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The Billionaire's Sextape: An Adult Billionaire Romance

Page 8

by Cj Howard

  She made a mental note to start doing these classes daily. After that, she showered, had breakfast, and went for a walk. She passed the local café, ordered a coffee to go, and spent the next few hours idling around the area.

  There was so much to think about – would she be going to college soon? Would she have enough time for a part-time job? Would she have enough money to get herself through college? Did she still have the same determination and drive to become a novelist?

  Did she still have novel ideas in her mind, or had she shoved them too far back? Those were just the questions relating to her work and study situation. Then there were still the questions regarding James – of which there were too many.

  She thought through all the questions methodically, and then she tried to clear her mind as she walked back home. By the time she got home, she only had an hour until lunchtime, and she was feeling better.

  She put on a pair of jeans, a nice shirt, and a pair of sneakers and pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. It was a simple look, but she didn’t want to look like she was trying too hard.

  She also knew that her white shirt looked good against her dark skin. It was a little trick she had learned through the girls at Betsy’s – finding clothes that complemented you rather than sticking to trends.

  The doorbell rang on time, and when she went to answer it, James stood handsomely in front of her. He’d also chosen jeans and a t-shirt, but he’d added a black leather jacket which made him look immediately rugged and edgy.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “Uh… thank you.”

  “Girls must hate you.”


  “Because you make jeans and sneakers look amazing. Wow, nice place.”

  “Thank you. This was my parents’ place. The one I couldn’t let go of. It’s nothing special, but it has something about it, doesn’t it?”

  “It does actually. So, are you ready to go? I hope you’re hungry,” he said.

  “Please, I’m always hungry,” she replied.

  “Oh really?” he asked, while she grabbed her cardigan and locked the door behind them. “Is that because of your old job? Did you guys have to always stay skinny or something?”

  Delilah laughed, “I can’t speak for the other girls – they might’ve done that – but not me. I’m always hungry because I love food – probably far too much.”

  “My kind of girl.”

  James took her hand and she smiled at him. “Is everything okay?” she asked as they got to the car. She climbed inside, and he answered once he was inside.

  “Yeah, I think so. I’ll explain on the way.” He started the car and began to drive. Then he explained that the video had gone viral very quickly. “Everyone was talking about it, Lilah. Everyone. My phone has not stopped ringing, and I can barely go onto social media anymore without seeing my name everywhere.”

  Lilah hadn’t realized this. She wasn’t even on social media, so she wouldn’t have known. She told him this.

  “Whoa! You’re not on social media? Not even Facebook? Twitter?”

  “Nope. I tried once but I didn’t see the point. I mean, I have no family, and the only friends I have are at Betsy’s. I didn’t want to socialize with the outside world while I was still working there, and I sure as hell didn’t want to see any of my old school friends.”

  “Maybe you did the right thing – because let me tell you, the internet world is brutal. Wow! I actually thought you would know all this, so I’m going to have to fill you in. Everyone was talking about it, and everyone wanted to know who you were. They dubbed you ‘The Mystery Girl,’ and it didn’t take long for someone to mention you were from Betsy’s.”

  Delilah could feel her heart begin to quicken. “What? They already know? Oh no! I’m sure that didn’t go down well.”

  “Well, it wasn’t what I wanted, but we both knew that the truth would come out, so I was prepared for it. Anyway, I got called by so many magazines and newspapers that I finally agreed to sit down with one and have an interview.

  I chose more of a high profile magazine rather than a gossipy one because I didn’t want them to twist my words. And I’d done an interview with them before, and they were very nice.”

  “All this has happened since I last saw you?”

  “Oh yeah. The internet doesn’t stop for anyone. It’s been madness. But that’s what it’s like – you’ll see, once we’re together a while it will all die down. When we break up, they’ll go a little crazy again with the media, and then they’ll forget about it and move on to the next person. Trust me – I’ve been in the limelight long enough to know.”

  “So how did the interview go?”

  “It went well. I told them the truth. Well, the truth that we had decided on. I told them that we had met at a café where we were both getting coffee. I said that we hit it off immediately and ended up sitting and drinking our coffee together. I mentioned that I then asked you out on a date.

  Only after that did I find out where you worked and how you only worked there because of a family tragedy and the huge debt that came your way. And then I said that you had quit because you wanted to make the relationship work.”

  “It’s a good story. Did they buy it?”

  “Well, we’re in the papers this morning. And the headline was: ‘James and his Pretty Woman, Delilah.’”

  “’Pretty Woman?’ So that’s who we’re being compared to? I never even thought of that.”

  “Yeah. I’m your Richard Gere it seems. Well, Julia Roberts, are you ready for some lunch? We’re here. Just be prepared for some camera flashing if anyone does spot us, and remember, we are here on a date – so we mustn’t talk about our big plan. As far as they are concerned – we’re a couple.”

  “James, I’ve been pretending for many years. I can certainly do this. Also, I’m too hungry to care about much else.”

