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Gateway to HeVan

Page 2

by Lucy Kelly

  “The Venger has already been contacted. They are moving into position now,” said Watch Commander Hakor, before he put through the order to scramble the fighter squadron. At the same time, he motioned for another crewman to contact Commander Rale.

  Commander Rale and his two brothers, Recca and Rufan, commanded the Venger. They were Purgatian and the uncles of the current regent, Malpha. When the warriors on the Venger, representing each of the Houses on HeVan, found out their Aunt Durga was responsible for the death of the last two High Queens, they knew their future was in jeopardy. However, their new mate was Glynnis MacTavish, grandmother to Addie, the current High Queen. Glynnis was in a position to take Malpha’s place as Regent until Addie took the throne. This saved them because a HeVanthian and descendant of Tamiel would now be head of the House of Purgat. As she refused to be parted from her granddaughter until after the babies were born, they were all still on the Far Star Explorer.

  They were about to hail the Gate once again when Rale and his brother Recca entered the Bridge.

  “Rufan is with Glynnis. We didn’t want her to worry, should she waken. We heard the alarm for battle stations. We would have come earlier…,” Rale came to a stop. He and his brothers were older than many of the warriors on board but they were still feeling their way, trying to find their place in this new changed and extended family.

  Arjun filled them in on the problems with the Gate and then asked the obvious question.

  “When you came after us, what was the situation on this Gate? Did you give them any special instructions?” asked Arjun.

  “No special instructions were given. We asked when you had passed through and in what direction you were traveling. We wanted to know the next Gate you would be taking,” said Rale, pausing for a moment before speaking again.

  “It’s possible Malpha sent instructions after we left. You had been gone for so long and we weren’t able to find out from the probe how far it had traveled. We didn’t know exactly how long it would take to bring you back to HeVan but we estimated two to six months. So if Malpha wanted to put another plan of hers in place, she had time,” he finished.

  Arjun thought about the delays they were experiencing and what Rale had said.

  “Communications officer, open a channel to the Venger,” said Rune.

  As he waited, he turned to Kylan on his right and looked at him as he flipped open the console under his hand. Kylan gave him a nod of agreement.

  “Explorer, this is Venger,” said Commander Thors, a seven and a half foot warrior of the House of Celes.

  “Commander Thors, when we went on our quest to find the High Queen, we spent time at each of the Gate stations. Each time, we filled our stores to replace any supplies we had consumed, since we didn’t know the length of our journey. Something else we did, however, having spent so long observing Malpha’s machinations, was to put a back door into the command computers of every Gate. We didn’t want to take the chance of being kept from returning home,” Arjun said, giving Thors a straight look and a raised eyebrow.

  Everyone in the room understood Arjun was alluding to the fact Malpha would be made queen if Arjun and his crew came back empty-handed. For a long time, she had plotted and schemed on ways to force a joining with Arjun and his brothers, which meant she probably didn’t want them dead but unfortunately, it left the field wide open for other schemes.

  Arjun let it sink in before he spoke again. “We’re going to open the Gate using our override code. We’ll have a short window of opportunity to get through before they cancel our override. So every ship has to be ready to move on my signal. Communications officer, link up all the fighters. Confirm link-up.”

  Each of the fighters sounded off, as well as the Venger, responding to Arjun’s command.

  “Move forward at my mark,” said Arjun, as he and Kylan began feeding sequences into their keypads. “Three, two, one and—mark,” he said.

  All the ships started moving forward toward the Gate, their speed increasing as they gained momentum. Thors had faith in Arjun so he didn’t slow down even as he moved past the point where he could safely stop before striking the Gate’s energy barrier and destroying his ship and every man on board. Just moments before impact, the Gate opened and the Venger slid through. The lead fighters and the Explorer, in tight formation, quickly followed. The Gate re-energized just after the last fighter went through.

