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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 28

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  The only thing Jeanie could be was practical and the thought of James in one of those camps made her blood run cold, but she had to keep these men alive and she had given them her word and so far it was working.

  Silence was easy, no sarcasm, smart comments or smut transferred across anyone’s lips for the rest of the afternoon. Even Mick had decided that his usual aggressive bullshit needed to be put back on the back burner.

  “Billy pssst Billy...” Merle grabbed his collar tight and dragged him into position.

  “What the fuck man.”

  “Shut the fuck up and get down...” Merle signalled to the group and everyone dropped and took cover. Jeanie could feel her heat beat in her throat as the majority of what they had faced had been hand to hand combat.

  Feeling the bayonet knife puncture the skin and spurt of blood in the air made her feel sick. Crawling through the undergrowth she signalled for Mike and Pete to go wide.

  “What have you got?” Looking through the scope he whispered softly

  “Two maybe three of the little bastards are in there holes.” Signalling to the rest of the men Jeanie knew this was a chance to get away; making a move was now or never.

  “Come on…come on come….there you are” the two shots rattled through the trees like thunder rolling over a hill and as the men fell Jeanie saw the third. “Got him. MOVE!”

  Mike and Pete started to fire at the guard on top of the carrier and in the cover fire Merle, Jeanie and Bill had made the way to the side. Crouching at the wheel both gents waited for the next move.

  “Grenades…the hut is at the back of this carrier get the grenade as close to the hut as possible, there are fuel drums at the front go.”

  The noise disappeared in the jungle mass and as the waves of heat washed over her Jeanie had made a run for the jeep. Looking for a key and grabbing the gun from the dashboard she fired as more men washed over the sight. Fumbling under the steering column Jeanie tried desperately to get it started. Hearing the fire being drawn closer and hearing the cries, the emphasis on leaving immediately had become more than visible.

  Seeing her men jump in one after the other she began to count.

  “Where the fuck is Merle?” Pete still firing shots out of the back of the jeep looked around. “He’s coming now.”

  Looking out of the mirror she heard the shot and Merle fall forward lying in a pool of blood.

  “Mike get in the fucking seat....” Jeanie ran and picked him up as Bill followed behind.

  Jeanie dragged with all her might,” Get in the fucking jeep and don’t fucking say a word,” Pete still firing shots screamed “Move now!”

  Jeanie started to fire at the oncoming attack dropping each time to look at the bleeding dying soldier.

  “Sarge…..he’s.” Jeanie took a breath trying to compose herself.

  “He’ll be fine just keep pressure on it.”

  Watching the trickles of blood fill the curved ridges of the jeep, the group where once again reminded again of how fragile every situation had become. Jeanie clutched at the gun in her hand feeling guilty that her actions had put them all in danger.

  “Mike…Mike Does that radio work?” As she shouted back he could hear the change in Jeanie’s voice. She had taken a chance and they weren’t out of the woods yet.

  “Should be able to find a frequency…give me a few minutes”

  Three hours had past and nothing but static was reporting back, Merle was pale and drawn and Jeanie had started to blame herself.

  Standing at the side of the vehicle, the anger and disappointment that she may have killed one of her own started to arise

  “Give me anything Mike please. Come on” Smiling he dragged everyone to the front of the jeep. “I got through we are about seven miles off that ridge there,” pointing to the map everyone focused intently as hope began to rise. “If we can keep going we can make it by dawn.”

  Huddled in the front seat she placed her feet on the dashboard and as she held her head in her hands she needed to know that she had made the right decision. The last few months, had left them desolate and the reliance upon her to get them back to camp safe had been the only plan she could stick to. More than ever she felt alone

  “I’m sure he will be fine Sarge. You made a decision so far so good.” “We aren’t there yet. Don’t count them to soon.” looking back at Merle Jeanie feared the worst and as the blood started drip out of the back of the jeep no matter how much pressure they put on the wound it never seemed to be enough. Within the first three months they had lost twenty two men but loosing one especially one who you had become close too filled her with dread.

