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Phantom Warriors: Bacchus

Page 7

by Jordan Summers

  Bacchus rolled his hips forward and his cock kissed her womb. Jill mewed beneath him, senses exploding, her attention narrowing to the spot between her legs. He released her neck.

  Moisture she assumed was sweat trickled down the side of her face, but she was too gone to care. Bacchus chased it with his forked tongue, catching the droplets before they hit the sheets.

  “I knew it,” he said, murmuring in her ear as he thrust like a rhino behind her. “I knew you were the one to save my people—to save me.”

  Jill had no idea what Bacchus was talking about and, for now, she didn’t care. Her pussy burned from the repeated pounding, but the building need replaced any real pain. She didn’t know sex could be like this. Bacchus had all but ruined her for other men.

  Her head swam as he licked her neck again, then whispered, “Now that I have claimed you, there will be no other men.”

  * * * * *

  The taste of Jill’s blood flooded Bacchus’ mouth, sending him nearly into spasms.

  This was it. She was the one. Jill was the first in a long line of Earth women who would save his people from extinction. Thank the Goddess. He nuzzled her neck as he claimed her body. His cock ached for release, but he couldn’t allow it until he’d performed one final test.

  Jill neared delirium as he sank his fingers into her hips. “Are you still with me, my eshe?” My life.

  “Yes,” she squeaked and closed her eyes as he thrust forward, loving the feel of her body clasping his cock. Jill had come to his bed willingly, without the exchange of credits. Bacchus had no idea how different the act of joining would feel until this moment. The sheer beauty of it caused unexpected emotion to clog his throat.

  “Good,” Bacchus rasped, willing his form to shimmer and fade. He knew once he passed through her body there’d be no turning back. If Jill was a match like he believed, she’d start to take on the characteristics of his Blood Clan people within minutes. He sent up a single prayer, then flowed through her body as his cock pulled out, then thrust back in. Jill gasped, opening her eyes in surprise.

  “How did you do that? I didn’t even feel you roll me over.”

  “It is a gift.” Bacchus smiled, happiness radiated deep within his heart. She was it.

  Earth was it. This planet would be the Phantom people’s salvation. He eased out of her quim, then slid home. She panted as she sat up to straddle his thighs. Her small breasts bounced with his jerky movements.

  “This is more like it,” Jill said, rising onto her knees so she could take control of the rhythm.

  Bacchus leaned forward until his mouth made contact with her rose-colored nipple.

  It pebbled against his tongue, stabbing the roof of his mouth as he began to suckle. Jill’s soft cries grew in volume. Sweat dripped down her body, leaving a salty residue behind.

  Her movements became faster as she bounced up and down on his shaft, riding him into oblivion. Bacchus clenched his jaw and he reached for her clit. He flicked the bundle of nerves with his nail and sent her into orbit.

  Jill screamed, her body convulsing above him in a massive orgasm. He grasped her hips and thrust, once, twice, three times before his seed burst forth like a dam, showering her womb with life. He bellowed in relief and triumph. They lay entangled, Jill draping his body in feminine warmth. He stroked the length of her back, relishing the gift of their newfound connection.

  When Bacchus could finally focus, his eyes met a matching pair of red orbs. His breath caught as joy and a far deeper emotion embraced his three hearts. She was the most beautiful Earthling he’d ever seen. Bacchus corrected himself. Jill was the most beautiful Phantom woman he’d ever gazed upon.

  He rolled her beneath him and slowly rocked his hips until his cock hardened inside her. Bacchus glided gently in and out of her pussy, while feathering Jill’s face with kisses.

  “You have made me so incredibly happy. I never dared dream the Goddess would bless me with one such as you,” he said.

  Jill blushed, then reached for his head so that she could guide his lips to her mouth.

  The clinch was long and drugging as they savored each other’s unique flavor.

  “I’ve never done anything like this,” she confessed. “In a way, you’ve brought me back to the land of the living.”

  “And I intend to keep you here… if you’ll have me.” Insecurity suddenly filtered through his voice. Would she turn him down after all that they’d experienced together?

  Jill smiled and kissed him again. “How can I say no to a guy with a forked tongue?”

  * * * * *

  They made love over the next two hours, sometimes fast and furious, while at others, slow and sensual. Bacchus’ cock remained perpetually hard as he positioned himself once more to enter her body. He was about to thrust forward, when a chime sounded in his flight suit. He’d run out of time.

  Jill turned and looked at the pile of clothes on the floor. “Was that your phone?”

  “No.” Bacchus lifted Jill off his body and set her gently beside him. “I have much to tell you and very little time to do so.”

  She frowned. “Is that your pager?”

  He glanced at his suit. “Something like that. Listen, my eshe, remember how I told you that I would need your cooperation when it came to helping Ryan?”

  She nodded slowly, her expression beginning to grow wary.

  “I did not lie exactly, but Ryan is not the only one who needs help. I do too.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” She sat back, her gaze locked on his face. “Oh God, you’re not married, are you?”

  “I would not have lain with you if I were joined to another. And now that I have, there will be no others.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.” She blinked in confusion. “What exactly do you mean by joined? Forget it.” She shook her head, running a quivering hand through her hair.