  It was too close; there was a backlash. The fighter immediately jettisoned his power supply, which exploded seconds later. Kylan reacted immediately by sending the closest two fighters to go to the pilot’s rescue.

  The fighters swung around. Flying through the field of debris, they attached magnetic tow cables to the disabled fighter. Since the power supply had been ejected, the pilot would have limited life support. They had a short amount of time to get him back to the Explorer. The explosion was so close, they could see heavy damage. As quickly as they could, they maneuvered back through the debris with no time to go around it.

  Arjun and the others on the Explorer had not been idle during the passage through the Gateway. They had sent for Glynnis. Recca and Rufan now occupied the two seats by the command chair and Rale stood just behind the central chair as they waited for their mate. Arjun and Kylan flanked Rale.

  They were barely through the Gate when the door to the Bridge slid open and Glynnis MacTavish walked through.

  Hakor, Commander of the Watch, moved to the navigation station. He’d been tracking all the ships as they passed through in formation. Suddenly he stood, his face paling.

  “Commanders, my brother Makor’s fighter—it was the one damaged coming through the Gate. He’s being rushed to the medical bay. May I have permission to leave my duty station? I would like to get Maggie and take her to medical,” he said.

  Before either Arjun or Rale could speak up, Glynnis did. “Well, of course you must go, dear. Hurry along now—I’m sure Maggie must be worried sick,” she said, before she took her seat in the center chair. She had shooed Rufan along as she wanted to take a little extra time with her appearance.

  “You only get one chance to make a first impression,” she said, pushing him out the door. She didn’t want to look like she’d just gotten out of bed and rushed into her clothes, even though that was exactly the case. Hurriedly prepared, she had just taken her first action as Regent of HeVan.

  Glynnis wiggled around a little in the big chair. She was five foot three with the padding she’d earned in her seventy years of living. The chair was made for someone over seven feet tall. Her feet hung over the edge and didn’t quite touch the floor.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s make the phone call now.” She quickly turned around and shushed her mates before they could say anything. “Be quiet, I know how to do this. I’ve watched all the Star Trek episodes―and not the reruns either,” she said, before turning back toward the front.

  “Communications Officer, open the hailing frequencies, please.” She looked around to see who had responded. When she saw him nod, she began to speak.”

  “This is Glynnis Kolrami, Beleti of the House of Purgat and Regent of HeVan. Respond now,” she said in her best―you better do what I say or else—voice. It had always worked with her daughter and her grandchildren so she hoped it worked now.

  Just when she was about to speak again, the forward screen lit up and she saw a man sitting in a similar chair, only it definitely fit him a little better.

  “Starships Venger and Explorer, this Gate is now under the control of the KowLer. By energizing the Gate and passing through without permission, you have violated our laws. State your business and intentions,” he said in an angry and irritated voice.

  “First, this Gate was built and put in place by my people. We have a treaty with the KowLer and you are in violation of it. I would like to know what you’ve done with my Gatekeeper. Secondly, when addressing a new person, young man, you should identify yourself. It’s extremely rude to make demands and speak this way to people you h
aven’t met. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?” she asked in a calm but don’t mess with me tone.

  Arjun, Rune, and the other warriors turned their heads to hide their smiles. They were a little surprised to see the Kowler warrior’s cheeks color slightly.

  “I am Ral CaliBan, Master of this Gate and Proctor of Clan CaliBan. Your Regent Malpha updated the treaty with HeVan eleven cycles past. All HeVanian personnel were sent home and replaced with citizens from the Clans of KowLer. After your first transmission, I notified Clan KowLer, ruling clan of the KowLer star system,” he responded. He stood and approached the view screen before continuing.

  “As our home planet KowLer is currently on the far side of the sun, you will need to maintain position for nine solar hours and speak with King Ben KowLer before proceeding. The weapons of the station are armed and locked on. You must recall your fighters and stand by. Any signs of aggression will be met with an immediate response,” he finished.

