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The Billionaire's Sextape: An Adult Billionaire Romance

Page 2

by Cj Howard

  “Well, this is more like it,” James said as they walked in. James had never seen so many beautiful women in his life. One very exotic-looking woman walked up to them and smiled. She was wearing tight jeans and a loose shirt that was see-through in the light.

  “Come this way,” she said and led them to a table near the stage. They sat down, and she bent over so that they had full view of her breasts. “You’ve got one of the best seats in the house. Can I offer you a drink?”

  They all grinned, their tongues completely tied, and nodded at her. James finally found his voice. “That would be great. Surprise us.”

  James knew all too well that if he said she could surprise them, she would know that he was the type of guy with money. Drinks were always more expensive in a place like this, and he wanted her to know that it didn’t bother him in the slightest. He wasn’t sure why he cared so much, but he couldn’t help it.

  He liked it when people saw that he had cash. Only five minutes later, four glasses of champagne were placed on the table, along with the rest of the bottle and another one. The bottles actually looked expensive. She grinned at him and then knelt down.

  “Are you, by any chance, James Elton?” she whispered.

  James grinned. What he loved even more than people seeing that he had money was people knowing who he was. “You’ve got me! But I’d prefer it if you kept that to yourself, if you don’t mind.

  I have no problem with places like this, obviously, but my father is another story. He’d go crazy if he knew that I was here.” With that, James handed her a few notes and closed her hands around them. She smiled broadly at him.

  “Well, thank you for that,” she said and put the money in the pocket of her jeans, “but you certainly didn’t have to. Trust me – this is the type of place where you can do anything and everything without anyone ever finding out. We have strict policies here. No cameras and no talking – those are the rules. But your secret is certainly safe with me.

  And can I say, James – you are even better looking in real life.”

  James grinned as she walked away. He took a sip of the champagne and toasted Marco and Tom who were so busy staring at the girls around them that they barely looked at him.

  Suddenly, the lights went out, and they watched as some of the girls took to the stage. It was one of the most exhilarating things that James had ever seen. These girls were all absolutely beautiful, and they danced around the stage with ease. James had seen a lot of naked women in his life, but he’d never seen so many beautiful ones in front of him at once.

  A lot of them were very exotic-looking, and he couldn’t stop looking at one girl in particular. She was African American, and her skin wasn’t just dark, but almost shiny. There was something about her that seemed different than the other girls, although James couldn’t quite place what that was.

  She had a fierce determination about her and an unyielding sexiness that made him shiver. At one point in the night, he locked eyes with her and he felt himself getting excited.

  Marco leaned over. “They’re amazing. I totally think you should go into one of the private rooms with one of them.”

  James just smiled at the thought. He couldn’t take his eyes of that woman. He watched her until the dance was finished and all the girls made their way offstage. Suddenly, the lady who had spoken to him before was at their table.

  “Did you boys enjoy the show?” she asked while topping off their drinks. Both of the bottles of champagne were almost finished.

  “Oh yes.” They all nodded dreamily.

  “Good. Our girls are wonderful, aren’t they? We pride ourselves on that. Now, would any of you boys like to go into one of the private rooms? We have a few available at the moment.”

  “Send these two in,” James said.

  “No, no. We can’t,” Marco said and looked at James in confusion. “Seriously. You’ve done enough for us already. That’s too much now.”

  “Please. I want to.” Then James looked at the woman, “Take these two and bill it to me.”

  “James! Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. And in case I don’t see you when you’re done – have a great time.”

  Tom was grinning. If Tom was besotted over James before, he was certainly even more so now. They thanked him and went off. When the lady came back, she looked at James and smiled, “And how about you sir? Surely you’re not going to sit here all alone?”

  “Well, actually. I was wondering…”


  “There was one woman in particular that I liked. Uh… African American. Tall. She was dancing more toward this side of the stage. Absolutely breath-taking.”

  The woman smiled. “That would be Lilah. Yes, she sure is beautiful.”

  “Lilah. Beautiful name. So… do I have to go to a private room? Or could I take her home?”

  “Take her home? Hmm… we don’t normally offer that. It will cost you more, sir.”

  “That’s no problem.”

  She smiled broadly at him. “Well then, I’ll see what I can do. Will you wait here, sir?”

  “I’ll wait.”

  Moments later she came back with the bill. “Everything is organized. She’ll be out in a few minutes. Do mind settling your bill before you go, sir?”

  “Of course not.” James got out his card and paid without thinking about the price. All he could think about was the beautiful Lilah coming home with him. He loved how money got him anything he wanted.

  Five minutes later, Lilah was walking his way.

  “Mr. Elton? I hear I’m coming home with you. I’m Lilah.”

  “Lilah. It is a pleasure to meet you. But please, call me James.”

  James took her hand and the two of them walked out of the club. Lilah was almost as tall as he was although she was wearing heels. He glanced at them.

  “You okay to walk with those on?”

