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Embroidered Fantasies t-5

Page 10

by N. J. Walters

  Radnor led her toward a building, which was the source of the crashing metallic sound. She walked just inside the large barn-like structure and stilled. A giant of a man, naked from the waist up, stood with a huge hammer raised over his head. He brought it crashing down on a piece of metal sitting on an anvil in front of him. The red-hot piece was held in place by a pair of heavy metal tongs. The man’s arm muscles bulged as he worked. A blacksmith, she realized, watching with open fascination. He pounded the metal several more times before lowering it into a bucket of cool water. It sizzled and steamed. He set everything aside before turning to greet them.

  “Good morning, my lords. Lady.” He nodded. “You’ve seen the stable.” He turned his attention to Radnor.

  “Aye. The metal work on the doors is perfect. But I expected no less from you, Emon.”

  The blacksmith smiled and the men chatted a few minutes. Roxanne observed them. There was a difference in how this man spoke to the brothers. He was more at ease, less guarded.

  While they talked, she wandered out to the doorway to take in all the comings and goings in the courtyard. It was like taking a step back through time. She imagined that a castle in medieval times would have looked very similar.

  It was quite amazing to watch. There were no power lines, no cell phones, no cars or buses, no hordes of people who were complete strangers. Here everyone knew everyone else. They all went about their business, calling out greetings to one another.

  Well, to everyone except Sednar and Radnor. There was definitely a distance there. She wondered why. Maybe it was because they were the lords of the keep, but it felt like more than that.

  She rubbed her hands up and down her arms, feeling very alone and out of place.

  There were no takeouts, no convenience stores, or movie theaters. No chocolate or tampons either. She chewed on her bottom lip as she wondered what it would be like to live here. Not that she was contemplating staying. Not really. But it was fascinating to think about.

  The man she’d seen a few minutes ago—Hamish, Radnor had called him—sidled up to her, glancing behind her in a furtive manner. “You don’t want to stay here, lady,” he whispered. “The Craddock brothers are evil. Killers. Four of them dead and only two left.”

  Her heart began to pound as his words sank in. Before she could ask him any questions, his eyes widened and his face paled. He spun on his heel and scurried away.

  Roxanne could feel someone watching her. She turned slowly to find Radnor staring at her. His face was totally without expression. She couldn’t tell how much he’d heard, if anything.

  He strode toward her and placed his hand on the small of her back. “If you’re ready, I’d like to show you something else.”

  He didn’t look like a killer. But then again, her ex-husband didn’t look like a wife beater either. Not that Radnor wasn’t capable of defending himself against an enemy.

  His size and strength was more than evident. The scar beneath his eye whitened and the muscles in his jaw worked, reminding her there were depths to this man. She sensed a darkness within him. Strangely enough, it intrigued her more than it frightened her.

  Her throat went dry and she had to clear her throat before she could speak. “What about Sednar?”

  “He’s delayed with business.”

  “Of course.” She hadn’t even stopped to consider how her presence here must be affecting everyone. They all had work to do. “You don’t have to babysit me. Keep me company,” she added when he looked at her with a blank stare.

  “You do not wish my company?”

  The inflection in his voice didn’t change, but she was already very attuned to his moods and could sense the hurt beneath it. He’d definitely heard what Hamish had said to her. She was certain of it. Yet he hadn’t offered any denial or explanation.

  It was silly to be nervous around Radnor after everything that had happened between them. She trusted him enough to go to bed with him. A few malicious words spoken by someone she didn’t even know couldn’t change that.

  “I’m enjoying your company,” she told him. And it was true. There was a quiet strength about Radnor that she liked.

  He nodded and grunted. She realized that was as much as she was going to get out of him at the moment. As they walked a bit farther, her mind whirled with the implications of what Hamish had said. How much of it was true and how much was some sort of grudge or personality conflict? Maybe he just wanted her to leave and figured that was the best way to get her to go. She could have told him she wasn’t planning on staying. This wasn’t her world.