  “Young man,” Glynnis answered, “I am shocked and surprised at your continued rudeness. I believe I’ve explained that I am now regent—not Malpha. Her treaty with your people is null and void. You must deal with me now. The fact you continue to act toward people who are your allies―and would come to your aid should you need it―in this manner, is despicable. So I have no qualms in telling you all the Gate Station’s weapons have been disarmed and locked out beyond your control,” she said, almost shaking.

  She motioned for Recca and Rufan to help her out of the chair. They each took an elbow and lifted, then placed her on the floor. She strode forward, hands on her hips, and then shook her finger at him.

  “We absolutely plan on staying here until we talk to King Ben KowLer. I have a strong desire to give him a piece of my mind. If you call one single warship to come near my granddaughters, you will finally succeed in making me angry. I have hundreds of pregnant women on this ship, including the heir to the HeVanian throne. So I highly suggest you shape up and act with civility. I have nothing more to say to you until you can speak in a pleasant tone and with good manners.”

  After her statement, she turned and strode from the room. Her three Ankida ―Rale, Recca and Rufan, followed behind her in a show of support.

  Arjun moved around and sat in the Command chair. He smiled at CaliBan, whom he could see was annoyed, flabbergasted, angry, and slightly in awe. Arjun appreciated his reaction. As he and his brothers had courted and finally won Addie, he’d dealt with Glynnis’s methods directed at him as well.

  “Ral―let me give you a little history. Our High Queen’s daughter, the heiress to the throne, was lost in space, along with her mates. While she was gone, her mother, the High Queen, was poisoned. As the only remaining direct descendants of the High Queen, I and my brothers, after receiving a sign and a weak transmission, went in search of the daughter, now High Queen of HeVan.”

  He was pleased to see he had captured Ral’s attention and interest.

  “After nearly two hundred years, when we found the queen, we discovered proof her ship had also been sabotaged. Her Ankida died saving the lives of the crew. This also brought on premature labor and the birth of Tamiel’s three sons. She had to be put in stasis due to her serious injuries and leave her sons to be raised by others. The nearest planet within range, which was habitable, was in an era of pre-history without any technology. The crew sacrificed everything to keep Tamiel alive. Those men, who weren’t joined, mated with the indigenous peoples. Tamiel’s sons grew up, thrived as best they could and also mated with women from this primitive planet.”

  At this point in the story, Arjun paused; there were certain aspects which could not be shared with outsiders. He quickly edited parts of the history which highlighted the treachery of Durga of the House of Purgat.

  “When we arrived, Tamiel had just been awakened from her stasis by her own descendant. Tamiel revealed that her mother had foreseen her own death and passed her power to her daughter. Tamiel, in turn, passed the power of the High Queen to her descendant just before leaving this plane to join her Ankida and her sons. The new High Queen’s powers quickly manifested. She drew other descendants to her and many of them agreed to emigrate to HeVan. All but four of the women are joined to members of my original crew. As a result of being in the vicinity of our High Queen, they have all become pregnant. The High Queen herself is joined and carries six babies. She is on bed rest and must not be stressed.”

  Arjun stopped speaking for a moment to allow his words to sink in.

  “Every warrior on this vessel and on the Venger would give his life for any one of the women and, most especially, our queen. Please pass this message and all we’ve related to your ruler. We have no quarrel with the KowLer as a people, and would prefer to remain on good terms with you. Make no mistake; we will defend our queen to our last breath.”

  Arjun and Kylan as well as every crew member on the Bridge stood to show their solidarity.

  CaliBan was moved by the story. The HeVanians had made no outward shows of aggression, only those of defense. He would relate their story to his ruler and leave it to Ben KowLer to make the decision whether or not to enforce the new treaty terms.

  Chapter Three

  Hakor Rodan was never so glad in his life that his long-lost kin had decided, at the last minute, to come to HeVan to find her true match. He had to tell his mate, Maggie, that his brother, Makor, her other mate, was being rushed to the medical bay with serious injuries. Maggie would want other women around her and he knew Natalie, the only female on the ship of his lineage, would be glad to help.

