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Full Mountie

Page 22

by Ainsley Booth

  But there are some amenities, including a cafe near the entrance to the resort, and this is where we meet Hugh, in the parking lot.

  He’s leaning back against the trunk of his rental when I pull up beside him. Beth leaps out and wraps herself around him, and the sight of his strong arms hauling her close gets my blood pumping.



  I slide my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of them, their foreheads pressed together as he whispers something wicked. The look on his face tugs hard at my heart.

  I grab our bags, then he points the way past the cafe and down the lane. Our cabin is, as promised, private, and when Hugh opens the door, Beth gasps.

  From the outside, it’s a quaint, shingled cottage.

  Inside, it’s newly renovated. Whitewashed walls, a window seat surrounded by bookshelves, flowers on the old steamer trunk that doubles as a coffee table. It’s a spartan but stunning living space that blends seamlessly into a modern kitchen at the back. And through an open door to the only sleeping space, we see a king-sized bed, covered in a white duvet.

  A one-bedroom cottage, perfect for three lovers.

  I carry our bags in there and set them on a wide bench in front of the window, which is open, letting the breeze in through the screen. Outside, it’s still light out, but it’s getting late. The shadows are long and the forest is starting to come alive with the faint sounds of bugs and birds and small animals.

  In the near distance, a rushing river adds to the soundtrack.

  “Amazing place,” Beth says as she winds her arms around my waist.

  I tip her head up and kiss her. “Amazing company.”

  Hugh joins, his hands behind his back. “What should we do first?”

  Beth twists around to kiss him, too. “Me. Tonight, I want you both.”

  Heat rockets through me. “At the same time?”

  She nods.

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I came prepared.” Hugh holds out a box, neatly tied with a fat satin bow. Beth takes it from him, but he covers her hands with his. “But you need to wait until we finish unpacking.”

  “But…” Her fingers flutter at the ribbon. “Is it what I think it is?”

  “Put it down, beautiful.”

  “Is it lube?”

  He laughs. I think that’s a yes. “Let’s go to the kitchen.”

  “Because I think lube is a fantastic present,” she says pertly as she scampers ahead of us.

  He’d already unloaded a lot of groceries into the fridge, so it doesn’t take long to get the rest stowed away.

  “Mmm, did you get a cherry pie?” Beth makes a groan in the back of her throat that makes me hard.

  “You like?”

  “Cherry is the pinnacle of pie, so yes, I like. Good job.”

  “Would you like some now?”

  She shakes her head. “Later.” Her cheeks turn pink. “We should work up an appetite first. Unless you want pie now?”

  And we’re done in the kitchen. I pick her up and toss her, shrieking, over my shoulder. “We want you now, since that wasn’t clear. Questioning our priorities…”

  “I’m not,” she cries out, laughing as I carry her into the bedroom. I dump her on the bed and she grabs her present again. “But Hugh made me wait, so I wasn’t sure. Can I open this now?”

  I turn around to ask Hugh, and he’s right there. He bumps into me, softly, his chest brushing mine. “Very soon,” he says to Beth but his attention doesn’t leave my face. “But first I want you to put on some music.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask him, my gaze caught on the curve of his mouth.

  “We didn’t get a chance to dance earlier.”

  Behind me, Beth makes an approving sound. “Yes, dance. I downloaded the Spirit of the West album with that song we danced to on it…” She scoots around me and darts into the living room, returning with her phone in one hand, and a decorative ceramic bowl in the other. “Want to see a magic trick?”

  She selects a song I recognize, “Slow Learner”, then puts her phone in the bowl, and the sound amplifies enough to fill the room.

  “Excellent trick,” Hugh says, catching her and drawing her against us. He kisses her hard on the mouth. “Good girls get presents. Go investigate.”

  She squeaks and he pats her on the bottom, then holds his hands out to me.

  “It’s been a while,” I say, trying to remember how we did this, but as soon as he sets his hand on my hip, I remember.

  Ten years disappears in a flash.

  “Of course I’m going to lead.”