  Radnor’s hand was warm and firm against the small of her back as he guided her to the far end of the courtyard. Roxanne began to recognize the massive building they were headed toward. “This is a stable, isn’t it?”

  “Brand new and ready for occupancy.” She could hear the pride in his voice. “The stone is much better than wood, which burns too easily. The horses are too valuable to risk.” He opened the large door and ushered her inside, pulling it almost shut behind him.

  The room was dim and cooler than the courtyard. It took her eyes a moment to adjust. The building was just as she remembered it. A long, wide corridor ran down the center with stalls on either side. At the far end, she could see a much larger area, perhaps a training area. “It’s amazing.”

  The workmanship was astounding considering there was no heavy equipment, only men and sweat to construct it. It gave her a whole new respect for those who’d built the strong, sturdy keep. The walls of that place were about five feet thick. Here they were only about two, which was still incredible.

  “Sednar and I have been slowly building the wealth of the family for the past six years. He has taken on the lands and I have taken on the horses.”

  “You breed them?” What had happened six years ago? She was dying to ask, but bided her time for now.

  He nodded, running his hand over the top bar of one of the stalls. “The Craddocks are gaining a reputation for good horse flesh.” He motioned her to walk ahead of him and they strolled down the shadowy corridor.

  She paused in front of an open stall. There were several bales of hay inside. It was very familiar. “This is where you found me, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest. Roxanne tried not to notice how his biceps rippled or how the muscles on his abdomen tightened.

  “Why are we here?” There was obviously some significance. Suddenly she realized just how isolated and alone they were. She glanced at the bales of hay and remembered what had happened here the first time they’d met.

  She licked her lips and a muscle jerked beneath his right eye. She lowered her gaze and noted the very large bulge at the front of his pants. Her scalp tingled and cream trickled out of her core. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. The motion set her tunic brushing against her breasts. Her nipples puckered. She didn’t look down, knowing the tight buds were outlined against the fabric.

  “I told you the last time we were here what I wanted to do to you.” His words seeped into her brain, but it didn’t matter if she remembered them or not. He was repeating them in a low, sexy voice.

  “I want to touch every inch of your body. I want to uncover your breasts and tease your nipples into hard buds. I want to bury my face between your thighs and feast on your sweet flesh until you scream with pleasure. I want to fuck you.” He uncrossed his arms and let them fall to his sides. He was all male, fully aroused and more than ready to make good on his promise. “The choice is yours.” Fury lashed Radnor’s insides. Beneath that, buried so deep he barely acknowledged it, was a mountain of hurt. He’d heard what Hamish had told her. Killers. That’s what his brothers had been. What many thought he and Sednar were. Roxanne hadn’t asked him about it even though he knew she had to have questions.

  So why had he brought her here, back where he’d first found her and propositioned her? He’d made his words purposely crude, offering none of the softness she deserved.
br />   Why?

  It came to him in a flash. He wanted her to accept him for what he was, no questions asked. It was a lot to expect of anyone, but especially of a woman who’d been abused by a man, a man much like his brothers had been.

  Her eyes were wide gray pools, her skin pale as cream. She licked her full pink lips, tugging lightly on the bottom one with her straight, white teeth. His cock jerked, pressing against the front of his pants. He knew what those lips felt like against his shaft, knew what that soft, wet mouth felt like as it took his cock head inside. It wasn’t enough. He wanted, no needed to bury his cock so far inside her cunt she’d never forget him.

  He feared she would leave, wouldn’t even consider staying. Especially not with men like Hamish poisoning her mind against them. His conscience reminded him it was no less than the truth. His brothers had been killers, evil men. What did that make him?

  He sprang from the same seed.

  He raked his hand through his hair and heaved a sigh. He shouldn’t have brought Roxanne here. The fact that he had done so only proved he didn’t deserve her. “We should go.” He stepped back, not daring to reach out to touch her. If he did, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop from taking her.

