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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 17

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  James stumbled through his words unable to string the sentence together. The General had arrived at the medical wing and after being made aware of the nights events and he was compelled to see Jeanie. “Doctor….if I might have a word….” the General almost distant minded didn’t look at James when he spoke. James stood up trying to clean and wipe away the evening as if it was a stain on a counter top.

  “Yes Sir of course.” Exiting the cupboard they walked into the hall and the solemn nature of the Generals stare hanging over them he wondered what was going to happen next.

  “James I’ve known Jeanie for over fifteen years. Her father used to be the one who took care of all the vehicles on site and when he died I knew she was up to the job.

  More than one occasion she came on her own and showed she was more than capable. I saw you at the dinner a few months ago and she never looked more beautiful.

  What I’m trying to say is my condolences Doctor.

  Now Lieutenant Stanton will be taking up the investigation and I’m sure we will have all this cleared up and sorted in no time.”

  James still in shock tried to be civil but all he could think about was the way she left and if he had only told her how much he loved her.

  “All cleared up how can this be all cleared up my wife has been fucking shot in fact she was shot three times. The last bullet resulted in the loss of our baby and I could still loose my wife General and you fucking want it cleared up…”

  James paced around the room as if he had been caged he was about to speak again when John appeared. Intervening he knew emotions where still running high.

  James had given him his moment it was time for him to do the same, “General this isn’t the time the doctor has to deal with his very sick wife and he has a funeral to plan for his son maybe we should take this conversation again when it’s not as sensitive.”

  The rationality in John’s voice was as calculated as his response. John knew James hadn’t had time to comprehend the situation and the only thing he could do was buy him time.

  James sat on the bed trying to calm down as the General was ushered politely outside and as the muttered voices disappeared from the doorway John entered the consulting room.

  “Thank you apologies it just seemed……thank you”

  “No doctor I feel the same but thank you for my time with him.”

  The two men had more understanding between them and instead of rivalry they shared an essence of each others pain.

  Both of them loved the same woman and both of them nearly lost everything that they cared about.

  “You know James I was a bastard with her I cheated, hit her on several occasions and drank excessively, she even caught me in bed with one of her sisters. But in all my life I never met a woman like her and when I saw her I wanted her back desperately at any cost even at the cost of my marriage. It’s hard to admit but you’re probably the best man for her.

  You need to look after her, the way I never could”

  “I don’t think I was doing the best job but I don’t have to tell you how she makes you feel. Thank you Lieutenant.”

  “Tell me if anything changes.” Huffing out he folded down his lapel.

  “Oh and by the way hurt her again and I’ll break your fucking legs.”

  He smiled as he slipped through the door and as James watched him leave he knew of his emptiness.” John I really am……If there is anything we can do you will always be welcome.” Striding down the corridor he began to fix his uniform and as he stopped at the window of Jeanie’s room he rested his hand against the glass.

  Tears appeared again as he did truly love her and looking at her pale broken body couldn’t bare the thought of her not being there.

  “You never realise until it’s too late.” Fixing his tie he walked through the grey doors ready to find out more.

  James sat at her bedside taking her hand he kissed it softly trying to understand what kind of psychopath would want to do this kind of damage.

  The white clinical room seemed to emphasise the bruising which had started to appear and James knew the next twenty four hours where crucial.

  He prayed for a miracle quietly.

  Irene saw James with his head in her hand and as she gathered her children she knew no more could be done. Sending them home Irene moved a chair into Jeanie’s room.

  She wasn’t leaving her daughter.

  For the first time that evening silence fell over the wing and a strange melancholic calm distilled.

  James tried to relive what Jeanie must have gone through. Checking the wounds and the blood flow his wife was still breathing and her heart was still beating and the comfort of those small mercies lifted his spirit.

  Placing his hands in his pockets he rested his head on the door frame and reaching deep he pulled out Jeanie’s wedding ring.

  John had passed it unbeknown to him as they shook hands and as he placed the sapphire gently on her finger he finally answered Jeanie honestly for the first time since they had been married.

  “I love you too much for you to ever be a disappointment.”

  Chapter 17

  “James. James……James ” screaming sweat poured off Jeanie like a river and as she dragged the covers back she pulled at the needles sticking out of her skin and tried to stand.

  Blood dripped from marks making small droplet stains on the floor and frantically she began to feel for the bump. Confused and alone she looked around the room.

  Lifting her gown she saw the bullet wounds and no baby.

  The lines which scared her body split her in half and still dazed she placed her hands over her ears still able to hear the shatter as it ripped through her body. Signthorpe’s voice pierced her dreams and his breath still felt hot and putrid on her neck.

  Wiping her hands through her hair she tried to move she was all alone wincing in pain she called out again.

  “Hello….Hello help me please…” blood dripped from her arm as she staggered down the corridor.

  She couldn’t gather her thoughts and she didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. The pale bedraggled figure hesitantly moved down the corridor looking for any signs of life and Jeanie felt as if she was still trapped in her nightmare. Every step she took made he look like a ghost reincarnate from the grave.

