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CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE: Obsessed with Secrets (New Adult Billionaire Stepbrother Taboo Collection) (New Adult Billionaire Taboo Romance Short Stories)

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by Fascination Publishing

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  Arianna Pepple peered over the hedge trying desperately to tamp down on her blushes and rising excitement as she watched her new step-brother, Dylan Vanderbilt, trail one hard, sun-bronzed masculine hand down the full, thrusting, naked breasts of his girlfriend, Linda Herron. His fair head leaned further down to worship her breasts, his velvety tongue flicking out to lave at one erect, prodding nipple, wringing eager breathless moans of pure undiluted pleasure from Linda’s slim throat.

  Arianna’s green eyes widened to the size of small saucers in her gamine face as she saw Dylan’s hand disappear into Linda’s bikini panties and she watched as the other girl arched against his hand, her arms twining encouragingly about his head.

  “Damn,” Arianna breathed softly as she felt lust war with jealousy inside of her.

  It had been like this all summer. Her mom and her new step-father had suggested they take a trip to Santa Fe to visit her step-brother whom she had never met and ever since she had clapped eyes on him, she had been in a constant tizzy. When he was in the room, it took everything she had to pretend not to be watching him and when he wasn’t she missed him dreadfully. She had taken to following him around, albeit stealthily and she just knew she would die if he noticed her unholy interest in him.

  Arianna had never wanted to go on the summer vacation convinced the unknown Dylan Vanderbilt would be every bit as stodgy, austere, rigid and boring as his father, her mother’s husband of a mere six months. Will Vanderbilt was a nice enough man, but he tended to come off as cold and aloof; probably because of his aristocratic upbringing. He was good at looking displeased too whenever she was near; kinda like a great big dignified Dalmatian uncertain of how to act around a tiny, over-enthusiastic puppy.

  She remembered now with renewed embarrassment how she had pinkened and perked up when she had seen the tall, blond, blue-eyed handsome stranger striding confidently down the driveway to meet them. He had a granite jaw and the kind of shoulders that made one want to lean against them; thick, slashing eyebrows; controlled, silent power like a man you wouldn’t want to cross; and a broad chest that tapered into a slim waist. He wasfor want of a better word a Greek god! For the first time in a dreary six-hour trip, she had felt real excitement; perhaps the holiday wouldn’t be as bad as she had feared. The man looked hot enough to make a nun blush and if her guess was correct, she had thought, he was probably a staff on the premises which meant she could lead him on to her heart’s content and enjoy watching him struggle with lust and his commitment to his job. Surely someone as fastidious as Dylan Vanderbilt had to be would probably fire a man for so much as flirting with his step-sister.

  However, her interest had quickly dissolved into confusion when Will, her step-father had introduced the handsome, debonair stranger as his son, her step-brother. He was tall at almost six-two, he had golden blond looks with sweet blue eyes. But a granite jaw belied any hint of softness in his face and his strong aquiline nose gave him a definite stamp of character. He had a clearly defined six-pack and washboard abs. His chest was hard with muscles and sinew. He had surprisingly full, pink lips and deep slashing dimples which she had caught sight of when he grinned his welcome at his Dad. He had looked every inch the billionaire playboy she had heard he was.

  Dylan had however stared at her out of cool blue eyes and said, “Hi Arianna,” in a voice that made her want to curl up under the warmth of it and purr like a kitten.

  She had swallowed, tossed her head and replied in what she thought of as her confident and unaffected voice, “Hello.”

  A faint, mocking smile had touched his lips for the merest hint of a second, before he flicked his cool blue eyes to his new step-mother, Penelope Vanderbilt, and murmured, “You’re welcome Maám.”

  Those were the only words he had spoken to Arianna in the ten days she had been here and she had been hanging on his next word since then. Her eyes widened now as his fair head disappeared between Linda’s thighs and she craned her neck, unconsciously trying to get a better view. She lost her balance and toppled out of the hedges with a loud crash that had the couple on the chaise lounge springing apart and turning towards her in unison.

  Linda gasped and rushed towards Arianna, pulling her bikini into place as she moved, “Are you alright?”

  Her liquid brown eyes were filled with concern, her blond hair framing her head, as she helped Arianna up from her undignified sprawl on the ground.

  Unbidden, Arianna’s eyes shot to Dylan’s and she recoiled as she saw the cold, murderous fury blazing in his green eyes as his eyes flicked tellingly to the hedge she had been hiding behind and then returned to her face.

  His lips curled in an expression of contempt and he said quietly, “What happened?”

  “I ah, lost my footing. Was just going for a swim,” Arianna lied desperately, brushing down her clothes.

  “In jeans and a sweatshirt?” he asked.

  “Oh shush Dylan,” Linda said, oblivious to the cold anger of the man standing behind her. “Can’t you see the child is rattled? She probably saw us being naughty and freaked out or something,” she added with a giggle.

