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Legend of the Touched

Page 22

by JF Jenkins

  Navi was the one who answered the door and she invited Kat in. Her eyebrow arched slowly and her arms folded in front of her. "Yes?"

  "I'm here to see Lenora," Kat murmured.

  "She's out. She hasn't been here since I returned, actually."

  Kat frowned, her eyes looking down, immediately feeling embarrassed. "I haven't gotten to speak with her since you arrived. Do you by chance know where she is?"

  "Probably staying in a suite alone," Navi said.

  With a small nod, Kat continued to find a place to look that was anywhere but the other woman's face. "I will try her old room then. Thank you." She paused. "I'm not sure it's worth much, but I am sorry all of this happened."

  For the first time since the two had met, Navi gave her a smile. A small one, but it was a meaningful one all the same. "It's worth a lot, thank you. And I am glad things are well for you. I'm sure you will find Lenora. Naturally, things have been tense over a short period of time."


  "I..." Navi paused. "I would stay in your room tonight if possible. Is your need to see Lenora urgent?"

  "No, I suppose not." Kat couldn't help but wonder why the suggestion was being given. It sounded almost like a warning even. Perhaps Navi was planning her escape? Kat wouldn't stop her from doing so. She didn't like Navi being there, nor did she care much for the woman. Things had been a lot nicer at the pool without her actually. Without her or Gwen. Those two did not fit in there.

  Kat turned to leave and bit her lip before looking back at the woman. "If you need anything to make your time here easier Miss Navi, please let me know. Again, I know we haven't been close in the past, but I wouldn't look away like many of the others here."

  Navi watched her for a moment, eyes narrowed slightly. "I want to trust you. Despite what I maybe have been told, I believe you have a good heart. The Lady Oceina is with me, and I don't know if she's doing well. She's concerned for her friends and kin who were captured along with her. Our Lord has threatened their lives a number of times. I would leave to find out news of them myself, but I don't particularly want to leave her alone. Gwen is here, your sister-in-law, but I don't think she's much more comfortable with the idea of staying than any of us. She doesn't much enjoy the city, being from the country."

  She nodded, listening. "Do you want me to see if I can check in on them? I don't want to get in trouble, but...I know if it were me in her shoes...I would hope for some kindness. After all, we are the women – we are not the doers of the deeds our men perform. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if we suffer the most for their name."

  "We do because they think we're weak and vulnerable," Navi said.

  "It's not her fault her husband is who he is anymore than it is yours," Kat said softly.

  "Besides, it's only a word. I'm not asking anything else. Just see if they are still breathing."

  A small courtesy. She couldn't be punished for that. If it were her, she'd want the same. "Sure."

  "Thank you. I'll send Gwen with you so you don't have to come back if you'd like? I'm sure you're tired. I heard you just delivered and I know that can be a tiring task."

  "All right, but there isn't much need. I'm sure I can get a word here in a moment." Though she didn't much want to go with Gwen. Not having to return would be nicer though. Matt would have the answers. All she had to do was get a hold of him.

  Is it true there are Oceina inside of the castle? She asked, unsure of how to bring the topic up. He had to have known she already knew. Everyone in the castle knew the Lady Oceina was being kept inside of the walls.

  Hmm? Matt said. Yes. There are three of them here.

  What are you going to do with them? They aren't going to escape are they?

  They can't escape the dungeon. It's near impossible. As for what we're going to do with them? That remains to be seen. Ideally, we'll work out some kind of an agreement with the Oceina Lord for their safe return. I'd rather not kill them all, though Father seems to think it might be necessary. He doesn't think they'll give up their homeland, he said.

  She glanced over at Navi who was watching her. The woman's head was cocked to the side. Kat closed her eyes for a moment, trying to push down the guilt that was rising in her gut. Was she deceiving her husband? She didn't want to think of it as such, but it was hard to be sure. Especially when he asked his next question.

  Why? I mean, why are you curious?

