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The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve

Page 18

by C. R. Daems

  "There he is," Carter said, scanning the mess hall which had less than ten people currently sitting at tables. Tate nodded.

  "Let's go back to his office area," Tate said. "He is bound to go back there eventually. When we see him coming, let's pretend we are having an argument. When he gets close, we can jump him before he can reach for his laser or buzz stick. Then we can tie him up and talk to him after we have control of the ship. Actually, with his support, we probably don't have to tell the rest of the crew we have hijacked Blackie."

  Thirty minutes later, they could see Armin off in the distance coming toward them.

  "You fucking asshole," Tate shouted and pushed Carter against the wall, which produced a satisfying grunt from Carter and a thud from the corridor wall.

  "Hey shit face, get your goddamn hands off me, or you are going to be spending the week in the infirmary," Carter shouted. Now Armin was running toward them. He hadn't reached for his laser, but he had his hand on the handle of the buzz stick.

  Tate stepped back with his hand raised, and Armin released his hold on the buzz stick. As he did, Tate punched him square in the mouth as Carter slammed into him, driving him to the floor. While Armin lay stunned, Tate reached down and lifted the laser from its holster and the buzz stick from its leather tube. He then lifted Armin, put his hand against the door plate, and carried him inside as the door slid open.

  "Find something to tie him up," Tate said. "I don't want him wandering the ship. Given his training, he is dangerous even without a weapon, and he may have access to other weapons."

  "What about Hilda?" Carter asked.

  "Good point," Tate said and stood thinking before answering. "She's not a significant threat by herself, but with him along, she could be. Let's carry him back to our place. That way, she won't know he is incapacitated or where he is. Gag him. That way, he can't communicate with his Sleeve."

  Chapter 44

  Phase Two, Capture

  "Good work," Abbott said after hearing Tate's account with Armin. "Now that phase one has been successfully completed, it is time for phase two, securing the Bridge." He held out his hand, and Tate gave him Armin's laser. He smiled as he took Danail's laser from inside his shirt.

  "I don't think you can fire them," Shaul said. "I heard that the weapons are keyed to each individual they are issued. That may apply only to the police weapons. I am not sure." He shrugged in a gesture of helplessness. Abbott pointed one laser, then the other at his bed, and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

  "It does not matter. They won't know where I got these lasers, and I can handle Nova. Once we control the Bridge, they can't stop us before reaching Earth, even if the entire crew banded together to stop us. Not to worry, we will have the crew's support the minute they know we are headed to Earth."

  "If I remember correctly," Shaul said. "Doug and Carl had control of the Bridge and couldn't get the crew of the Crowned Eagle to support them."

  "True, Shaul," Abbott said, smiling. "They were fools attempting to steal a cruiser in the middle of a battle with the Tullizor. Consequently, bimbo had many issues to seed doubts about surviving even if they overwhelmed her. This time, it's clear we have succeeded, and there is no pursuit." He exited the room, walked down the hallway to the Bridge door, and placed his hand on the access plate. The door didn't open. A few seconds later, he heard Hyun's voice.

  "What do you want, Abbott?"

  "I left my study notes when we changed shifts," Abbott said, concerned for the first time that Hyun may be the fly in the ointment. To his relief, a few seconds later, Marie unlocked and opened the door. He made for the navigational station, then suddenly spun around behind Hyun with the laser pointing at her temple. "Nova, throw your gun on the floor, or I'll shoot her. You too, Hyun." When they did, he smiled. "This isn't as bad as it appears. We are headed for Earth, where we will be heroes, famous, and rich." As he talked, Shaul, Tate, and Carter entered, shut the door, and locked it. "Tate, Carter, find something to tie up Hyun and Nova until they realize this is the best thing that could happen to them. They are now free women, in good health, and heading home where they can share in the rewards." Abbott was smiling, but internally, he had doubts. This opportunity had arisen before he could finish his research. He had only a vague idea on how the exit point worked and exactly how to get to Earth. To be honest, he thought he had a year or so to prepare and hadn't spent much time on advanced navigational theory after he had passed the basic course. "I think I would like Hanny here…to check my calculations," he added. "I'm sure she would like to go back to Earth and will therefore be willing to help." Abbott looked around when he heard laughing. It was coming from Hyun tied up and sitting on the floor against the wall.