  Arianna rolled her eyes inwardly at being called a child. She couldn’t blame the woman though; she was 22 years old and yet she always managed to look like a child of sixteen. It was not the first time she had been mistaken for a child. Dylan was twenty-eight but there was nothing childish about him, he was as masculine as they came. Arianna’s green eyes wistfully trailed Linda’s voluptuous curves and full, thrusting breasts; she looked anything but childish.

  Unhappily, she stared down at herself. She was tall at five-eight with a tiny waist that was so slim it was barely there; her chestnut brown hair extended below her waist in a riotous mass of curls that were the bane of her existence and her breasts were a boring size 34B. Was it any wonder everyone thought she was a child?

  “I’m sorry I was such a bother. I’ll get out of your hair now,” she said quietly, studying the toes of her shoes.

  Silence reigned for a bit and she glanced up just in time to see a silent exchange pass between Dylan and Linda. His eyes were like ice chips and he turned to her and said, “Would you care to join us?”

  A little devil hopped onto her shoulder and prompted her to open her mouth and say cheekily, “I don’t think you need an extra person for what you were doing.”

  The ensuing silence was so absolute it seemed the very air was still as his blue eyes locked with her green ones. He
stared at her silently until hot colour began to creep up her neck and bloom in her cheeks. Even Linda was startled into complete silence.

  Dylan stared at Arianna until she was completely uncomfortable. But just as she opened her mouth to apologize, he said in a voice cool enough to freeze ice itself, “You would be surprised, Arianna.”

  Then before she had quite recovered from her surprise at his response, he wound his arm around Linda’s shoulder and walked away with her, leaving Arianna staring after them with her mouth hanging open. Had she imagined it or had his eyes lingered on her breasts?


  Arianna slipped her feet into a pair of flat sandals flipping her long, silky hair over one shoulder. It was a beautiful morning, she decided as she looked outside through her curtains. Dylan’s estate spread out beneath her window in sprawling fields of green vegetation that made her eager to start exploring.

  Hastily, she ran a brush through her hair and then tossed it carelessly onto the dresser; smeared some lip gloss on her lips and ran downstairs, taking the stairs two at a time.

  “Slow down!” her step-father Will shouted form the dining room.

  Arianna consciously slowed to a walk, almost bursting with enthusiasm as she took a few measured steps; then unable to contain herself, she quickened into a run again as she raced the rest of the way into the dinning room. She was so excited even Will’s usual disapproving frown couldn’t faze her.

  “Hey Mum,” she greeted, as she cheerfully stacked her plate high with bacon and eggs.

  “Hey honey. How was your night?”

  “’Twas okay I guess,” Arianna mumbled as she chewed on her bacon. Her green eyes flitted around the room; no Dylan and she relaxed automatically.

  Her relief proved to be short-lived though because Dylan appeared immediately as though on cue, striding into the dinning room like the lord of the manor; which, she reminded herself, was exactly what he was. His blonde hair was sexily mussed, springing up around his head in every direction as though he had just gotten out of bed. He was wearing a white tee-shit and a pair of well-washed jeans that fitted so snugly against his thighs, she could have sworn she could make out the outline of the bulge behind his fly.

  Arianna’s egg stuck in her throat as that train of thought conjured up the naughtiest images possible in her brain. Resolutely, she shoved the thought away and forced a bite of egg down her suddenly constricted throat.

  “Morning,” Dylan greeted casually, his blue eyes encompassing the occupants of the room before coming to rest on Arianna’s already heated face.

  She ducked her head, focusing intently on the slices of bacon on her plate as she took a sip of her now-tepid coffee.

  Dylan deposited himself onto the seat beside Arianna and she desperately tried not to notice how he seemed to fill the entire room somehow. Every single one of her senses were attuned to him, as he blithely took a sip of Earl Grey tea. His strong hands held the delicate china with ease and unbidden, her mind’s eyes filled with images of those same hands caressing soft, plaint breasts. How did he manage to stay active without caffeine pumping through his system, Arianna wondered idly, deliberately forcing her mind to more mundane things.

  “We’ll be going to see the museum today honey. Wanna come with?” Penny smiled at her daughter. “Arianna is such a fan of the histories,” she added to her husband.

  Arianna barely refrained from rolling her eyes as she tried to think of a graceful way out of a potentially boring day. They had been visiting the museum every single day since they arrived and she was itching to enjoy Santa Fe before she had to traipse on back to Manhattan. While the El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe was nothing to sneeze at, she wasn’t too eager to live out her three weeks holiday in the same spot; this was her first time in Santa Fe and who knew, she could go out exploring and fall head over heels for one of the many artists in the area. But how could she turn her mother down without making her feel bad?

  “What are you doing this morning Dylan? Off to work as usual?” Penny asked buttering a slice of toast as she turned to Dylan.

  “Nah. I was actually hoping to show Arianna the sights,” he began.

  “Yes! Yes!” Arianna interjected eagerly a little too eagerly judging by the surprise on her mother’s face.

  Dylan’s firm mouth canted to the side as he apparently tamped down on his amusement.

