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Chasing Bad Boys 6_A Bad Boy Romance Series

Page 42

by Kylie Parker

  “Great,” Chris said. “I’m really looking forward to it. And I can’t wait to see you.”

  The last comment sent a tingle straight through Stephanie’s body to linger in her core, and she tightly gripped her bag and clenched her teeth to maintain control of her body.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” she said and sent a smile his way. “Have a good afternoon, sir.”

  “You too,” he replied, giving her a broad smile.

  Stephanie went out to her car and huffed as she sat in the driver’s seat. She had the urge to scream, but she managed to contain herself. Taking a deep breath, she started the car and pulled out of her parking space, then began the drive back to her apartment.

  Once she got home, she flopped down onto her couch and rubbed at her temples in aggravation. Her body was already beginning to test her, and she really didn’t know how she would make it through the rest of her night. Wherever they were going, she really hoped that there would be copious amounts of alcohol there.

  Stephanie rose with a sigh and decided to make use of her time. She briefly arranged her apartment, making sure that it was organized the way she liked it. After about an hour, she reluctantly decided to begin the process of getting ready for her evening and the meeting with Chris.

  Stephanie moved over to her closet and began sorting through her selection of clothes. She was briefly worried that she wouldn’t be able to find anything suitable for the evening. Thankfully, close to the back of her closet, she came across a small, black dress that she had purchased for some occasion or other, but hadn’t ended up actually wearing. So, she decided that was what she would wear tonight.

  Stephanie dressed in a matching black thong and bra and then moved in front of her mirror to brush some makeup on her face. She decided on some smoky eye makeup, and a dark red lipstick. She arranged her hair on the top of her head and pinned it securely. She gave herself a good once-over in the mirror and then sighed once she decided she was satisfied.

  With her makeup done, she slipped into the dress and slid on a pair of black heels. She smoothed out the soft satin of the dress, making sure there were no wrinkles. She collected the black clutch that she had used at the party, and made sure it held essentials such as extra lipstick and mints and some money just in case. She also collected a black leather jacket and headed out the door.

  She left her apartment and headed for her car. Once inside, she felt a familiar buildup of nerves and excitement. She took a deep breath, and tightly gripped the steering wheel as she drove. She hoped on one hand that she could somehow maintain her composure for the rest of the evening. On the other hand, she hoped that the evening would escalate beyond her control, and she would get yet another taste of Chris’s skillful touch…

  Stephanie shook her head and ground her teeth. She could feel her blood racing and her heart pounding. This was certainly not the ideal way to start off what was sure to be a trying evening anyway. Stephanie focused on her breathing and made sure that it was even, trying to calm both her mind and her body. By the time she arrived at Chris’s house, she felt that she had regained most of her control.

  Stephanie got out of the car in the garage, feeling much calmer and stable. She gave herself a close look in the window of the Bentley. She then moved over to the door to the kitchen, and went ahead and let herself in.

  “Hello?” she called as she stepped into the house.

  “Hey!” she heard Chris respond. Shortly thereafter, he rounded the corner into the kitchen, and Stephanie tightly gripped the edge of the island to keep her knees from buckling.

  While Chris always made a point of looking immaculate, tonight he looked even better. She could tell that his jet black suit was of the highest quality, and had been made to fit him perfectly. His white shirt was crisp, and his cuff links held a stone that she imagined was most surely a diamond. He wore a black vest beneath his jacket, and a dark red, paisley tie was tucked into it. His blond hair was carefully combed, and his blue eyes twinkled at her.

  “You look stunning,” he said softly, and Stephanie shivered pitifully at his words.

  “So do you,” she breathed out the compliment.

  “Only for you, of course,” Chris said, and winked at her, a playful smile on his lips. “Come on, let’s get out of here. We don’t want to be late for dinner.”

  Chris crossed the room and offered her his arm. Stephanie hesitated for a moment, and Chris raised his eyebrow at her.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” Stephanie shook her head. She raised a shaking hand took his arm. Chris smiled down at her pleasantly and proceeded to lead her back out to the garage and toward his car.

  He led her to the passenger’s side and helped her into the car. Then, he got in on the driver’s side, and they both buckled their seatbelts. Chris opened up a compartment in the car and withdrew a pair of sunglasses. He offered a pair to Stephanie, but she declined. He shrugged, and put them back in the compartment. He then proceeded to back the car out into the driveway, and they were off.

  End of Sneak Peek

  Would you like to know how this continues?

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  BONUS SNEAK PEEK: Chasing Bad Boys Book 8



  The walk from my office to the car park reminded me of where I was heading. A lonely empty apartment, the aching muscles on me neck reminded me of my tiresome day and the heels on my feet did not make it any better. The FBI parking lot was quiet and still, almost everyone had turned in for the day, and my car was among the last ones parked. The chip of the alarm sounded through the air as I got closer to my car and got into the driver’s seat.

