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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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by Clare Stanley Midgley

  ” I love you I’m not going to stop saying it but I understand how quick everything has been. I don’t seem to be able to keep my hands off you either. I’m sorry if you felt pushed……I just want this more than anything and if you want me I’m yours…….everything.”

  Jeanie kissed him again as a tear fell James caught the salty taste,

  ” Don’t cry please don’t cry...”

  ” You scare me just be patient.” Escorting her to the door she paused,

  ” Promise me something James…”

  ” Anything” moving her hair away he smiled and looking into his eye’s Jeanie wanted to believe him.

  ” When we next make love let me be the first to tell you I love you.” James swallowed deeply holding her he felt scared to respond and as she slipped away he knew inside the more he pushed her to love him, the more she would run away. The last thing he wanted was her to leave

  The day seemed to have merged into one big event and as she wearily made her way back home that evening it felt like a long journey. Walking through the door for the first time in two days her senses were hit with the sounds and smells that seven women in one household can create.

  Jeanie paused at the living room door where her mother and aunt was sat listening to the radio. Jeanie breathed in her family as if she was breathing in the smells of a home cooked meal. Walking tiredly towards the kitchen she stood again at the door frame smiling to herself as the frivolities and silliness erupted in front of her. He was right her family had become her life. They were scattered around the kitchen like chess pieces, dancing around to the music playing from the radio in the living room.

  “Jea Jea come here. What time do you call this?” Rose winced with excitement, “Iris has been in touch with Liz tell us everything.”

  As Rose finished her sentence mum walked into the kitchen

  “Busy Day you look dreadful and smell worse, Girls go and get the bath ready for your sister she looks as if she could drop.”

  A precession of “Yes mum” followed as they disappeared in a gaggle of noise and perfume.

  “Two days, what is it can’t stand being home?” Jeanie wearily took off her boots and placed them near the back door. She gazed onto the back garden which looked like a winter fairytale and the noise from her mum faded in and out buzzing around the inside of her mind. As the noise started to re-enter back into the conversation her mum jumped in first, “What can’t come home and can’t answer me either!”

  “It’s been a whirlwind couple of days I’m tired, I’m hungry and I’ve got to go to work in six and a half hours, I’m sorry if my conversation isn’t sparkling enough for you but that’s how I feel.”

  Wearily responding Jeanie didn’t want to cause her any offence and started to undress from her blood smeared oil filled clothes. Placing them in a bag she tried to turn off her mother’s scold by doing what she was told.

  Her head and her hand hurt and she longed for sleep and as she was ushered up the rickety stairway every board creaked and cracked as if to welcome her home.

  The girls had placed the bath in Ivy’s temporary bedroom and filled it to the top with hot water and soap. Iris stood behind the door unable to stand still anticipating the next juicy piece of gossip.

  “Come on spill the beans, Lizzie is livid and I’m glad, come on Jea,” Jeanie stood in an old vest and pants shivering, “Can I at least get in the bath first before you start the Spanish inquisition.”

  Iris helped Jeanie into the bath and as Jeanie lay in warm soapy water she waited for the bombardment of questions.

  “Where did you meet?” Iris couldn’t help herself

  “No how long?” June trying to settle the others own responded to the excitement, “Leave her alone she knackered, anyway sweet pea I’m happy if you’re happy.”

  Jeanie lay back and disappeared under the water and as she emerged Flora had her fingers in the bottom of the tub wanting to speak and not quite knowing how to go around it.

  She played with the water like a child played with sand contemplating her thoughts she spoke, “Jeanie” her questioning tone aired her concern, “You don’t have to say anything about him I just want to know one thing……Do you love him?”

  Jeanie looked at the girls inquisitive faces unrequited to Jeanie’s new found romance.

  She was usually the butt of her sister’s jokes, the old cat lady and spinster type. However on this occasion Jeanie’s life was more interesting and for a change their lives had taken a back seat.

  Sitting up with her head on her knees she whispered to Flora.

