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Embroidered Fantasies t-5

Page 17

by N. J. Walters

  The compulsion grew as she mounted a narrow set of stairs to the upper tower. At the top was a lone door. Placing both hands on the wood, she pushed. It creaked as it opened. She stepped inside. The room was barren, the window uncovered. The breeze was cool as it raced through the room, stirring dust.

  Roxanne padded to the window and stared out. The land was so vast and dark.

  There were no streetlights, cars or electrical lines. A low moo of a cow reached her ears, followed quickly by the yip of a dog. She definitely wasn’t in Los Angeles anymore.

  She liked it here. The pace of life was slower. People really knew their neighbors.

  They took pride in their work. They could see how what they did made a difference to the whole. And, of course, Sednar and Radnor were here.

  A light blazed behind her. She swiveled around and her breath caught. The tapestry hovered about five feet in the air, a bright light surrounding it. The colors shimmered like a chest full of jewels touched by the sun. “You really are magic.” The image on the tapestry was the one she remembered—the vibrant green forest, where she’d run for her life, the clear, blue lake where she, Radnor and Sednar had talked, the fertile land she’d walked with both men. But more importantly, were the two men standing tall and proud in front of the familiar stone castle. They seemed almost alive as they watched her, as if trying desperately to influence her decision.

  As she watched, the image on the tapestry began to fade and another one began to take its place. As though the tapestry couldn’t quite decide, it morphed through people and places, never settling on one.


  The word shimmered in her brain. Not spoken aloud, but understood.

  Roxanne knew without a doubt that when she made up her mind, the image on the tapestry would change for good. She would never see it again after tonight.

  Go or stay.

  Primitive world versus modern conveniences. There was no chocolate or television.

  No tampons. There was violence and hardship here.

  There was also love.

  Go or stay.

  A sense of urgency filled her. If she didn’t make a choice the tapestry would make it for her.

  She stared at the magical piece of fabric that had changed her life, entranced by the vivid colors swirling through it. “You know my decision.” The wind swept around her like a soft sigh. The light around the tapestry grew brighter and brighter, blinding her. Roxanne threw the back of her arm over her eyes. It didn’t help. The light grew, enveloping her.

  There was a huge whoosh.

  As quickly as the light appeared, it was gone.

  Radnor jerked up in bed, already rolling to the side and grabbing his sword from the floor. Across from him, Sednar did the same. They both looked back to the bed at the same moment. Roxanne was gone.

  “Nooo,” Sednar moaned. He dropped his sword to the floor and fell to his knees, grabbing his head in his hands.

  Radnor’s legs shook, his head screaming a denial. Roxanne was gone. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand in the center of the mattress. It was still warm. A lone tear rolled down his cheek and landed on the sheet where she’d lain. He propped his sword next to him and raked his hands through his hair, tugging until his scalp ached.

  “We should have asked her, begged her to stay.” Sednar dug his palms into his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “We couldn’t.” Even to his own ears, Radnor thought his voice sounded hollow.

  Empty. Just like the rest of him.

  His brother stared at him, anguish in his gaze. “We should have given her a reason to stay.”

  Radnor’s gut twisted. Maybe his brother was right, but it was too late now. “She made her decision.” He swiped at his eyes with the back of his hand as he pushed himself off the bed and walked to the table. Picking up the jug of ale that sat there, he poured some into two mugs, ignoring the fact that his hand trembled, sending a good amount of it spattering across the table.

  Too late.

  The words echoed in his brain, tormenting him.

  Too late.

  What if they’d talked with Roxanne, pleaded with her to stay? Would she have taken pity on them and done so?

  Too late.

  Halfway across the room, he stopped in his tracks and flung the two mugs of ale into the fire. The flame in the hearth burst high into the air and the wood mugs bounced off the stone hearth, shattering into several pieces. Radnor fell to his knees and let out a roar of anguish that rattled the shutters.

  His heart was breaking.

  He felt Sednar’s arms come around him and grabbed his brother, holding him tight.

  They would get through this like they had every other tragedy and hardship in their life—together.

  They clung to one another as they had when they were children. But they were men now. They would survive, but they would never be the same again. How was it possible to function without a heart, Radnor wondered?

  The door to his room pushed open. Anger flared like a wildfire out of control. It was bad enough to lose Roxanne. Who would dare to intrude during a time of such grief?

  He opened his mouth to roar at whoever had defiled the sanctity of his chamber and almost swallowed his tongue when a flash of pink slipped into the room. He blinked, certain he was hallucinating. Roxanne stood there, her hands clasped at her waist, looking uncertain. She was wearing that unusual dress she had arrived in. It hit her mid-thigh, leaving the rest of her legs bare.

  He scowled when he saw she wasn’t wearing any boots. Her feet were probably cold and the rest of her chilled. He wanted to speak but was afraid to. Was she leaving now? Was that why she was here?

  Sednar shoved away from him and staggered to his feet. “Roxanne?” He held out his hand. She closed the door behind her but made no motion to come any closer.

