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Page 6

by Jessie Cooke

  Jigsaw used his mouth to drive her crazy, he knew this because of the sounds she was making and the feel of her hands pulling at his hair and scratching at his scalp. She was whispering his name, sexy curses and begging for more all at the same time...and it was turning him on like mad. He was still making love to her breasts with his mouth when he felt her fingers lightly traveling down his abdomen and toward the raging, hot cock resting against it. Suddenly she was lightly strumming it, running her fingers down the shaft and gently massaging his sac before running them back up. He shuddered under her touch...but the shudder turned into convulsions when he felt her warm palm wrap his hard cock up in a cocoon. He brought his mouth up and kissed her again while her hands worked between their bodies, stroking and caressing and massaging him, bringing him quickly to the edge of madness.

  He moved back just a fraction of an inch, enough so that he could walk his fingers down her sexy, silky body. She flexed her hips, knowing exactly where he was going and where she wanted him. He started at the top of her slit when he reached it and ran a finger down along it and across her slick, puffy lips...lightly skimming the engorged hood of her clit and loving the way that made her shiver.

  “Mm, so wet. Fuck, you feel good.” She was gripping him harder, stroking him faster.

  “You feel me so good,” she whispered. He continued his assault of her wet pussy and forgave her for loosening her own grip on him when he began to push in on and rub her clit hard. She tried to keep stroking him, but he wasn't playing fair. He was rubbing her clit with his thumb and he slipped one, and then two fingers up into her tight, slick tunnel and began to move them in and out of her. She let go of him completely and put one hand up on his shoulder and the other reached out to grip the towel handle on the door. Her eyes were closed, her lips and cheeks were flushed and her head thrown back underneath the now tepid water. Jigsaw used one of his big thighs to push hers open further and she held on while he used his fingers to fuck her and to ultimately drive her headfirst into an earth shattering orgasm that practically shook the room. She clawed at his shoulders and cried out his name and as soon as she was finished, he reached behind her and turned off the now cold water. Turning her again, he pressed his back into the cold tile and then lifted her up so that her slick pussy hovered over his cock. He could feel his cock trying to reach her on its own before he sat her down on top of it, and buried himself up inside of her.

  Kimber buried her face in his neck and he held onto her tightly, bracing his feet and legs into the floor and using the muscles in his arms to slide her up and down his pulsating cock. She felt so good. She was tight and soft and wet and warm...he wanted to stay inside of her forever. He held her tight and circled his hips so that his cock not only filled her up, but stroked against every soft, velvety muscle inside her pussy. He put a hand between them and played with her clit while he fucked her, once again he could not only hear, but feel her approaching an orgasm. Her excitement and the way she felt spurred him on and in seconds they were both crying out, moaning and writhing in ecstasy as wave after wave of their mutual climax washed over them. When Kimber was spent, her body melded into his and Jigsaw rocked into her several more times before he realized his arms were aching and growing weak. He lifted her up so that he slipped out of her and then let her slide down his body to her shaking legs. He held her for a few minutes until she was no longer shaking from the orgasm, but from the cold. Sliding the door open behind him, he reached out and grabbed the towel. He draped it over her shoulders and said,

  “I'm going to dry off every inch of you...and then I'm going to eat that delicious pussy and lick it until you come again. After that, if you're still conscious, you can change my dressings...okay?” Kimber didn't look like she had the strength to argue and he was glad. She nodded her head into him and then he proceeded to fulfill his promise. It was much later that night before he wore clean, dry bandages and had pain medication in his system and Kimber wrapped up in his arms, when he remembered the vision of the woman he'd had earlier. He realized then that she was a dead-ringer for the gorgeous woman now sleeping in his arms. He had to talk to her about it in the morning, and then talk to Dax about the possibility of a trip to New Jersey. He loved this woman and he wanted to keep her forever. He wanted them to have their own house, and maybe kids someday. He wanted to make all of her dreams come true...but first he had to find out who he was...and if he even deserved her.


