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Rancher For The Holidays (Love Inspired)

Page 5

by Myra Johnson

  “Let’s call it applying a little positive pressure. No guilt involved.” Hoping to convince her, Ben grabbed one of the smaller boxes out of the pickup bed. “Let’s get this stuff unloaded. Lead the way to your storage room.”

  Two more trips, plus Ernie’s help with the wagon, and all the supplies had been moved inside. Marley opened a cooler and passed around cold cans of soda, which they sipped while sitting on paint buckets in the small classroom. Ben couldn’t resist glancing in Marley’s direction to admire her long, tanned legs and the way the end of her ponytail feathered across her shoulders.

  She caught him looking at her and smiled. “Sure glad you’re here. I expected we might have a low turnout today, but I never dreamed it’d be just the three of us.”

  “Glad I could help.” Ben’s chest warmed, and he sat a little straighter. “After all the time I’ve spent behind a desk, it actually feels good to do something physical.”

  Ernie cleared his throat, reminding Ben he and Marley weren’t alone. “What’s next, Marley?” Ernie asked. “We need to inventory this stuff?”

  Marley popped up from her paint bucket. “I’ll get my list.”

  As Marley darted from the room, Ernie gave a low chuckle. “Thought you two had forgotten about me for a minute.”

  With a self-conscious laugh, Ben stood and pawed through the nearest box to see what it held. Paintbrushes, masking tape, stir sticks...

  Ernie ambled over, and his voice dropped to a whisper. “Don’t mess with Marley. You get my drift?”

  Ben straightened. “Hey, if you two have something going—”

  “Nothing like that. But hurt her, and you’ll answer to the entire congregation of Spirit Fellowship.” The smile never left Ernie’s face as he spoke, but his humorless tone left no doubt he meant every word.

  Ben lifted both hands in a defensive posture. “I’m only in town for a few weeks. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “Let’s hope not.” Ernie glanced toward the door as footsteps sounded in the corridor.

  Marley appeared, tablet computer in hand. Her confused gaze darted between the two men. “Did I miss something?”

  “Just guy talk.” Sliding a glance toward Ben, Ernie bent over a crate. “Got that list?”

  While Ernie and Marley checked off the supplies, Ben stepped to one side and pretended to study a paint-bucket label. Ernie’s warning shouldn’t bother him as much as it did, especially since he had no intention of letting anything develop between him and Marley. Yeah, he found her attractive—and not just because of her unpretentious good looks. There was something special about Marley, something that made Ben think she was exactly the kind of girl he could go for.

  If he weren’t unemployed with no prospects on the horizon.

  Which meant it wasn’t fair to either of them to risk letting a casual friendship turn into something more. He should make some excuse and get out of here. Right now.

  Then Marley’s softly spoken plea froze him in his tracks. “Ben, I could really use your help.”

  * * *

  Marley held her breath as she waited for Ben to reply. Her instincts told her he was ready to bolt, and she felt pretty sure it had something to do with whatever he and Ernie had talked about while she was out of the room.

  Leave it to Ernie to act like her big brother with Ben. Like so many of her friends at Spirit Fellowship, Ernie and his wife, Angela, kept a close watch on Marley and made sure no one took advantage of her. Especially when it came to dating.

  As if they had anything to worry about. Keeping her past private made Marley supercautious.

  On the other hand, Marley didn’t mind having Ben around while it lasted. She tried again. “How about it, Ben?”

  He turned slowly, a resigned look flattening his expression. He reached for his soda can and drained the last few drops, then tossed it into a nearby garbage bin. “Whatcha need?”

  “If you’ll sort through the crates with us, we can finish a lot faster.”

  “Where shall I start?”

  “Just pick a box. As we check things off, you can stack it on the other side of the room.”

  Ernie kept up a friendly chatter as they worked, but Marley couldn’t help noticing Ben’s silence. Was he that sorry the Whitlows had talked him into helping with the outreach team? She certainly didn’t need a reluctant volunteer.