  “But I’m taller.”

  “Uh huh. Whatever. I’m in charge.”

  “I don’t know how to follow.”

  He smirked. “Sure you do.”

  He’d been right then, and it’s still true now. With a shift of his weight, his left thigh presses into mine, and I step back, making room for him to move forward. Brush, press, hold. Step, step, slow. His body is hard and warm as he fits us together, legs and hips. Cocks, hardening behind denim. Chests and arms.

  But it all comes back to the sway of our hips, and the footwork that keeps brushing our dicks together.

  Slow learner.

  It’s a strangely fitting song. Nothing slow about how we learned to dance together. We fit from the very beginning. But the rest of this has been a decade in the making.

  I mouth the lyrics at him as he spins me around. His hands crawl up my body, pressing and twisting me against him, until the song ends and his hands are on my neck, the back of my head, and he’s kissing me.

  Hugh always takes my mouth hard, but this is different. It’s fierce possession and I give myself to him without hesitation. He kisses me until my thighs burn and my head is cloudy with want.

  “Beth, did you open your present?” His words are gravelly and rough in my ear as he holds me close.

  “I got distracted watching you make out,” she breathes. “Hang on.”

  I turn around in the circle of Hugh’s arms as she tugs on the ribbon. The lid of the box tumbles off as the red satin falls to the bed, and she gasps.

  “Oh, you shouldn’t have,” she teases, reaching inside to pull out a brand-new silver butt plug. “Is this for me?”

  “It is.”

  She makes an excited-but-nervous face and sets the plug down before pulling out a few more gifts from the box. Lube and condoms, but not just any condoms. The first one looks like it’s gold. The second is hot pink. The third is… “Strawberry flavoured!” she exclaims. “Fun?”

  I laugh because the question mark is definitely valid there. Hugh murmurs a warning in my ear, then rubs his mouth against my neck, making my head woozy again.

  “Lachlan hates novelty condoms,” he says gruffly. “I thought we could convince him they weren’t so bad.”

  “Is it wrong I like my dick to just look…like a dick?”

  Beth wiggles the gold condom at me. “I think this one is yours, then. Hugh can put it on you and we can say he has the Midas touch.”

  “Well, if Hugh’s touching me, I’m fine with whatever,” I say, my words slurring a bit. “But just on principle.”

  She winks. “Of course. Come here, Mr. There’s A Right Way to Condom.”

  Hugh pushes me towards her and I tumble onto the bed, hauling her against me as I roll onto my back. She kisses me softly, still laughing, but I take the fire Hugh’s started inside me and I brush her with those flames, too. We’re all going to to burn tonight.

  I trace her curves, over her t-shirt at first, then under. Need overcomes grace. I ruthlessly shove my hands under the fabric to get at her skin. More, I want more, and she gives it to me, wriggling free of her clothing.

  Hugh joins us on the bed. He touches her with master strokes, warming her up before he reaches for the lube.

  She’s taken fingers a few times, and a smaller plug last weekend.

  But this is going to be big. Literally, figuratively. I cup her face and kiss her as he
spreads her legs, getting her to straddle me and present her gorgeous bottom to him at the same time.

  “Breathe through it,” I tell her as she tenses up. “You know what to do.”

  “I take everything back,” she whispers, but her eyes are bright.

  “That’s what safewords are for.” I wink at her. “You know the drill.”

  “Mmm.” She closes her eyes and does her best to welcome Hugh’s thick finger.

  “Good girl,” I murmur, brushing my mouth against hers. She parts for me and I pull her close, deepening the kiss until the space where I end and she begins is questionable at best. She squirms closer, trying to escape Hugh’s relentless prep. I keep kissing her. Tongue and teeth, but not too hard. And then distractingly soft as he reaches for the plug.

  She groans into me as he presses the steel against her hole, then gasps, losing control of her breathing as it gets wider. “Slow, slow…” Her breath hitches as she begs Hugh to take his time, and I’m sure he is.