  Kimber put the last of the things she'd folded on the bed into the travel bag and zipped it up. She had reservations about this trip, but it seemed important to Jigsaw, so she couldn't say no. It had been so long since she'd seen Natalie, and now she was going to see her face to face.

  It took about a week for things to settle down after the fire. BB recovered and other than some scarring he would always carry with him, Doc said he was going to be fine. Jigsaws burns healed well too and his scars would be minimal and in places where they would hardly be noticeable. He still had some problems with his lungs, coughing up a lot of phlegm and feeling like it was hard to breathe if he lay down flat...but Doc said with time, that would get better too. He told him not to smoke in the meantime, but Kimber caught him more than once, puffing on his vape pen. He'd just grinned and winked at her stern look and she was left shaking her head again at how that smile affected her.

  Once things had settled down, however, Jigsaw told Kimber that he had a dream or a hallucination where a woman was talking to him. She called herself “Delilah,” but, she looked just like Kimber right in the face. Jigsaw had also thought he was part of the Knightriders crew when he woke up and he mentioned the president to Sidewinder by name. He had a feeling that there were some answers to the questions he'd had since arriving at the ranch, somewhere in New Jersey. She couldn't deny him the chance to at least try to find out. She didn't tell him, but other than being nervous about seeing her sister again...she was also anxious about what he was going to find out. She worried about where she would stand if he did find out there was a Delilah out there somewhere. She believed that he loved her...but what if he loved someone else too? How would he make that decision? If he chose would she feel about knowing she'd taken this amazing man away from some other woman? She didn't know the answers to any of it...but, she would soon find out.

  She threw the bag over her shoulder and was about to start out of the room and down the stairs when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID, it was Natalie. With a shaky sigh she hit answer and said, “Hey Sis, we were just about to head your way. Jig says it's about a five-and-a-half-hour ride to Newark from here as long as traffic is good, so I'll be seeing you around two or three this afternoon.”

  “I'm excited to see you!” Natalie sounded genuinely happy that her little sister was coming to visit, but there was something else in her voice too...something Kimber couldn't place.

  “Good. I'm excited to see you too. Is everything okay?”

  “Of course. It's just...well, I've heard about that ranch and the Skulls. I just want to make sure you know that this club is...a little more traditional.”

  Kimber was raising an eyebrow even though her sister couldn't see her. “Traditional?”

  “I kept the details from you when we had our talks, but yeah...they're real one-percenter’s.”

  Kimber knew it was ridiculous, insane even, but what Natalie was saying made her angry, or at least on the defensive. It felt like she was trying to say, “My club is tougher than yours,” and it made Kimber angry. She took a deep breath and said, “I think Jigsaw and I will be fine.” The words came out tightly and despite the years and miles between them Natalie recognized the tone and said,

  “Don't get angry. We haven't seen each other in years, I don't want this to be weird. That's why I wanted to warn you about these guys, that's all. I just don't want any weirdness. I miss you, Sis.”

  “You miss me?”

  “Yes Kimber, I do.” There were voices screaming in Kimber's head. Then why did yo
u abandon me? Then why haven't I seen you in seven years? Why didn't you come and make sure I was okay when I told you I first left home? Why is it always me that calls you? She kept silent however. This visit wasn't even about her relationship with her sister. It was about Jigsaw and she wasn't going to ruin anything for him. She concentrated on controlling her breathing and her tone and said,

  “I miss you too. I'll see you soon.”

  She could hear the relief in her sister's voice as she said, “Good. Be safe. I love you.” Those words, she didn't say back. She would give Natalie the opportunity to prove that if she ever chose to...but the words still meant nothing. She ended the call and made her way down the stairs. As she was crossing the great room Sidewinder, who was belly up to the bar eating scrambled eggs and toast said,

  “Do you have a sister?”

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  “She's one of the Knightrider's old lady's right?”


  “I knew you looked familiar. You're a dead ringer for her. Are you twins?”

  “No. She's older.”

  “What's her old man's name? I've been racking my brain over it, trying to remember.”


  He furrowed his brow. “That doesn't sound right.”

  “She was with someone else for a few years. He died. She just recently started seeing Percy.”

