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Page 9

by Jessie Cooke

  “I figured it wouldn't hurt to incorporate a little club business...let them take out some of our trash if you know what I mean. Once Carl is out of the way, the cops will find a key to a storage locker in his name...and that locker will get ATF off our backs and Poe out of lock up.”

  “Fucking brilliant,” Jigsaw said, practically in awe. Dax smiled again and changed the subject,

  “Alright, go get some rest and the prospects will have things ready at the hole at first light. Mayhem will be on the front gate and he'll notify you if there's any movement there. Gunner will be watching the perimeter out back. I'll keep you posted about anything else I hear from the Knightriders or Hunter.”

  Jigsaw thanked him, said goodbye to Angel and headed back over to the clubhouse. He found Kimber in the kitchen talking to Callie, so he fixed himself a plate of what they had made on the stove and sat down. The girl's looked like they had a secret that at least one of them were dying to tell. Looking about to bust Kimber said,

  “Can I tell him?”

  Callie laughed and nodded. “Handsome knows and he's already been spreading the news. I'm surprised you two didn't hear already.”

  “We've been a little distracted,” Kimber said. “They're pregnant!” She almost squealed. Jigsaw smiled.

  “Congratulations!” Callie was a good woman and she loved Handsome fiercely. She'd been his old lady for a few years. Jigsaw knew however that although Handsome might love her fiercely back...the man was only as faithful as his options. In other words, the girls at the club loved Callie, so they left him alone. But all it took when they were on the road was a glance from a woman with a hot ass and a willing smile and it was on. He tried not to judge, but he didn't understand it. He could never do that to Kimber.

  “Thank you!”

  “How far along are you?”

  “Almost four months,” she said. Jigsaw's eyes fell to her mid-section and she said, “I have a bump, I've just been hiding it well. Now that we're telling people, you'll be able to notice more.”

  “Well, I'm happy for you both,” he said. He looked over at Kimber. She was practically gushing. They'd never really talked about whether either of them wanted to have kids someday. She had a thing in her arm that kept her from getting pregnant now...but, she seemed almost envious of Callie. Jigsaw decided when all of this was over, it was a talk they should have. He didn't necessarily want to bring a kid into the world when he didn't even know his own name...but, he would like to be a father long as it was Kimber he was parenting with.

  After he finished eating they went upstairs and that was when Kimber finally asked, “So what did Dax say?” Jigsaw knew that most of the guys, maybe even Dax, would frown on it, but he told her everything. When he finished talking she said, “Do you think Natalie knows anything? I mean, if they know you're alive, do you think they'd let her think you were dead?”

  He smiled sadly and said, “You know how it works, baby. What's good for the club comes first. If they had reason for wanting to get rid of me, that was the priority. else.”

  She wrinkled her nose and said, “I'm glad that's not the way Dax does things. I think I picked the right club, huh?”

  Jigsaw put his arm around her and said, “I think you did. I mean, look at all you may have missed.” She hugged him and when he looked down at her face he saw that she'd gone so serious that she almost looked sad. “What is it, baby?”

  She smiled, but it looked forced. “Nothing,” she said. “I think I'll take a shower...”

  “Wait. Don't ‘nothing’ me, I know you. What's on your mind?”

  She sighed. “I feel stupid talking about it.”

  “It's me baby, you can talk to me about anything.”

  “I just can't stop thinking about you being with Natalie.”

  “Oh baby.” He pulled her in for another hug. “If that happened, it was in a whole other world. I was another person. If I'd had the choice back then, I know I would have chosen you.”

  She pulled back and looked up at his face. “You're so sweet. But, even when we were kids, Natalie was always the prettier one, the more feminine one. We'd go places together and men and women alike would stare at her. It was like I wasn't even in the room.”

  “Baby, are you worried that I'll pick her over you?”

  She shrugged. “I told you it was stupid. I'm trying not to think crazy things. But I'm telling you, Natalie is gorgeous. When she walks into a room, men stop talking and turn into blubbering idiots.”