  A blistering red sky met them as they continued towards base and Jeanie dreaded the repercussions. Seeing the solemn faces in the rear of the jeep she scoped the horizon for a glimmer of hope.

  “There’s someone on the ridge look. Stop the car...” Jeanie stepped out of the vehicle and held up her hands, friendly or not she wasn’t going to risk any more casualties. “Private Jack Rutherford. We need help.”

  “On your knee’s soldier” Doing as she was told Jeanie placed her hands on the back of her head. “We need help Sarge I’ve got one injured.”

  “Out of the vehicle now.” Jeanie still on her knees screamed back feeling the fear cross between the patrols.

  “Friendlies sir we’re friendlies” seeing the blood on Jeanie the two men looked at each other. “Someone hurt in there.”

  “That’s what I said before…we need help he’s lost a lot of blood and he needs a medic.”

  Scrambling back to the jeep they followed the guards down to the main base. Bill and Pete dragged Merle’s lifeless body from the rear and as the stretcher scrambled around Jeanie closed her eyes waiting for the screams. The fuss just seemed to buzz past and the haziness around her swallowed her thoughts.

  Walking through the camp there was too much noise and as she looked at her blood stained uniform she tried to wipe the dried patches clean without much success.

  She was lost.

  “Excuse me do we have anywhere I could get this off,”

  “Yeah there’s a pool bout half a mile down you ok.” Jeanie just smiled and patted his shoulder. She wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh she wanted to scream, but knowing she couldn’t do any of it was driving her insane.

  Reaching the brook she found a large tree that stretched out leading to a small pool which lapped the shore. Jeanie took off her clothes and as she sat at the edge the water soft waves started to take the stains away and the dark ripples caressed her feet.

  Jeanie lay with her head on her knees wondering when the nightmare was going to end. She felt that she had forgotten how to cry and as she looked into the dark water Jeanie tried to find clarity, she had no option and falling apart now wasn’t going to take her home.

  The war had only given her pain, suffering and misery but it had also given her the capability to survive and fight if she needed to. Watching the pool she willed her tears to fall instead she saw a flicker of a reflection. Feeling eye’s burning into her she grabbed her clothes and pulled out her gun. From a distance it looked as if she was getting dressed but in reality Jeanie had started to watch and wait. She was now a fully fledged hunter with instincts to match and as the crack of a twig echoed in the distance she knew her survival senses were working.

  Reapplying the blood stained bandages and bindings hastily she knew the first thing she had to hide was her identity and quickly. Luring her culprit into plain sight she waited patiently until she felt the presence behind her. Counting to ten she stood up and pointed the gun behind the tree.

  “Out! Move now or I’ll shoot,”

  “Put your gun down it’s only me.” Jeanie lowered but did not let go feeling uneasy about his presence.

  “Kowalski I have told you before about sneaking around,”

  “You know you shouldn’t be out here on your own, it’s not safe” Mike circled her with his eyes piercing her dressings.

�I don’t know what’s going on with you Mike but you’re starting to scare me”

  “I didn’t mean to I just admire you Jeanie your not like the others. It just makes me think why you where made so differently than the rest?”

  “The rest of who?” Mike knew his comments would cause a reaction as her inquisitive nature had always worked to his advantage

  “Women I’ve had my fair share even an officers lady. But you I just don’t get you.”

  “Mike you know why I’m here…I’m here for James. We’ve had this conversation please don’t make this difficult.”

  “What if I said I loved you? What would you say then?” Jeanie taking small steps didn’t turn back to respond.

  “I would have to say you’re delusional and to get over yourself quickly!”

  Hearing him close behind she hurried trying to return to a form of civilisation. Side stepping behind a medical tent she tried to get her bearings.

  The awkwardness between her and Mike increased with each passing month. Every time he would snipe and jibe for her to react to anything he would do and Jeanie had made excuses for him. When she had tried to talk it out her would always come up with the same conclusions:

  “Everyone has a plan Jeanie don’t you know that! For some of us it’s already written when we are going to live, when we are going to love and when we are going to die. Why should you be any different?”