  Nearing the end of her checklist, she stretched her tired back muscles. “That’s pretty much everything. Ben, if you need to get out of here, Ernie and I can wrap this up.”

  Ben closed the flaps on the cardboard box he’d just set aside. “If you’re sure...”

  “No prob. We’re almost done.” Marley offered an agreeable smile to cover the disappointment churning through her.

  “Okay, then.” Pulling a key ring from his pocket, Ben edged toward the door. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Marley cast him a blank look. “Tomorrow?”

  “The anniversary portrait. At my aunt and uncle’s place.”

  With an embarrassed chuckle, Marley slapped her forehead. “Too much on my mind lately. I think I told Jane I’d be there around two o’clock.”

  “They’re looking forward to it.” Ben straightened his baseball cap. “Okay, then,” he repeated. “See you tomorrow.”

  “See you.” Marley’s lungs deflated as Ben disappeared down the corridor.

  Turning back to Ernie, she gave her checklist a final glance. “Looks like we’re all set. Thanks for coming over this morning. Everyone else must be busy with family stuff.”

  Ernie brushed at some dust on his pant leg. “Nice that Ben could lend a hand.”

  Marley couldn’t miss the unspoken question in his tone. “Don’t get any ideas. He’s just a new friend.”

  “Who’d like to be more, unless my radar’s way out of whack.”

  With an exasperated sigh, Marley dug her fists into her hips. “Ben’s between jobs. He isn’t interested in anything except filling time until someone hires him again.”

  “Coulda fooled me. I saw the way he looks at you.”

  Marley shut off the lights and stepped into the corridor. “You’re imagining things. And by the way, what did you say to him while I was out of the room earlier?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Ernie pulled the classroom door shut behind them and made sure it was locked. “We should leave a note for Pastor Chris. He’ll be glad to know we have most of the supplies accounted for.”

  “No hurry. He and Natalie went to visit her parents this weekend. Won’t be back until Tuesday.” Halting in front of the exit doors, Marley confronted Ernie. “And you’re changing the subject.”

  Ernie shot her a butter-couldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth grin. “Forgot there’ll be a substitute pastor preaching tomorrow. Always nice to have Reverend Hinkhouse back in the pulpit.”

  “Er-r-r-nie.” Marley’s eyes became slits.

  His shoulders slumped. “I told your city-slicker boyfriend he’d better not hurt you, or he’d answer to me and the entire congregation.”

  Chagrin knifed through Marley’s abdomen. “Oh, Ernie, you didn’t!”

  Ernie’s shoulders drooped. “You’re like family, Marley, and the plain truth is I don’t trust this guy. He’s a rich out-of-towner with time on his hands, and that’s the worst kind.”

  “You sound awfully judgmental for a Christian. Give Ben a break.” Marley pushed through the doors and marched toward her Civic. She could only wonder how Ernie and the rest of the congregation would react if they ever got wind of her troubled past.

  “Marley, wait up.” Ernie jogged past her and skidded to a stop next to her car door. Frowning, he pawed the back of his neck. “I can see you like the guy. And you’re right, it’s not my place to pass judgment, especially sin
ce I just met him. But you hardly know him, either. Don’t you think you should be a little bit careful?”

  “Take my word for it, you have nothing to be worried about.” Marley shook her head as she dug through her purse for her car keys. “Anyway, Ben is Steve and Jane Whitlow’s nephew. I’m sure they’ll vouch for his good character.”

  Ernie flinched. “The Whitlows? Why didn’t you say so?”

  “Why should I have to?” Marley reached past Ernie for the door handle. “Admit it, you had Ben pigeonholed the minute you laid eyes on his Mustang. You never even gave him a chance.”

  “Okay, I didn’t give him a fair shake. I apologize.” Both hands lifted, Ernie backed away. “But do you really think he’s gonna be much help with our outreach committee? I got a really strong vibe that he hasn’t spent much time in church lately.”

  Marley pulled open the car door and tossed her things inside before pivoting to face Ernie. “Again, you are prejudging. And even if you’re right about Ben, people can change. People can learn from their mistakes, repent and become better human beings. Isn’t that why Jesus died for us?”

