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Legend of the Touched

Page 28

by JF Jenkins

  There was a flash of light, and when Matt could see once more he noticed the man was still on his feet without a scratch. Even his clothing was only slightly disheveled. Disappointed, Matt threw another ball of earth energy at him, a larger one. And then he quickly tossed another three to follow after for good measure. Darien did fall this time, but there was another bright white light that protected him from what should have been an incapacitating blow. Matt remembered that the man was Touched as well, but Matt was throwing some strong spells. Granted, he was going a little easy on the guy, not wanting to overexert himself. It was time to take the gloves off.

  Before Matt had a chance though he was hit with a white orb of light that crackled with something like lightning. When it hit him, Matt felt a slight sting, but also a small surge in his own magic—his fire magic. Is it possible? Does he have another element too? No, Matt was certain the Oceina did not know how to create such a bond. And even if they did, what Aero would sacrifice his life to make it happen?

  Another ball came flying at him. Matt rolled to dodge it, creating a small shield of fire around himself. Defensive spells had never been his specialty though. No matter how many times Jason had tried to teach him, he couldn't figure out how to make them work to his liking. Then the water dragon did something new. Just as Matt was regaining his footing, he noticed a wave of ice rushing towards him. It hit him with a powerful force, sending him back several feet through the air before he landed on the ground with a hard thud. He struggled to stand again, his head spinning. Darien was soon standing over him, more ice in his hands.

  "I learned some of your tricks," Darien seethed. He reached down and put a hand over Matt's foot. Matt struggled, at first, but the cold of the ice both burned and calmed him at the same time. "Do you yield?"

  "I'd rather you kill me," Matt spat. His body shivered. "I d-don't surrender."

  "If you wish, I can. But you need to help me with something else first."

  Matt was about to snap that he'd never help an Oceina, but Darien struck him hard across the face with his fist. And with the one blow, Matt was out cold.

  Chapter Ninety-Four

  The Oceina

  Darien took Jason's twin to the coordinates of the crystal cave. He didn't know what was going on exactly, but after a brief conversation with Chris earlier he figured it had something to do with keeping the demon inside of Jason at bay. Why they needed the brother, Darien didn't understand. Out of all the horrible things the man had done though, he might have enough good left in him to help his own flesh and blood. Darien hoped so at least. Jason was his friend.

  The cave was breathtaking and mystical with the beautiful crystals looming overhead. The next thing Darien noticed upon entering was Jason bound tightly in chains lying on the floor. He writhed and squirmed in place, trying to free himself. Darien's heart sank.

  "What is this place?" Darien approached Jason with caution so he could put Matthias down nearby.

  "Careful, the punk bit me earlier," Etz said.

  "You deserved it. You can't keep me here. Unchain me and I'll spare your pathetic excuse of a life," Jason spat, his voice deep and gritty.

  Etz rolled his eyes. "Stuff it." He looked over at Darien and pointed to Jason. "See how nervous we make him? He's been cussing and whining ever since he came to. Tried to blow Chris up and everything. I'm glad I came for all of this fun." At first Darien thought he was being sarcastic, but then he realized Etz was being completely serious.

  "Yes, exploding is my idea of a great time," Chris mumbled as he combed through a book with Taj.

  Darien walked over to them and read over their shoulders. "Exorcisms. Interesting, but why did you want me to bring him?" He gestured at Matthias. Darien would have preferred to have him locked up in a cell than there.

  "From what I understand of this possession, it happened when his brother was present. They opened this portal together, so they both will be needed to close it," Chris explained. "I'm having a hard time understanding the language in the book though. It's ancient and rough, not the standard dragon tongue."

  Matthias began to stir then, and his eyes slowly opened. "Wh-where? Who?" When his eyes settled on his brother, they went wide. "Jason!"

  "Let me go, and I'll reward you with more riches than you'll ever know what to do with. Power so great, you can conquer worlds," the demon said, using Jason's body. His voice was still low and barely human.