  He passed his hand over the door sensor. The door was locked but it would sound a chime within Natalie’s quarters. A few moments later, Natalie opened the door, her roommate and best friend, Jennifer, standing a few feet behind her.

  “Hakor, what’s up? It’s the sleep cycle, isn’t it? We didn’t get confused again?” asked Natalie.

  “Natalie—no, you are not confused. Makor’s fighter was badly damaged coming through the Gate. He’s being rushed to medical. Would you and Jennifer dress and meet me there? I know Maggie would appreciate having others around her,” he said in a rush.

  Both women immediately gave him hugs and promised to dress quickly and be there for Maggie. As Hakor left and went running down the hallway, Natalie closed the door and turned to Jennifer.

  “Have you noticed Maggie hanging out with any of the other women? Do you know if she’s made any close friends?” she asked.

  “Actually, Maggie was a nurse back on Earth. Hasn’t she been working with Catherine, helping with all the prenatal exams?” asked Jennifer, as she pulled on a t-shirt.

  “That’s right. Let me give her a call,” Natalie said, as she walked over to the communications panel. A few minutes later, they left their quarters and were hurrying to the medical bay. They got there at the same time as Hakor with Maggie and right behind Catherine―Catherine’s quarters being across the hall from the medical bay.

  Maggie had tears in her eyes and as soon as she saw Catherine, they spilled over.

  “Is he…is he alright?” she stuttered out.

  “He’s in surgery. I’ll go and check on him in just a moment,” Catherine said, as she gently steered Maggie to a chair. “But first, I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m not the one who was in an explosion in outer space, Cat!” said Maggie heatedly.

  “You are the one carrying twins. Makor has a full team on him. I’m the doctor who takes care of you, remember? I understand how upset you are, but you need to keep calm. Take some deep breaths. There’s no reason to panic until we know what’s happening, okay?” she said as she rubbed Maggie’s back.

  Natalie came over and said, “Here’s some soothing tea for you, Maggie. Why don’t Jennifer and I sit with you and Hakor so Catherine can go and see what’s up with your other mate, huh?”

  Taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from her face with her hands, she took the mug of tea. Luckily, Natalie had only fille
d it halfway because her hands were shaking so much. Hakor put his arms around her and helped her hold the mug so she could drink a little.

  Natalie sat on the coffee table in front of Maggie, “Did you know your mates are distant cousins of mine?” she asked.

  Maggie hadn’t been expecting that. She looked up at Natalie with a questioning look on her face. “What do you mean?”

  “All of the Nephilim women on Earth are descended from those survivors from the Queen’s shuttle, right?” asked Natalie, waiting for Maggie to give her a nod of understanding.

  “Well, if you look at your own medical file, it will tell you which member of the crew you’re descended from and which House on HeVan your ancestor belonged to. When we all arrive on HeVan, you choose to go with your mates to their House or bring your mates to yours. Jennifer and I figure we’ll check out the weather and industries for both and then decide. I’d like to live someplace similar to what I was used to in Chicago. You know, you probably have cousins on the Venger. I was told representatives from every House are there,” finished Natalie.

  “She is correct, my Maggie. The custom on HeVan is for the male to leave his House and follow his female. Your ancestor must have held a high office to have been on Tamiel’s ship. There may be an estate waiting for you,” he said.

  “You and Mak have told me lots of stories about growing up in Empyrea and I assumed we would be going there. Why didn’t you mention this before?” she asked him.

  “We didn’t make the connection between Natalie and Jennifer knowing about their Houses and you not. We were both so humbled and overjoyed to have met you, nothing else mattered but you,” he said, leaning over to give her a kiss.

  The doors to the hallway opened. Glynnis and her three Ankida came into the waiting room.

  “Hello, dears, is there any news?” she asked, walking over to give Maggie a hug.


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