  He smiled, not bothering to hide his fangs.

  Her eyes locked onto his mouth, previous questions forgotten. “Are those fangs?”

  “Yes.” He opened his mouth, allowing his fangs to unfurl completely.

  “Jeez, that’s freaky. I can’t believe a dentist would do that to you,” she muttered, refusing to face what was right in front of her.

  Bacchus heard the tremble of uncertainty in her voice. “I know this will be a lot to accept at one time, but Ryan is on his way north to attend a wedding with a woman he just met. I believe he will eventually ask her to marry him, but he will need to know that you are happily settled first. That is where I come in.”

  “Okay, but I’m still not following you,” Jill said, frustration growing in her tone.

  “I am not from here,” Bacchus continued.

  “Neither am I. Most people I know are not native Californians. It’s no big deal. Are you from the Midwest or something?”

  “Not exactly. What I’m about to tell you is going to be hard to comprehend.” He tensed, watching her closely.

  “Try me.”

  Bacchus took a deep breath and released it. “I am what you’d call an alien.”

  “An illegal alien?”

  “In a fashion.” He flashed a bittersweet smile. “I’m from a distant planet called Zaron. I came here on a mission to test the compatibility of humans with my species. I must return there soon and let them know of my success.”

  “You lost me at Zaron.” Jill pressed her back against the headboard and her eyes widened in what he could only describe as disbelief and fright. “This is why I don’t date. What is it with me and men?” she muttered to herself. “First Ryan and now you.

  Go figure. What are you still doing here? Are you waiting for me to wish you bon voyage?” She glanced at him, then around the room, searching for a means of escape.

  “You do not understand.”

  “Oh, I understand. You think you’re an alien, who came to Earth for some human nookie. Wow, and I thought being dumped by my fiancé was bad.”

  “I do not like it when you compare m
e to him. We are nothing alike.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. You’re both pretty good liars.” She snorted. “You mentioned Ryan was safe, is that true?” she asked, edging her way off the bed.

  Bacchus frowned. “I would not harm him. I know what he means to you and what you mean to him. I understand the concept of family far more than you’ll ever know.

  Ryan is quite well. You have my word that he has found his mate.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You’ll forgive me if I choose not to believe a man who says he’s from another planet. You’re obviously off your meds.”

  “I speak the truth. I want only your happiness. I can prove what I say.”

  “What are you going to do, beam yourself to the bathroom and back?” Jill snapped.

  Bacchus ignored her insulting question. This was going far worse than he’d hoped.

  “I must know something, before I present my proof.”

  “What’s that, Mork?”

  “My name is Bacchus.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

  “First, let’s suppose everything I’ve said is true.”

  She hesitated. “Okayyy.”

  “Did you really mean it when you said that sometimes you wish you could be a reptile?”

  Jill balked. “That’s not what I thought you were going to ask. I take it your question has something to do with the fact that you’re an alien.”

  “I’m serious. Please answer the question.”

  “Yes, but I haven’t dreamed about that since I was a kid. To think otherwise is just crazy. I know it can’t happen,” she said, hugging her knees to her chest. “Surely, you don’t really believe it’s possible, do you?” Her voice quavered.

  Bacchus didn’t answer, instead he said, “It’s time for you to see the truth.”

  Jill whimpered. “Please don’t kill me. I promise I won’t tell anyone about you.”

  Bacchus flinched as if she’d struck him. “I could never harm you. As a warrior and your mate, I would lay down my life to protect you. Now come, there’s something you must see.” Bacchus stood and held his hand out to Jill. She hesitated, then realizing that she had no alternative, took it. He led her down the hall to the bathroom. The skin at the base of his skull began to itch. Quarg! The Phantom ship was near. He placed his hands on Jill’s shoulders, and then slowly rotated her toward the mirror.

  She gasped. “What happened to my eyes-ss?” she lisped as fangs unfurled in her mouth. “What’s-ss happening? What did you do to me? Why do I have a lisssp?”

  He turned her to face him. “I did exactly what you wanted me to do, what you’ve wanted a man to do all your life. I dominated and claimed you all in one act. Tell me it isn’t what you wanted.” He refused to let her hide from the truth.

  She opened her mouth and closed it several times before speaking. “I admit I may have fantasized about wanting someone to do that, but this-ss… ” her voice trailed off. “I don’t know what to think of this-ss.”

  “Do I displease you so much that you can’t see what’s before you?” his voice cracked as he brushed the hair away from her face.


  “I know I have not been forthcoming, but believe me when I say I know you better than anyone. I’ve passed through you, absorbing your hopes, dreams and emotions. I know what lies in your heart. And now, thanks to that exchange, you know what lies in mine. Look deep and you’ll find my love,” he said, daring her.

  * * * * *

  This wasn’t exactly what she’d wished for. She obviously should’ve been more careful in her wording, but the truth of his statement was there when she searched.

  Bacchus did love her. Jill sensed his emotions and witnessed the life he’d lived before they’d met. She’d felt his bone-deep loneliness and his pain, along with the joy of discovery that came the moment he’d laid eyes on her.