  Taking in a deep breath, she gave him the most real statement she'd said the entire time. It was something I'd heard, and it scared me. I know you'll always tell me the truth. Are you leaving again?

  No, I'll be here. Father thinks it's important I do my work from the castle for now.

  Kat sighed with relief. That made everything better at least. Come back soon then. I need you with me.

  I'll try, he said.

  Good enough for her. She gave Navi a weak smile. "They're alive in the dungeon and they don't plan on killing anyone. Hopefully they can work out an agreement, because this needs to end. I wish everyone could be at peace."

  "We all do," Navi said. "Thank you. I'm sure the Lady will feel much more at ease. Perhaps she can use this information to encourage more peace."

  "I hope so," Kat whispered and played with her hands in an effort to not let her fear take control of her. "And I will be taking your advice and staying in. Matt is staying with me, and being by him is much more important."

  "Yes, I'm sure you have a lot of time to make up for. Past and future."

  Kat didn't want to think of the future when he would be leaving her again. She bid Navi farewell, giving a small curtsy, before going back to her room. The woman's subtle warning still lingered in her mind. What was going to happen? And did she need to tell Matt about it?

  Chapter Seventy-One

  The Inero

  Jason was tired. It was getting later into the evening, and normally he would be crawling into his bed and sleeping before the earliest hours of the morning. A lot needed to be done though, and a lot rested on his shoulders. He had to do the right thing, and soon there would be no going back.

  At around eight in the evening, Gwen had returned to their suite with a letter from Navi. In it were several instructions of things he had to do, but would rather not.


  I will try to keep this short for you. What I'm about to ask is a lot, I know, but after tonight the gears will be in motion with or without your help. There are two things I need of you. The first is to free the Oceina prisoners. They're in the dungeon, but I'm sure you already know that. Your brother is staying behind. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage depending on how you want to look on it. The second thing I need for you to do is help Chris get inside of the castle again. The back corner entrance near the pool is where I told him to come in from at midnight. The Royal Guard is weakest there. I've tasked Gwen with getting the horses for our escape. We'll be able to get farther on hoof than by car. How many she gets is up to you. Whether you want to leave with us or not is your choice. Perhaps we won't even make it out alive, but I would rather die trying than live here and watch your father's plan unfold. I'm through with being his prize. Should you choose not to help, I'll understand as well. I know how you feel about violence. Don't worry about your father. I'll be taking care of him.


  "I'm sure you've made up your mind what you want to do," Jason said quietly as he read over the letter several times. Gwen shrugged, and he didn't press the matter further. He knew what she wanted to do. He wanted to help just as much. The plan was dangerous, but he couldn't keep pretending to be on a side he didn't believe in. Straddling the fence wasn't going to work either. He had to choose, and as much as it scared him to die for it, the right thing was to free the captives and get out of Inero and find the other Touched. That was his new quest.

  And so it was settled. Three hours later, he prepared to leave the safety of his room to go on the most dangerous mission of his life. He adjusted the Royal Guard uniform that he wore
, making sure it was without wrinkle and perfect. Then he went about fixing his hair. Good thing Gwen was handy with scissors because without her help, he would not have been able to trim his dark hair to the exact same style his brother wore. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, impressed with her work.

  "I don't know if this will work," he said at last, keeping his voice low. No one may have been watching then. The last thing he wanted to do though was tip anyone off.

  Gwen squeezed his shoulders. "You two are identical. It will work. If I didn't do it myself, I wouldn't recognize you. I bet Kat wouldn't either. The only two I'd worry about are your father and brother. I was told Kat was wanting to sequester her husband."

  "And I was told my father would not be a problem." He didn't know what Navi was planning. In fact, he was pretty sure she'd gone insane. Whatever it was, he hoped it worked.

  Jason swallowed back bile rising from his stomach. "I might be sick."

  "If you need to, do it soon. I won't think any less of you, but try not to worry so much. I believe we're being watched over. Mother always told me God looks after those who are worthy of it. You know what's happening isn't part of the big plan."

  "But getting away on horses?"

  "I'm skeptical too, but I'm confident in a miracle."