  Jeanie stood watching James through the glass unable to speak and as she placed her blood smeared hand on the window James heard the faint tap on the window. Turning to see what it was, he saw the figure of Jeanie stood watching him.

  “Jeanie Jea…nurse you need to come now. Jeanie…..” as he met her eyes she fell unable to hold her weight she slumped into his arms. The air around her seemed frantic and her wide eye’s asked all the questions her breath couldn’t muster. T

  The muffled voices bellowed in the background as an array of people gathered she concentrated on James musical tones.

  “Jeanie, Jeanie talk to me baby come on… “James picked her up off the floor and screamed for the nurse who came running immediately.

  “Yes Doctor,” seeing the ghostly figure in James’s arms she froze.

  “Fuck. Sorry doctor I just.” James smiled at Jeanie trying to reassure her. “Doesn’t matter I need fluid and gauze now.”

  Jeanie didn’t take her eyes off James she didn’t speak she just gazed and blinked. He couldn’t believe she was awake.

  “Hey you nice to have you back…Just wait Nurse…. Sorry baby I didn’t think… doesn’t matter I need to look at your stomach and back.”

  The words he had been planning on saying to her disappeared as the doctor inside took over. Examining Jeanie the words he dreaded announced themselves. He knew this was coming but nothing was going to take her pain away no matter how sweetly he made it sound he asked for privacy. The nurse knew implicitly agreed to his request.

  Stumbling James continued to examine her broken beaten body as she grabbed his hand again.

  “Please I know the answer I just need to hear it.”

nbsp; He was a trained doctor bad news was part of the job, however this time it was different. The woman who he loved more than life itself was asking him about her baby dying

  “You want the truth. Ok Jeanie just give me a minute. Jeanie when you were shot the bullet went through your stomach and you went into premature labour. Because of the internal bleeding we had to operate and a little boy was born the same night. Due to his injuries and the fact that he was born too early he passed away a couple of hours later.”

  It was clinical calm as a doctor should be but deep inside he wanted to scream and shout on her behalf.

  “Thank you James.”

  “You went through four hours worth of surgery just to stem the bleeding Jeanie you are very lucky to survive.”

  Letting go of James’s hand her hands she gripped her stomach processing the devastation that one man had left.

  All that was left was blood and scars and blinking him in she smiled and turned onto her side. Every muscle and every limb caused her pain.

  “I can give you pain relief Jea. If it hurts you need to tell me.”

  Nodding her head James administered the pain killer and as her lids drew heavy he stayed until she drifted back to sleep.

  Brushing her hair away from her face he lightly stroked her forehead as he smiled softly he kissed her hand. There was no way he was leaving not now she had come back to him.

  Pushing the chairs together at the corner of the room he settled for the night. She was awake. She was alive. Nothing else mattered.

  As daylight came news of Jeanie had spread across the base and as John entered his office he looked out of the large Church window with some degree of relief. Anne his secretary had left a note on his desk telling him Jeanie was alive.

  Lighting a cigarette he stood at the fire place contemplating the last few week’s events. Bighting the corner of his lip a tear appeared and as the blood trickled into his mouth he sucked at the fissure trying to alleviate some of the pain.

  Loosing his son had been the worst experience of his life but knowing she was awake helped. He needed to find out what had happened and the thought of speaking to Jeanie brought shivers down his spine.

  Over the weeks the investigation around Signthorpe’s life had been in full swing and most of what he had found didn’t surprise him.

  Not Now.

  Damping the cigarette he opened the draw and pulled the file from the large oak desk. A hand made folder had been discovered in Signthorpe’s office. The detailed drawings and pictures of Jeanie where protruding from every corner and he had planned meticulously the times and dates when she would be on her own. The cold hearted bluntness of his images had given John nightmares.

  Sections of the folder described her movements included pictures of her at home and the anger of knowing such a dangerous man had been hidden on site made John uneasy.

  An officer had planned to rape and murder one of his staff and he had welcomed him to his base with no question.

  As he moved further through the pages a small piece of paper hung from one of the pictures. Detaching the note it gave way to a drawing wanting to know more he started to read:

  “The night is nearly here and that no it all bitch will suffer, she thinks she is an equal she isn’t she’s a cockroach living on the shit I feed her on.

  Little Jeanie you think you are so fucking special you are nothing and I’m going to prove to everyone when I fuck her to death she’s got the same bastard cunt of a whore.

  Filthy fucking no good child doesn’t deserve to be born to a cock sucking whore like her. Her fucking doctor husband can go and eat my shit as well. Maybe he should know what a no good bitch she is. Fucking a Lieutenant Colonel a fucking LC he obviously likes dirty filthy sluts who begged to be fucked cause it’s the only purpose they have.

  Tomorrow bitch your and the life of your cock sucking baby is mine and when you beg for your fucking pathetic life no mercy will be given as I will be sending you back to Satan where you belong. Where you will never undermine or disrespect any other man.