  “Go and get my coat from the door and look in the pocket.”

  Flora closed the door like a mouse prising a small piece of cheese from a trap as not to disturb the cat which sat downstairs.

  Jeanie’s heavy oil soaked coat both disgusted and intrigued her at the same time as she rummaged around in the many layers of pockets.

  ” Jeanie this is disgusting, hold on.” As she raised the jacket the St Christopher appeared first and then the blue sapphire ring.

  “He proposed last night and I accepted.”

  A small yelp of happiness from the girls brought mum upstairs,

  “What’s going on?” the girls froze to the commander in chief as she stood at the foot of the bath.

  “Nothing ...mum umm just a little fun that’s all.” the sound of her swearing profoundly under her breath could be heard as the door closed abruptly.

  “That was close” Iris murmured.

  “Jeanie just be careful. I would hate anything horrid to happen to you?” Jeanie lay back in the water contemplating her sisters concerns. She had her own concerns and the fact that James wanted to rush into a relationship and even marriage pricked Jeanie’s conscious more.

  ” I will be …. I think after what he said today he really does mean it and that’s good enough for me. Right you lot bugger off I need to sleep!” Getting out of the bath she changed into her long johns and as she sat in front of the fire she tussled with her long auburn hair. The day replayed over and over again as if she was sat in a cinema the thoughts of her and James together felt exciting but Jeanie’s scepticism couldn’t be satisfied. Lying in bed unable to sleep all she could feel was James but the words of Iris echoed around inside.

  Jeanie was new too love, to sex, to life and she had sheltered herself away from any feelings after her dad died expecting her life to solely revolve around her mum and aunt. Never experiencing a feeling like this before scared her and she didn’t know what it was or how it was supposed to feel.

  Jeanie had an instinct specifically around people that never failed and being with James made her feel free, happy, loved. Questions circulated her mind and whether or not she falling for him or whether it was lust didn’t seem to matter. The general satisfaction that someone loved her back felt amazing.

  Confused she lay in bed and looked out of the window at the frosty night sky. Her thoughts drifted back to factory and in a couple of hours she would be back in the freezing cold and on her way to work. Drifting unconsciously in and out of sleep a small smile rose to her lips, pulling the cover’s over her head she sighed deeply.

  ” At least he’s better than John.” After all the events of the last two days she knew more answers would come in the morning but for now it was time to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  Jeanie couldn’t wait for this day to come and finally Ivy was on her way home with the baby. Jeanie could not wait tell her what had been happening especially keeping the intricate details of the night she left the hospital safe for the evenings deluge.

  The whole house was alive with excitement and Irene was pounding around screaming at every one as the panic took over like a rat infestation. Hot sweats and palpitations over a new baby was enough to send her into mild hysteria and the rest of the girls where just about underperforming enough for her to blow a gasket.

  Jeanie had borrowed the car from the barracks as the last thing she wanted to do was bring a
new baby home in a dirty rusty old van. Jeanie was fit to burst and her heart jumped into her throat as she pulled up at the main entrance.

  Ivy was waiting anxiously and the thought of going home both filled her with excitement and dread.

  “Can’t wait to get home, that place was driving me insane!” Jeanie laughed as she helped her into the car. Jumping back into the front seat Ivy looked at Jeanie with purpose as she was glowing. She had never seen her sister so excited or happy over anything for such a long time.

  Ivy stayed silent until they reached the bottom of the hospital drive cocking her head on one side she looked at her sister through the mirror,

  “You stayed didn’t you… I told you Jayne.”

  “Who’s Jayne?” Ivy scrunched her nose up unable to comprehend the outburst, “The baby…anyway, I didn’t think you would what happened I want all the details…”

  Jeanie held out her hand to display the blue sparking rock which lay upon her finger,

  “He proposed! When, how tell me.” The excitement was too much and Ivy gasped with delight at her sister’s news.

