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Chaotic Magic: A Snarky Paranormal Romance (Modern Magic Book 6)

Page 22

by Nicole Hall

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  I appreciate you, and because I do, I’ve included an excerpt from the next book, Muse Interrupted, right here for your reading pleasure. Turn the page to get started on Sabine and Alex’s adventure.


  Muse Interrupted

  Sabine Davis breathed in the spicy scent of pine and considered the merits of becoming a hermit. The dark trees surrounding her swayed in the breeze, allowing bright swaths of moonlight to peek through the dense branches.

  She loved these woods, and the thought of someone other than her family owning the land around her made her think the world would be better off with fewer people in it. Her clenched jaw ached, so she paused a second to let the crickets and cicadas crescendo around her.

  The noise implied her quarry hadn’t come this way, but the faint tracks said otherwise. Even by flashlight, Sabine could tell a large cat had crept along the edges of the creek that bisected the forest behind her former home. More to the point, a large cat with two too many legs—a wampus cat.

  Normally, she was careful about asking for permission before trespassing on private land—doing it at night was a good way to get shot—but she wasn’t about to pass on the chance to find proof of the local cryptid. Besides, if someone hadn’t bought her parents’ house out from under her, she wouldn’t need permission.

  The wind stilled, and the feeling of being watched made the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Moments later, the cicadas stopped singing. Silence echoed in her ears. She’d been so focused on her quarry that she hadn’t noticed something else tracking her.

  Sabine clicked off her flashlight, no sense in making herself a better target. She turned in a slow circle, surveying the shadows as her eyes adjusted to the moonlight. Nothing else moved.

  Her heart pounded at the sudden realization that she could have walked into some kind of trap. She’d hoped to find evidence that the local lore of the wampus cat was more than just a myth, but that long-held dream wasn’t worth dying over. Shifting shadows on the edge of her vision sent a shock of adrenaline through her system.

  Her hand slipped into the deep pocket of her cargo pants and closed over the handle of the taser she carried for emergencies. The prospect of being mauled in the deep part of the forest—the part people avoided—felt like an emergency.

  A low growl came from her right, opposite where she’d seen the moving shadows, and Sabine struggled to draw in a full breath. If something leaped at her, maybe she could blind it with her flashlight long enough to get off a clear shot.

  The air shifted behind her, and Sabine yanked her taser out as she spun around. Her arm came up, but before she could do more than gasp, a very human hand wrapped around her wrist and pointed the stun gun at the sky.

  The move threw her off-balance, and she toppled toward a large shadowy figure. A strong arm wrapped around her waist, steadying her, and the lizard part of her brain relaxed. This person wasn’t a threat. Sabine looked up into familiar green eyes set in a wickedly handsome face.

  Her mouth dropped open as her brain caught up with the rest of her. “Alex?”

  He tilted his head with a teasing grin. “First you trespass, then you threaten me on my own property. Not the reunion I’d hoped for.”

  Also by Nicole Hall

  Modern Magic series

  Modern Magic

  Accidental Magic

  Insidious Magic

  Treacherous Magic

  Impulsive Magic

  Rebellious Magic

  Chaotic Magic

  Rise of the Lost Gods series

  Muse Interrupted

  Goddess Abandoned

  About the Author

  Nicole Hall is a smart-ass with a Ph.D. and a potty mouth. She writes stories that have magic, sass, and romance because she believes that everyone deserves a little happiness. Coffee makes her happy, messes make her stabby, and she’d sell one of her children for a second season of Firefly. Her paranormal romance series, Modern Magic, is available now.

  Let Nicole know what you thought about her sassy, magical world because she really does love hearing from readers. Find her at or Muse Interrupted Romance on Facebook!

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  Copyright © 2020 Nicole Hall

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.

  Cover designed by Germancreative

  Edited by Jolene Perry, Waypoint Author Academy




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