Book Read Free


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by Lynn LaFleur


  Lynn LaFleur


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  About the Author


  About the Publisher

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  “Because I wanted an escort to my reunion,” Dayna said. She smiled and waved to a woman across the room. “That’s Millie Garth. Well, Millie Netherton now. Stan chased her ever since eighth grade. You remember Stan, right?”

  “Yes, I remember Stan.”

  “Angie Pollard and Candy Morse are by the refreshment table. Candy’s never married, poor thing. Angie’s been married so many times, I can’t keep track of her last name.”

  Dray refrained from rolling his eyes although it took a lot of willpower. Coming from a small town, he’d known all of Dayna’s classmates, as he’d known everyone in the school. Fifteen years had added pounds and taken away hair from several of the people in the room. He wouldn’t know half of them if it wasn’t for the name tags.

  He wasn’t sure how he’d let Dayna talk him into coming to this…thing. Guilt, more than likely. Dayna had been down on men ever since her louse of a husband drained their bank account and ran off with his lover three years ago. Dray didn’t know how to refuse when she’d turned those big blue eyes on him and asked him to escort her.

  “Oooh, there’s Denny Mullins. He was the hunk of my class. Now he’s almost bald. Serves him right to lose his hair since he totally ignored me in school.”

  “You’re a cruel woman, Dayna.”

  She shrugged. “Just being honest.”

  Dray took a sip of his Coke as he watched others filter into the high school gymnasium. It appeared that the majority of Dayna’s classmates had arrived, which meant Shaula Dunson wasn’t coming. He’d doubted she would. She hadn’t been back home since her mother’s funeral ten years ago. He’d had flowers sent to the funeral home and mailed a personal note to her since he’d been out of town and hadn’t been able to attend the service. He’d always felt bad about that.

  He’d thought of Shaula so many times over the years. Since he now lived in Dallas, he didn’t run into Sage Browning very often. Whenever he did, he always asked about Shaula. Sage always told him the same thing—Shaula lived in Flagstaff and ran her own successful business. No, she wasn’t married, nor had she ever been married. Then she’d tell him to call or e-mail Shaula. Dray never had, mainly because he’d been married until a year ago. His ex-wife had become jealous if he looked at a woman two seconds longer than she thought he should. She never would’ve understood his desire to stay in contact with Shaula even though they’d been nothing but friends.

  Well, there had been that one time in her car…

  A squeal from Dayna jerked Dray back to the present. His sister ran across the room, grabbed a woman, and hugged her tightly. It took Dray a moment to recognize Sage. He was used to seeing her in T-shirts and faded jeans, her long hair pulled back in a braid. Tonight she wore a low-cut black dress that hugged every slim curve. Her black hair flowed over her shoulders to her small breasts.

  His cock took notice. He’d always thought Sage a knockout. Neither of them was married. Maybe she’d have a drink with him later…at her place.

  A movement to Sage’s left drew Dray’s attention. He narrowed his eyes, trying to decide if he knew the lovely woman with the shoulder-length brown hair. The dim lighting in the gym didn’t help him see her clearly. His gaze slid over her full figure. The purple V-necked top she wore showed off a generous amount of cleavage from plump breasts. The matching slacks flowed over wide hips. Dray admired the way she stood, the way she held her head high. Other men might think her too large. Not Dray. He’d rather hold a woman that society considered overweight than one so thin she could blow away in a wind storm.

  She looked his way. Their gazes met, locked. Spending time with Sage flew out of his mind. This was the woman he wanted to be with tonight. He had to find someone to introduce them.

  She walked toward him, a gentle smile on her full lips. His eyes widened with each step that she took. It couldn’t be…

  “Hello, Dray,” Shaula said softly.

  “My God, it is you.” Dray set his glass on the table next to him and drew Shaula into his arms for a hug. He enjoyed the feel of her large breasts against his chest a moment longer than he politely should have before he released her. “You look incredible.” Taking her hands, he held them out from her body so he could get a better look at her. “Absolutely incredible.”

  “Not the fat teenager anymore, huh?”

  Dray frowned at her. “You were never fat, Shaula.”

  “Oh, yes, I was. I’m not slim now, but I’m happy with my body.”

  He playfully leered at her breasts. “I can see why.”

  She laughed, a soft, tinkling sound that shot straight to his balls. “Still the flirt, Dray?”

  “Guilty as charged. I don’t think I ever grew up.”

  “A lot of men have that problem.”

  “Are you speaking from experience?”

  “I’ve known a few jerks.”

  “Jerks aren’t limited to men.”

  “It sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

  “I do have an ex-wife.”

  “Sage told me about your divorce.” She touched his arm. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. I’m glad it’s over.”

  “You say that as if you hate her. You loved her enough to marry her, Dray.”

  “I thought I did,” he muttered.

  She tilted her head. “Are we getting too serious?”

  “Absolutely. How about if I get you a drink?”

  Shaula looked at his glass. “What are you drinking?”

  “Plain Coke. I’m the driver tonight.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  Smiling, he gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “Be right back.”