  I stroke her hair as she buries her face in my neck. Her back is arched, a gorgeous pale curve to the flare of her hips. Hugh’s got one of his hands spread wide over the rise of her ass, and I following the corded line of his muscled arm up to his face. He grins at me, wicked filth incarnate.

  “We’re just getting started, beautiful. We’re gonna go as slow as you want us to go, because we’ve got all night.” He licks his lips as he holds my gaze and shifts his words to me now. “What should we do first with our stuffed little Beth?”

  She whimpers against me and I pet her hair. “Is one of us going to end up in your ass tonight?”

  She nods gamely, a bob of her head, even as it’s still buried against me.

  “You’re going to need to stretch nicely around that plug, then. Up you get.”

  She gingerly peels herself off me, rising until she’s straddling me.

  A naked prize caught between two dressed men.

  That gives me an idea.

  “Let’s dance again,” I say roughly as I stroke my fingertips over her breasts and her belly. I love the way she trembles beneath my touch.

  Hugh nestles in behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist. I touch his hands where they splay across her belly and he catches my fingers in his.

  “You need to let me go so I can put music back on,” she whispers, but we don’t release her.

  Not yet.

  I curl my body up so I’m sitting, and she’s on my lap, and Hugh’s behind her. I hold them both tight.

  This is everything I’ve ever wanted. I had no idea. My whole life, I was waiting for these two, and the universe tried to fucking show me.

  I was blind, but I’m trying to make up for lost time now.

  I kiss Beth, then Hugh, dragging him around her, and she wriggles free. When the music starts playing, we get off the bed and join her.

  All we can manage is a slow, pulsing sway, but it’s enough. We dance together, twisting Beth between us. The music seeps under our skin, makes us restless and wild.

  On the next song, Beth cups my heavy bulge through my jeans and whispers that I should be naked, too. I strip down as Hugh pulls her into his arms.

  They’re stunning together. His rugged dark tan a stark contrast to her creamy paleness. His muscles heavy and carved next to her willowy curves.

  As soon as my dick pops free, heavy and horny, I take myself in hand and stroke. Watching them move together is dirty and perfect, the best porn of my life.

  Hugh notices first and whispers to Beth that I’m jerking off. I watch his lips move and curl my lips into a filthy smile. Yeah I am.

  She murmurs something back, maybe another instruction to get naked, then slides to her knees in front of me. “May I?” she asks, so fucking polite.

  “Yeah,” I grunt. “Lick me up.”

  Her tongue darts out, pink and eager.

  Behind her, Hugh’s gaze is locked on her ass, and he’s stroking himself, too.

  “Come here,” I say, gesturing for him, and she turns on her knees.

  We jostle a bit for position, our cocks bumping as we rub them against her mouth. Her wet, swiping tongue is a crazy tease, and I want to push deeper, shove past her lips and into her throat, but we’ve got a plan tonight.

  Double penetration.

  She wants to take us both.

  I sling my arm around Hugh’s neck and pull him close. We’re both going to be inside her, together. Cocks rubbing back and forth.

  He looks at me, his eyelids hooded, and I groan. We kiss, a hard crash together, then we look back at Beth, playing with our engorged cocks.

  She smiles up at us and Hugh growls. “Dirty girl.”

  “Your dirty girl,” she purrs, and he laughs weakly as he leans against me. His mouth is on my neck again, his stubble scratching, and I press into the sensations. His tongue, his teeth—

  “Fuck!” I jerk away and he holds on tight as he laughs against my skin.

  “Did you just bite me?” My dick throbs and my neck howls in protest.

  He kisses the flesh he just abused. “Yeah.”

  “Fuck.” I’m panting now, but… “Do it again.”

  He makes a satisfied sound in the back of his throat. “You like that?”

  Jesus, who the fuck knows. “Like is relative.”

  He pulls back, frowning. He grips me by the back of the neck and presses his forehead against mine. “No.”


  “Say it. Say you like it. Don’t hide behind some love-hate bullshit.”

  I blink at him, my mouth dry. “I… Yeah. Fuck. I like it. Bite me.”

