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Forever in Love (Montana Brides)

Page 23

by Leeanna Morgan

  Nathan rubbed his hand along Amy’s arm, sending goose bumps skittering along her skin. “This isn’t...I thought you...”

  Nathan tweaked the end of her hair. “Stop thinking and tell me what you feel.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I feel. It’s not just me anymore, Nathan. Catherine and I are a package deal. I’ve got baggage, tons of baggage. More baggage than anyone else I know, except maybe you.” She couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips. Or the chuckle that bubbled up from some of her baggage.

  “Are you trying to scare me off or insult me?”

  “I don’t know. Is it working?”

  Nathan pulled the collar of her jacket, bringing her forward until she felt like she was drowning in his sky blue eyes. “I love you and I love Catherine. I want to do what we should have done a long time ago. I’m not waiting another nine years to marry you so I suggest you take pity on me and say you’ll be my wife.”

  Amy ran her hand along his jaw, tracing the scars that had kept him locked away from the world. He was her beginning and her end. A part of who she was and who she would always be. And she loved him more than she ever had.

  “You’re a brave man, Nathan Gray. I’m going to love you till death us do part. But if you ever go riding in a storm again the end of our marriage will come around faster than you think.”

  “I can live with those odds. Are you ready to kiss me better now?”

  Amy nodded, nudging his jaw with her lips, leaving soft kisses on his skin. “I love you.”

  Nathan wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tight. And for the first time in her life, Amy Sullivan knew that happily ever after really does come true.

  The End

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  Turn the page for a preview of Forever After, Sam and Nicky’s story, available now!

  Forever After



  Nicky Scotson opened her front door, expecting to see her best friend smiling back at her. What she got was a whole lot worse.

  “Hello, Nicky.” Chocolate brown eyes stared straight at her, with no smile in sight.

  Her heart slammed against her chest, catching her breath in a painful knot. Two years hadn’t made any difference to the way her body reacted to the sight of Sam Delaney, chief executive of Scotson Construction, and the man she’d spent far too much time trying to forget. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought it would have been obvious.”

  “Nothing’s ever obvious with you,” she growled. A long time ago she’d been madly in love with the mountain of a man standing in front of her. Falling for him during her management internship with her family’s company wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. And looking at him now she realized how foolish she’d been. Men like Sam didn’t play for keeps - they played for fun.

  Leaning casually against the doorframe, he folded his arms across his chest. “You’re staring at me like a bug under a microscope. Do you like what you see?”

  With a disgusted sigh, Nicky realized it would be impossible not to like what she saw. His brown hair was still as dark as rich coffee, carelessly pushed back from a face that made a woman forget why she should be angry with him. Wide shoulders, thick with corded muscles, were outlined in glorious detail beneath his white cotton shirt. Cowboy boots, scuffed and worn, anchored him to the ground.

  Anyone meeting him for the first time could be forgiven for thinking he belonged on a ranch, not behind a desk building a corporate empire.

  Nicky took a deep breath. It was time to show him she wasn’t the pushover he remembered. A lot of things had happened in her life since she’d left Montana. A lot of things that had made her a stronger person.

  With a stare that would have sent a lesser man scurrying for cover, her gaze traveled down his body. “Do I like what I see? Well, you’ve got a few more wrinkles and grey hairs than last time I saw you, but I’m sure you’ve made someone a nice husband.”

  His lips clamped together, tightening his jaw until she could almost hear his teeth grinding together. “I’m not married.”

  “Really? Spoilt for choice or still dating the wrong type of women?” She expected the snappy comment to make him angry. She wanted him off her doorstep and out of her life.

  He didn’t move. He stood his ground and Nicky’s heart sank at the disappointment shadowing his eyes. What he thought about her shouldn’t matter. But it did. And that worried her more than his unexpected appearance.

  “You still haven’t answered my question,” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

  Unfolding his arms, Sam glared long and hard at her. “Are you going to let me in, or do you want to discuss our business out here?” he snapped.

  “We don’t have any business to discuss. If you’ve come about the meeting, I still haven’t decided whether I’ll be there. You’ve wasted your time coming to Denver. Goodbye.” Giving the door an almighty shove, she waited for it to slam in his face.

  Sam’s arm shot out, stopping the door in mid flight. “I thought the last few years might have mellowed you, but you’re as reckless as ever. If you want to talk on your doorstep, that’s fine by me.”

  “You’re missing the point, Sam. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “I’m taking you back to Bozeman,” he growled, ignoring the scowl aimed right between his eyeballs. “We’re booked on tonight’s six o’clock flight which gives you about two hours to get ready.”

  Nicky’s jaw dropped. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got a company to run and no reason to get on a plane with you.”

  “The letter I sent should be all the reason you need.”

  “You mean the summons I got last week to discuss a confidential job offer?” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t call sixty thousand dollars for six weeks work a reason. I’d call it a bribe.” Earning that much money didn’t make her heart sing. It made her wonder what was going on. The job had to be illegal, immoral, or slightly devious to warrant that much cash. And looking at the man standing in front of her, any of those options were a possibility.

  Sam leaned in close. “You’re a business consultant. I’ve got a major problem with your family’s company and you’re the only person that can help. You’re coming with me, even if I have to sling you over my shoulder. You don’t have a choice.”

  His face hovered inches from hers. Taking a deep breath, she tried to ignore the wash of heat screaming through her body. A lot of good that did her. One whiff of his aftershave and she turned into a scatterbrained fool. With a tight smile plastered across her face, she said, “Everyone has a choice. If you’re trying to intimidate me, it won’t work.”

  His gaze hardened. “I don’t believe in bullying people, Miss Scotson. I would have thought you’d want to help in any way you could.”

  Damn the man. Regardless of what she thought about him, he knew she’d do anything for her family. “You can come in and tell me what’s going on,” Nicky muttered. She didn’t miss the smug lift to one side of his mouth. With a warning glare, she stared into his dark eyes. “I’m not saying I’m going, only that I’ll listen to what you have to say.” Which was a whole lot more than he deserved.

  Sam moved forward, blocking the afternoon sun. “Where do you want to talk?”

  Taking a deep breath, Nicky pasted a polite smile on her face. She looked past him at the dark grey SUV sitting in her driveway.

  His eyes followed her gaze, snapping back to look at her face. “You’re out of luck. When I leave this house you’re coming with

  “I’m sure in other circumstances those words might make some woman’s heart sing. You’ll have to excuse me for not leaping at the chance to spend quality time with you.” Tilting her nose in the air, Nicky moved out of the doorway. His cold glare stung her heated cheeks. She’d let her temper get the better of her, and the look in his eyes told her she’d just stepped into enemy territory.

  Nicky followed him down the hall, wishing she could just turn around and disappear outside for the rest of the afternoon. “We can talk in the dining room. It’s the second door on the left.” Helping her family was one thing. Helping the man who’d trampled mercilessly over her heart was something altogether different. And she didn’t like it one bit.


  Forever After – available now!


  Other Contemporary Romances Available From Leeanna Morgan:

  Montana Brides Series

  Book 1: Forever Dreams

  Book 2: Forever in Love

  Book 3: Forever After

  Book 4: Forever Wishes

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Book List




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