. The interior had too many walls everywhere and small rooms. In fact, she disliked it so much, she didn’t bother going through the whole house. The agent was still trying to sell its qualities as they walked out the door.

  The next house they pulled up to was a few streets off the main beach strip. According to the pamphlet, the main bedroom had a gorgeous view of the ocean.

  Chris said only, “This looks good.” He appeared reserved and thoughtful as they emerged from the car to meet the agent. But she could see the excitement in his eyes. She knew him all too well. The house was close to the beach and nothing else would matter.

  But as she stood looking over the fence, she found herself agreeing. This might work. It was a six-bedroom house, only five years old, and in excellent condition, built on two levels with a large block of land with a massive fence surrounding the property. It was just the right size they were looking for, not too large but with plenty of room to grow.


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