  "What did you do to him?" Matt asked in horror.

  Etz rolled his eyes. "We didn't do anything. He's been like this for a while, and because of something you did with him. So whatever that was, it's gotta be undone."

  "We need to touch him and focus on our element," Taj said quietly. "All four of us."

  Without a moment's hesitation, Darien put a hand on Jason's arm. Matt sat over his brother's face, holding his head. The others soon joined. Focus on my element, Darien thought. He concentrated on the rushing rivers of his home, the peaceful ocean, the grand waterfalls. The rain falling, and dancing with Tai in it. He thought about the pool and how strong he felt with its water restoring him.

  His thoughts were interrupted when Jason began to scream as though he were in pain.

  "What's wrong?" Matt yelled over the noise. Darien didn't answer for fear of becoming too distracted. There was a gust of wind that nearly knocked him over, and Jason moaned loudly. The crystals on the ceiling of the cave glowed blindingly bright, a beam of light fell upon Jason and steam began to rise off of him. Or Darien thought it was steam, but then it started to change into black smoke and took on a human like shape. With a growl, it dissipated and then it became dark.

  Jason was panting and covered in sweat. The first thing he did once he was calm was stare at his brother. "You're here, you came."

  "I'm here," Matt said quietly. "What was that?"

  And that was when Jason filled him in on the possession. Darien let them have their tender moment. He was tired, and the brothers would soon be separated again. Soon Matthias would have to be taken back to the nation of Oceina where he would pay for his crimes.

  Chapter Ninety-Five

  The Inero

  Gwen raced through the halls of Sanctuary. As soon as she'd heard that the men were coming home again, that everything was well, she went to wait at the door. Staying behind had been hard for her. Throughout all of this, she'd been by Jason's side to help him. And then when he needed her the most, she couldn't be anywhere nearby. Finally, he was free.

  When he staggered into the castle, she flung her arms around him, not wanting to let him go again for a long time. He stepped back to brace himself and steadied them both by putting a hand on her hip. She couldn't help it; she had to kiss him long and hard. His mouth opened slightly as he kissed her back.

  "Eh-hem," Chris coughed which earned him a rough elbow in the gut from Navi.

  Gwen could feel her cheeks grow hot, and she curled her body against Jason's. The hand he put on her hip moved down to the top of her thigh and he pulled her closer. His hold was weaker than usual, but she still felt just as safe and cozy in it.

  She gazed up into his dark eyes. "I'm sure you're exhausted after all of that."

  "You have no idea," he mumbled. He closed his eyes momentarily and then made eye contact with Chris. "Thank you, I'm forever in your debt. Everyone's. Please tell them for me when they get here?" Chris nodded.

  "They didn't come back with you?" Gwen asked, and followed Jason as he led them back to their room. He did seem weary. She'd gladly tuck him in so he could rest.

  Jason shook his head. "Chris and I were dropped off by Darien so he could take Matt to..." He swallowed. "He'll be punished accordingly, I'm sure." He sighed and then shook his head. "The others went back to their respective homes no doubt. I don't particularly see why they'd come back here."

  "Are you okay?"

  "Tired, a little confused, but otherwise unhurt. So much of the past couple of days is a blur. It's moved so fast. Plus I'm still trying to get used to all
of this new magic inside of me. Hopefully the others won't abuse the honor of having my power in them as well." He looked down at his hands. He clenched his fists together, and she watched them glow red, then blue, then white, then green, before going back to red again. She hadn't seen him use his magic much. It was fascinating.

  Still, she didn't want to make a big deal about it. He was tired, and didn't need to deal with her curious questions. She walked him to their room and helped him into bed. He groaned softly as he climbed under the covers. Lying next to him, she held him close. Jason may not have wanted to be hugged so tightly, but he would have to suffer for a little while if that was the case. She needed to feel him close to her for only a few moments longer.