  "Your mastermind doesn't have a clue on how to exit the system or how to find Earth," Hyun choked out between laughs. "The last group that hijacked an Anixian cruiser died the same way, lost in space."

  "Abbott!" Marie screamed. "We are heading back toward Anixia."

  The only sound that could be heard was Hyun singing an old Bee Gees song:

  We must have lost the road

  Don't you think it's getting late

  Maybe if it's colder we can stop and wait

  We must have lost the words

  Oh, we lost the road

  Oh, we lost the road…

  Chapter 45

  Double Trouble

  I was preparing for bed when Oracle announced:

  Third shift has the Bridge duty. Nova has the watch.

  I was in love with Oracle. She could keep me aware of everything happening on the Black Eagle no matter where I was physically. I went to sleep satisfied with the progress to date.

  I was awakened by what sounded like a swarm of angry African bees. As I fought to orient myself, I heard Oracle.

  Captain, three individuals have taken control of the Bridge: Abbott, second shift navigator, Marie, third shift pilot, Petru, third shift weapons. Hyun, Nova and Roman, third sift navigator are prisoners. They have Hyun's and Nova's weapon. Shaul, two stars from records, Tate, two stars from support, and Carter, one star from support have overcome Armin and have his weapon. They have joined the others on the Bridge. Hilda is free and functional.

  "Oracle, deactivate all weapons," I said, not wanting to take the chance that someone with an active weapon was part of the hijacking. The hijackers had nowhere to go. "Oracle, can you turn the ship around and head back to Anixia?"

  Yes, Captain. All weapons, including your weapons, are deactivated.

  "Oracle, take control of the Black Eagle and steer us back toward Anixia," I said as I dressed. I had been right to believe there could be crew plotting to hijack the Black Eagle and return to Earth. The question now was how to handle the situation. I had never thought about having to kill anyone and wasn't sure if I could. I laughed, reminding myself about the hundreds of Tullizors I had killed with missiles. Somehow face-to-face was different, although the Anixians didn't think so; otherwise, why did they need humans? Now that I was Anixian, did that make me a pacifist, or should I act like one? The bees were back. This time stinging me hundreds of times and causing me a cruiser-sized headache.

  "Oracle, stop the Bridge from accessing the ship's speakers and locate policewoman Hilda and policeman Armin."

  Speakers disabled. Hilda is in the mess hall eating. Armin is unconscious in Tate's and Carter's quarters.

  Oracle, announce that policewoman Hilda is to report to the captain's office.

  She is on the way.

  I sat waiting, wondering if I could trust Hilda with a functioning laser when she peeked in the half-open door.

  "Captain, you wanted me?" she asked.

  "Come in, Hilda. We have a bit of a problem. A mutiny is in progress, Armin has been tied up, they control the Bridge, and they have everyone's weapons except yours and mine," I said.

  "My God," Hilda said in shock. "What can we do?"

  "Would you like to go back to Earth now that you are cured?" I asked, althou
gh not sure I could trust the answer.

  "If I had a choice?" she asked with lips pursed in thought. "I'm content here on Anixia, so I'm not sure. Probably not. I kind of like the Phoenix concept and the idea of being on an evolving world." She grinned. "Where there are intelligent birds and a teenager commands a war cruiser. It's exciting, but can we stop the mutiny?"

  "Fortunately," I said and smiled. "The Anixians are intelligent and paranoid. The mutiny tripped one of the Anixians' traps, and the Black Eagle is heading back to the planet–"

  Captain, radar has detected six Tullizor cruisers in Anixia space. They are approximately two hours from the Black Eagle's current position. If you choose to continue on our present course, they cannot catch up.