  Trying to avoid any conversation surrounding James had become a daily occurrence and rumours about their relationship had circulated between the close nit quarters of the men.

  Taking a few seconds before moving out into the crowds she stirred her thoughts wondering where he could be. Feeling his hands around her waist and his breath bearing down on her neck he pulled her into a small quiet corner leaving Jeanie once again isolated.

  “Just to make you aware or until you understand why I’m here Sarge as always it’s been a pleasure.”

  Jeanie watched him walk through the crowds; his abhorrent air worried her greatly and reminded her of the same arrogance which had put her in this position. Shaking his grip and making more excuses for him the tides of tiredness washed over her tugging her into sleep. Flicking through her journal Jeanie realised that she had not slept properly in seventy two hours. Lying on the temporary bed, the past day played heavily on her mind and as she relived each episode and nearly killing one of her men she felt no closer to finding James. Seeing the rest of her men pile into the shelter she tried to regain a sense of perspective.

  This is not the time to loose it; focus Mike is just being Mike stop looking into it……

  “Any news? I asked before and they wouldn’t tell me anything.” Jeanie tried to be strong, after all five of them had survived even if by sheer dumb luck.

  “They’ve amputated his leg…” Bill threw the contents of his cup to the ground spitting the rest at Jeanie’s feet.

  “What the fuck! Bill it’s not his fault he had to make a call or else we would all still be trapped possibly dead for fuck sake,” Pete stood in front of Jeanie almost protecting her from Bill’s actions. The last few days had been rough for them all but deep inside Jeanie felt as if she was to blame. “He’s lost a lot of blood Sarge that’s the main problem. We’ve also been told its touch and go.”

  “Sarge it’s just fucked up!” Eugene sat still on the floor looking to Jeanie for solace the thing was she couldn’t even find it in herself to dish it out. “I promised to get you all here. After seeing the rest of the guys slaughtered in front of us it was the only option we had. I’m sorry if it was the wrong one we weren’t going to survive out their much longer and I had to make the call…..”

  Turning around to walk away Jeanie scratched heavily at her forehead, seeing the blood under her finger nails she felt as if she was slowly loosing her mind. Grabbing onto her arm Mick pulled her back into the group.

  “Gents we’ve lost enough already without blaming each other. Sarge took the call; at least he had the balls to do that so take your fucking tins and let’s just salute Merle. I couldn’t fucking stand him but you set of hopeless bastards seem to have become sentimental.” Forcing the cup into Jeanie’s hand he rested his arm around her shoulders, lifting her cup Jeanie stepped out of his hold feeling the same unease return.

  “To Merle may you still be the most boring piece of shit on the planet…” In chorus the group toasted his name, Jeanie played with the mark on her head unable to believe that she had made the right decision. “Sarge your heads bleeding.”

  “If that’s all I’ve got to worry about after today I think I’ve done well.” The corner of his mouth curled at Jeanie’s feeble attempt at sarcasm but it was painstaking obvious that this war was taking its toll both mentally and physically.

  “Sarge….looks like we’ve got company.” As the officer approached Jeanie fastened her jacket trying to avoid another negative encounter.

  “Come on you lot we don’t need another excuse for a bollocking!” “Private Jack Rutherford….I was told a Private Jack Rutherford would be found over here.” Jeanie rose to her feet and stood to attention.

  “I’m Private Rutherford sir.” the officer looked at her in disgust which in turn was made to sound even worse by his stifling British accent emulating his feelings without course.

  “Walk this way.” falling in behind Jeanie marched to the headquarters, “At ease private. Jim take this over to the chief medical officer. Ok lad. You where the one that led the five yanks into camp aren’t you?” Jeanie puzzled expected more questioning or at the least a bollocking as to why a lowly private saw fit to lead a group of men.

  “Yes sir….yesterday.” The officer didn’t look in her direction; he didn’t even see fit to lift his head before continuing.