  I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I checked the mirrors and tried to decide what I was going to have for supper that day. I was bored of takeout food and eating alone at a restaurant looked desperate and almost pathetic. After running a hand through my hair, my mind was made up on two-minute noodles and beer. A call came through for me just as I was about to pull out and I picked it up via the Bluetooth in my car.


  “Hello, is this Sarah Andrews?”


  I already had a hunch it was a social call anyone else from work would have addressed me professionally.

  “You asked me to remind you about your appointment today at 11:00.”

  A quick glance at my wrist watch made me aware of the time and realization that I only had an hour to the appointment which had totally slipped my mind.

  “Yes I did, thank you for the reminder. Is everything set up?”

  “Like you asked ma’am.”

  “Thank you, I should be there on time.”

  My body immediately started sending anticipation signals all through my being as soon as I hang up the phone. My stiff neck and aching limbs were longing for a relaxation mode, and I couldn’t think of anything better. I was sometimes too good to myself.

  I decided to have dinner before my appointment; God knows I would need the strength. The cold night air bit hard into my skin as I reversed from the parking lot with my window down but I ignored it. I was looking forward to the night ahead, very few things excited me these days and the thought of my destination was riveting. I gobbled down a burger with fries from a fast food take out that was only minutes away before hitting the road again.

  There was no traffic as I headed to the much familiar neighborhood; the excitement grew as I drove. I could compare this moment to the adrenaline rush I felt every other time I held a gun in my hand. There was always a sense of power behind the trigger and truth be told I sometimes got turned on by it.

  There were a few cars parked next to mine, and I recognized two of them but who was I to judge, everyone derived pleasure in their own unusual way. The house had no activity, and one could not really tell if there was a party or anyone in it. My standard drill was like a second language whenever I got here; I had to check out the vicinity and find out w
ho was lurking in the shadows. Satisfied that no one was trailing me, I walked over to the front porch, and my crotch responded with a summersault.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing throughout the house reminded me of the house I grew up in once I pressed it. A feeling of nostalgia settled well on me, and I wondered what my mother would think about my extracurricular activities. “You are better than this Sarah, you should get a man and settle down, I want a grandbaby.”

  I could literally hear her nagging voice echo in my mind as I waited for whomever as on the other side to open the door.

  “Miss Andrews.”

  “Hello Sam,” I answered as I stepped into the house “Is everything set up for me?”

  “You know we aim to please ma’am.”

  “Like hell you do.”

  “Right this way,” Sam began heading down a hallway and lead me straight to a basement. I had always admired what the owner had done with the place. Discretion was critical when it came to this business, and much thought had been placed into it. The basement was where all the action happened; it was sound proof and one could easily have a different decent party upstairs when the nasty and unspeakable happened literally right under their noses.

  The atmosphere felt and smelled like sex which got me all the more excited. An almost nude waitress walked up to me and offered a glass of champagne; she was dressed in nothing but a red thong with knee high boots. Her tits were firm and perfect, and I could clearly see why she had been asked to serve topless that night. I accepted the drink and watched as she parted her lips and gave me a warm kiss at the same time grabbing my ass.

  This was not just any kiss; it was the kiss of haze. She had a pill in her mouth which I happily accepted and watched as she winked at me and went her way.

  It was not easy to tell the narcotics she had given me; even in my line of work all I did was see them not taste the evidence. I chose to wash it all down with the champagne and went on to follow Sam, who was only a few feet from me.

  . The color theme for the night was bold and admirable a royal shade of purple had been chosen to blend with a daring gold. It gave the sex noises in the room an echo, but only one with a keen eye for detail like me would notice, it came with the territory I guess.

  The basement was just as I could remember (the layout of course), the people were different but the pleasurable noises were not. They had partitioned it into separate compartments with drapes acting as doors where some were drawn back while others were left open.

  After visiting a few sex clubs in and out of the city, I had come to realize that there were some people out there who would pay to watch live pornography. They never actually touched or indulged in the act, they simply got off by watching other people fuck while they sipped on expensive wine. I personally thought that was a waste of time and good wine, but you do what you got to do to get off, everyone had their own weird fantasies, and I was no exception.

  “Have fun dear,” Sam said with a wink before walking away. He had come to a halt at the front of my compartment before turning on his heel and letting me be.

  “I intend to.”

  I took in a deep breath and let the anticipation grow for a longer minute before pulling back the drapes.

  “Hello Daisy,” my favorite whore saluted before getting on her feet and walking towards me.

  “Hey there summer,” I replied and if she was keen enough she could hear how tense and nervous I was. Even after being a frequent visitor at this club, I would always get nervous every time I saw summer. Maybe it was the way she would play with her tongue, and that got me turned on. Or the thought of what her hands would always do to me, I never could tell.

  We always used code names when it came to this part of the town; Sam was the only one who knew our true identities, and that was because he dealt with payment. I sized her up as she walked towards me; it was like watching her step out of a Bollywood movie except there was no frantic dance moves and deafening song. She had on a matching pair of underwear that was red in color and quite suggestive, just as I had requested.