  It would take a while to get over his deception, but could she really turn her back on a man who’d lived with a level of honor that rivaled that of medieval knights?


  Jill closed her eyes on the truth, then opened them once more. Wasn’t she the one who’d said it was time to start living again? Hadn’t she thought a change of scenery might do her good? Jill chuckled to herself to stop the rising panic. Traveling to another planet was about as far of a move as she could envision.

  She couldn’t believe she was about to ask this question, but couldn’t seem to stop herself. “What would I do on Zaron?”

  Bacchus’ eyes lit with hope and her heart clenched. “Considering our clan, the Blood Clan, is reptilian in nature, I think you’d fit right in with our healers.”

  “What about—us?” Jill asked, not sure what answer she was hoping for.

  “I will spend my lifetime attempting to make this up to you. It is not in my nature to deceive, but I had to find out the truth without scaring you away. So many counted on me to succeed.”

  “I can’t say that I’m not scared,” she said honestly.

  “I know. As your mate, I can sense your fear and it pains me greatly. I would give anything to take it away and have you look upon me like you did hours ago.”

  In her heart, Jill knew it would happen. “What’s going to occur now?” she asked, strangely exhilarated at the prospect of starting a new life. This would probably all turn out to be a fantasy, but what if…

  “A ship is near. It will come and pick us up after it drops off its cargo, then we’ll return to Zaron.”

  “What is it dropping off?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  “More warriors.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” Jill whispered.

  Bacchus touched her chin, tilting it until their gazes met. “I would not have chosen you, if your heart had not chosen me first.”

  Jill turned back to the mirror, tears floating in her red eyes. “My appearance is going to take some getting used to,” she said, sniffling. Not that she was a big mirror queen to begin with, but a girl didn’t walk around everyday with three-inch fangs sticking out of her mouth. She’d scare the hell out of Ryan the next time he saw her. Would she ever see him again? Did it matter? No, rang clearly in her head.

  “We have all the time in the galaxies,” Bacchus said, nuzzling her neck.

  She knew that she needed to move on with her life. Her brother, John, would’ve wanted that for her. “Will I get to visit John’s grave?” she asked, her lip trembling.

  “Anytime you wish, eshe. We can return to Earth for regular visits. You can even keep your house, if that is your wish.”


  Bacchus smiled. “I swear.”

  Jill frowned at her rumpled reflection. Their lovemaking left her blonde hair mussed and her face slightly flushed with residual passion. She looked so different with red eyes and fangs. Yet inside, she still felt the same. She held the same thoughts she had before the—what had Bacchus called it? Transfer?

  Thanks to the exchange, which was slowly sinking in, she knew he told the truth about Ryan. She’d seen his new girlfriend in Bacchus’ memories as clearly as if she’d been watching a movie. Tears filled her eyes as she realized Ryan finally found the happiness he’d been searching for after John’s death. Perhaps, it was time for her to pursue her own destiny.

  Jill turned the faucet on and splashed her face with cool water, then met Bacchus’

  gaze in the mirror. “Are you a reptile or a vampire?”

  “Some would say both, but I would say neither.”

  “Will my fangs-ss go down?” she asked glowering.

  He reached out hesitantly. “I will teach you how to control them and many, many more things as your powers grow.”

  “Powers-ss? As in plural?” Jill’s eyes widened as she tapped on her new teeth with the tip of her nail. “This isn’t the end?”

  Bacchus smiled. “For us, eshe, this is only the beginning.”


  Bacchus awoke slowly as skin caressed his chest. The
dream of having a woman of his own was so vivid that he almost believed he could smell her feminine fragrance. A second later, hair tickled his nose and he brushed it aside, coming awake fully. Jill lay next to his body, her soft length curled against his chest, seeking warmth.

  He grinned, pulling her close and tucking her under his shoulder.

  How many years had a dreamed of having a woman in his bed until dawn? One hundred? Two? Bacchus couldn’t remember. All he knew for certain was that the happiness he felt was not an illusion born out of loneliness. Jill was here and had been by his side for several months now.

  She’d settled into work quickly and had fast become one of their best healers—a feat that did not surprise him given her passion for the subject matter. Bacchus kissed the side of her head.

  Jill shifted, then muttered, “Is it time to get up already? I don’t smell any coffee.”

  Her lids dropped once more.

  Bacchus laughed, hugging her. He hadn’t been able to convince her to leave planet Earth without the ground beans she craved so dearly. He’d even had to bring her coffeemaker along, even though he had told her that it wouldn’t work on Zaron. It had taken him a while to create a machine that would replicate the bitter brew, but now that he had, Jill expected him to make it for her every morning.

  His lips brushed her face. ‘Twas a small price to pay for the joy that she brought to his three hearts.

  About the Author

  I'd like to say I’m the life of the party, a laugh-a-minute kind of gal, and outrageously cool, BUT that would be a slight fabrication.

  I’m actually a thirty-something, ex-flight attendant with a penchant for huge bookstores and big dumb action movies. I prefer quiet dinners with friends over maddening crowds. Happily married to my very own Highlander, we split our time between two continents.


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