  “Men do that when you walk into a room.”

  She snorted. “Hardly.”

  “They do, you just don't notice because I'm giving them the death glare behind your back.”

  She laughed. “Okay then, I think I'll take a shower.”

  “Hey,” he said, seriously, “you're really not doubting yourself, are you?” Kimber was drop-dead gorgeous and sometimes he had a hard time understanding how she couldn't possibly know that. She usually wore t-shirts that were too big and jeans that were baggy on her, like she was trying to hide how hot she was. Jigsaw never complained about that out of his own selfishness. He really didn't want anyone else looking at her. He suddenly wondered if he'd been contributing to her surprisingly low self-esteem.

  “I never doubt that you want me,” she said with a smile. “As a matter of fact, you're welcome to join me in the shower.” She started toward the bathroom and over her shoulder she said, “Or you can sit out here and think about what you might be missing in there.”

  “Oh really...So, if I don't show up, are you going to have fun without me?”

  “I've kind of been eyeing that new shower head the guys installed last week...”

  “Should I be jealous?”

  “We'll see,” she said, with a sexy wink as she began shedding her clothes. By the time she reached the bathroom door she was unbuttoning her pants. She stopped and pointed her gorgeous ass in his direction as she slipped off her jeans and left them there in the floor. He was already growing hard...and he desperately wanted to follow her...but, he decided it might be more fun to give her a few minutes and see what she got up to in there without him.

  He heard the shower come on and while he waited, he stripped off his own clothes. Picking up both his and hers, he put them all in a pile in the chair in the corner and then finally went to the partially open bathroom door. The room was steamy, but he could still see her through the glass shower door. He put a towel against the counter and leaned back against it as he watched her. She was so hot, and such a good sport. She pretended that she didn't see him and with her back to the shower head, she let the water run down over her hair. He watched the beads of it roll down across her shoulders and chest, leaving a line of warm water across her breasts that he wanted to lick off...especially when it hit that big, hard, ruby-red nipple. He licked his lips and reached down and lightly rubbed his hardening cock.

  Still pretending she didn't know he was there, Kimber lathered up her hair. She used her fingers to massage the shampoo into her scalp and Jigsaw was treated to the sight of the bubbles now running down her body. When she finished washing, she used her hands to not only rinse the soap from her hair, but she slid her hands down her body, running her palms across her breasts and stomach and down her arms. She picked up the soap and brought one leg up onto the side of the shower. Resting her foot against the tile, she began to wash that leg, from her foot, up to the inside of her thigh. Jigsaw wasn't rubbing his cock any longer, now he was stroking it. Kimber did the same with the other leg, getting them both nice and clean before finally turning her attentions on that delicious pussy. She took a dollop of shampoo and lathered it up in her hands and then she put both hands down between her legs. His breathing sped up as he watched her wash the outside of her lips, and then use one hand to pull open that sweet pussy and use her fingers to wash the inside. He heard her gasp when her fingers ran across her clit, but she didn't stop to rub it. She finished getting clean and then she reached
up to disengage the shower-head from the wall. Jigsaw was still stroking his cock, getting hotter and more turned on as he watched. Kimber moved her feet so her legs were wide open before bringing the vibrating shower head down and holding it so that it was pointed upwards at her pussy. A loud moan escaped her lips when the pulsating water hit her pussy. She reached down with her free hand and pulled her lips open, bringing the shower head in closer so that the stream of water was focused on her hard clit. He heard her whisper, “Fuck...” and then she leaned back into the tile and closed her eyes. Jigsaw was moving his hand faster along the shaft of his cock, stroking hard from base to tip and using the pearly bead of come on the tip of it to lubricate himself as he did. It was like watching live porn, only the star was someone he loved and couldn't get enough of.