  "Well, that does make life a bit more exciting," I said, pursing my lips in thought. "Hilda, I need to think. While I do, go to Tate's and Carter's room and release Armin, then come back up here. Wait one hour, then enter, release Hyun, Nova, and Roman, and secure the six mutineers. I will activate your buzz sticks. Will that be sufficient?"

  "You bet, Captain, and a lot more fun," Hilda grinned, turned, and ran off.

  "Oracle, can you gas the Bridge?" I asked, not sure how much control Oracle had over the gas. I didn't want to put the entire ship to sleep.

  Yes, Captain. It will take ten minutes to take effect. The gas is odorless and colorless.

  "Lock down the Bridge, discharge the gas, activate the three police buzz sticks, and unlock the Bridge when the space is no longer contaminated."

  Bridge door locked, gas is being discharged, buzz sticks activated, estimate time to unlock Bridge is fifty-one minutes.

  I debated calling battle stations but was afraid the result would be panic since that was one of several situations we hadn't developed a procedure or practiced. Instead, I thought I would visit Simon personally and develop a plan.

  "Captain, we are back," Hilda said in-between gasps to breathe.

  "Sorry, Captain, Tate and Carter caught me by surprise," Armin said, also breathing hard. They had obviously run the entire distance. "I can't believe I fell for that act of theirs."

  "You will get the last laugh. When the Bridge door unlocks, secure the six, take Hyun, Roman, and Nova to the infirmary, and then let the first shift personnel know they have the watch. I will be in the fighter section."

  Chapter 46

  A Plan Is A Commitment

  "Simon, put your wing on alert," I said as I sat in one of his three office chairs. "We are facing six Tullizor cruisers. Any ideas?"

  The blood drained from Simon's face as he stood frozen, staring at me to see if I was joking. After a full minute, he turned and ran into the fighter wing. He returned five minutes later with Jesso, Larry, and Tyler, his squadron leaders.

  "Unfortunately," I began, "Anixia's best chance of survival rests with this cruiser. The question is, what is our best strategy?"

  "We can't take on six Tullizor cruisers," Tyler blurted.

  "You wish to surrender?" I asked innocently.

  "No!" all three said simultaneously.

  "Then we must fight because those are the only two choices. I ask again. Any suggestions?" I said. They just stared at me. "What about BES2/ME42?"

  "That's good, but we don't have enough fighters," Simon said.

  "Here is my plan. We use BES2/ME42, but after you assess the results of my cruiser surprise. Then choose three Tullizor cruisers, destroy them, and then cut your engine so they can't target you. I will come back for you when it's safe."

  "If you can't?" Simon said in almost a whisper.

  "Gentlemen, you are looking at this the wrong way," I said in a normal voice I secretly didn't feel. "We make a plan and execute it. We must be committed to making it work for everyone's sake. If we can't, then we modify it consistent with the original plan."

  "My wing is to execute BES2/ME42, emerging behind the Tullizor fleet," Simon said. "I wait to see how much damage you can cause before selecting three targets. Then I destroy them and hide."

  "Sounds like a plan, Wing Leader." I gave him an ear-to-ear smile. "Of course, I will expect to see you at the victory celebration on the Black Eagle when it's over."

  "Yes, ma'am," Simon said with his own smile if a bit forced.

  "Ma'am?" I squeaked.

  "Yes. Ma'am. You are eighteen going on fifty," Simon said. "I and my pilots look forward to our victory celebration."

  Chapter 47

  Double Trickery

  When I entered the Bridge, Hyun shouted, "Captain on the Bridge." Some stood, others rose half out of their seats. I noticed that Armin, Hilda, Danail, Nova, and Roman were present as well as the first shift personnel.

  "Please sit. There is no reason for people on the Bridge to rise for anyone," I said, to establish another protocol. "Your stations require your undivided attention."