  “Right I know what happened to their platoon unfortunate really as we could have done with the men. You’ve been missing for sometime private but I’ve been informed you will be staying here and going out with 4th in the morning the rest of your…your group will be going meeting up in the North.”

  “Sir sorry I don’t quite understand what’s going on?” This time as Jeanie questioned his method the officer saw fit to raze his gaze.

  “I’ve just told you what’s going on and that should be enough I don’t stand for insubordination private. You’re dismissed!” The officer returned his gaze to the course of paperwork which sat in front of him. Jeanie felt unable to move as she needed more of an explanation.

  “Sorry private is their something more that I can help with.”

  “No Sir sorry sir.” Whispers emulated around the room and as she was about to be dismissed again the whispers met the officer’s ear.

  “Ah yes forgot that…that’s right?”

  “Sir?” on interrupting Jeanie’s sentence he continued as if she had never spoke

  “Yes well we’ve heard some of what you have done and you’ve been brought up to the ranking of Sergeant. As you where soldier.”

  The group stood at the bottom of the hill waiting to hear about their next move. Separation wouldn’t be easy as these men had become family even brothers.

  “Sarge what’s next.” grabbing Eugene’s shoulder Jeanie looked at the floor.

  “You will be joining the other Yanks in the North and I’m staying with the engineering unit”

  “Sarge I’m sorry that’s just,” Jeanie interrupted Eugene’s flow knowing there lives had been changed by every experience they had been through.

  “I know SNAFU…it’s just all SNAFU…”

  Chapter 30

  Ivy paced the floor as Jayne continued to scream and no amount of bobbing was pacifying her today.

  “Jayne please stop mummy is so tired. Please just stop,” bobbing up and down in Ivy’s arms Jayne’s face was crimson. Ivy continued to rub her back in hopes the rocking and the condolence would pacify the toddler even though in her efforts that wasn’t going to be any time imminent.

  Peering out of the window Ivy waited on hopes for a word f
rom Jeanie. “Mummy needs to know if Auntie Jea is ok because I have sent her letter and I need her reply back and now she is worrying me to death and I don’t think I can take it any more. Nana is getting on my nerves about it as well and everyone needs answers and Auntie Jeanie is not supplying them!”

  The window steamed with her breath and the anticipation of every visit brought on nervous butterflies. Seeing the postman Ivy still holding the now pink and whimpering child ran to the door. Before the gentleman even had time to knock Ivy had opened the door, “Thank you come Jaynee lets see what’s happening.” Before the postman had time to respond Ivy had already closed the door.

  Dancing over to the kitchen table she started to sift through desperately anticipating Jeanie’s reply.

  “Nothing hold on Jayne…Nothing shit….nothing” throwing the envelopes down in anger Ivy couldn’t help but feel despair. It was difficult to hide her disappointment and as Irene past she waited for her to comment on her dismay

  “What’s up with you?” Irene barged past grabbing hold of Jayne smothering her in spidery finger tickles and kisses.

  ” Don’t mind me I’m just invisible.”

  “You’re beginning to sound like Jeanie talking to yourself like that. She sent anything?”

  “No…Nothing…nothing at all.”

  Every day there was no response made it more unbearable and Ivy was desperate even if it was to appease her own conscience.

  “Don’t worry so much you know Jea she’s tough a war won’t slow her down and you know her she won’t make any decisions until she comes home. Come on girl time for a pot of tea…..Come on Jaynee.” Ivy didn’t unfold her arms; she couldn’t even take comfort from her mother’s words.

  The guilt felt painful.

  Something was wrong and Ivy felt it.

  “Mum I know something’s wrong,” Irene ruffled the living room curtains trying to stay positive as the thought of Jeanie at war made her sick and talking about something being wrong made it even more unbearable.

  “You’re being silly if something was wrong we would have heard something by now look at George. That girl….that girl never ceases to amaze me. She will be ok and we have to keep thinking that. I have no other choice and I don’t think I can bear to loose anyone else.” Ivy rested her head on the parlour door contemplating her mums new found positivity however in the pit of her stomach it felt like a washing machine churning.


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