  You will fucking learn your place in the gutter like the rest of the no good bitches.”

  John placed the letter on the table and rubbed his face.

  She never had a chance.

  He saw a glint on the opposite side of the letter which made him sit up and on turning the letter over his heart sank.

  A cut of Jeanie’s hair and a piece of the bed linen from the hotel along with name tag from James’s coat had been stuck to the back and the words “this bitch dies tonight” written in the middle.

  John felt sick he had been in the room as they slept. Throwing the rest of the letter onto the table he could read any more about the intimate details of that night.

  Her skin, her dress and the way she smelt confirming his obsession all played on it words.

  Signthorpe hadn’t left it there he had also turned his attention to James cutting the label out of his jacket so concise he realised how easy it was to access their intimate personal details.

  As John flicked through the pages he realised that Signthorpe had been planning this for months. Pushing himself to find more John noticed a drawing but this one was different. Raising it up to his eye line the intimacies of their relationship had been intricately designed in full.

  He knew to do the investigation justice no stone could remain unturned and these extremely personal moments had turned into sick gratification.

  The whole ledger spelled out in no uncertainty that all three of them where chosen and all three of them had been deemed unworthy to survive.

  The drawings and the disturbing nature of the journal made John feel dirty and on turning to the last page he realised Signthorpe had drawn a picture of Jeanie at work. Again this was different because unlike the other’s it was beautiful. He hated to admit that he had captured her perfectly and every small detail hadn’t been missed.

  John couldn’t comprehend this man anymore and the only thing that was definite was that he could prove beyond reasonable doubt that he had purposely gone to kill.

  John packed his case and moved the investigation notes into a large leather bound folder as he placed on his jacket he started to make his way to the medical wing.

  James stood outside with his cigarette elated that she was awake and knackered as the chairs had been one of the most uncomfortable experiences of sleep he had experienced in a while.

  Seeing John make his way over he knew it was Jeanie’s time to talk. “So this is his folder.” John nodded and clenched his hand tight around the binding. “James is she ok to take a few questions, I just want to wrap things up it’s just…”

  “John she’s stronger than us both she a little tired so I suggest be quick.”

  As both gentlemen made their way down the hall the urgency of their steps seemed to ring out through the dreary finishing’s. Nurses stopped as they heard them pass and whispers echoed around the wing as if being played out in a choir.

  John hesitated as he reached the door closing his eyes he took a deep breath as the enormity of it all seemed to overwhelm him.

  James smiled uneasy as the pale fragile looking Jeanie was wide awake and no longer confused. She stared intently at both of them not faltering or saying a word to ease the tension.

  As the nurse stood she placed her hand on James shoulder, “Doctor Can I have a word please.” James excused himself and made his way to the still unopened door.

  “Doctor she…I’m sorry James but she just will not cooperate she is just a bit well impossible to be honest…she has…. I can’t explain it but she doesn’t seem like Jeanie.” Jeanie followed every movement and every word ignoring John who was patiently waiting.

  He noticed the differences too. She did indeed seem strange and distant in fact cold.

  John didn’t muster a word as James walked back towards the room where Jeanie was still menacingly looking at the pair of them.

  “Nice to have you with us you gave us a fright for quite a while

  No reply came from Jeanie. John continued

  “I need to go through what happened with you and if you can remember anything, we need to know for your statement”

  No words came again.

  I remember everything, the way he smelt, his hands on my skin even his breath on my back.

  His eyes had burned their way into Jeanie’s memories and every nightmare ended with his eyes glaring over her as she was shot.

  Jeanie bit her lip and pulled her mouth tight together.

  John looked directly at her unable to read how she felt for the very first time.

  “Jea, look I was there I saw you, James …. Well without James you wouldn’t be alive and trust me. This hurts all of us in this room but that night we all lost something but James was determined not to loose you. Just like now I’m determined to not to let some bureaucrat cover this up I need your help and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for being the biggest bastard on this planet. But I lost and not just you so don’t just sit there tell me.”

  Jeanie just gazed at the pair not purposely cooperating she relived that night every time she closed her eyes and she didn’t want to relive it during the day as well.

  “Jea I just can’t take what happened away I wish I could…” John placed the leather bound folder on the end of the bed and sat down with his head in his hands.

  “Listen this isn’t easy for all of us and for once I agree with John. We are all involved and we just need your help. So Jea please come on your tougher than the both of us in this room lets just finish this so we can all move on.”

  Jeanie starred at the wall vacant, upset, frightened and angry.

  “He approached me from the garage and he threw me into a wall and I knew. I knew from that moment what he was trying to do. I still feel him. I still feel him on top of me trying to undress me….. I just …...”

  Jeanie stuttered her eyes remaining firmly fixed on the wall she began again, “James can you give me some time with John….I just ….it’s just uncomfortable and I don’t know it’s hard…..”


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