  Radnor pushed off the floor and rose to stand next to his brother. He tried not to notice the soft curve of her cheek, or the way her hair framed her beautiful face. He desperately tried to ignore the way her breasts pushed against the fabric of her ridiculously short dress, outlining her nipples. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Did that mean she wasn’t wearing any underwear?

  Where he’d felt dead only moments before, he now felt totally alive. His body sprang to life, reminding him he was a man and she was a delectable woman.

  He held out his hand to her. “Come here.”

  Roxanne shivered with more than just cold as she stared at Radnor’s outstretched hand. Both he and Sednar were pale, as though they’d seen a ghost. They’d awakened to find her gone. They’d thought she’d left.

  She hadn’t. She’d stayed and now there was no going back. She was suddenly very nervous. Sednar took a step closer to her. The look of hope crossing his face was almost too painful to watch.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “The tapestry came.” Both men stilled. She could feel it. The tension in the room grew as she opened her eyes. Radnor slowly lowered his hand back to his side.

  “Then why are you here?” She almost smiled at Radnor’s clipped words. She was starting to know him much better. The more worried he was about something, the shorter his temper got. She no longer feared his anger. It would never be directed at her, not in a physical manner. They might disagree about things, but she would never have to worry about him hitting her.

  “Because I couldn’t leave.”

  Sednar frowned and his expression grew bleak. “That’s not the way it works. The tapestry is supposed to take you if you want to go home.” Radnor swore and raked his fingers through his hair. “I don’t understand.” She realized they’d totally misunderstood what she meant. She took a deep breath and plunged onward. There was no turning back now. She’d sent her only ride home on its way. “It didn’t take me home because I am home.” Both men stared at her as if they couldn’t believe what she was telling them. She licked her dry lips as nerves made her stomach flutter. “It was my choice to stay.” Instead of coming to her
and taking her into their arms, they both turned from her and strode to either side of the bed and picked up their swords. She took a step back, her spine hitting the wooden door behind her. They both wore identical expressions of determination as they paused in front of her.

  They both went down on one knee before her. Hefting their swords in their hands, they laid them across their palms, bowed their heads and offered them to her. It was a ritual of sorts. Intrigued now, she waited.

  Sednar raised his eyes to her. “You are the heart that beats in this chest and in this home and if you would take me for husband I will give you my love, loyalty and devotion for as long as I live. With me, you gain the love, loyalty and devotion of my brother as well, who will be lover to you, and would also be your husband should I die before you. In return, I ask for your love, loyalty and devotion and any children that the gods see fit to gift us with.”

  Before she could answer, Radnor laid his sword on the floor at her feet and placed his palm against his heart. “You are the heart that beats in this chest and in this home and if you would take me for husband I will give you my love, loyalty and devotion for as long as I live. With me, you gain the love, loyalty and devotion of my brother as well, who will be lover to you, and would also be your husband should I die before you. In return, I ask for your love, loyalty and devotion and any children that the gods see fit to gift us with.”

  Roxanne was overwhelmed by the solemnity of the moment. Her eyes filled with tears and she desperately tried to blink them back. One escaped and rolled down her cheek.

  Radnor reached out his hand and caught her tear on his thumb. He brought it to his mouth and licked it off. “Don’t cry, Roxanne.”

  She was torn. “How can I choose between the two of you? I don’t want either of you to feel left out or unwanted.”

  Sednar rose and cupped her chin in his free hand. “There will be no change with us.

  We will all share one bed if that is your wish.” He glanced at his brother.

  Radnor rose and nodded. “Whatever makes you happy, Roxanne.”

  “But,” Sednar continued, “you must pick one of us. That is the law. The children must be formally recognized by a father and you must have the protection of a husband. It is a legal arrangement but it means nothing behind closed doors.” Her love for both men grew. She had enough love to share. It was strange that she loved both of them, yet her feelings for each of them were slightly different. One of them needed her more than the other. Needed that binding, that joining together in a formal ceremony, to feel complete. And so, she realized, did she.

  She smiled at Sednar and turned her face into his palm, kissing it. Radnor started to back away but she reached out and caught his hand in hers, tugging him closer. When he was standing in front of her, she smiled up at him. “Yes.”

  “Yes.” His expression was dazed.

  Sednar slapped his brother on the back and began to laugh. He grabbed Roxanne into his arms and kissed her. She barely had time to acknowledge the kiss when she was torn from Sednar’s arms.

  Radnor pulled her into his embrace and held her so tight she could barely breathe.

  She hugged him back just as tight. He raised his head and studied her face. “Yes.” She nodded. “Yes.”

  A slow smile crossed his face as he swept her into his arms and over to the bed.

  “Now we celebrate.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Radnor held tight to the treasure in his arms, savoring the feel of her weight against his body, her hand pressed against his chest. He didn’t want to release Roxanne. It wasn’t easy, but he forced himself to set her gently on the bed. She hadn’t left. Hadn’t returned to her world. She’d chosen to stay here, with them. With him.

  He was to be her husband. He glanced at Sednar to see how he was taking the news. His brother smiled at him, looking pleased and happy. That would never change.

  Radnor pledged then and there. He would make certain his brother never felt left out of their union. Roxanne had more than enough love to give them both.