  "Captain, I am sorry I–"

  "Hyun, you did nothing wrong." I held up my hand to stop further comment. "Abbott was second shift personnel and authorized on the Bridge, and dying does nothing to help to resolve the problem or the ship to survive. We were told only Anixians can fly their cruisers, but the criminals among us refuse to believe it because they see humans as captains and Bridge personnel. The truth is that the Anixians' cruisers have traps to thwart them from being stolen. Abbott and his friend triggered one, and as you have probably noticed, the Black Eagle is headed back to Anixia, and your stations are locked. The software could have been triggered when they took the police weapons or their subsequent actions on the Bridge." I scanned the room for their reaction. I hoped this explanation would find the rumor mill, spread, and help reduce the number of attempts in the future. "Whatever did trigger the traps, it saved the day." I paused before giving the bad news. "However, we have a bigger problem. I am informed six Tullizor cruisers have entered Anixia space. I've alerted our fighter squadron and told Wing Leader Simon I want them evicted." I liked my touch of humor but found no one smiling. Instead, they all had open mouth stunned expressions. "Armin and Hilda, I want you to return to duty. Make sure our prisoners are secure. We are going to be busy and don't need them running loose. Also, try to keep any panic under control. I am aware of the problem and taking actions to resolve it. Panic will only serve to aid the Tullizor."

  "Yes, ma'am," Armin said.

  There was that damn ma'am again, I wanted to correct him, but if it helped people to think I knew what I was doing, I would go along. The two saluted and exited at a run. "Danail, Nova, Roman, no talk of a hijacking until after the inquiry back on Anixia. We don't need people distracted while we deal with the Tullizor. You can say there was an incident and some people are being moved around. I will let you know how the changes impact you after my XO and I decide. For now, I want to turn the ship around to face the Tullizor. Navigator, a turning angle and speed, how long until we are facing them, and where will they be relative to us?"

  Hanna frowned, then closed her eyes, and finally smiled. "Yes, Captain," she said and then began working on the problem. Ten minutes later, she said, "Captain, I have your results."

  "At our present speed, one-quarter, you can only change one degree every ten seconds. Therefore, a complete turnaround will take one hour and cover two million seven hundred thousand kilometers. The Tullizor are one hour, or ten million eight hundred thousand kilometers, from our present position at their present speed. When we complete the turnaround, we will be on a collision course."

  I sat in silence for several minutes. "If, instead, we make our loop vertical rather than horizontal, we would be over our present position and pointing toward the Tullizor in a half hour and separated by–"

  "Close to twenty-four minutes," Hanna said while trying to hide a smile. "Since our combined closing speed would be three million seven hundred fifty kilometers per second."

  "Hyun, let's do it. I want the fighter wing over us at the halfway point and Griffons ready to target and drop. Although we will be at one-quarter acceleration, we won't have to decelerate as we
will be on different trajectories." I sat thinking Simon would be in position and plan his attack based on the Griffon effectiveness, so if… "Hanna, after we release the Griffons, compute another loop if we continue to loop under the Tullizor. I want to come up behind them at least a half-hour away. The two loops will look like an infinity sign when completed."

  "We are going to attack six Tullizors?" Hyun's words were but a whisper.

  "Yes, XO, we are eagles, not pigeons," I quipped. "We have no choice. If they manage to get past us, Anixia and our dreams are doomed. Last time, we had eighteen K-box fighters, and there were only four Tullizor cruisers. Bradley only has seven today, and they are not the best of the eighteen. Have faith in Hanna's prophecy." I turned to look at my weapons officer. "Konrad, I want you to work with Hanna to determine the right angle to set targeting and start engine time. Start them when there is less than ten seconds remaining to the target. We need the majority of the Griffons to hit the target. Hopefully, that will be too fast for even the automatic systems to be effective as the missiles will be making their last-second maneuvers."

  "Yes, ma'am," Konrad said, looking a bit pale.


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