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BOUNTY: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Giustini Family Mafia)

Page 25

by Sophia Gray

  He took her helmet to stow, then grabbed her hand again. Josephine let herself be led up the few steps to the door and inside the house. Her apartment should be as clean as his house was. Not a thing was out of place, no dust on any of the furniture, and the carpet still had marks from the vacuum being run over it. When she looked to him, he laughed, a deep chuckle she was coming to enjoy hearing from him.

  “I’m a little bit of a neat freak.” He shrugged and waved her toward the kitchen.

  “You cook, too?” She didn’t mean to sound so surprised, but she was. Most men she dated knew enough to read the package for instructions on their frozen dinners. She wouldn’t expect the captain of the Fury Riders to be so domestic.

  “Oh, no, sorry, you’re not that lucky.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a takeout menu. “The pasta up at the cabin is about as good as it gets for my cooking.” Opening up a menu, he started to look it over. “Pizza okay with you, or do you have a taste for something else?” He looked up over the pizza stained menu at her. “Any cravings?”

  It was her turn to laugh. “I don’t think that happens for a while yet. Like maybe after all the puking stops. Pizza’s fine.” She removed her purse and plunked it on the kitchen island.

  While he put the order in, she took her time walking around the kitchen. Beautiful marble countertops, custom made cabinets, and stone flooring she’d admired in catalogues had her warning herself never to let him into her apartment. Between the size and the big box store furniture, it wasn’t much to boast about.

  “All ordered. Half cheese and half veggie.” He pulled open the door on the stainless steel fridge and pulled out a beer. He gave her a side-glance. “You want a soda or water?”

  “Wine. I want wine.” She pointed the bottle on the counter—sweet red. Perfect.

  “No way.” He shook his head and picked up the bottle, stowing it in a rack out of her reach.

  “Why? It’s okay. A glass now and then won’t hurt the baby.” She tried to assure him and kept her eye on the wine bottle. She’d been careful about everything she ate since she saw that plus sign pop up on the stick, but at that moment, she wanted wine. Something to take the edge off her nerves. “Lucas, the doctor even said,” she tried again when he just raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t give a shit what the doctor said. You’re not drinking.” He reopened the fridge and put his beer away. “There. I won’t either.” He yanked out a container of what looked to be ice tea and brought it to the counter. Grabbing two glasses from the cabinet above him, he poured them each some. “Here, sweet tea.”

  “If you’re still trying to make a case for me to stick around with you, you’re off to a pretty shitty start,” she pointed out, snagging a glass and taking a sip. It was damn near perfect, not too sugary.

  “You have my baby in your belly, and you’re standing in my kitchen. Baby, you are already stuck with me.” He tipped his glass toward her, then drained it. She watched his throat move while he swallowed. Thick. His neck, his shoulders, and his voice—everything about him was just so large. How had he gone so long without being noticed by someone?

  “Do you have a girlfriend? Or did you? When we first met?”

  His eyes widened at the question. He leaned back against the counter. Setting his glass down, he pulled her to him, his hands heavy on her hips. “I don’t really do the girlfriend-boyfriend thing.”

  “Oh, because you’re a biker?”

  “No, because it never works out. Most girls don’t really like my brand of relationship.”

  His eyes held a warning in them, but she was too close to stop now. “What’s that?”

  He remained silent for a long moment, searching her expression. Maybe he was trying to find the right words or was deciding if he should tell her at all. Then, he confided. “I’m old-fashioned. I say no wine, the answer’s no wine. I tell you no more coffee until this baby’s born, then I expect you to not drink any coffee.”

  She tensed. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she tried to clarify. “So, you like to be in charge, a little power play.”

  He shook his head. “No power play. Just the way it is with me. When I have a girl, when she’s mine, really mine, I will protect her with my life. Everything I have belongs to her and only her. I don’t fuck around. And I expect her to follow my lead, follow my rules.”

  “Obey you. That’s what you wanted to say there, but you hesitated.” She yanked out of his hands.

  He sighed. “See. Like I said.” He pointed at her as she started to pace the kitchen.

  “So, if I say okay, let’s do this, that’s how it’s going to be?”

  “That’s the way it already is, Josephine.” He pushed off the counter and walked around her, going for another drawer. She stayed silent as he put an envelope on the counter, sliding it to her. “We take care of our families first. The club won’t let a member’s family suffer if they can stop it. The bill at the hospital is cleared. I took care of that this afternoon. This,” he stabbed the bulging envelope, “this you’ll deposit into your checking account so you can pay anything that comes in. When you get low, you tell me, and I’ll take care of it.”

  Not sure what to say, she just stared at him. One minute he was telling her she needed to obey him in everything, the next he was telling her the money worries for her mother were over. The doorbell rang, giving her the moment of reprieve she wanted. He gave her one more look before going to meet the pizza delivery guy at the door.

  She picked up the envelope, fingering the flap until it opened. A thick stack of one hundred dollar bills was in the envelope. Her breath caught in her chest, burning her for several seconds as the tears welled in her eyes.