  Beth stands, and Hugh pulls her in close. “You bit him?” she asks him, her voice all breathy.

  “Hard,” he answers, his eyes glittering.

  My balls pull tight.

  “Can I bite him?”

  She’s asked him, not me. A long, pregnant pause stretches out as I stand there, dick getting wetter by the second as my body proves it’s fully on board with any fucked-up shenanigans Hugh has in mind.

  “Can you?” He tugs on her hair, tipping her face up to his so he can kiss her. “You better. Our boy needs it.”

  We fall onto the bed, Beth decorating my chest with a gentle line of love bites that make me thrust my hips in the air.

  “Harder,” I whisper. “You could suck, too. Mark me up.”

  Hugh nudges into me, rolling me onto my side, and I wrap Beth in my arms. Her legs slide through mine, my cock tapping against her belly.

  Hugh licks a line from my neck to my shoulder, then covers that flesh with his mouth and sucks—hard. He pulls on my skin until I’m groaning, and then he sinks his teeth into that hickey and leaves his mark.

  I swear under my breath, a long chain of filthy words as he kisses the hurt away, and then I roll onto my back.

  “Beth,” I growl. “Get the fuck on top of me.”

  She swings her leg over me, but instead of guiding her down to my cock, I pull her up to my face.

  I trace her folds with one hand as I use the other to press against the plug in her bottom. She jerks against me.

  “Hold on tight, beautiful.”

  I’m not going to make her come. I want to feel that on my cock. But I need a quick taste of her tangy goodness. Just a quick swipe of my tongue, a little suckle against her clit.

  Fuck, I could die and go to heaven right now.

  As the tremors fade from the shock of my tongue and the plug moving inside her, she begins to rock against me face.

  Yeah, baby. I bet that feels good. Her moans rise, soft and sweet, and I lick up the juices sliding freely from her swollen pussy.

  The bed shifts, Hugh moving, then again as he returns.

  I feel him rolling a condom onto my straining cock, then he pulls Beth off my face.

  She’s flushed and grinning, and he gives her a mock stern look. “You were going to come like that, weren’t you?”

  She shrugs. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

  He ta
ps her bottom. “Lean forward.”

  She stretches out on top of me like a cat, bottom high in the air. We’re both breathing hard as Hugh tells her he’s removing the plug. He wipes away the excess lube with a washcloth, then takes them both to the washroom.

  I’m sinking her sweet, tight pussy onto my cock as he returns. She’s already close, the soft ridges of her cunt fluttering around me as Hugh preps her for him. A finger makes her squirm, and two—fuck, that feels good for me, too.

  And then he’s behind her, condom on.

  “Ready for me?” he asks, and he’s grinning because he knows the answer is no-yes-no-oh-God.

  As long as it’s not olives, we’re good.

  “I’m ready,” she whispers.



  Lachlan presses into me, a deep, urgent thrust, before easing back and holding himself almost all the way out of me.

  Just the tip of his erection, thick and hard, presses against my entrance. My pussy contracts around him, wanting him back.

  “Wait, wait…” he says under his breath, watching me as I try to fuck down on him. He holds my hips firm and doesn’t let me move. “He needs space inside you.”

  A tremor of fear ripples through me. They won’t both fit. That’s what he’s saying. This is a terrible idea and as much as I love, love, love how their fingers make me feel, I’ve now officially asked for more than is humanly possible and we need a new plan.

  I open my mouth and a breathy whimper comes out, because Hugh is rubbing his cock against my back hole and oh my God, the feels.

  Good ones, bad ones, crazy ones I don’t fully understand.

  So. Much. Feeling.

  Thanks to the plug, I’ve already had this violation tonight, and my body knows how to push against him, to bloom and welcome him inside me.

  It still burns, but it’s a familiar ache that brings with it heart-stopping pleasure.

  And he’s so much bigger than the plug or their fingers. He’s a blunt weapon of mass destruction, it feels like at first, so thick I’m not sure he’s going to actually get inside me, but he does.


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