  "I love you," she whispered.

  "I love you too." He kissed her lips softly. The kiss deepened, and he trailed his hands over the curves of her body. She gazed up into his eyes, and saw the same sense of longing that she felt on the inside of her soul, reflected in them. Finally, they could be one.

  Chapter Ninety-Six

  The Inero

  Matthias was locked in a cell for what he guessed was three days. That felt about right. He had no visitors, which was how he preferred things. There wasn't anyone he was sure he could see. Kat, he longed to see her again, but he was also ashamed. He'd lost, failed, and what would she think of him? He'd tried so hard to prove himself right and worthy and it backfired in his face. The other Touched had worked together without him, and defeated him. After what he saw happen to Jason, he also couldn't help but wish he'd listened to his wife. There were a lot of pieces he was trying to put together still, but all of the answers would come at the trial. The Oceina guards would be coming to take him there.

  When they arrived to collect him, Jason was there as well. The boyish smell his brother once had was gone; the last sign that things were forever changed. The guards moved to restrain Matt's hands behind his back. Jason stopped them.

  "That won't be necessary." He waved for Matt to stand near him. Reluctantly, Matt joined his brother, staying close but not touching.

  "What are you doing here? Why are you leading me to the chopping block?" Matt asked in a hushed voice.

  "It's not the chopping block."

  "It might as well be. I'm guilty. They want me dead." And he should die. If the roles were reversed, Matt wouldn't have even bothered to hold a trial. The Oceina were much more interested in justice than revenge. Matt didn't see the point though. Why delay the inevitable?

  Jason glanced at him. "That's why I'm here. Don't be prideful, be honest with them."

  "I appreciate the advice, but I don't need sympathy. I can accept whatever they think I deserve."

  "As your older brother, I'm going to do everything in my power to help you. Over the years you've done a lot to help me, and I want to do the same. Despite everything, I still love you. The only reason I've done anything I have is because I do." Jason's eyes were wide and pleading. "And there is still so much I want to tell you, to share with you. About Mom, Dad, our real family. I want you to be here. Please trust me and let me try? Let go of your honor and think about your family. Kat, Danielle, what about them?"

  Matt didn't know how to explain to Jason that they were part of the reason he felt so terrible. The disappointment they must have had in him was unbearable. But his brother did have a point. There was a lot he didn't understand.

  "Okay," Matt said. "I'll try."

  Jason grabbed his arm tightly, and brought him into an office. They were in Oceina City, inside one of the many tall skyscrapers that still stood. Matt was a little surprised they'd use a place like that to hold a trial, even a private one. He thought for sure he'd be dragged in front of the entire Dragon Council. The low-key aspect of it made him nervous. Would he really receive fair judgment here?

  Both he and his brother were seated in front of a desk. The Oceina guard stood behind them, and there were three other men standing behind Darien. The Great Lord was seated across from them, leaning forward.

  "You know why you're here. I didn't want to make a big spectacle of everything. It might cause more unnecessary drama between our nations. Here we have the required amount of witnesses in accordance to dragon law, and it will also be recorded for everyone to see. Because your crimes were committed against my people, naturally I get to decide what to do with you. But I wanted to hear your explanation of things." Darien was surprisingly casual about it. Matt expected more emotion. Usually the young man was more passionate.

  The room was quiet, and all eyes were on Matt. Jason gave him an encouraging nod.

  "I'm not sure where to start," Matt said honestly. There was a lot of background to cover, things that could explain why he did what he did. He decided to stick to the basic facts. "Ever since I can remember, I've had powerful, aggressive magic. My father decided that would make me a good asset to his military. With my knowledge, he was able to make magically enhanced armor and weapons. He made a deal with the Terran by offering my child in marriage to theirs."

  "So I've heard," Darien said with a nod.