  Sednar’s love was real, but his needs were simpler than Radnor’s were. His brother would be happy to have Roxanne with them, in their bed. Radnor knew he needed her bound to him by law in order to subdue the demons that sometimes swirled deep within him. Roxanne quieted them, soothed them in a way he couldn’t truly explain.

  He’d gone from the deepest depths of despair to absolute happiness in such a short span of time his emotions were all over the place. The one thing he did know was that Roxanne would never regret her choice. He’d make it his life’s work to ensure that never happened.

  “Let’s get this off you.” He reached down and pulled at the fastener of her dress. It parted, revealing pale, bare skin. “I was right,” he growled. “You aren’t wearing any underwear.” He combed his fingers through the thatch of dark curls that covered her mound. They were soft and springy.

  Her gasp turned to a moan as he used his finger to part her slick folds. He found her clit and teased the hard nub. Roxanne moved her hips against his hand. Radnor smiled. She was really here.

  Sednar slid one arm beneath her shoulders. “Sit up for a second,” he urged.

  Roxanne struggled to help Sednar slip the dress down her arms. Radnor removed his hand long enough to grab the garment and pull it the rest of the way off. He would have torn it from her body, but she might want to keep it. She hadn’t arrived here with much. It was part of her past and he wanted to honor it.

  Naked, she lay on the bed, legs parted, arms out. “I want both of you this time.” There was no mistaking her meaning.

  Sednar jumped out of bed and hurried toward the bathing chamber.

  “What’s wrong?” Radnor could hear the concern in her voice and hastened to reassure her.

  “He’s going to get something to help make things easier and more pleasurable when we both claim you.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

  He leaned down and kissed her. “Only pleasure. I promise.” The corners of her mouth turned up. “I trust you.” Radnor closed his eyes, savoring that trust. She hadn’t told them she loved them, but she had to feel something for them, something deep. Even after seeing the more brutal sides of their nature, after seeing them with blood on their hands, she’d given up her home for them. Love would come in time.

  He heard Sednar returning and rolled off the bed long enough to undo his pants and pull them off. His cock bobbed forward, heavy and full. He glanced toward his brother. Totally naked now, Sednar must have stripped while he was in the bathing chamber.

  Roxanne gave a low hum of pleasure as they both approached her. She licked her lips. He wanted that tongue on his body. He knelt beside her and covered her mouth with his. Her fingers tunneled through his hair, holding there. He could have told her there was no need. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.

  He made slow forays into her sweet mouth, teasing her tongue, tasting her essence.

  Sweet. She always tasted sweet. She gasped and jerked beneath him. He swallowed the sound and knew that Sednar had gone to work pleasuring her. Not to be outdone, he ended the kiss.

  Sure enough, Sednar was currently feasting on her sweet breasts, his tongue flicking one delectable nipple while his fingers teased the other.

  Radnor kissed the curve of her neck simply because it was there and he had to. He tugged on her earlobe with his teeth and traced the delicate whorl of her ear with this tongue.

  A low moan was his reward.

  His cock was throbbing relentlessly now. Every inch of it ached to sink into her hot depths. And he would. But first he had to make certain she was ready to take them both.

  He worked his way down her body, licking and tasting—the plump curve of her breast, the dip of her waist, the indentation of her bellybutton. Then he was between her thighs. They were long and lean and slightly bruised from her fall.

  He raised his head. “Are you sure, Roxanne? You’re bruised and injured.” It would p
robably kill him to stop, but he’d do it.

  Sednar raised his head, eyes filled with concern. “I didn’t think.”

  “I’m not that bruised.” She glared at both of them. “Don’t even think about stopping.”

  Radnor couldn’t help smiling. “My lady’s wish is my command.” She snorted, which made him laugh. She had no idea just how much power she wielded, but he figured she’d eventually learn. She had years to discover it.

  He shouldered her legs farther apart and used his thumbs to part the slick folds of her pussy. She was always wet and ready for him. It was such a gift. He leaned down and blew on her damp flesh. Then he licked her.

  Roxanne’s hips came off the mattress when Radnor licked a path from her anus to her clit. Her breasts heaved as she took a breath. Sednar sucked one rosy nipple into his mouth. His nimble fingers tugged on her other nipple, leaving it a hard, aching nub.

  She was burning up as if she had a fever. And maybe she did. These men had stolen her heart and marked her as theirs. Forever.

  “More,” she gasped. She’d never felt this free before. Free to ask for what she wanted.

  “My pleasure.” Radnor licked his lips before lapping at the swollen bud of nerves at the apex of her pussy. He leisurely pushed two thick fingers into her sheath and opened them, preparing her for his thick cock.

  Her eyes almost rolled back in her head at the thought of the pleasure to come.

  Radnor pulled his fingers back to the edge of her opening and then completely away.

  She frowned and undulated her hips, wanting more of his touch.

  He moved his hand lower and stroked over the puckered opening of her bottom.

  His finger was slick with her cream. He rimmed her before carefully pushing past the thick muscles. She shrieked as the tip of his finger entered her. She couldn’t help it. No one had ever touched her there before.


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