  ” Well I had my usual I think you’ve got the wrong person episodes and he bent down on one knee told me I was incredible and proposed. I ended up staying the night, all night and you know. Anyway, I saw him the day after I had a bit of flap again about are you sure it’s me he shouted at me and said again you’re incredible and proposed again. See long story short… how am I going to broach this with mum!!!”

  Pulling up at the junction Jeanie lay her head on the steering wheel as if the sentence had taken every breath out of her body.

  “She’s going to kill me I’m going to get the speech again about being the sole earner for the family and I have duties and responsibilities blah blah blah… I wouldn’t desert any of you. You know that!!”

  Ivy leant over the seat and put her hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry it will all be ok trust me.”

  Within one sigh they drove through the centre of town and the beautiful crisp white snow had made the place look like a Christmas post card. Children played in the streets and a thousand snowmen had appeared propping up nearly every garden wall. Snowball fights had become a village sport and even through the cold the streets felt alive with energy. Ivy held the baby close.

  “I miss your daddy I hope he’s ok?” as she whispered under her breath to the infant who was sound asleep Jeanie smiled at her in the mirror and continued to take the pair home where an eager Grandmother and equally eager aunts where waiting.

  Jeanie darted around the side of the car as she couldn’t wait to unveil the beautiful new child to the family. Jeanie loved her family dearly and the thought of a new edition and eight gaggling women clucking around a baby excited her greatly. Ivy took careful steps as not to slip and Jeanie carried her sister’s luggage just as carefully the ice had created a shimmering path down to the gate which had been left ajar. As they both arrived a man in a uniform was stood at the parlour door.

  Jeanie poked her head around her sister and held her breath,” Jeanie….should I be worried about George….or is this one for you?” Jeanie tried to negotiate around her sister spitting as she moved, “He’s turned up, he’s here what do I do!!!”

  Ivy laughed and pulled the infant closer,” Calm down, it will be fine plus I need a wee and she can’t hit you if you’re holding a baby.”

  Before she knew it Jeanie was holding Jayne in her arms and Ivy had disappeared. Hearing her sister’s screams arriving before there physical presence Jeanie negotiated around the luggage awaiting the onslaught.

  Pulling Jayne close she whispered softly as if she was relaying an important secret. “Just wait….my mothers going to explode, but yours will bounce.”

  The screeches of joy from all the women in house was reflected by a somewhat nervous Jeanie however Irene had never looked so happy. Passing the infant to the gaggle she began taking off her boots and jacket and as she sauntered around to the parlour door she took a peek at the figure still stood in the parlour.

  The tall handsome figure stood next to the hearth and as the newly lit fire was building into a smoulder he brushed himself down and checked his appearance as if he was waiting for an inspection. James stood holding his cap under one arm smiling uncontrollably at tentative Jeanie who by this point had tried to blend in with the wall paper. As she moved into the parlour when Irene caught her, “Keep the doctor company for a minute whilst we are waiting for tea.”

  Irene scurried away into the kitchen closing the door behind her. Jeanie was aware that all her sisters where observing her next move and as she sat at the table close to the window sill all eyes focused on her next move.

  “Hello….I couldn’t tell you.” James paused awaiting her interruption.

  “It’s ok don’t worry, do you need to see Ivy?”

  James shook his head and walked briskly over to the table, “I want to set a date for the wedding and I’ve spoke to the vicar at the church in town and the closest they have is the 22 July so I’ve booked it.”

  The door parted and Jeanie saw Irene’s face knowing she had heard every single word and immediately she stepped up to James, “ Jeanie…….your seeing the doctor…..the same doctor that delivered your niece?” J

  Jeanie placed her hands over her eyes as she didn’t want a fight today all she wanted to do was coo over a baby however she was now facing a new fiancé pre-occupied on setting a date and a mother scolding him for his lack of involvement.

  . “Can we all just sit down…..this is very sudden and I know how this looks,” Irene purple with rage looked attentively at Jeanie,” You better not be pregnant girl” James outraged by Irene’s comments couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  ” She isn’t pregnant. Why would you not want your daughter to get married I don’t understand….” Jeanie closed the parlour door as the congregation of people gathered.

