In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 26

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  “This is twelve weeks ago this could be a lead John when does….when does she leave. You know this can’t carry on John you need to let her go.”

  “This is partly down to me I can’t I love her Matt. It drives me insane thinking that she’s with someone else but this is my penance for being an arsehole.

  Can you look around, I need you to find Mary she holds the answers and if there is a possibility she’s alive.” John paused and placed an open palm on the door, “I need to go.”

  “Shake it…I will do my job just make sure you do yours.”

  John nodded to the constable who had been so inquisitive on his arrival. Lighting a cigarette at the door he buttoned his jacket questioning his own motives as he walked down the steps of the station. Time seemed to stand still and as he took a drag he stood back and glanced at the high street.

  Children where still playing, women where still shopping and scolding their children and if it wasn’t for the occasional army personnel nothing would be different.

  Dropping the butt he pulled up his collar and as the afternoon started to turn into early evening the wind had started to increase biting into every crease and causing the occasional shudder for good merit.

  Maybe Matt was right the fight for Jeanie had been so difficult and traumatic with him always at the centre. James had won her heart and she was willing to sacrifice herself in the proceedings. She searched for truth and honour whilst John realised his search was only to satisfy the guilt and not being good enough for her. John felt the chill again down his spine this time not from the cold or the predicament he was in.

  Knowing her life was not just at risk by war but by another put John on the edge and he had to trust Matt as there was not other way. Taking the time to reflect and trying to calm and think rationally the walk back put his thoughts into perspective.

  “Anne who is it?” placing her hand over the receiver she whispered, “Matthew quickly….” Signalling him over to the phone John placed the handset to his ear, “Hello its Galloway Forest I’m going up there now are you coming with me.” John astonished at the speed of the findings felt a small fleck of relief, “Meet me out front in fifteen minutes.”

  The rain had started to poor heavily and the blackness had already started to draw in and as John dove into the car he was unable to comprehend the speed in which Matt had been able to work.

  “The painting was important John. I spoke to her Uncle he lives in Kirkcudbright her family are no longer there but she visited them with a man around ten to twelve weeks ago an American. Her Uncle said he seemed to be casing the place; too sure of himself apparently he also said they went for a walk through Galloway….the maps just down there.” John leant between the seats lifting up the battered and torn paper, “There are several lochs and fishing lakes around there. Her Uncle also said she had been fond of going to Barrhill look at the bottom.”

  “Did he ask any questions? Did he ask why?” Matt tilted his head and wiped the steam off his thick rimmed glasses, “I said she hadn’t reported in and it was policy to ask family John…John if she’s dead I have no choice...”

  “I know…lets just get there.”

  The rain poured heavily and the weather seemed to be in direct conflict with the operation in hand. Both of them knew that tonight would be the difficult without the elements making it worse. The mood in car was tense and as they approached the wood the thickening tension increased. “According to the map we are at the top end of the wood.” Matt pulled at the collar of his jacket and adjusting his hat shuddered in the floods.

  “We will follow the path down keep to the main walkways looks like it’s starting to flood…”

  The ground squelched and gave way beneath there feet and the cold water trickled down there necks, it was like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

  They had walked through the blackness for over an hour, looking for a sign, “Matt…..what’s that?” John shone his torch through the dense forest leaves. The ferns gathered height in the darkness and the overbearing nature of there sprawl emphasised there helplessness.

  “They look like bird watching huts…Look there’s a clearing.” Racing down the path John started to frantically look through the small huts, “Matt…they look like they are scattered across this brook you go up stream and I will look down if you find something shout.”

  The little black boxes where less than inviting and the sodden earth had started to seep through the sides as the water began to rise. After an hour of searching John’s legs where covered in mud and instead of walking he had began to paddle.

  “Matt….Matt have you found anything?” faintly in the distance he heard a No. Sodden and blackened Matt returned to find John frantic.

  “John we need daylight. More people…..”

  “Matt you know this has to happen now if I have any chance of saving her it has to be tonight.”

  As the bank gave way John fell waste deep into the stream, feeling a small relief Matt bent down with a chuckle.

  “You ok?”

  “Get me out.” As Matt outstretched his arm he saw a twinkle in the distance, “John take a look over there there’s something over there.” As the torch shone the glint Matt had seen appeared again.

  “John your on lower ground did you see that.” John shouted back trying to raise his voice above the gushing of water.

  “There’s another dwelling across the water, look.”

  “Matt….there’s another one hidden over there come on.”

  Not wanting to follow his companion Matt reluctantly stepped down the side of the brook submerging himself in the icy cold water letting out a whimper he waded through the swollen brook.

  “John I swear to god it’s freezing.”

  “It’s getting dangerous just hurry up or we will all end up dead.”

  John ran over to the den, it was covered in leaves and branches walking to the door John stopped, “What..?”

  Looking at Matt he lifted his hand, “What don’t the others have which this one does?” Matt following John’s gaze saw the padlock.

  The water had risen violently and the rain had started to pour harder and as John started to smash at the lock with the end of his torch with a final slam it fell on the floor. Before opening the door John took his gun from his pocket.