  Suddenly a look came across his face, it was a look of surprise, or shock. Without saying a word, he jumped off the stool and ran for the door. Kimber shook her head. The man was strange, for sure. She followed him out and found him talking to Jigsaw. As she walked up she heard Jig saying, “Maybe he just looks like me.”

  “No man, he's you...and you were talking about Marcus the night of the fire when you came to...are you hiding out? Because if that's the case, I'm not going to say anything. It's just been killing me where I knew you from and when it dawned on me who your old lady looked like...” That was when Sidewinder realized Kimber was there. He stopped talking abruptly, looked from her to Jigsaw and said, “Oh fuck...”

  “What?” she said. “What's going on?”

  “ know what, never mind. Half the time I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.” He started to turn away and Kimber stepped in front of him. Jigsaw was watching, curiously, but not getting involved, yet.

  “No. Tell me what you were going to say. I saw the way you looked at me. Do you know Jigsaw?”

  Sidewinder looked at Jigsaw again. Finally Jig said, “I was in an accident last year. I lost my memories, or most of them. Since then, I've remembered bits and pieces of my life. We're on our way to your club now...”

  “Because you are him?” He looked at Kimber. “Her sister's old man?”

  “My sister's what?” Kimber's heart was suddenly racing and she felt like she couldn't breathe. That wasn't possible...was it?

  Sidewinder looked like the conversation was making him uncomfortable and maybe he regretted even bringing any of it up. Jigsaw was looking at Kimber like he was torn between wanting to know about his past and not wanting her to get hurt. In a soft voice she looked at him and said, “I'm not going to fall to pieces. Please Jig, ask him to tell me what you were talking about when I walked up.”

  “He says that he remembered where he'd seen your face. It's Natalie, which isn't surprising since we already knew her old man was a Knightrider. But, he also says that he remembered where he'd seen me before. He says that my name is Beau Blackwell. Kimber's voice shook as she looked at Sidewinder and said,

  “What's his road name?” Sidewinder looked at Jigsaw again. Kimber's pulse was racing now like she'd just run a marathon and her palms were sweating. Surely after the life she'd had, God or fate couldn't be this cruel. She wasn't a bad person, at least she liked to think that she wasn't. But, if this was true, someone up there had it in for her for sure. With her teeth grit tightly together she said, “Don't look at him! I'm asking you, what is his road name?”

  “Mammoth,” he said. That one word brought her to her knees. She was suddenly in the dirt with her hands in her face, sobbing into her fingers and shaking all over. Poor, confused Jigsaw was at her side.

  “Baby, what's wrong? Please don't cry. Talk to me.”

  “Man, I'm sorry...” Sidewinder began.

  “Go back inside Sidewinder...please.” Jigsaw's voice was stressed. She knew he was worried about her. She had to pull herself together. She had to tell him the truth...but how could she? She was going to lose him. For the first time in her life, she was happy, content. Now, it was all about to come crashing down around her and she was going to be alone...again. She called on every fiber of her being for the strength she needed to stop sobbing and look up into Jigsaw's eyes. She could see the love and concern for her in them. She had to tell him the truth...didn't she? “Baby, talk to me, please,” he said.

  “I'm sorry.” Her voice shook hard. “I don't know...” She stopped there. She didn't know how to tell him what she now knew about his past. But, could she keep it from him? No. She loved him too much. He deserved happiness, even if she wasn't the one giving it to him. “I'm sorry.”

  “For what, Baby? What are you sorry for?”

  “Can we go inside? Can we go to our room and talk for a minute?”

  “Sure, of course.” God, he's so good. He's so sweet...fuck! How will she ever stand to lose him? He put his arm out to her and helped her up off the ground and then held onto her as they walked up to the door. When they got there, she gently extricated herself from him and dried her face. She didn't want anyone to see her falling apart. It was going to be hard enough to do it in front of Jigsaw. He seemed to understand and let her take the lead. She didn't look at anyone as she walked through the great room. She could see Sidewinder out of the corner of her eye. He at least had the decency to stay engaged in his conversation with one of the prospects and not stare as she walked by. She made her way up to their room and Jigsaw was right beside her when she got to the door. He opened it and as soon as they were inside, he wrapped her up in his big arms. She melted into him and once again, the idea of losing that...losing him, overwhelmed her and she began to cry. He held her silently for a while finally saying,

  “Baby, whatever it is, it's going to be okay. I promise. It'll be alright.”