  James laughed and the two of them made their way to the restaurant, James holding her hand the whole way. Delilah tried to smile, but she couldn’t help how nervous she felt. They found a secluded table in the far corner and sat down. Within minutes, someone had already asked if he could take their photo.

  “Well, at least he asked – most of the time they take the photos without asking, which means you end up in the papers looking like you’ve seen a ghost. Some of those flashes are so bright,” James was telling her.

  The moment he told her that, she heard a click and saw a flash to her left. Someone had quickly taken a photo and then scurried off. The same thing happened a few seconds later. Delilah giggled, “This is so weird for me. So my boyfriend is quite the celebrity, isn’t he?”

  “I guess.” Delilah could see that he looked a bit uncomfortable, so she took his hand and squeezed it.

  “Don’t worry. We’ve got this. So, what are you going to have?” she asked as she opened the menu.

  “I was thinking of maybe having the avocado, bacon, and feta on a baguette. I had it the last time and it was amazing. I told myself that I’d try something new, but now I’m not so sure. It really was that good.”

  “Seriously? When I have a pizza, I always go for those toppings. I’m going to join you but have it on rye.”

  “I must warn you, Lilah Delilah – the sandwich is huge. This is not one of those fancy places that give you tiny, but pretty, portions.”

  “Oh, you underestimate me, Mr. Gere. First of all, I’ve never been to places like that. Secondly, I have never not been able to finish my food.”

  “Oh, this I’ve got to see.”

  “You’ll see. You’ll be eating your words along with your sandwich.”

  By the time the food arrived, Delilah was surprised to see that a full hour had passed and yet it had only felt like ten minutes at most. James was very easy to speak to, and she was amazed she felt so much affection towards him. He was the type of guy that she had always said she didn’t like – he was good-looking and he knew it.

  He was arrogant and cocky and had
absolutely no perception of the real world. He had never had to worry about money before, and because of that, he saw the world in some sort of unrealistic, fairy-tale way. She always hated people like that. She liked real people who knew what hardships were all about.

  And yet… she found herself laughing with him and enjoying his company. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was just the type of person who was good with his words, because he was good at charming the socks off of anyone – or if perhaps deep down he really was a good guy. She guessed time would tell.

  “Are you ready to eat your words, Mr. Gere?” she asked as she lifted the last of her sandwich up to her mouth. She popped it in, chewed it easily, and then swallowed.

  “Okay – I’m officially impressed.” She watched as he looked down at his plate where a few mouthfuls remained.

  “Do you need help with that?” she asked as she batted her eyelashes at him.

  “Lilah Delilah – I have never met anyone like you before.”

  “You mean, someone so greedy?”

  “I mean, someone so inspiring.”

  “Because I ate all of my food? Wow – you’re easily pleased. I like that.”


  Delilah knew that James was used to being in the papers. She also knew that he was used to seeing things about him that were not true. But she was sure that it was strange to see things about himself that he himself had fabricated. The media had lapped up the story about her and James with ease and hadn’t seemed to question it at all.

  They did seem torn, though – while some of them kept going on about how wonderful it was that James had finally found love, others were slaying him for dating a stripper. If only they knew the truth – that not only were they pretending to go out with each other but that James wasn’t even sleeping with her. Nobody would believe the last part at all because Delilah knew that he was known as being a party boy.

  She wondered if he had assumed that they would also sleep together as part of the deal, but so far he hadn’t said anything, so she hadn’t said anything either. That was the last thing that she wanted to do. Her stripper days were over.

  From what she had read in the papers, the media seemed equally torn on their thoughts concerning Delilah. Some of them loved her – she had read words such as “beautiful” and “striking” being used to describe her. Some of them even went so far as to say that her life story had been heart-wrenching and they were happy that she had found her knight in shining armor.

  But others were not so kind. They condemned her for being a money-grabbing whore and said that she was only with James for one reason. Delilah tried not to read the papers after that – she found herself getting too wound up and wanting to set the record straight.

  She’d called James once, and he had told her that this was normal – that even when he hadn’t done anything wrong, he was always loved by some and hated by others. He told her not to read the papers, and that if she did, not to take what was being said too seriously.

  “It’s a funny little life, this celebrity thing. And certainly not all that it’s made out to be. I’m used to it because my father has been in the limelight for so long – which means that I’ve been in the limelight, too.”

  “But how do you not take it to heart? Doesn’t it anger you that people say things about you without even bothering to find out who you are?” Delilah felt personally attacked by all these people who had spoken out against her.

  “I used to. But there’s no point. Those same people who say bad things about you one day will say something good about you the next. They are honestly not worth my time, and they shouldn’t be worth your time either.”

  A thought had occurred to Delilah. “James, I don’t care about the media. Well, I’m trying not to. But, do you think this is all going to affect my chances of getting into college? Or finding a job?”

  He had laughed, “Not at all. In fact, it might end up having the opposite effect. I really wouldn’t worry. You’ve done nothing bad. In fact, quite the opposite – you’ve been honest about yourself and your life. That’s all anyone wants. I promise. Now, let’s forget all about that. I have something I wanted to ask you.”

