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Mad About the Boy

Page 27

by Suzan Battah

  Two hours later, she had downed three large glasses of the delicious drinks with the pink and orange umbrellas in them. The warmth in her veins and fuzzy feeling from the good fruity cocktails gave her enough courage to be a little devious.

  She had forgotten about her annoying date, Mack, as he had disappeared not long after they had arrived. Now there was no one in sight. She hobbled slowly through the darkened corridor, the plush carpet soft and vibrant since the renovation. They had kept the unusual painting on the wall opposite Chris’ office. She recalled that on the morning Chris had dragged her out for a surf lesson, he had stopped her right at that spot. She could smell the ocean, the sand… she could smell him, deeply masculine, as she pushed open his office door. She was lucky it was left open.

  Smiling, she glanced around the newly refurbished office. It had Chris’ personality stamped all over it. One side of his desk was clutter-free, and the other half piled full of documents and accounts. The Venetian blinds were half-open sending a beam of moonlight filtering across the desk.

  A sharp noise made her pause. Fearful she would chicken out with the one thing she needed to do, she grabbed a post-it and scribbled down what she needed to. The words sent a shiver of warm passion through her blood.

  Always in My Heart.

  If they were meant to be together, he would come back to her. With all the misunderstandings between them, she thought maybe she needed to tell him exactly what she meant. I hope you will come back to me… Julia.

  As she was leaving, one of her crutches got caught on the edge of the desk, making her knock into it roughly. She winced and straightened the papers that fluttered everywhere. But she didn’t have time to get them all, including the papers that scattered over the top of the post-it.

  “Ai, ai Julia… be careful,” she muttered, neatening the papers that had fallen onto the floor. Before she could cause more trouble, she left, shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

  Julia decided to enjoy the rest of the evening out in the fresh air. She avoided passing through the party and slipped through the kitchen to go out the back way. It was getting late, and only a few people were hanging around the lawn. Some amorous couples close in each other’s embrace made her long to be in Chris’ arms.

  She found a comfortable banana chair to rest on. She was unhappy with herself for not seizing the chance to speak with him. Her cell buzzed with a message a few seconds later and she responded swiftly. She dropped it back into her silver purse and waited. Boric came out a few moments later and scanned the area for her. She held her hand up, waving for him to come over.

  “Oh, honey, you’re a goner. How much did you drink?” he asked, waving his hand in front of her eyes jokingly.

  “Enough to drown my sorrows in,” she mumbled and regretted the stupid comment the moment Boric burst into laughter. She wasn’t drunk, just confused as to why Chris had made no effort to seek her out.

  “I want to go home. Can we go? My feet are killing me.” She kicked her shoes off, running her toes through the moist grass.

  Boric gave her a disappointed look. He reached out and wiggled her chin in an attempt to make her smile, then flipped his phone out.

  “Who are you calling?”

  Boric raised a brow, sticking his tongue out. “Who do you think? Hey, babe, we have an emergency with the Red Sparrow. Should I throw her in the pool and hope she can swim?” Boric slapped away her hands with a laugh as she tried to grab the phone.

  “That’s not funny.” She tried to take a swipe at him, but he jumped back and then jumped closer, teasing her.

  Julia reached out again with no luck. A pump of adrenaline and courage soared through her veins. With Randy on the other line, she could vent her frustration. And she did, shouting so that he could hear even if Boric held the phone away. “Randy, do me a favor. Tell my lousy ex-boyfriend that I was looking forward to a celebration dance, not that I can dance. But since he’s got too much on with his pals, he can just forget it!”

  She lunged forward but lost her balance and nearly toppled back into the garden bed. Boric was quick to pull her back to safety, and she snatched his phone out of his hand with a triumphant whoop and warning stare to stay back.

  Boric grumbled, “Hey, not so rough!”

  She demanded into the phone, “Randy, are you ready to go? I’m not having such a good time.” She waited expectantly for Randy to respond, but the silence on the other end of the phone made her wonder. He didn’t sound like he was in the midst of the party. There were only faint noises in the background.