  Matt frowned, trying to think of what to say next. "I'm sure you know what it's like to have expectations put on you. My brother told me to be honest so...I will be. Everything that happened, I honestly believed it was the right thing. My father believed adamantly that your land belongs to my people because the Great Dragon will be born from Inero blood in this city. I agreed with him."

  Darien's jaw tightened for a moment. "Were you there when my father died?"

  "I was the one who did it," Matt said after taking a deep breath. "And I believed in that too." He'd wanted to do it even, but he wasn't sure if he should mention that much.

  Jason sighed. "Lord Oceina, if I may have a moment to speak for him?" Darien nodded and Jason continued. "Thank you. This might be hard to believe, but my brother did not understand what he was doing. He knew, he had the orders, he thought they were right, but he didn't actually know what was going on. The man who claimed to be our father lied to everyone any chance he had, and was good at manipulating and persuading others to do his bidding. We mimic those who teach us. While I was raised primarily by Lynx's numerous wives, Matthias was raised by him. I truly believe he's good in his heart. With time, and accurate knowledge, he will come to see how he was misled. I...I beg for you to give him the opportunity to do so."

  "I have a lot to think about," Darien said after a minute's pause. "Take him back to his cell until I figure it out."

  Chapter Ninety-Seven

  The Oceina

  "Do you think he's squirming in there? Afraid?" Darien asked and spun in his desk chair. He'd known for a while what he preferred to do with Jason's brother. Killing him was an option, but it seemed too easy. As much as Darien thought the man deserved it, he was also tired of bloodshed. There had to be another way to solve problems, and he was pretty sure he'd thought of it. But was it going too easy on him?

  Jason shook his head. "I doubt it. Matt has always been brave. He accepts responsibility for his actions. I'm pretty sure he prepared himself some time ago for being executed." He paused. "Are you, going to...?"

  With a deep sigh, Darien shook his head. "Not today."


  "I want to believe you when you say he was manipulated, molded to thinking the way he does. I haven't seen the goodness in him, but I'm sure there is something. You'd know better than anyone else, and you seem to have good instincts." He paused. "But if he can't see it..."

  "He will over time," Jason pressed.

  "And I'm willing to give him some of that." He looked at the guard standing by the door, waiting for him. "Go get him."

  Jason's eyes gazed downward. "Hopefully the transition of power will go smoothly. At least the Terran are willing to help back you up so there's not any more backlash. If a good man can become the leader of the Inero, we can repair the broken bonds we once had."

  A small smile appeared on Darien's face. "A good man like you?"

  "I don't
want to lead a country." Jason shook his head quickly. "And I know of someone who'd be much better for the position, who holds true bloodlines and is a more appropriate age."

  "Oh? Who's that?"

  "My father," Jason said with a small smile. "There are others who are good and capable. Lynx ruled through fear and deceit. Anyone who follows his reign will be much easier to deal with."

  "True." Darien hoped so at least. After everything that happened that year, he was ready to take a step back. He'd been hoping to not have to dive into being the leader of his people. There was a lot he still needed to learn and get familiar with.

  The door opened and the guards were back with Matthias. They forced the man to sit again. This time he was restrained, and everyone watched Darien to hear his verdict.

  Only a few hours had passed since he'd heard Matt's story. It was enough time to get Darien calm enough so he didn't lash out. Sitting right in front of him was the man who was responsible for his father's murder. That wasn't something he'd be easily able to forgive.

  "After talking with your brother and hearing what you had to say, I've decided to put you on a sort of probation. You'll be exiled to the island of Shanrea. For life. You'll be given a house, a perimeter, and you won't ever step outside of the boundaries of your home. There you can live with your family, live a normal quiet life, and hopefully someday understand your actions. Disobeying these orders will of course lead to my other route of punishment, execution."

  Matt sat quietly and looked down at his lap, clearly thinking over Darien's words carefully. "It's much kinder than I deserve."

  "Yes," Darien said coldly. He was glad Matt understood that much. "Do you accept these terms?"


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