  “I thought you said it was my choice.” Her soft voice skimmed over his skin like a caress. Then her words locked in his brain. He swallowed hard and nodded.

  She stepped toward him and held out her hand. “I find I like it here.” Radnor felt as though someone had rammed him in the stomach. He couldn’t have heard her correctly. He swallowed hard. “Are you certain that’s what you want?” His voice was rougher than usual, thick with longing.

  She nodded and a lock of her hair fell over her forehead.

  Blood surged through his veins, pooling low in his groin. His cock, already full and thick, seemed to swell even larger, making his pants very uncomfortable. He couldn’t believe his luck. Roxanne was choosing to stay here in the stable, to be with him.

  He stepped forward, herding her into the stall. Reaching behind, he grabbed the gate and pulled it shut. His hands went to his belt. He unbuckled it slowly, giving her time to object, to change her mind. When she said nothing, he removed his sword and propped it against the wall within easy reach.

  “You’re always armed.” Roxanne stared at his sword.


  She raised her misty gray eyes to him and he could see the worry, the concern in their depths. “Is it so dangerous here?”

  He wanted to lie, to tell her it was perfectly safe, but he could not. “It is. Especially for my brother and me. We have enemies who would do anything to destroy us or those we care for.”

  She swallowed hard, the slender column of her throat rippling. “I see.” He was sure she did understand. She’d had experience with violence. Radnor wanted to roar and rant to the heavens about how unfair it was to find the woman he’d always longed for only to be faced with such obstacles. But no one said life was fair. It wasn’t. He’d never flinched from a challenge before and he had no intentions of starting now. Roxanne was much too important to give up without a fight.

  He cupped her face in his hands, marveling at her delicate features. Her lips were lush and made for kissing. Her skin was as smooth and pale as fresh cream. Bending down, he brushed his mouth against hers. Gently at first and then with firmer pressure.

  She tasted sweet, like honey tinged with the cider she’d sipped earlier. Her fingers crept up his chest. He felt the heat brand him as her hands slipped beneath his vest to find his bare skin.

  He lifted his head. “Go or stay.” His hands fisted at his sides. He couldn’t touch her.

  Not yet. If he did, he wasn’t certain he’d be able to let her go. His words had a much deeper meaning. He wanted her to stay here in Javara and marry him. Or if not him, then Sednar. His brother was much more easygoing than he was, not as brooding.

  Roxanne would probably be better off with him. He could be gentler with her, which she deserved after what she’d been through in her life.

  A part of him roared his denial. He wanted Roxanne with a desperation that went to the depths of his soul. He needed her in a way he couldn’t explain.

  His outward appearance showed none of his inner turmoil. He stood as still as stone, waiting for her reply.

  She didn’t answer him in words, but that didn’t matter. Her reply was as clear as if she’d shouted it from the battlements. Her hands slipped up around his neck, linking at his nape. Her breasts pressed against his chest, the soft, full mounds impressing themselves on his skin. He could feel the heat of her pussy even through the layers of their clothing as she arched into him.

  Lust crashed through him like a lightning bolt. He grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her, rubbing his cock against the notch of her thighs. She moaned and tightened her grip on his neck.

  Radnor couldn’t think, could only feel. He slammed his mouth down on hers, capturing her lips. He ate at the top and the bottom one, sucking and licking, before plunging his tongue into her mouth. She made a low moan of pleasure. He swallowed it, savoring the sweet sound.

  Without breaking their kiss, he walked them across the room and pressed her back to the wall. He wanted to lay her down on the bales of hay and fuck her, but some still-functioning part of his brain warned him that it was too rough. The last thing he wanted to do was scratch her tender flesh.

  He shoved his pelvis against hers, groaning as her heat enveloped his cock. He had to touch her bare skin. Rearing back, he held her easily with one arm and grabbed the front of her tunic, shoving it up.