  Ernie’s lips quirked in a curious grin. “Maybe they should have asked you to fill in for Chris tomorrow, Pastor Sanders.” Heaving a resigned sigh, he lowered his head. “And I totally get your point. Sorry for jumping to conclusions about Ben.”

  “I’m sorry, too.” Marley grimaced. “Stepping off my soapbox now.”

  Turning toward his pickup, Ernie paused and snapped his fingers. “Almost forgot. Angela told me to invite you over for burgers tonight.”

  Relieved the tension had eased between them, Marley smiled her thanks. “Sounds great. I’ll call Angela later and ask what I can bring.”

  They said their goodbyes, and Marley climbed into the Civic. With the air-conditioning cranked up, she drove toward her apartment, intending to freshen up and then open the studio. Weekends usually brought more shoppers to the arts district, and with the rent increase looming, she couldn’t afford to miss out on any potential customers.

  By the time she pulled into the parking space outside her apartment, she’d replayed her conversation with Ernie several times. People can learn from their mistakes, repent and become better human beings. Good grief, could she sound any more preachy? Not that she didn’t believe every word she’d spoken, but it had less to do with Ben than with herself. She had repented after her juvenile delinquent past and become a better person, hadn’t she? Candelaria was her atonement, her way of doing something good for others to make up for all the stupid, hurtful, downright dangerous things she’d done as a teen.

  Yes, better to concentrate on the Candelaria outreach than to dwell on the past—worse, to entertain unrequited feelings for Ben Fisher.

  Except now he’d volunteered to help with the outreach committee. He could still back out, though, and maybe he would. If he didn’t, how would she ever stay focused?

  * * *

  As Ben parked the Mustang outside the garage, his uncle came around from the other side of the barn. Seeing Ben, he jogged over to the car. The crevices around his eyes were definitely from worry, not from squinting into the sun.

  Ben unfolded himself from the low seat and slammed the car door. “What’s up?”

  “Ruby’s down with colic. The vet’s on his way, but Jane’s gone shopping and I need help getting Ruby up and walking.”

  Ruby, Uncle Steve’s favorite mare, had been around for almost as long as Ben could remember. He and Aidan had learned to ride on the gentle, patient roan, and now Ben was as worried as Uncle Steve.

  When they reached Ruby’s pasture, Uncle Steve grabbed a halter and lead rope off the gate and motioned Ben to follow him. A few feet inside the gate, the horse rolled and writhed, clearly in pain. Avoiding Ruby’s lashing hooves, Steve tried to steady the horse’s head long enough for Ben to fasten the halter. With Ben tugging on the lead rope and Steve muscling against Ruby’s haunches, they urged her to her feet and got her walking around the pasture.

  The vet arrived within minutes, and after examining the mare, he surmised Ruby hadn’t been drinking enough water while she grazed. Uncle Steve led Ruby into her barn stall, where the vet began treatment. A stomach tube through the horse’s nose was a little more than Ben could handle, though, so he observed from a distance.

  Toting five-gallon paint cans and wrangling a colicky horse, all before lunch? Ben’s muscles felt like jelly. Spying a tack trunk against the wall, he collapsed with a groan. This was a whole different kind of tired than sitting behind a desk forty or fifty hours a week.

  He hadn’t been sitting there long when the telephone rang inside the tack room. Since Uncle Steve was busy helping the vet with Ruby, Ben got up to answer the call.

  It was Ernie Coutu. “Hi, Ben. We met this morning, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” How could he forget?

  “First off, I wanted to apologize if I came on too strong.” Ernie released a self-conscious chuckle. “Marley reamed me out for it.”

  “I get it. You’re just looking out for her.”

  “Right. So anyway, my wife, Angela, and I are throwing burgers on the grill tonight. Marley’s coming, plus another couple from the outreach committee. I thought you might like to join us so we can all get better acquainted.”