  She took a step back and wiped her face as she looked up at him. “You don't know that.”

  He smiled at her and put his hand on the side of her face. “Yeah, I do. I know that because I'll do whatever I have to to make sure it's okay. My baby is not going to be unhappy, ever.”

  “God I love you.”

  Jigsaw looked shocked for a second. She never just said it like that. He usually had to coax it out of her. After a few seconds he said, “I love you too. I love you so much. Come on, let's sit down and you can tell me whose ass I need to kick.”

  She smiled and sat down on the bed with him. He pulled her into his side and she let herself rest her head on his shoulder and catch her breath for a few seconds before saying, “I know who you are...sort of.”

  He held her back and studied her face. With his brows drawn together he said, “You don't look happy about it. Was I a piece of shit, or what?”

  She buried her face in his chest again and shook her head. “That would never be possible. You're amazing now and I'm sure you were then.”

  “You're sure I was? I'm sorry, baby. I'm confused. You said you know who I am...but you don't act like you knew me and I don't believe you knew me all this time and didn't tell me...”

  “No. I would never do that. But Mammoth...that was him, the guy that took my sister away on the Harley that day.”

  She felt his body tense and then he pulled away from her, this time getting to his feet. He paced a few feet away and ran a hand through his hair. She wished that she knew what he was thinking, and then she was glad that she didn't. What a fucking mess. “Are you sure?” he finally said.

  “Yeah...I'm sure. I mean, how many Mammoth's you th
ink they had in that club? And I seemed familiar to you at first. You said my voice seemed familiar. You probably heard me on the phone with Natalie, or our voices sound a lot alike.” With a catch in her throat she said, “ were my sister's old man, for years.”

  He started shaking his head and running his hand through his hair more quickly. He looked distressed and it was breaking her heart even more. She hadn't even really let herself think about him being with Natalie yet...that was going to be the hardest part. But, she'd think about that tomorrow...if she had to. Now, she owed it to Jigsaw to help him sort out his past. “It can't be,” he said.


  “No,” he said, shaking his head again. “No. I love you.”

  “I know that.” She got up and went over to him. She reached up and put her hands on either side of his face and tipped it down toward her. “I know you love me. I also know that you didn't even know me back then. Come sit back down and I'll tell you what I know. This seems like it me, it really does. But, it's a good thing, baby. All this time you've been working so hard to remember. You deserve to know who you are. Come, sit, let's talk.” She took his hand and led him like a zombie over to the bed. They sat down and she said, “Natalie and I had a really shitty life. Mom was a raging alcoholic, a binge drinker and there was no dad around. I know I've told you some of this already, but I never really let on just how bad it was. There were a lot of men in and out of the house. Some of them were pretty sketchy. Natalie never told me, but I think some of them touched her.” Jigsaw flinched.

  “And you?”

  “I was better than she was at taking care of myself. She was older, but I did most of the taking care of all of us. She probably knew that I'd blame myself if anything like that ever happened to her, and that's probably why she never told me. Or maybe it never happened...but something changed right before she graduated from high school. Her personality changed dramatically. She went from quiet and content with staying home with me and planning our escape as soon as I was eighteen, to going out and partying almost every night, skipping school and sleeping around. I didn't recognize her. But what hurt me the most was the day she came home and told me she was leaving. We'd promised each other since we were eight and ten years old that we'd never leave each other alone in that house. She said she couldn't stay there any longer, that it was making her lose her mind. She told me that she'd met this really good guy and he was going to take her to Jersey with him.” She stopped and tried to gauge his thoughts by looking at his face and eyes. She couldn't figure out what he was thinking. The poor guy just looked lost. “She told me that he went by the name ‘Mammoth’ and that he was a biker. She talked about how hot he was...but, she also told me that he was a really good person.”


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