  Shaula watched him walk over to one of the two bars set up around the room. He wore crisp jeans and a green T-shirt almost the exact color of his eyes. Those green eyes had always stolen her breath. Although they’d never been anything but friends, she’d always admired his good looks. His looks hadn’t faded in fifteen years. In fact, now that he’d matured, he was even more handsome.

  And free.

  So many times over the years, Dray had popped into her thoughts. Every time he did, Shaula remembered the one time their friendship had almost progressed to the next step. She’d been willing. It had been Dray who’d stopped their petting before it went any further.

  She watched him walk toward her, admiring the impressive bulge behind his fly. She knew he had tons of experience as a lover. Even in high school, he’d had several girlfriends. None of those relationships had been platonic. She knew that for a fact for he’d told her during many of their telephone conversations…conversations that had lasted as long as two hours.

  “Here you go.” He handed her a glass. “Plain and boring.”

  “Boring works for me tonight.”

  Dray took a sip of his fresh drink. “Then this is the place to be. I doubt if there’s anything more boring than a high school reunion.”

  “I think that depends on the people. I wasn’t close with many of my classmates, other than Sage and Dayna.”

  “That’s because your classmates were idiots. They only saw the surface when they looked at you instead of the special person inside.”

  His words pleased her. He’d always known exactly what to say to make her feel good about herself. She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, now you can turn everyone’s head. You’re hot, Shaula.”

  Warmth spread into her face. “Okay, now you’re
embarrassing me.”

  “Just telling the truth.”

  “Shaula? Ohmigod, is that you?”

  Shaula jumped at the female screech behind her. Turning, she saw Angie Pollard and Candy Morse. Before she had the chance to take a breath, Candy grabbed her in a fierce hug.

  “I can’t believe you made it!” Candy released her and stepped back. “Sage said she was going to call you, but I didn’t believe you’d actually make it. Oh, you look incredible! Doesn’t she look incredible, Angie?”


  Shaula had a hard time believing these two women—the “leaders” in her class and the ones who were the cruelest to her—acted as if they were happy to see her. “Thank you.”

  Candy wrapped her arm around Shaula’s. “We want to hear all about your business. Smalltown girl makes good. It’s so exciting!”

  It appeared she had no choice since the two women were practically dragging her away. Shaula looked at Dray over her shoulder. “Catch you later?”

  Dray smiled. “Sure.”

  Twenty minutes later, Shaula was wondering how she could get away from Angie and Candy. They’d paraded her around the gym as if they’d been her best friends her whole life instead of making her school years a nightmare. She’d uttered the appropriate sympathetic words at the news of Angie’s third divorce. She’d smiled at Gary Wooldridge’s stupid jokes. She’d done a quick sidestep when Denny Mullins put his hand on her ass.

  How different from her high school days, when the boys ignored her, and the girls made fun of her weight. A few pounds lighter and a successful business suddenly made her the belle of the ball.

  She’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic.

  Shaula glanced around the room when Gary launched into another story. Her gaze landed on Dray in the corner, talking to their former principal. He threw his head back and laughed at something Mr. Morris said. She licked her lips at the sight of that line of tanned skin. How she’d love to nibble on the pulse in his throat…

  So many things were different now…including her awareness of her friend.

  He glanced her way. His laughter stopped, and he saluted her with his glass. Such a simple gesture, yet it made her breasts swell, her clit tingle.

  She wanted more from Dray this time. She wanted everything.

  Another ten minutes passed before Shaula managed to slip away from her former classmates on the pretense of going to the ladies’ room. She headed in that direction, then changed her course and headed for Dray.

  He smiled as she approached. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Taking his glass, she sipped the weak drink. “I’ve had enough of classmates for a while. Besides, it’s hot in here. Can we go somewhere else so we can talk in private?”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “I’m staying with Sage. She’ll be here until the last light is turned out. We can go to her house.” She set his glass on the table behind her. “I’ll find us something better to drink than watered-down Coke.”

  “Do you need to tell Sage you’re leaving?”

  “She’s surrounded by men. She’ll never miss me. What about Dayna? Do you need to tell her you’re leaving?”

  “I’ve already told her I’d probably sneak out early. She can catch a ride. My car’s parked at the side of the gym. Let’s go.”

  He placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her out the door. Shaula felt that touch all the way through her body. It traveled from her back up to her breasts, making her nipples bead. Then it whooshed down between her legs. Her pussy blossomed, moistened, ready to accept Dray’s driving cock deep inside.

  She didn’t understand where this sudden desire came from, but she had no intention of fighting it. She wanted him.

  The short drive to Sage’s house passed quickly, soft rock music from the radio filling the comfortable silence. Shaula led the way to the front door and handed Dray her key. He followed her inside.

  “Sit down,” she said, gesturing toward the couch. “I’ll get us something to drink.”

  Dray sat on one end of the overstuffed couch. He’d been in Sage’s house many times with his ex-wife, but never as a single man. Earlier tonight, he’d thought about being here with Sage, possibly spending the night with her. That thought had fled his mind when he saw Shaula walk toward him.