  “Ask away.”

  “Would you please accompany me to a party? It’s a launch of some big documentary that my father somehow got involved in. I think he helped to fund it or something. Anyway, he actually can’t make it as he has a million other commitments, so he asked me to go.”

  “Does your father know about me?” Delilah had been meaning to ask him this question for a while now. The reason they had created this lie was really because of his father.

  “Yeah. He knows. He was a little weird about it at first, but I explained how much I liked you and he seemed fine. He’s a very forgiving man, and he always sees the good in others. Sometimes I think it’s his greatest quality, and other times I think it’s his biggest downfall. But whatever it is – I’m grateful for it now. He said I sound very happy.”

  Delilah giggled. “I’m glad our fake romance has made you sound happy.”

  “Yeah – it’s been quite fun actually. I was nervous at first, but now I’m getting into it. Maybe I should’ve been an actor.”

  “If you are an actor, then I am your leading lady.”

  “Well, leading lady, will you join me at this event?”

  “How fancy are we talking?”

  “It’s pretty fancy. But there’s free food and drink, and you basically just have to sit and listen to a couple of speeches.”

  “Free food? I’m in.”

  “Do you have something to wear?”

  Delilah wondered if she should be offended by his question but chose not to. She would assume that someone like her didn’t have a dress either. “Actually, I do. I have one dress that’s perfect for fancy events. I’ve only worn it once.

  It was given to me by my old boss, actually, when we had some smart event at the club that we all had to dress up for. She said I could keep the dress. But it’s literally the only one I have. So hopefully it’s the only fancy event I have to go to during our short relationship.”

  He was laughing, “This is by far the strangest relationship I’ve ever been in. But yes, I plan to break up with you in a few months, and I don’t foresee any more of these events. So one dress should do it. And considering we’re only in this for a short time, we might as well go out and enjoy ourselves!”

  Delilah giggled, “Let’s do it. Let’s show the world how in love we are.”

  The whole thing had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that Delilah was getting ready for the event, she was suddenly not so sure anymore. She was standing in her bedroom in just her underwear, staring at the dress on the bed. She couldn’t help but remember the last time that she had worn it and how different this event was to that one.

  The event at Betsy’s had seemed like a big deal at the time, but it was just an excuse for the super-rich to come in and watch the girls take their dresses off. The dress had a long zip down the back which made for easy removal. She tried to put that out of her mind as she put the dress on again.

  This event would be different. And as she looked in the mirror at herself, she smiled – she finally felt like a lady. The dress was a light sapphire with an undercurrent of sparkles that could only be seen under certain light. It fit her tightly and hugged around her body. It was impossible to hide in a dress like this.

  Every angle and curve was on show. But because it had a high neckline and stopped just below her knee, it still covered her enough to be seen as elegant rather than slutty.

  She put on a pair of silver heels and put a small necklace around her neck. And that was it. She’d always hated anything that was too showy, and she felt good in this outfit. She felt as if she might actually be able to pull the night off.

  James knocked at the door at precisely 7 p.m. When she peered behind him, she saw a stretch limousine parked outside and her eyes widened.

  “Oh, wow! I’ve never be
en inside of one those!” she exclaimed. She felt herself getting giddy. A giggle escaped from her mouth. “Sorry, I’ll be more composed when we get there. It’s just quite exciting!”

  “Trust me, it gets less exciting the more you ride in them. But you are making me feel bad for not getting excited anymore. It almost seems like a normal car to me. I can’t believe you’ve never been in one. But enough about the car. Lilah Delilah, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. You were right – that dress is perfect.”

  She did a little twirl for him and then laughed. She hadn’t felt this excited in a long time. “Thank you.”

  When they got into the car and he poured her a glass of champagne, she grinned at him. “You and I lead very different lives, James. But it’s good to be in yours for a change.” She took a grateful sip of the champagne and hoped that it helped calm her nerves a bit.

  When they arrived, she started to open the door. James told her that the driver would come around and open it for her. She was about to tell him not to worry – that she could easily do it on her own – but then she remembered that she had to start acting differently. This was his world. Not hers. And just as he had said, the doorman opened the door and helped her climb out.

  She’d seen enough gossip magazines to know how important it was to be careful when climbing out of a limousine, and she did her best to remain as lady-like as possible. She was grateful that she remembered – especially when she saw the flashes going off.

  The event was being held at a nearby hall, which had been transformed into a sort of winter wonderland. It was breathtakingly beautiful. James took her hand and smiled at her. He mouthed “thanks for doing this” as he took her inside.

  They took forever to get to their table because they kept getting stopped by either media who wanted to take their picture, journalists who kept shouting questions at them, or guests who wanted to say hello.

  James seemed to know everyone. He may not have known what he wanted to do with his life, but there was no denying that he was good with people. Whatever he did, he should definitely work with the public. Delilah made a mental note to tell him that.


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