  I have to believe too. He took in a deep breath and then let it out, settling his stomach. "I will see you again soon. I love you." She kissed his lips, a slow and lingering moment, before she nodded and stepped away to change as well. She didn't say the words back, but she didn't need to. He knew how she felt, and he could smell the salt of her tears. Saying anything would cause her to cry. They both had to be strong.

  Instead of sticking around to make things more complicated, he went to the dungeon. There were the usual guards there, and his disguise must have worked because they all saluted him as he passed. Without error, he was able to return it with just the same amount of confidence as his brother, making sure to move quickly so no one thought to take a whiff of him. Masking the scent of his fear was easier to do than trying to cover up the smell of his purity. Matt had commented on how Jason did smell like more of an adult. Jason attributed it to them moving closer to that final step without actually getting there. It was just enough to make him able to pass by unnoticed.

  He was alone as he walked through the mostly empty cells. The only sound was his heels echoing firmly all around. He turned a corner and found a guard standing outside of one cell. Inside were a man and a woman. They were clearly Oceina with their lighter skin and blue eyes that shimmered in the low lighting. Both gazed up at him. The woman was afraid and the man growled with anger.

  "Release them," Jason said firmly.

  The guard blinked and did not move. "Sir?"

  "I have business with them and my father. Release them," he repeated trying to add more urgency and power to his voice.

  "Y-yes sir," the guard said and fumbled with the keys to get the cell open. Jason was grateful for the lack of questions, but who would dare try to ask about his brother's business? So much of it was kept secret.

  Jason grabbed the woman, putting a claw to her neck. "Stand and cooperate with me, or she will die." The man did so, and glared with an intense hatred Jason had never seen before.

  "Do you want me to accompany you?" the guard asked.

  "No, I should be more than capable of handling them on my own. You are relieved of your post." He faced the Oceina man. "Don't get any ideas. Just because I will be taking you alone, does not mean I'm vulnerable. I know your magic is gone and weakened. You will not best me in a fight. Run away and she dies. So much as raise a finger at me, and she dies. If you try to use another one of my kin against me, she dies. Do you understand? Doing anything but as I say will end in her death."

  "So you've said a number of times." The man sneered. The guard gave him a firm smack.

  "Do not talk to him like that."

  "I will punish him accordingly for his disrespect. Now to my side boy," he said to the man putting emphasis on "boy" for extra insult. The Oceina were prideful as well when they wanted to be. With a nod, he marched the two prisoners through the dungeon and tried to maintain the confidence he had earlier. It was especially harder to do when he passed by the Royal Guard who were at the entrance. They watched his every move, but did not say a word. Matt had these men well trained.

  Once they were in the halls, Jason brought them through a much more secluded area of the castle. He couldn't think of hardly anyone who went through there. It would be a longer travel towards the entrance where he would be meeting Chris, but the secrecy would be well worth the effort. He had a few minutes to spare. He glanced down at the Oceina man's wrists and noticed the glowing metallic wristband that was a mixture of the Terran olive green and the Oceina blue. It was enough magic to hinder the man's abilities, but also keep him from communicating in secret with his bride. Clever, Matt had thought of everything.

  Jason reached over and pulled the band off with ease. It stung slightly from the Oceina magic coursing through the metal, but he used his own magic to soften the blow. The man stared at him with wide eyes of surprise.

  "I'm not your enemy," Jason said in a low voice, barely above a whisper. "I recognize you from our meeting. The First Council. Do you remember me? Nod or shake your head." The man nodded slowly. "Good. Then you remember that I don't fall in line with the rest of my people. I need you to listen and do so carefully because your cooperation is how we're going to escape here alive."

  Chapter Seventy-Two

  The Oceina

  I don't want to do this. I'm so scared. Darien, I wish you could hear me because I need you. Please don't get mad at me. Tai silently pleaded as she waited for Navi to work her charms on the Inero Lord. The time was shortly after eleven in the evening. Her plan was to seduce the Lord to his doom. Tai's part was simple. Wait and hide near the bed, and back Navi up if need be. Darien would probably be furious if he found out she was planning on putting herself in harm's way. A bit of a double standard since she knew he would go to any limits to be with her.