  “Julia, I don’t think I’ll need to pass the message on,” Randy responded cryptically.

  “Where are you?” Her heart dropped clear to her toes.

  He cut her off and the echo of his voice, a shuffle, and click of the phone gave her warning. “You’re on speaker. Do you want to say hi to Chris?”

  “Oh, God!” Julia covered her mouth with her hands, dropping the phone.

  Boric picked it up, a grin on his face as he switched his phone to speaker. “Is he still there?” Boric took great delight in her humiliation, while she sat there looking for a quick escape route. She rubbed her forehead, a swift headache banishing her courage and drive in a split second.

  “No,” Randy muttered dryly.

  “Did he hear everything, babe, even the part where she said she would stick her crutches where there isn’t any sun shining?”

  “I never said that!”

  “He heard everything, you were on speaker phone. He’s just run out of here, be prepared for a dance. I’m so excited for you!”

  Julia walked a few feet away, her heart beating rapidly. Christophe was coming to her, now. Oh God. What’s he going to say? Damn, damn, damn, what am I going to tell him?

  Boric held up his hand for a high five, which she ignored. Her nerves were wound tight, and she was certain if she weren’t disabled, she would be running out in second. She was so embarrassed.

  She felt around for her crutches, but Boric caught onto her scheme. Grabbing them with a cheeky smile, he started jogging backwards.

  Maybe I should hide in the bushes. You’re such a chicken, Julia, this is what you wanted!

  But it was too late. Just then Chris came out onto the terrace, stopping for a second to scan the lawn. He spotted her and started walking slowly in their direction, one hand casually in his pocket.

  Julia sucked in a breath the instant he appeared. He was coming back to her. The rush of excitement felt like a symphony orchestra beginning to play. Through the darkness she couldn’t see his expression and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

  The moment had come.

  She wouldn’t run.

  “He’s coming for you. I’ll just leave you two lovebirds alone. And remember, this is what you wanted. Hey, Chris!” Boric called out cheerfully as they passed each other.

  Chris stopped just in front of her. She smiled with a shrug as he looked down at her with a small shake of his head. Without a word, he held out his hands, offering her the dance she had been waiting for.

  She was a little nervous, unsteady without her crutches. But then she slipped her fingers between his, the firm grip making her feel safe and protected once again. He was strong, giving her the support she needed to balance on her feet. Slowly, one arm curved around the small of her back, pulling her gently forward into the comfort of his embrace.

  “I can’t dance properly,” she whispered. “I can’t dance… I’m not able to move the same way.”

  “Of course you can.” Chris’ voice was so soft, melting over her and giving her the confidence she needed. “I’m here with you.”

  In the distant background, she heard the sudden change in music. Faintly, she could hear the rhythmic tune and soulful voice dimly.

  The feel of his breath on her cheek, the touch of his hand, and the warmth of his presence around her was finally right.

  They swayed gently to the rhythm of the music, staying close as if they
had never been apart. She took a step closer still. It felt so good to be welcomed back into his embrace.

  Chris bent his head down, resting his cheek against hers. His hand skimmed up to caress the swell of her breast and just as smoothly glided back down, over her hip and thigh. She shivered in response.

  Julia ran her hands up his back, caressing his neck, enjoying the warmth of his skin against her fingers. “I just wanted…”

  “Shhh, enjoy the moment.” He pressed his lips against her cheek.

  As the music slowed and came to a halt, he gradually stepped away from her. She was aware of every movement, the sudden flicker in his eyes, and the mask of indifference that now shadowed his features.

  It wasn’t going to be that easy, she realized, unsure what she could do to break through. She should have known there was too much between them for their love to be healed with such brief moments.

  “Shall we go back inside?” he suggested, holding out his arm for support.

  “Chris, I need to talk to you. I feel…”

  “No, Julia, it’s too late. You should go home and rest. You’ve been drinking a lot.”