  His friendship with her had been special to him. That’s why he’d never pushed her for more than friendship even though he’d thought about it many times. He’d come close that night in her car, when she’d come to see him in tears…

  “Merlot okay?” she asked, holding out a wineglass to him.

  “Merlot’s great.”

  She sat on the opposite end from him. He watched her sip her wine, watched her throat work as she swallowed. A mental picture filled his mind, one of his cum gliding down Shaula’s throat.

  His cock swelled at the thought.

  Dray took a sip of wine. “So, tell me about your business. I don’t know much about it since I don’t buy women’s clothes.”

  “Well, I certainly hope not.” She tapped the side of her wineglass with a fingernail as she glanced over his body. “Although I do have some lovely flowered tops that would look so cute on you.”


  Shaula giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.” She swirled her wine in the glass before taking another sip. “Your ex-wife is about the size of a broomstick, right?”


  “Then she never would’ve bought any of my designs. They’re for full-figured women.” Drawing her legs up on the couch, Shaula turned to face him. “I got tired of the limited choices larger women had in clothing and decided to do something about it. I wanted to wear clothes that made me feel good about myself, that I knew looked good on me, no matter the size of my body. I believed other women felt the same. That’s when I started my company.”

  “Is that outfit one of your designs?”

  Shaula nodded.

  “It’s pretty.” He stretched his arm along the back of the couch. His fingertips grazed her hair. “You always did like purple.” He touched her hair again, wrapping a thick tendril around his finger. “It looks nice on you.”

  The light in the room grew dim with the setting sun. Dray continued to touch her hair, his gaze moving from her face to her hair and back again. He thought of how lovely Shaula would look in candlelight…preferably naked.

  She smiled gently. “You’ve always been a toucher.”

  “That’s true.” He slid his hand beneath her hair and cradled her neck. “Does my touching upset you?”

  “No.” She set her glass on the sofa table behind them, then laid her hand on his arm. “Touching is nice.”

  “Yes, it is.” His thumb glided across her chin. “I’ve missed you, Shaula.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” She tilted her head, rubbing her cheek against his palm. “Will you answer a question?”


  “Do you remember that night I came to see you and was crying?”

  His hand stilled, then he continued to caress her cheek. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Why did you stop what was happening between us?”

  “Do you know how difficult that was for me?”

  She shook her head. “I assumed it was because you didn’t want me.”

  He chuckled. “You know exactly how much I wanted you. You were rubbing my hard-on through my jeans while I sucked your nipple.”

  He couldn’t be sure in the dim light, but he thought he saw a blush bloom in her cheeks. “You were definitely hard. So why did you stop? It couldn’t have been because of me. I was certainly willing.”

  “There were a lot of reasons.”


  Dray set his wineglass on the table next to Shaula’s. Moving closer to her, he touched her knee while he continued to caress her neck and jaw. “You were hurting from what that asshole Mullins and his idiot friends said to you about your weight. I didn’t want to take advantag
e of you when you were in pain. I was leaving the next day for college. We’d been friends for years. I didn’t want to mess that up by fucking you in your car and taking off. How would that have made you feel?”

  Shaula shrugged. “I don’t know. I never got the chance to find out.”

  “Did you want to find out? Did you want to be…more than friends?”

  “You talked about your girlfriends and sex all the time, Dray. Yes, I was curious. I didn’t know what I was curious about since a boy had never touched me before you. But you went off to college, then you got married, then I moved to Flagstaff. We never had the chance to…explore each other.”

  Dray ran one knuckle into her cleavage. It pleased him to hear her breath catch. “I’m not married anymore. We’re here together. Is there any reason why we can’t explore each other now?”

  Taking his hand, she pushed it inside her bra. Her warm breast filled his palm. “No, there’s no reason.”

  His breathing grew rough as he caressed the firm flesh. He found her hard nipple and circled it with his thumb. This is where he’d wanted to be so many times…close to Shaula, touching her. He’d treasured her friendship, so never pushed for anything more from her. Knowing she’d wanted more all along made him regret the time they’d lost.

  Dray moved next to her. He’d never kissed Shaula. Even though they’d almost had sex seventeen years ago, they’d never shared a kiss other than a peck on the cheek. It was definitely past time to change that fact.

  He cradled her face with both hands and lowered his lips to hers. Warm, liquid silk. Dray inhaled sharply at the sweet taste of her. He mentally yelled at himself for never kissing Shaula in the past. If he had, he doubted if he ever would have left her.

  One kiss led to two, then three. She parted her lips for the thrust of his tongue. Dray dove deep, gathering her unique flavor and taking it back into his mouth. She followed, her tongue beginning a playful duel with his.

  Dray drew back and looked into her eyes. Her breathing sounded as uneven as his. “I want you,” he said, his voice husky.

  “I want you, too.”

  “Do you? Be sure, ’cause I’m ready to start tearing off clothes.”

  Taking his hands in hers, she kissed each palm. “Tearing off clothes sounds good to me.”


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