  “You ready….”

  “As I’ll ever be.” Ankle deep they waded into the room, it was small, cold and the cabin was isolated John gasped in disbelief as a figure hung from the wall.

  “Mary…Matt over here,” naked gagged and half dead she hung like a violent portrait of Jesus. “Shit Matt get me your knife we need to get her down now.” John took the gag from around her mouth and on hearing the sound of breath he proceeded to try to unchain her from the wall. “Matt…MATT for god sake help me.” Matt stood and gazed at the walls, “John you need to look.” Trying desperately to free her John shot the chains from her hands feet and waist. Taking his coat he wrapped her up trying to bring her around.” Matt…I need you.”

  The walls where covered in photographs, detailing every torturous event which had happened to this poor girl. Looking closely at Mary the skin from her feet had been burnt away and placed like patchwork over the windows.

  Matt started to drag some of the photo’s down, it was like a living tomb and COW whoever he was revelled in her pain. Her hair had been shaven and small vials of tranquilisers where scattered around the small table which graced the corner of the hut. John frantic tried to wake her and all the time the water poured through the door.

  “John we need to get her out of here.”

  “Matt look.” Gathering the paperwork John moved as quickly as he could and as he carried her in his arms the walk to the car seemed endless. The violence of the air seemed to awaken her unconsciousness and without hesitation Matt jumped in the driver’s seat and looked at the map in search of the nearest hospital.

  “There’s one in the centre of town…..John is she alive.” Holding onto her John d
esperately looked for vital signs, “Matt get going we haven’t time...” John looked at the pale fragile girl with the reminiscence of Jeanie flooding back as the car jolted over bump and stone.

  “Shh it’s ok we are here to help.”

  “I thought I’d die in there, he said he would kill me.” John pushed her tightly towards him, trying to warm her with his body heat.

  “He forced me to do things…” John not wanting to acknowledge rubbed her small shoulders “Doesn’t matter we need to get you to hospital.”

  “He came back last night he strapped me to the wall…he said I’d played my part…” John closed his eyes the car droned through the wind and the rain and every corner seemed to hold them back a little longer.

  “Mary do you know who he is?” Mary folded the lapel of John’s jacket around her face, “He said he was called Raymond Peterson but...” Mary coughed and drew her legs up close to her chest.

  “I’m so cold. I know you…”

  The car pulled up and stopped quickly, carrying Mary into the waiting room John placed her on the trolley, “Now you know me is there anything else I need to know.”

  “Sir he said someone called Jack was next he said lots.” John held her hand tight squeezing it to reassure her that she was safe.

  “Thank you Mary looks like the doctor’s here, “as John let go of her hand and turned Mary yelled, “I remember.”

  John ran back to her side hoping for news and as Mary whispered in his ear her effort to shout him back had taken all her energy.

  “Thank you.” Running back to Matt John grabbed the keys out of his hand. “Stay here and look after her I need to go.”

  John leaped in the car looking at his watch he new the ship would be departing at 4.00am and he had two hours to make it back to Jeanie. Mary had given him the final clue the only thing to do now was race to stop him completing his plan.

  The rain howled around the car, beating it from side to side and as he slid and skated all over the road John arrived at the dock.

  Wiping his brow he knew he was too late.

  As the boat sailed he spotted a man on deck. John lifted his gaze and as he waved catching his breath John clenched his fists.

  “Hey Johnny boy guess what Your too late!”

  John stood on the harbour side knowing he couldn’t keep her safe, letting her go to face him alone was the toughest pill he’d ever had to swallow.

  Chapter 28

  Matt sat down with Mary’s family and in trying to keep the information official Matt explained what she had gone through and how she was now safe in hospital.

  Not being able to keep it together Mary’s mum wept uncontrollably at the violation of her daughter.

  “Thank you for letting us know the main thing is she’s alive.” Mary’s father was motionless unable to comprehend that there only daughter had been raped, tortured and nearly killed by a man who was abject on destruction and devastation. Lighting a cigarette he took to the door trying to escape the news.

  “She’s all alone down there I knew I should never have let her go…she’s so pig headed exactly the same as her mother. Explain to me how I’m ever going to make this better for my daughter.”

  Matt’s experience in dealing with difficult situations aided his reaction and as he rested his hand on his shoulder his words mustered themselves to the surface.

  “I met a gentleman who introduced himself as Bill he said he was related.”

  “Eye that’s right he’s my brother…why?”

  “He’s visited Mary in hospital in fact he’s been everyday so far even taken night clothes. I believe he’s informed some of the family that there has been an incident and some have already commuted down from Glasgow. I also explained to him that I would see you in person as this is of a sensitive nature.

  I can’t take back what has happened Mr Conaghan I can only assure you that this will be dealt with severely.” Throwing the cigarette butt Mary’s father held out his hand, “I appreciate you coming sir please call me Pat. I’m taking your word as a gentleman please catch the bastard that’s done this to my daughter.” Matt shook his hand firmly reassuring Pat’s concern and as Matt left Mary’s home he couldn’t help but dwell on the brutal cold hearted nature of the crime which now affected another family.