  As Navi had explained to her, it would only be a matter of time before the Inero Lord made an advance on Tai. Taking her for his own would be the ultimate revenge, after all. The less time she spent there, the better. She was confident in her husband's ability to rescue her, but if she didn't have to wait for him, she wasn't going to.

  Voices could be heard right outside her bedroom door. She recognized Navi's sultry voice and the dark laugh of the Great Inero Lord. Tai's entire body tensed from her hiding spot on the floor by the bed as the door handle turned. She peeked her head up just enough to catch sight of Navi wearing a rather sexy looking little black dress.

  "Here my darling? I thought you would prefer to reconcile in my room so our guest could be more comfortable," The Lord said, his dark eyes clearly searching for Tai when he spoke. "Where is she?"

  "Elsewhere my lord. She's not your concern. Unless you'd rather leave me again?" Navi pulled him into the room by his shirt collar, running a hand through his shaggy black hair. How could she ever stand touching him? Tai would have rather died than be in the position Navi was in.

  "I've rewarded her for her help," Navi continued. "We've had many talks, her and I. In a way, it's helped me cope and come to terms with everything. I realize how wrong I was to act so irrationally. I was desperate and jealous. The only man's love I want is yours." The words left Navi's mouth, smooth like honey. She was a good liar, and it put Tai on edge. As much as she wanted to believe the woman wasn't lying to her, there was no way to be certain.

  The Inero Lord gazed down at Navi with a gentleness Tai never would have expected.

  He truly must have believed what he and Navi had was love. It made Tai a little sad.

  He touched Navi's cheek gently with a few fingers. "The only woman I want is you."

  "Please, come lie with me my Lord." Navi pulled him towards the bed.

  Tai swallowed, moving towards the edge of the
bed, ready to close in and help Navi with the attack if need be. Meanwhile Navi kissed the Dragon Lord with much more passion than Tai would have imagined and giggled. Awkward and uncomfortable, Tai waited for her part. A knife lay under the pillow. She noticed Navi's hand slip underneath to grab it as she murmured the man's name. The signal. Tai began to conjure what little magic she had inside of her, something she wasn't even aware she could do. Through Navi's instruction, she was able to learn a number of things in a short period of time.

  Tai stood up, and he was so lost in Navi's charms, the Inero Lord didn't notice. Oblivious to it all, he rolled so that the woman was sitting over him.

  As Navi pulled the knife out on him, holding it over his throat, his eyes went wide. Before he could strike Navi, Tai put her hands on him, the magic of the water surrounding them created a faint blue glow. He let out a scream and Navi shoved a pillow over his face, pressing down on it to muffle the noise. Burn marks were beginning to appear on his flesh underneath her hands, and he squirmed wildly underneath her touch. The magic caused his strength to fade however, and then to her surprise Navi thrust the knife into his heart. His flailing lessened until he ceased to move all together.

  Without a moment's hesitation, Navi climbed off of him and to the floor, pulling the knife out with her as she went. She cleaned the blade with one of the blankets on the bed and watched Tai.

  "Are you coming? Or would you rather stay here with his corpse and answer the questions?" Navi said.

  Her entire body shaking, Tai stepped onto the floor and walked to the door, not once looking back at the man she had just helped kill.

  Chapter Seventy-Three

  The Oceina

  It only took Darien around an hour to fly into the country of Inero. While his uncles and cousins created a small attack on the main border to create a diversion, Darien flew in through a much less populated area. No doubt his presence would be noted and reported to the Inero Royal Guard, but by the time they did so it wouldn't make much of a difference. He wouldn't be in their airspace much longer. Even if they realized his destination was the castle, he went into the grounds discretely enough that anyone who saw him would be unsure of if they had seen a dragon or a cloud. There were a number of spells he used to mask his appearance as well.


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