  The aroma of pizza preceded him into the kitchen, but when she saw him, she looked up. He slid the pizza box onto the island and stared back at her.

  “This is a lot of money.” She waved the envelope. “Where’d you get this? Why would your club give this to me? I’m not a member. I’m not even dating you.”

  He moved around the island, keeping her pinned in place with his eyes. When he reached her, he framed her face with his hands. “I just told you, I don’t do the dating thing. You are carrying my baby. You’re already mine. You just need to accept it in your mind.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she whispered.

  “I know enough.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “And you’ll get to know me. I’m not telling you that you have to move in here tonight. I’m saying you’re not alone. You have me now. I’ll take care of you, of the baby, and your mom, too. We’ll get her the best care. Okay?” So sincere were his words and his tone, she nodded. How could she not? He was offering her the world. What harm could really come from at least trying to be his girlfriend? No, not girlfriend, something else. Something more.

  “What happens when you get tired of me? I’m not like those girls I see hanging around your clubhouse when I drive by.” She waved her hands over her body. She had a nice body, but those girls were made for sex.

  “I won’t ever tire of you. And if I wanted one of those girls at the club, I’d already have one of them upstairs chained to my bed.”

  “Is that what you’ll do to me? Chain me to your bed?”

  He hadn’t let go of her face yet, and his lips were so close but not close enough. “Oh, baby, there are a lot of things I’m going to do to you. Tying you up in my bed is only the beginning.” Finally, he brought his lips down on hers. She moaned right into his mouth when his tongue pushed through her lips and swept over hers. He pressed her against the counter, and she could feel his erection pressing against her hip, but it couldn’t compare to the desire she felt burning inside of her for him at that moment.

  Maybe it would be okay. Being his might be good.

  # # #

  She tasted too good for just one sampling. He broke the kiss only to dive right back in for a second and a third. The pizza sat on the counter, chilling as the moments ticked by. It would keep.

  “Take thi
s thing off.” His hands gripped the hem of her soft blue scrub top and pulled it up over her head. She raised her arms to make it easier for him. Good. No need to go over the whole obey rule again; she’d already caught on. “What the hell is this?” He took half a step back and pointed at the cami she wore.

  “It’s just a tank top, Lucas.” She rolled her eyes.

  “No bra?” He slid a finger beneath the thin strap of material over her shoulders and pulled it down, the tank following along. Her breasts popped out of the shirt as he dragged it down.

  “I…no. Why?”

  He pushed her hands away when she started to cover herself.

  “I’m fine with no panties and bra when you’re with me.” He picked up her breasts in his hands and bent to take one nipple into his mouth. “Just surprised you’d wear just this flimsy thing.” He snapped the material against her belly before moving to her other breast, repeating the action of running his tongue around the peaked flesh and suckling it just before sinking his teeth in.

  As if his cock weren’t already at full mast, her little moan at his nip sent him over the edge. Growling, he pulled away from her and took a step back. “Take everything off.” He waved his hand over her body. The scrub bottoms weren’t baggy. He could make out every curve she owned, but he wanted to see it all.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” She pointed to the pizza box with a half grin.

  “Not for pizza. Now take off your clothes.”

  She tapped her forefinger against her lips as though she were thinking real hard about whether or not she’d give in. Teasing him wouldn’t get her very far, but she hadn’t learned that lesson yet.

  “If you want to keep your clothes in one piece, I would encourage you to hurry it along.” He folded his arms over his chest but continued to stare at her.

  With a mock look of surprise, she pulled her tank top off completely. “Maybe I’ll just say no, take my pizza, and sit at the table.” She hooked her thumbs into the elastic band of her scrubs and waited for him to answer.

  “And maybe I could not give you any orgasms tonight. Maybe I’ll just take my pleasure with your body and leave you wanting.” He shrugged, acting as though it didn’t matter one way or the other to him. But it did. To keep her on edge would definitely keep him hard for hours, if not days, but to completely deny her release would be as much of a punishment for him as for her. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t do it to show her who was in charge, who owned that tight body of hers, but he didn’t want to be pushed into it.

  Several long seconds ticked by as they appeared to be in a stare down. That was fine. He’d had those before, and he’d win this one just like he had all the others.

  In the end, she huffed and shoved her pants down, pulling her feet free of the pant legs. He watched as she picked up the pants and a pair of her panties tangled up with the fabric, neatly fold them, and placed them on top her tank top and scrub top. She’d kicked off her gym shoes and pushed them with her foot under the counter, out of the way.

  “There. Now we can eat.” He gave her a grin and reached for the pizza box.

  “What?” He could feel her heated glare on him as he put the box on the kitchen table and he popped it open.

  Once he had a piece of the pie on a plate, he looked over at her. Had any woman ever looked so damn fuckable when they pouted like her? “What? Did you want something?” he asked, taking a bite of the pizza.