  She laughed. The sound was like honey to his ears. “Oh yes. I’m very used to these shoes. At home I’m more of a barefoot or slipper kind of girl, but I wear these so often now that they actually don’t even feel uncomfortable to me. They used to, when I first started working here.”

  “I’m sure. How long ago was that?”

  “Oh, I’ve been here for a few years already. So… we’re walking?” She didn’t seem to want to talk too much about her work.

  “We’re walking. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t live far away at all and it seemed pointless to drive.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind at all. I love walking. I would always choose to walk somewhere. There’s something so freeing about being in a wide-open space. Although I must say, it’s a lot chillier than I thought it would be.”

  “I know. But don’t worry – it’s warm at my place.”

  When James had walked out of the club, he had worried that things might be a bit awkward. He’d felt emboldened inside, but the moment he stepped out, he felt nervous. Thankfully, Lilah was ever the professional and was making things as easy as possible for him.

  She squeezed his hand and said that she was looking forward to seeing his house. When they arrived, she gasped, and he was glad that she had that reaction. He took a lot of pride in his home, and he wanted other people to enjoy it as much as he did.

  “This place is huge. Do you live here alone?”

  “I do. I know… it’s a bit big for one person. But I fell in love with it when I saw it.” It was a mixture of old comfort and new elegance – stone walls and new electronics. He knew that it was warm and inviting and impressive, all at once. He watched as Lilah took off her jacket and walked up to him.

  Ever the professional again, she took his hand and then moved closer to him. Soon, they were kissing. They were in the living room, right by the fireplace, and he could feel her body warming up in his arms. Her lips were soft and small, and he felt himself weaken in her presence.

  She tasted sweet and he leaned in for more. She reached over to take off his shirt, and he did the same with hers. He’d
already seen her naked body onstage, but up close she was even more beautiful. He’d never met anyone with skin as soft as hers.

  “Lilah, I have an idea,” he said. His nerves were gone, and a new sense of power came over him. He loved the thought that he had paid for this woman to be here.

  “An idea? Tell me more,” she murmured. He liked the fact that she acted as if she were loving this moment – as if he were the only man that she had ever had eyes for. He wasn’t stupid enough to believe that, but he was glad that she at least looked interested in him.

  “I’d love to film us. I’ll pay you extra for it.”

  “Film us?”

  “Just for me. I mean… you’re just so damn beautiful, Lilah.”

  She seemed to consider this for a moment. Then she smiled. “Okay. What harm can it do? You’re right. It will be fun.”

  James rushed to his bedroom to get his video camera. He had done this before, with his ex, so he knew exactly what to do and where to angle it. He set the camera up, pressed record, and then he walked back to Lilah who was sitting on the couch.

  She’d taken the liberty of removing the rest of her clothes, and her dark skin looked so incredibly striking against the cream color of his couch. For a while he just watched her, transfixed. Then he took off his clothes and went to join her.

  She looked at the camera and smiled. Then she angled him so that the camera would get a good view of both of them, and she kneeled down in front of him. She took his penis into her mouth and sucked.

  James placed his hands on her head and pushed her closer. He was aware of the camera on him, and the thought that he’d be able to watch this all again just made him harder. Lilah was amazing at this, and while he knew that she had obviously done it a million times before, he tried to put that out of his head. In that moment, the only people that existed were him and her. Lilah and James.

  She sucked and licked until he was so close to coming he thought he was going to explode, and then she stopped. She stood up and whispered “my turn” into his ear. James explored her body while she stood in front of the camera.

  He licked her breasts and then trailed down so that his tongue was between her legs. He loved that she was not completely shaven like almost all of the other women he had been with before. He parted her hair and inserted his tongue inside. He loved the fact that he could feel her shiver with delight. Then she pulled him up and said, “Take the camera and take me to your bedroom.”

  James did as she said, positioning the camera so that it faced the bed.

  “Handcuffs?” she asked him, and he grinned back. Of course he had handcuffs. He was obviously the type of guy who would have handcuffs. He fetched them and then handcuffed her to the bed, making sure that the camera was getting all of it. Then he climbed on top of her and proceeded to have the best sex he’d had in his life. Afterwards, he uncuffed her, switched off the camera, and lay next to her.

  “You’re amazing, Lilah. Lilah who? I don’t even know your surname.”

  “Delilah Turner.”

  “Delilah. Beautiful. Would you like some coffee?” James wasn’t even sure why he’d asked her that. He thought about Elton and wondered how his coffee date had gone.

  “Thank you, James. Actually, I’d love some. I’ll come help you.” She got changed and walked with him to the kitchen. He made her coffee, and the two of them sat in the living room, drinking their coffee and chatting. It was nice. She was very easy to talk to.

  “Well, thanks for not making this awkward, Lilah. Do you prefer Lilah or Delilah?”

  She smiled, “I’m not a fan of awkward. Plus, you’re easy to talk to, James. I don’t mind either name. Whatever you prefer.”

  “Both are lovely. I’m just James.”

  “Really? I knew a James once and people called him Jimmy – which I never understood.”