  His incredibly blue eyes swung to hers and she read his understanding of her reluctance to spend a delightful day traipsing up and down the length of a museum. Something warmed in the pit of her belly and unbidden, another blush started to spread in her cheeks.

  Hastily, Arianna looked away from him, “I would like very much to go with Dylan, Mum.”

  “Excellent! You two kids go do whatever it is children do in the afternoons,” Will boomed from his place at the head of the table; and the matter was settled.

  She would be going out with Dylan! Her stomach somersaulted a little and she squelched it before turning to smile shakily at her nemesis, as she said, “Awesome.”

  Arianna Pepple told herself she was a little witch as she tugged on the dress she had picked for their ‘outing’. It was an innocent enough sundressat least when one looked at it from behind. But the front was another story; the plunging neckline, aided by her Victoria’s Secret wonderbra put her cleavage on full display revealing a tantalizing expanse of flesh beneath her throat. The waistline of the gown was tightly cinched; emphasizing her waist in a way that unbeknownst to her would make a man’s hands itch to span the tiny waist. Her hair fell in a mass of riotous waves down her back and the hem of the gownwhich came only to her thighs revealed miles and miles of slim, gold-bronzed legs.

  She grabbed her green sling-purse and stuffed her feet into the matching flat sandals before studying her reflection in the mirror. A pretty, gamine-faced girl with full pouty lips and a body made for sin, looked back at her.

  With a toss of her long mane of hair, she turned and descended the stairs eager to see Dylan’s face when he caught a glimpse of her cleavage. If his tryst with Linda the other day was any indication, he was a breast man.

  As she descended the stairs, she saw Dylan waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, his back turned as he spoke quietly on the phone.

  Arianna cleared her throat quietly, he turned around immediately, his face creasing into a warm smile which froze the moment he clapped eyes on her.

  Fire leaped into his turquoise eyes and before she could guess his intent, he was marching right up the rest of the stairs to her, his face dark as a thundercloud.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled right in her face

  Arianna stiffened, her chin jutting out stubbornly as she gave him a basilisk-like glare of her own. “There is nothing wrong with me, thank you very much,” she informed him with an offended huff.

  “Why are you dressed like that? Don’t you know what could happen?”

  “My own mother got me this dress so if you have a problem with it, I suggest you take it up with her!” she shot back. “And at this point, I don’t give a crap for what your fevered imagination thinks may happen!”

  Angrily, she jerked her arm from his grasp and flounced down the stairs, fighting tears with every step. She had expected him to be overcome with lust or at least see her as a woman for once, and instead he had acted as though she were some poor relation from some backwater state come to embarrass him in front of his adoring fans in his precious Santa Fe. That was what he feared would happen.

  With a muffled oath, Dylan grabbed her arm and jerked her into his arms pulling her flush against him as he crushed her mouth to his in the same motion.

  Arianna stilled; she was in the presence of a practiced seducer, she recognized dimly as Dylan slanted his firm mouth across her soft, pouty lips with rough urgency. Tingles of excitement raced down her spine as she helplessly wound her arms around his neck, unconsciously molding her soft plaint body to his hard muscular frame. Dylan deepened the
kiss, desire exploding in his body as his arms tightened around the enticing woman in his arms. His tongue delved into her mouth, stroking and caressing as his large, warm palm trailed to the hem of her short gown, lifted it and then smoothed over one bare cheek of her bottom.

  The top of Dylan’s head almost came off when he discovered that she was wearing a G-string. He caressed the soft mound of flesh under his palm again, wringing an intense moan from Arianna’s throat. His mouth moved with hungry, persuasive insistence over hers as she clung tighter to him.

  Dylan moved his left hand from the small of her back, over her midriff, and upwards to close over one breast that fit perfectly into his palm. Arianna gasped at his touch and the small sound was like a bucket of ice water; what was he doing? She was his step-sister!

  Hurriedly he jerked his hands off her and took a quick step back, his blue eyes darkened to an almost black shade.

  Arianna’s forest-green eyes clashed with his, wide and filled with arousal and bewilderment.


  “That’s what happens when you dress like a slut!” he bit out.

  The moment the words passed his lips, he wished he could call them back. Arianna stiffened, her face going blank and smooth like a porcelain doll. Wordlessly, she turned and walked the rest of the way down the stairs.


  Dylan silently called himself ten kinds of fool as he sped through the streets in his Aston Martin. Arianna had been silent ever since they’d left the house and he was still kicking himself.

  He knew exactly why he had made that comment; he was intensely attracted to his step-sister and while he ordinarily would have made a play for her, she seemed so young. Sometimes he could not believe she was all of twenty-two; she looked so young and fresh and unspoiled. But she was definitely a woman and not a girl. Every time she walked into a room, his heart slammed straight into his chest and he went hard as a rock; in fact from the first time he saw her, it had been all he could do to keep his hands to himself. He had been ignoring her since she arrived with his parents because from the moment he saw her, he knew she was trouble.


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