  Ben glanced toward Ruby’s stall, relieved to see the horse looking less stressed. Unlike him at the moment. “Sure, why not? Just tell me where and when.”

  Ernie suggested he arrive around five thirty. “Give me your cell number and I’ll text you directions.”

  While the vet finished Ruby’s treatment, Ben had another hour or so to stew about Ernie’s unexpected invitation. He heard Aunt Jane’s car drive up and went out to help her carry grocery bags into the kitchen.

  When he told her he’d be having burgers at the Coutus’, she beamed. “Glad I stopped at the bakery for kolaches. You can take some with you to share for dessert.” She made a face. “But I strongly suggest you shower first.”

  Chuckling, he went to clean up. After lunch with his uncle and aunt, he stretched out on his bed for a short nap that lasted nearly three hours. Aunt Jane woke him with just enough time to drive into Alpine.

  He parked in front of the Coutus’ brick ranch-style house, and moments later Marley pulled up behind him. They stepped from their cars at the same time, and Marley nudged her door shut with one hip while juggling her purse, a bag of chips and what looked like a container of store-bought guacamole.

  Answering the question in her eyes, he grinned and said, “Blame Ernie. He isn’t through analyzing my moral character.”

  He shifted the plate of kolaches to his other hand and relieved her of the dip she was struggling with. “Let me help.”

  “Thanks.” She took a step back, then nodded approvingly. “Glad to see you didn’t overdress for the occasion.”

  “I’m a quick study. Figured folks around these parts wear jeans and sneakers pretty much everywhere.” Although Marley looked classy in black jeans, a paisley-print peasant top and strappy sandals.

  Marley didn’t bother ringing the doorbell but showed Ben straight through to the kitchen, where they left their meal contributions on the counter. The aroma of a charcoal fire drifted through the back screen door. They stepped out to the patio, and Marley introduced Ben to Ernie’s wife, Angela.

  The petite redhead rose and offered her hand. “Welcome. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  Another couple, Pete and Bonnie Oldam, arrived a few minutes later, and their two kids ran off to play on the swings with the Coutus’ little girl. Angela brought more soft drinks from the cooler and the three couples sat around a glass-top patio table.

  As the newcomer in the group, Ben got peppered with the usual questions about where he grew up, which college he went to and what he did for a living. Before it st
arted feeling too much like an inquisition, he asked to hear more about the outreach ministry.

  Instantly, the energy level around the table ramped up several notches. With everyone talking over each other, Ben could sit back and relax a little. At one point he realized he’d become riveted by Marley’s animated use of her hands as she described the team’s summer mission trip to Candelaria. She caught him looking at her, and with an embarrassed grin she dropped her hands into her lap.

  “But that brings up another point,” Ernie said. “If we’re going to accomplish everything we want to by Christmas, we seriously need to decide on a fund-raiser.”

  Pete Oldam turned to Ben. “I bet with your background in advertising, you could be a big help with fund-raising ideas.”

  “Oh, no,” Ben said. “Corporate promotions are a whole different animal from charity events.”

  “Besides,” Marley said, “Ben’s just visiting Alpine while he’s between jobs. I’m sure he won’t be around long enough to get involved with a fund-raiser.”

  Ben’s sensitivity meter redlined again. He thought he detected a tinge of resentment in Marley’s tone. What he couldn’t figure out was why. Hadn’t he been completely up-front about his job-hunting intentions?

  Angela tapped Ernie on the arm. “Sweetie, isn’t the grill about ready? We should get the burgers started.”

  While Pete helped Ernie at the grill and Bonnie went inside with Angela to get the rest of the food, Ben drew Marley aside. “Am I making you uncomfortable by being here?”

  “What? No, of course not.” Marley forced a laugh, then shrugged. “I have a million other things on my mind, that’s all.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  She counted off on her fingers. “You’ve already bought me an expensive lunch, carried paint buckets for the mission team and propped up my business with a portrait sitting for your aunt and uncle. Oh, and carried my guacamole. For a guy just in town for some R and R, I’d say you’ve gone well beyond the call of duty.”


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