  “I’m not eating naked.” She reached for the clothes, but he was faster than her, grabbing the pile from the opposite side of the island and taking them back to the table with him.

  “I didn’t say you were going to.” He left the pizza on the table and rounded the island. Sliding his arms beneath hers, he pulled her into a hug. “You are cute when you don’t get what you want.” He kissed her temple.

  “You’re a child.” If the reprimand hadn’t come out laced with a soft chuckle, he would have been offended. “Maybe a bully, too.”

  He pulled away and spun her around to face the island. Pressing his hand into her back, between her shoulder blades, he put her where he wanted her. She yelped at the two hard swats he delivered to her upturned bottom but didn’t fight him. He gave her two more and damn near embarrassed himself by coming in his pants with the look she threw him over her shoulder.

  “Behave,” he warned, secretly hoping she wouldn’t. His hand rubbed her ass, taking away any sting that might have been left from the very light spanking. Gripping her flesh, he groaned. “I could just do this for days to your ass.” He patted her lightly, then slapped her thighs. “Open.” Again, she moved right into the position he wanted her.

  Passing his fingers over her pussy, he gathered the flowing juices. She was already sopping wet for him, and they’d just gotten started. Still keeping her bent over the counter, he thrust two fingers into her. She cried out but not from pain. He heard a soft curse leave her lips and he thrust again, harder. Her body clamped down around his fingers.

  Letting one finger dangle forward, he teased her clit. The hard nub was already swollen and wanting, making his little touch that much more intense for her. She started to rock against his hand, fucking his fingers, and he wanted to scream.

  “Fuck yeah.” With his free hand, he slapped her right ass cheek, delighting in the little giggle. She didn’t stop moving, so he gave her another swat to her other cheek. “Good girl, fuck my fingers.” With one hand, he managed to unbutton and unzip his own jeans, moving to position himself behind her.

  “Lucas.” Her hands pressed down against the countertop, and she thrust harder back at him. “It’s not enough. I need more.” Her eyes landed on him, wide and pooling with arousal.

  There wasn’t much need to wait any longer. He removed his fingers from her heated pussy and pushed his jeans farther down, freeing his rock-hard cock. He pumped it in his hand a few times, enjoying the envy in her eyes as she watched him. Finally, she wiggled her backside at him. “Please.”

  “Oh, well, since you asked so prettily.” He gave her one last slap to her ass before gripping her hips and plunging hard into her. She yelled out but didn’t try to twist away when he pinned her between himself and the counter. Instead, she wiggled again. He wanted to laugh with delight, but instead, he withdrew and plowed hard into her again.

  “Again!” she yelled, and who was he not to oblige her?

  She lifted up from the counter enough for him to see her tits swaying with each of his thrusts. Her nipples grazed the countertop, and her head was thrown back while she uttered soft words he couldn’t understand. Other than a few “fucks” or “yes,” she didn’t make any sense.

  But his mind wasn’t exactly clear either. Her tight passage clamped down around him, pulling him harder into her. Her body began to tremble; her thighs shook beneath him. Reaching around her, he flicked her clit, knowing it wouldn’t take much more to get her to explode. He flicked again and then he rubbed, manipulating her hot button in a circular pattern with more pressure.

  “Oh, God! Oh. Oh. Oh.” She slammed her hand down on the counter and shoved back at him with all her strength.

  “That’s it; that’s my girl. Fuck me. Come. Come hard.” And come she did. Every wave of her orgasm pulled him farther into her, milking him. A familiar tingle began at his spine, and with two more stokes, he was screaming right along with her.

  Her body milked him, taking every drop of his seed from him, leaving him exhausted. He’d fucked plenty of women, but none of them drained him of all self-control and energy.

  He kissed her bare back as he slipped out of her. He yanked the towel hanging off the oven door off and cleaned her up. “Have you been to the doctor? I mean, you have a doctor?” He dragged the dishtowel along her pussy, wiping away his own cum as it slid from her wet and swollen folds.

  “Yeah, of course I do.” She turned around, her arms crossing over her chest. “Do you think I could have my clothes back before we, you know, talk about this?” Her eyes shimmered with her smile.

sp; “Sure.” He patted her hip and stepped out of the way for her move around to the table. He finished getting himself put back together, then joined her at the table. “Take another piece.” He pointed to the pizza when she’d only taken one slice.

  “I will. Let me finish this one first.” She laughed. It was an easy laugh, a casual sound that fit right into his house. She was exactly where she belonged, whether she understood that yet or not. It didn’t really matter.

  “So, doctor. You’ve seen one.”

  “Of course I did. I’m thirteen weeks along.”

  “Good doctor?”

  “Nope. I got the worst one my insurance offered.” She gave him a wry smile before sinking her teeth into her pizza. He loved how she had no remorse for her appetite.

  “Smartasses get spanked.” He raised his eyebrows and pointed a finger at her.

  “Well, if it leads to what we just did over there,” she jerked at thumb behind her at the island, “then I’m game.”


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