  She closed her eyes and nodded, sliding her hand up his arm and walking with him back toward the Augustine.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  As she entered the Augustine office, Ben smiled warmly and kissed Julia on the cheek. He shook Randy’s hand and gestured for them to take a seat on the couch.

  The success of the Miami renovations guaranteed In Design the Augustine contract for its two hotels in Manhattan and Boston. She should have been excited, but all she could think about was the last time she had been here at the Augustine, when she had last seen Chris.

  He must not care about her anymore. He had never come to her with any engagement ring, and he hadn’t even bothered to show up for this meeting. They were already halfway through the briefing for the New York renovation when Chris finally arrived. He seemed rushed and was unbuttoning his suit jacket as he took his seat.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he said, not even looking her way. “Just continue.”

  His mere presence sent her temperature rising, and clearing her throat, she allowed Randy the privilege of taking over the meeting. He was now her second-in-charge, and she trusted in his ability and talent. Just as well. Right now she couldn’t think of anything but Chris sitting across from her and ignoring her.

  Randy wasted no time getting started. “According to your financial controller, it would be viable to shut the Boston hotel during your low season for five weeks minimum without a major loss,” Randy stated firmly. “The New York hotel requires a lot more attention. It’s an older building and some of the rooms need new carpet.”

  Ben nodded his agreement. “Twelve weeks is the maximum, though. There’s a lot more attention to detail required. I don’t want it rushed like Miami.”

  Chris snorted. “Miami is brilliant. And it wasn’t a rushed job. There are little things here and there that can be tweaked, but the end result is just as effective.”

  Julia was pleased at Chris’ support, but surprised by Ben’s derision. “What don’t you like about here?”

  Ben contemplated for a moment. “The penthouse. You didn’t ever get to that. I know, I know.” He held up his hand. “Chris is still holding onto the penthouse even though he’s buying a house. Its decor is outmoded, and since Chris won’t be staying here at the Augustine much longer, I want it overhauled.”

  “You bought a house?” Julia sat back, shocked.

  “Not yet. It’s going to auction.” Chris smiled a little tightly, giving his brother an annoyed look.

  “What about your condo?”

  “Ben has already moved in. That’s why I’m looking at buying.”

  Julia felt a constriction in her throat and swallowed hard. When she could finally speak, she looked at Chris. “Well, if you’re buying a house, we can come back and have a look at the penthouse. If renovating is what you want.” Julia pulled up her bag, rummaging through for her diary. It was no longer full of appointments as it used to be. “We can come tomorrow and measure the penthouse…”

  “No. It stays exactly how it is… for the moment.” Chris was staring back at her with such intensity.

  “I’ll come in personally, Chris. I’ll even give the rest of the hotel a thorough inspection, and get some crew in free of charge,” she continued, hoping he would agree. “I can move around a lot more easily. I swear it won’t be a problem.”

  Chris glared at his brother before looking back to Julia. “Your work in Miami is perfect. I’m very happy with the way Miami has gone. So you don’t have to come, Julia. The penthouse is mine and I don’t want it changed until after I’ve settled on this house. Now let’s get back on track, guys. Can you flip through to the next design, Randy?”

  After glancing at Julia for a brief moment, Randy quickly went to the next design. Julia ducked her head, a little hurt. She had given Chris the opening to let her back in and he hadn’t taken it. She couldn’t ignore this anymore. He didn’t want her back.

  “This is my personal favorite. This design has a darkly masculine taste with a touch of femininity.” Randy indicated the contrasting differences between the two treatments.

  Chris was distracted for a second by a message beeping on his phone, but then looked up. “How soon are you able to start?”

  Randy turned to Julia for her to answer. She responded, “We have a few projects that our better designers are on at the moment and need to complete before we can start. At the most, seven and a half weeks. We can organize the final designs and be ready for your shut down.”

  Chris frowned, saying nothing further. Ben was recommending some changes to the color scheme when a cell phone started to buzz loudly. The ring tone was distinctive.