  Roxanne raised her arms and he yanked it over her head and tossed it aside. Her torso seemed almost too slender for her ample breasts. He frowned. She was so fragile and he was so large and rough.

  “Touch me.” She grabbed his hand in hers and brought it to her breast. He groaned and kneaded the soft, firm flesh between his fingers. She gasped as he flicked his thumb over her nipple. It puckered tight.

  Radnor lifted her high in his arms, bringing his mouth in line with her breasts. He buried his face in her cleavage and breathed deep. He could smell the alluring scent of her arousal, tinged with the soap she’d used to wash. He sucked and licked at her breast, getting ever closer to her turgid nipple.

  He laughed when Roxanne dug her fingers into his hair and tugged him to the tip.

  Opening his mouth, he sampled her sweet nipple, teasing it with his tongue. She moaned and arched her back, pushing herself more fully into his mouth. He sucked hard, wanting to please her.

  Her lower body moved restlessly against him. Radnor wanted to take his time, wanted to taste her honey. His cock protested. His balls were close to bursting. There was no more time.

  “I can’t wait.” He could hear the desperation in his voice, the rough, aching need.

  “Then don’t,” she moaned.

  He knew he should go slower, knew she deserved to be gently aroused in a soft bed, not fucked against the hard wall of a stable. He also knew he wasn’t going to stop.

  He couldn’t. Not with her moaning so sweetly and offering herself to him. He wasn’t strong enough to turn aside such a gift.

  He shoved her skirt up and found her firm, slender thighs. Her breathing was rapid, her chest rising and falling with every breath she took. He wasn’t much better.

  He felt as though he’d run for miles without stopping. His back and chest were slick with perspiration. He’d never wanted anything the way he wanted Roxanne.

  Her eyes were closed and she had her head tilted back. Her lips parted on a sigh of pleasure as he stroked his fingers over her hot, damp heat. “Your cunt is so wet.” He marveled at her readiness as he dipped one long finger into her molten depths.

  She made a strangled sound in her throat, which turned to a cry as he inserted a second finger. Her inner muscles grabbed at his fingers, trying to hold them in as he withdrew almost all the way out before shoving them deep once again.

  Roxanne bucked against
his hand, making small noises of pleasure. His hand was getting wetter as she covered him in her slick cream. Every muscle in his body was screaming for release.

  He withdrew his fingers and tore at the opening of his pants. His cock sprang free.

  He hissed in a breath as the cool air hit his dick. He was within a hairsbreadth of coming.

  She was moaning and clutching at his shoulders as she rubbed her mound against his body, trying to get the contact she needed. Radnor fitted his cock against her opening and inserted the head. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as her warmth surrounded him. He needed to find control.

  “That feels so good,” she managed to get out between gasps.

  “Your cunt is so soft. So hot.” His lungs were working hard.

  “Radnor,” she moaned his name, digging her nails into his bare shoulders. They would leave marks, branding him.

  She wiggled, driving his cock deeper. His control shattered. He drove himself all the way to the hilt. Then he began to fuck her.

  Chapter Nine

  Roxanne’s body was alive with sensation. Her breasts ached, her nipples almost hurt they were so tight. But it was between her thighs where she felt it most.

  Radnor buried his thick shaft in her slick channel, stretching her to the point of pain. Yet it felt so incredibly good, she never wanted him to stop. She held onto him for support, digging her fingers into his wide shoulders and wrapping her legs around his thick waist.

  Muscles rippled beneath her palms as he withdrew to the entrance of her heated passage only to drive back in. He went even deeper this time. She tightened her thighs around him as he hammered his cock into her cunt, getting faster and harder with each stroke.

  He was the most elemental male she’d ever met. He was earthy when he spoke of what he wanted to do to her, with her. She’d creamed herself just listening to him.

  She cried out as he shifted her slightly, his thick penis brushing her clit with each stroke. The wall was hard and cool against her back, a contrast to the heat radiating from between her thighs. Her skin felt hot, like she had a fever. And maybe she did.


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