  “Thankfully that didn’t happen to me. I’m just James.”

  Lilah stood up and smiled at him. “Well, Just James, it was lovely to meet you. Thank you for the coffee.” James suddenly didn’t want her to go. He had so much more that he wanted to ask her. But, of course, this was her job, and she had probably done something like this a million times before. He offered to call her a cab, but she insisted on walking.

  “Are you sure? It’s really late.”

  “I don’t live too far. I’m sure. Like I said, I love walking.”

  James wasn’t sure whether or not he should kiss her goodbye, but she started walking out before he even got the chance to think any more of it. She turned around to wave goodbye again and then she was gone.

  James walked over to the living room and flopped onto the couch. Only a few hours ago he had been sitting on that very couch, watching a western movie with his friends and gearing himself up for a boring night.

  Instead, he had just experienced one of the best nights of his life. He smiled. He’d been to strip clubs before, but he’d never taken a stripper home with him. He was certainly going to have to do that again. He thought of the video camera and grinned.

  I’ve got a way better idea for a movie, he said to himself as he went to fetch the camera and started to hook it up to the TV. A way better movie.


  “Hello, James boy, come in. Your dad is still in his office but he’ll be out soon. You know what it’s like – work, work, work. I can’t drag him away.”

  James looked at Martha and smiled. He reached out his hand for her, and she laughed and pulled him in for a hug.

  “You really going to try come and shake my hand, James boy? You know I love hugs. Silly boy. You haven’t been gone that long for me to forget who you are. Remember, I have known you most of your life. You’re still a child in my eyes. You’ll always be to me.”

  James laughed as Martha hugged him so hard he thought he might pop a lung. He always tried to mess with her when he came to visit his father. Growing up without a mother, James hadn’t had many women in his life. Martha had been the most prominent female character.

  She’d been hired as a cleaner, but she ended up being so good at looking after James that his father had paid her extra to take care of him. Soon, they’d hired another cleaner, and Martha became his full-time caregiver and family cook, Because, as they also found out, she was brilliant in the kitchen.

  Over the years, they had employed many staff members, but throughout them all, Martha had stayed. Even when James didn’t need a caregiver anymore, and even when he left the house for good, Martha continued to stay on. She probably spent all her time now just cooking and doing her own thing, but James knew that she would never leave. They simply didn’t want her to. She was part of the family.

  Martha was round. It was hard to describe her in any other way. It might seem like an insult, but it wasn’t. She was wonderfully round. She provided the best hugs in the whole world. Her accent was a slight mixture of American, English, and Jamaican, and none of them could figure out why. They’d asked her before -- she’d just laughed and said she’d watched too much television.

  But one time she’d said that she had lived in Jamaica before, and another time she’d said she had never been to Jamaica in her life. They had no idea why she sounded the way she did. But James didn’t mind. It made Martha who she was. She was uniquely herself and someone that he’d always love.

  * * *

  “I know! I was just kidding, Martha. You know I live for those hugs. Did you go to hug school or something?” he teased.

  “Hug school? Oh James, you’re such a flirt. Look at you – every time I see you I cannot believe how much better looking you’ve gotten from the last time. And every time I think it’s not possible for you to get better looking. And you do. You need to stop now.

  You’re just like your dad – too good-looking for your own good. But the only difference is that he doesn’t know he’s good-looking. You do. I hope you’re not breaking too many girls’ hearts with those beautiful eyes of yours?”

  “No girls at all! You know I only ha
ve eyes for you,” he lied and teased.

  “Oh, I don’t believe that one bit. I think it’s a case of too many girls. Now, don’t go messing about with them too much, you hear me? You want to keep your reputation intact for when you do find the perfect woman, okay? We’ve had this discussion many times before, and my opinion hasn’t changed. You promise me?”

  “Okay!” he promised her. But deep down, he knew that he had no intention of doing such a thing. Martha had spoken to him many times about settling down and finding the right woman. But for now he was only twenty-five, and he enjoyed the fact that he could no longer count the number of women he’d slept with on both his hands.

  He had them falling at his feet. It was just too easy. And while he would never admit it to Martha, he had to admit it to himself – he loved how easy it was. Who wouldn’t?

  “Now, what can I get you to drink?” she asked, clapping her hands together. She loved nothing more than doting on him.

  “Vodka and coke would be great.”

  Martha looked at him. “Orange juice, you say? Coming right up.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh. An orange juice actually sounded great. While Martha went to get him a drink, James walked inside the house that was once his own. If Lilah had thought his house was impressive, he wondered what she would think of this one.

  His father had been talking about scaling down for years now, but James kept telling him not to. This house was everything that he wanted to one day aspire to. It was huge – possibly too big than was necessary – but James didn’t care about that. He could only imagine what the girls would say when he took them back to this house if he owned it. He could probably have a girl in each corner of the house without them ever bumping into each other.

  Of course, there were no hidden women in his father’s house. A big portion of the house had been turned into offices where many of his father’s employees came to work. It only made sense to do something with all this space instead of letting it gather dust.


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