  While the shower nozzle was still focused on her clit, Kimber slid two of her fingers up inside of herself, lifting her leg back up so that she could go deeper and Jigsaw's view was unimpeded, He watched in lustful fascination as she moved her fingers in and out, fucking herself while the water stimulated her clit. She was slamming her hand into her pussy, groaning and moaning and moving her hips like she did when he fucked her. He could feel his own orgasm rapidly approaching, but he didn't want to come in his hand. He wanted to bury his cock in that hot pussy. He was torn between not wanting to interrupt her and wanting to fuck her madly.

  He decided to wait a little longer, and he was glad that he did. With her head still back against the wall and her eyes closed, she began to rock her hips faster and slam her fingers into her pussy harder. She was moaning loudly now and Jigsaw fleetingly wondered what she was thinking about. Was she imagining that her fingers were his tongue? Was she picturing his thick cock plunging into her soaked pussy? He was so close to coming. He tried to make himself slow down, but fuck she was hot. Her whimpers began to sound more desperate and she started to shake all over. Her hand didn't stop moving, but she dropped the shower head and brought that hand up to grab one of her breasts. As the orgasm claimed her, she pinched down on one of her nipples, threw her head forward and cried out his name. It was all he could do to keep from shooting his own load out across the bathroom floor...but he did, because now he had to fuck her.


  Jigsaw had his huge cock in his hand and he was looking at Kimber like she was a piece of meat and he was a hungry tiger. She loved it when he looked at her like that. She stepped out of the shower and he let go of his dick and handed her a towel. She was surprised that he didn't just grab her and take her right there. She wondered if she'd turned him off by talking about Natalie. She hated that she felt that way, and she suddenly wished she hadn't shared it with Jigsaw.

  He watched her dry off, rubbing his palm against his cock from time to time and sucking in a breath every few seconds through his teeth. At least she knew he was still interested in what was in front of him. When she finished drying off, that was when he stepped toward her, wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist and reached down and took hold of his cock. He shuddered when she touched him, but when she guided him to her opening and began to wiggle herself down so that he entered her slowly, a growl rumbled out of his chest that shook them both.

  He leaned in and fused their mouths together and in seconds their tongues were tangled up and they were engaged in a hot, sexy...fiery kiss. He pushed her up against the bathroom wall and as he moved his hips, shoving himself in and out of her, she clawed at his back and kissed him harder. God, he turned her on, but she hadn't seen nothing yet. In mid-fuck, he stopped and lifted her off his cock. She whimpered, and as he slid her down to her feet, her body quivered. She thought he was going to lead her into the other room, to the bed...and he did, kind of. It was when he passed the bed and stopped at the closet next to it that she became surprised. He let go of her hand and rummaged for a few seconds before pulling out a little green skirt that she had only worn once. It was before she met Jigsaw and some guy at the bar where she'd gone with her friends had come up behind her and slid his hand up underneath it and grabbed her butt. After that, she only wore skirts or dresses for weddings or funerals and only the kind that came down to her knees.

  “Put it on,” he said, turning back to rummage some more. With an eyebrow cocked, she slipped the thin fabric over her calves and pulled it across her thighs and hips, buttoning it on the side. It came down to mid-thigh and covered everything important, but she still felt like it was too much. Jigsaw had a vest in his hand that matched the skirt. It was brown suede with patches of the same green that was in the skirt. “This too,” he said.

  “It's a little tight...” She'd bought it at the same time she had the skirt, but she'd never worn it. The buttons across the stomach were fine, but it was tight across her bust. She usually kept her boobs as flattened down as possible with sports bras and never showed any cleavage if she could help it. Her boobs were big and she had been self-conscious about them since she was thirteen years old.

  “Put it on for me, baby...please.” With a confused shrug, she slipped on the vest and buttoned it all the way up. It smashed her breasts together and they rose up out of it like fleshy hills. The vest didn't meet her skirt all the way either, and it left part of her midriff bare as well.

  The next thing Jigsaw handed her were a pair of brown suede boots. Callie gave them to her for her last birthday. She thought they were really cute, but they didn't go with the jeans and t-shirts she usually wore. “Really?” she asked him as she took them out of his hand.