  Climbing back into the car he threw his dark blue trilby into the back seat. Placing the keys into the ignition he rested both of his hands on the steering wheel in quiet contemplation.

  “They know.” John dipped his cap as the car pulled away. Tussling with his jacket he lent forward awaiting Matt’s full debrief.

  “You can’t keep this name under wraps forever John this needs go further.”

  “You know as well as I do that this incident will be washed away just like Jeanie.”

  “You know since I’ve met you these favours seem to sprout legs and walk on there own. You promised he would be dealt with John!”

  John emptied the packet of cigarettes and screwed the remains into a ball, taking a drag he wound the window down watching the smoke dissipate in the rain.

  “When did you start smoking again?” John flicked the ash out of the window and looked hazily into the distance.

  “The day I set foot in Cumbria…We need to see Mary.”

  Matt raised his hand mimicking a salute, “As you wish Sir of course.” Glancing over to John Matt knew sarcasm would draw the conversation to a close.

  Pulling up at Kirkcudbright Hospital the anxiety radiating from both gentlemen had reached an all time high. John pulled flowers from a vase which stood on a window ledge.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Relax you can’t turn up and do what we need to do without a token.”

  Walking into the ward, the pale fragile looking girl looked so small in the bleak white sheets. Bandages graced her hands and feet and John found it difficult to look at her. The flash backs of Jeanie pained him dreadfully and the unease of his actions didn’t sit comfortably. Everything else she had suffered could be hid, however John couldn’t help but empathise that what was on show where the easy wounds.

  Skirting around the end of the bed he placed the flowers in the empty vase already standing on her bedside cabinet. Not wanting to wake her John carefully placed two chairs at the side of the bed with minimal noise. As Matt sat down he took out his note book, Mary lay still and the awkwardness of the conversation in her home had instilled itself again in hospital.

  “I don’t like this John something just doesn’t feel right…” John placing his large coat on the back of the chair and removing his cap had the same uneasy feelings, but he was committed to getting the truth.

  “We have no choice and before you say it I know how you feel. Let’s just see how this goes shall we.”

  Flickering her eyes Mary awoke, she seemed like a child stirring from a good nights sleep knowing it was probably medically induced didn’t give any comfort to either of the gents.

  “Good Morning Mary, “taking in the figure she seemed to jump as the two men appeared out of the mist.

  “Sir sorry what are you doing here?” Mary pulled at the bed clothes seemingly ashamed of her appearance.

  “Apologies, my colleague and I just wanted to finish off a getting your story if that’s ok with you.” Mary pulled the bed clothes tighter around her. She looked as if she was using the thin white cloth as a human shield, noticing her distress the nurse appeared around the curtain.

  “You ok petal? I see you’ve got some odd looking company?” her Tyneside accent brought levity and Mary grabbed onto her friendly concern, “Please can you sit with me Sheila I…I just don’t think,”

  A tear welled as she tried to finish her sentence, “Don’t worry pet if these likely lads cause you any trouble I’ll give them the boot you can count on that.”

  Matt took off his trilby and placed it neat on the end of the bed, contemplating his thoughts and his next move he looked at Mary’s broken existence.

  “I can understand
this is difficult and I can’t imagine what you have been through, but we have seen your family and explained our position. The man who did this to you is currently…well quite frankly my dear he’s not in the country but I can assure you he will be dealt with most severely under the circumstances.” Mary gazed at Matt, his kind round face and friendly disposition made the words, we haven’t caught him seem easier to swallow. Sitting up straight she appeared to gain in confidence.

  “So you’re saying he’s gone to war and he’s going to be dealt with.”

  “Yes. He will be dealt with severely.”

  “I don’t understand all I here is he’s going to war and because he might die this will all go away!” John perplexed at Mary’s outburst suddenly realised the frail little flower which lay in the bed only minutes before no longer was frail as the flower had grown thorns and teeth. Mary sat up patiently waiting for there next response.

  “Mary you know me I’m Lieutenant Colonel John Stanton I found you remember?” Mary nodded tolerantly waiting to here his thoughts,” I can assure you that I intend to make sure that this man is brought to justice and I can promise you that it will be personally dealt with by myself and that Ko…this man pays for what he has done to you and your family.” Mary clutched at the sheets and looked at the brigade of people sat around her bed, smiling uneasily she let go of the nurses fingers;

  “Can I have a moment alone with the Captain please?” Matt glancing at John shook his head underneath the gatherings of his hat and as the nurse stood Matt smiled and politely let her past.

  “John I think this is a bad idea.”

  “We don’t have any choice I’ll meet you in the car.” Matt stood behind the curtain understanding that his first feelings where right. Worried about the next instalment Matt tentatively placed his hat and coat back on as he graced the corridor.

  Hearing the curtain close behind John felt like he’d just placed a cat in a bag, he was trapped and no matter what happened now Mary was in control.

  “The flowers are lovely. I’m sure I saw some in the hallway just like them yesterday. Know everyone has gone Lieutenant please don’t insult my intelligence. I know why you’re here and I know what they did to Jeanie. I worked in the offices you hear things.”


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