  ” Sorry doctor, she isn’t the marrying kind and you will be putting a family out on the streets if you take away their sole income, would you like that holding over you!” James turned around to Jeanie; her head by this point had bypassed her hands and headed straight for the table.

  ” I’m sorry Jeanie but she’s wrong……Jeanie wouldn’t allow me to put you on the streets Madam but someone needs to put you on your arse now sit down.”

  The parlour seemed to fill with people intrigued at the noise and the response James had given their mother. Irene was tough and sometimes insensitive but no matter what she spoke her mind and for the first time she seemed to do as she was told and sat at once as if a dog was obeying its master.

  “I am in love with your daughter, I will be marrying her, you will not interfere and I am here out of common courtesy and you madam should respect that an intelligent, strong, independent and beautiful woman such as your daughter has been able to put up with you for so long. Now take the flowers as they are for you and your daughter will be back at six.”

  Ivy mouthed the words GO and Jeanie no sooner had walked in had walked straight back out again and this time with James on her arm. Getting back into the car and without a word she started to drive and as they approached a lay by James placed his hand on the steering wheel. “Stop the car.” James opened the door and as Jeanie got out he pulled her close and kissed her at the side of the road.

  ” James…..not that I mind being kissed…...Where are we going.”

  James was still furious and Jeanie knew Irene had gotten under his skin. The thought of a mother not wanting her daughter to be settled and happy exasperated him even more.

  “I’m so sorry your mother infuriated me and I just don’t understand what she’s going to achieve…..”

  His outburst was sweet and Jeanie smirked reaching for his hand, “I didn’t ask that I asked where we are going?”

  James looked at her and kissed her softly on the hand she didn’t mind his intrusion; in fact she liked that another person was going to argue with her mother instead of her having to do it a
ll the time.

  ” Church James after the conversation we had in the medical wing…I thought we agreed to take things slowly…”

  Wiping away the steam on the window James took off his hat,” I had some leave….and I got impatient I went for a walk and found myself at your local church I told him who I was marrying and he opened up a small space in July.”

  Placing her hand over his mouth Jeanie contemplated her thoughts,” I know you like to think what’s best….cause you are a Doctor… I remember having this conversation with you at the factory hold on,” James sighed knowing his interruption wasn’t received graciously.

  “We where arguing and I shouted at you and you were wrong and you didn’t like it and sulked for week. James learn something for God sake…..”

  ” I apologised remember and this isn’t the same thing...”

  Jeanie pursed her lips and smirked,” You didn’t apologise you sulked,” playfully James pushed her arm,” I do remember cause I fell over the chair in your workshop and you picked me up and I accidentally touched you’re breast and you shouted at me again and I apologised again.”

  Jeanie laughed, trying to keep her look serious” Sorry. Yes I remember you grabbing my boob actually not that I minded but that’s another story...”

  ” You’re playing with me this isn’t funny and your making it a big joke. Come here.” Jeanie shook her head trying to make her point and trying to fend leaning over James pressed against her shoulder,” I’m not sorry for booking it…..” taking his hand she stroked his palm with her fingers,” I mean it James….this is all too quick and I’m in shock enough….James if she knew I’d spent the night with you…..just lets see how it goes…”.

  As they turned the corner Jeanie realised they where at Silloth Bay, she used to go to the beach with her dad and watch the boats sail between Scotland and England. As a little girl she had played for hours in the sand until the sun disappeared, those memories had imprinted into her mind which Jeanie referred to when she missed him the most. James got out of the car and lit a cigarette, putting on her coat Jeanie followed,” I love the beach, dad used to take me down here when I was younger. I had my first kiss at this beach, by a boy who I used to live next to I fell in love with him a little to. You may have seen him at the plant a few times….. I had my heartbroken though and from that point I never really loved again.” James took hold of her hand leading her down to the sea wall, “What was his name?” Jeanie flicked James’s cigarette away and playfully looked back to see James’s response.


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