  “Really,” he said with a smile. She sat down and slid on the boots. They went up over her knee and laced up on each side. The heel was six inches and when she stood back up, she was almost eyelevel with Jigsaw.

  “Okay,” she said. “What now?”

  “Jesus baby, you look hot.” She looked down at the outfit. It wasn't much different than what the other girls wore every day, but somehow, on her, it looked she was advertising.

  “I look like a hooker,” she said with a giggle.

  Jigsaw frowned. “No, you don't, and don't ever say that about yourself again. Stay right there.”

  He went over to the chair in the corner and picked his clothes out of hers. She watched him pull on his shirt, jeans, boots and kutte and then he reached for her hand and pulled her toward the door, “Um...where are we going?”

  “We're going downstairs to have a drink.”

  “I can't go down there dressed like this.”

  “Why not? You look hot, baby.”

  “I can't.” She realized that she was shaking. Jigsaw must have too because he put his arms around her and pulled him into his chest.

  “Okay baby. I didn't mean to upset you. I just want you to know how gorgeous you are. I want you to stop hiding it. It's okay to look sexy. It's not your fault that men took advantage of you when you were a kid.” She felt hot tears rush to her eyes. She'd never told him how much she blamed herself. She was a typical teenager and she wanted to wear cutoff jeans and crop tops like all the other girls in the summer. After her stepfather raped her he told her that it was her fault for “dressing like a slut.” “The other girls dress just like you're dressed now every day. Nobody touches them, unless they want to be touched. You're gorgeous and I want you to see that you don't have to hide that beautiful body anymore. We'll take it slow, okay? For can just wear it for me.”

  She smiled through her tears. He was too much, and she still couldn't figure out how she'd gotten lucky enough that he was actually hers. She reached up and put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled his mouth down to meet hers. While they kissed, she could feel his hard cock pressing into the front of his jeans. She reached down and unbuttoned the jeans he'd just pulled on and when she pulled out of the kiss she said, “We'll go down and have a drink tomorrow night...tonight, there's something we need to finish.” She let his zipper down and his thick, hard cock came rushing out at her as if it had a life of its own. She wrapp
ed her hand around it and gave it a few strokes. Then she let go of it and took a step back. “So, you like the outfit, huh?”

  He licked his lips and let his eyes run from her face down to her toes, slowly...and leaving a trail of heat in their wake. When he ran them back up to her face once again he said, “You look so fucking hot.”

  She smiled and then dropped to her knees on the floor in front of him. He groaned before she even touched him. She unbuttoned two of the buttons on the vest first and then took him in her hand and licked the tip of his cock. He was watching her and looking down into the front of her vest. Her nipples hardened from the attention and when she opened her mouth and took the head of his cock in between her lips, he reached down and into her vest and began to tweak and roll them with his fingers. She felt her pussy gush with warmth and she gripped him tighter with her hand and began licking the underside of the ridge of the head of his cock. He was pinching her nipple and pulling at it even harder as he got more excited. She let her mouth open all the way and began to take him in deeper. She didn't stop until she felt him graze the back of her throat. He had one hand still inside her vest and the other tangled up in her hair, pushing her head forward and tugging at her hair as he pushed himself in deeper and then pulled back slowly, letting her tongue swirl around it each time. The harder she sucked, the more he moaned and the harder he tugged at her hair. She began bobbing her head up and down in time with the thrusts of his hips. She looked up at his face while she sucked and licked his cock. He was looking down at her, a mixture of lust and awe was on his face and it gave her a strange sense of know how much she was turning him on. She was almost disappointed when he stopped her...almost, but not quite. She knew that meant he was going to be inside of her in a few seconds, and as much as she loved the way he felt and tasted in her mouth...she craved the feeling of him inside of her. She felt like they were one when that thick cock was filling her pussy, and it was the best feeling in the world.


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