  “I can see you followed my instructions.”

  “Don’t I always?” Summer asked shyly before slowly getting on her knees with a seductive look fixed on me.

  I let out another sly smile at this gesture; my wrench never wasted my time I had thought her well. I shut my eyes as she played with the zipper to my pants and pulled down my panties, there was never time for idle chit chat when it came to Summer, she always had a better use for her tongue.

  “Where is Henry?” I asked dreamily. Summer had made me spread my legs and started licking my already wet and excited pussy. She had directed my foot to the edge of the bed so that she could get a better surface area to work on.

  “I am right here,” Henry’s deep voice answered from behind me and I thanked my lucky stars that Summer did not have to pause what she was doing to answer my question “Have you missed me, Daisy?”

  “Would I be here if I hadn’t?”

  Henry stood behind me and cupped my breasts from my back; he then went on to nibble on my left ear as he fondled with my blouse and unclipped my bra, Henry also knew the rules he never wasted any time when it came to me.

  These two people always made me grateful that I showed up, they knew what I liked and how I liked it. I absent-mindedly let out a pleasurable moan as I surrendered my being to them to do as they pleased. Sam was right, they indeed aimed to please. My phone rang when Summer was still playing with my cunt and Henry fingering me in the ass. I wanted to ignore it at first and cursed myself for not leaving it in the car but the thought of ignoring a late night call might lead to serious repercussions.

  “Hello,” I answered in my professional tone and trying to hide how pissed I was.

  “Agent Andrews, your presence is needed.”


  “I will text you the address.”

  Such calls were the worst, whenever the caller could not give you details of the case at hand over the phone, be afraid, be terrified.

  I waited for the text to get through. I made a mental calculation in my head before looking at both Summer and Henry. I wished I could place them in my pocket and take them home with me.

  “I will need you to hurry this along; I need to be out of here in fifteen minutes.”

  “Roger that,” Henry answered and without warning bent me over and stuck his gigantic black dick inside my wet wanting pussy. I winced slightly as I thought of the last time I had been in here and got more than excited when he started thrusting.

  Summer knew what to do; her role was not yet over just because she did not have a dick; she positioned herself in a way that she could play with my clit while at the same time spanking my ass. Summer was the catalyst to my orgasm as Henry went on to hump and fill me up; these twos were a match made in sex heaven. She would pull at my hair, spank my bare ass and did all the dirty talk just how I loved it.

  “Do you like that?” she asked, “Do you like that thick juicy cock in your pussy.”

  “I love it,” I replied timidly. This was the only place where I played submissive; the sense of someone else controlling me and making me beg for mercy had a kick to it. I, of course, had my days to be in charge, however, whenever I had the time I would make Henry and Summer do things to each other as I watched and played with myself and arousing was a word I would use lightly when it came to that. I would make them slap each other across the face, moan out loud when they inserted foreign objects into the others body and would sometimes ask them to lick my boots and worship me. After all, I did pay enough money to have them do anything I want. This strategy had a result, degrading Summer and Henry and making them feel worthless would harbor a form of hidden resentment towards me.

  This would always come in handy on days like these, where I would play submissive, and they would have their turn to be rough with me. The vengeance behind every thrust, spank and shove could not be missed, and I loved it.

  Another slap on my as
s from Summer made me feel an orgasm taking over her. I waited patiently for the second and third before the familiar cringe took over my body and preceded the orgasm. The familiar ripple that rose from the sole of my feet to the small of my back took over her as I let out a loud moan. Summer and Henry paused for quick second and let me have my little piece of heaven; I had indeed taught them well.

  “How did that feel?” Henry asked before pulling out. He had not reached his climax but didn’t mind. It was never about him; his aim was to satisfy his clients and would sometimes go for hours in the night fucking different women and sometimes men without cumming.

  “That felt wonderful,” I admitted as I stretched and loved the smiles that were both on Summer’s and Henry’s faces.

  “I will leave you a tip at the front,” I said as I hurriedly got dressed. They were never supposed to handle any money, which was a general rule.

  After throwing a quick glance at my wrist watch, I headed out of the compartment and into the hallway. The air was filled with sex noises as I walked out and headed to the front where Sam was playing with a drink in his hand.

  “Did you have fun my dear?” he asked, “Why are you leaving so soon?”

  “I have to run Sam, but I always have a good time.”

  I settled my bill before walking out the same way I came in; I took short and quick strides to the car knowing that my cell phone will go off again in a few seconds. I gave the place a quick look before pulling out of the driveway. I played with different words in my head that would befit a name for the place, was it a brothel? A sex club? A fetish parlor? Fantasy chamber? The possibilities were endless.

  Whatever name I would secretly baptize the place, I knew one thing, it was a part of my life that I was never proud of. Granted, it took me to heaven and back, but it would always remind me of my empty and lonely life. I pushed the depressing thoughts to the back of my head and saved them for the day I would consult a shrink and step on the accelerator. The job ahead was more important, at least that I was proud


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