  They all turned to Chris. He glared at his cell, flipped it open, and rejected the call without even blinking. “Are we replacing the carpet?” he asked mildly, rubbing his jaw. The tension in his body made his movement sharp.

  Ben nodded. “Every room should be re-carpeted.”

  “Why, if it’s not necessary, Ben?” Chris snapped. “The economy is going for a bit of a turndown. We’re losing money.”

  “I understand that we’re going through some tough times, but the more we spend, the better for the economy. Maybe we’ll have to take a bit of a loss but…”

  A loud knock and a small scuffle diverted their attention. Muffled voices behind the door rose slightly before the door swung open wide. Karen filled the doorway. She was furious, with bright stains of color on her cheeks. An Augustine employee shrugged his shoulders at the interruption. Ben nodded his head and the young employee left quickly, glaring at Karen as she departed.

  “We need to talk!” Karen huffed, prowling into the office.

  Chris rolled his eyes, his annoyance very clear. Julia now understood where his tension was coming from: Karen was stalking him. Relief washed over her in waves. He wasn’t mad at her.

  “Excuse me,” Chris muttered. He got up from his seat with one swift movement and took Karen by the elbow. He whispered something into her ear and urged her firmly towards the door.

  As they left the office, Ben peered at Julia with a wry smile. “All is not well in that department. She keeps coming back.”

  Julia squirmed uncomfortably, trying to avoid eavesdropping on the argument just outside the office. To distract them all, she rose to show Ben more of the designs. He stopped her with a wave of his hand.

  “When Chris comes back, we’ll continue. Sit tight,” Ben said, a small smirk on his lips, obviously wanting to hear as much of the argument as possible.

  They all stayed silent then, listening carefully to the heated argument filtering down the corridor. The door slammed shut and they continued to argue, though their voices were muffled for several moments. Julia was relieved that she couldn’t hear anymore, because too much of it was about how badly she had handled Chris.

  “Well, at least…” Julia stopp
ed what she was saying as a new drama was about to unfold.

  Karen stood in the doorway, hands on hips. There were no tears in her eyes, only an insane fury.

  “I know about the ring,” Karen muttered.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not wearing any ring.” Julia didn’t know where to look. Randy nudged her, giving her a significant signal for them to pack and go. Finally someone with some sense! Julia stood, gripping the edge of the couch and searching for her crutches.

  “He needs a woman and it’s not you. You know I can please him better than you can.”

  Julia looked up, her eyes colliding with Karen’s. “See, you know what I’m talking about,” Karen sneered.

  That was it. Julia indicated to Randy to pack the portfolio and laptop a bit quicker. She looked around for her handbag, and stood up ready to depart.

  But Karen continued to attack with words. “Look at you, a cripple. You’re a cripple!”

  Julia sucked in a breath, shocked and hurt. Karen’s jibe went straight to her heart.

  “All right, that’s it, leave now!” Ben shouted to no avail.

  “You’re still here, Karen? I told you to go… What’s going on?” Chris stopped in the open doorway, something was in his hand, which he quickly slipped into his pocket. He was distracted.

  “Nothing!” Julia’s voice rose a little too high.

  In an instant, Chris’ attention was on her. Julia couldn’t hide her embarrassment. She touched her cheeks, trying to smile but failed miserably. Chris had an uncanny knack of reading her mind.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking from Karen to Julia and finally he turned to his brother.

  “It’s okay, we’re leaving,” Julia responded in a rush, gesturing for Randy to precede her. “We’ll arrange another meeting.”

  “Wait.” Chris blocked the exit. “Did she say something to you?”

  Julia hoped her face didn’t betray her, but she felt the heat creeping up her neck. Chris’ expression softened, a look of tenderness directed straight at her. Julia wanted to rush straight into his arms. But she looked down and saw her crutches and thought about how difficult she had made his life, and said, “Nothing… nothing. We’ll leave you to have some privacy.” She touched her necklace and Chris’ eyes narrowed.


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