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The Daring One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

Page 6

by Cami Checketts

  They climbed back onto their bikes and she noticed he set a slower pace up the grueling trail. She appreciated that, and him taking the lead. If she would’ve been up front, she would’ve killed herself trying to prove that she was strong, even though she’d admitted to him that she was out of biking shape.

  A couple hours later, they were above the tree line, riding in the scree. They’d actually had to get off their bikes and hike for a bit to the false summit, but now the real summit was in sight. Her legs screamed in pain.

  “Can I walk my bike the rest of the way up?” she called to Chance.

  He turned back. “Sure, if I can. My legs are about to fall off.”

  Chance’s tire slipped on the unstable rocky trail, and before she could do anything but scream out, his bike had flipped out from under him and he hit the rocks with his elbows and knees.

  Summer jumped from her bike, dropping it and wincing as the twelve-thousand-dollar bike hit the rocks, but she had to get to Chance. She reached him in a couple of steps. He rolled over with a groan.

  “Are you okay?” she rasped out.


  “Where does it hurt?” Her eyes scanned his body. There were some scrapes on his elbows and knees, a bit of blood, but nothing too gory or dripping.

  Chance sat up and shook his head. “Just some road rash. It’s okay.”

  “I think it’d be rock rash.” She tried to smile, but it was shaky. Seeing him go down had unnerved her. She hadn’t realized she was that invested in him and keeping him safe.

  He chuckled. “Did I really just crash while we were going five miles per hour?”

  “You’re going to be in trouble on the downhill.”

  “Seriously.” He brushed at some rocks embedded in his knees.

  “Don’t. Wait.” Summer sat on the rocky ground next to him and pulled off her backpack. She retrieved a packet with some sterile wipes and bandages and set to work cleaning his wounds and putting Band-Aids on anything that was bleeding.

  Chance simply watched her as she worked, his stare unnerving. She felt like she was in some Nicholas Sparks’ book with Channing Tatum giving her his smoldering gaze. But this was Chance, and he was real and even more appealing to her than the serious-looking star.

  “All better,” she said, pasting on a brave smile and shoving the garbage into a separate pocket of her backpack.

  Chance didn’t move, still studying her. “You’re pretty amazing, you know that?”

  Summer lifted her hands. “I’m here to serve.”

  He chuckled, then unbuckled her bike helmet, set it next to her, and gently cupped her chin with his palm. “I’ll take you as my nurse any day.”

  It was one of the few times in her life that Summer had nothing to say. He drew her in closer with his hand, leaning down to meet her. Their lips connected and warm currents rushed through her. Summer shifted closer to him, returning his kiss with a fervency she hadn’t felt in a while. Chance wrapped both hands around her waist and easily lifted her onto his lap. Summer gasped, and he smiled, then cradled her in his arms and proceeded to kiss her until she was breathless and wanting more.

  “Coming through!” a voice called from below them on the trail.

  Summer jumped, scrambling to her feet. Chance climbed up behind her and they stepped out of the way.

  A couple of college-aged kids rode past, grinning at them. “I’d make out in the trees next time,” one of them said.

  Chance turned to her as the boys continued up the trail. “I’d take a kiss from you wherever I could get it.”

  Summer self-consciously brushed her ponytail behind her shoulder. “I didn’t figure the first kiss would be with you wearing a bike helmet and me sweaty and gross.”

  “You’re not gross, but I’ll work on my romantic spots tonight.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Chance smiled before bending down and examining his bike. “Just a few scratches. More than worth that kiss.”

  “You scratched up a Yeti and think a kiss is worth that?”

  “You’re worth much more than a Yeti.”

  Summer beamed, feeling like in his eyes she really was.

  Chance whistled as he shaved for the night. The ride down the mountain had been exhilarating, if a bit dangerous in a few spots. They’d laughed a lot, and he’d been reminded how much he loved Summer’s zest for life. Luckily, neither of them had wrecked again. When he showered and examined his earlier road rash, none of it was deep and he was able to throw away the bandages Summer had so carefully applied. He smiled, thinking about her doctoring him up so tenderly, and that kiss … whew. He couldn’t wait for tonight.

  Summer had teased him about being a spoiled rich kid, but also claimed to be impressed when the St. Regis Hotel had picked them up at the bottom of the trail. The hotel staff took care of their bikes, planning to ship them back to Crested Butte. Chance and Summer were whisked to their rooms, where refreshment, clothes, and toiletries were waiting.

  He’d have to send Yvonne more than a scarf as a thank-you for coordinating all of this. He dressed quickly in navy slacks and a button-down off-white shirt, wondering if it was too quick to knock on Summer’s door. Today had been a fun adventure, but the best part was being with her. She’d made him forget about the worries over her finding out his part in the sale of her dad’s company. She made him laugh more than anyone he’d ever been with. Summer was so great, maybe she’d forgive him when she found out the truth. Maybe. He frowned at his reflection, brushing some gel through his short hair and spraying some Grey Vetiver on his neck.

  His phone beeped with an incoming text. Yvonne.

  You made it to Aspen yet?

  Yes, and I owe you. Thanks for setting all this up.

  You’re really going to think you owe me when you see the dress and swimsuit I got your girl. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  Now I can’t wait to go get her. Thanks.

  I accept money, jewelry, and chocolate as payment.

  I’m on it!

  Chance smiled, pocketed his wallet, phone, and key card, and strode out his suite door, more than anxious to see the dress Yvonne had mentioned on Summer. She usually dressed pretty casually, in a T-shirt and flowing, knee-length skirts. Swimsuit? Oh, yeah. Hopefully he’d get to see that suit later. His legs and back would love a stop at the hot tub after dinner, but he’d be happy to do whatever Summer wanted.

  Summer’s suite was just across the hall from his. He rapped softly on the door. She swung it open, and her eyes went up and down, then focused on his face. “You clean up nicely.”

  Chance’s mouth was hanging half open. “Um, you …” He gestured to the long, gorgeous hair curling down her back, and the red dress clinging to all her curves. It was sleeveless with a V-neck that was deep enough to make his throat dry, but still classy. The dress more than flattered her. Yvonne was getting gifts and another raise. “You’re gorgeous,” he managed to say.

  She rolled her eyes. “I don’t even have makeup on. Dang man getting ready too fast.”

  His eyes swept over her smooth skin, shapely lips, and blue eyes. “You don’t need makeup.”

  She stuck her tongue out and laughed. “Says the man who’s starving, right? I’ll be two minutes.”

  She swept back to the bathroom, and Chance was left staring. He was starving, but food wasn’t on the top of the list for what he needed. He settled on the couch to wait, deleting emails to distract himself.

  True to her word, she was back within minutes. Chance stood, and he was sure his tongue was lolling out of his mouth. “You look amazing.”

  “See, the makeup helps.” She fluttered her long, darkened eyelashes and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “You don’t need makeup to be gorgeous.”

  She smiled and took his arm. “Thank you for all of this.” She gestured to her dress, then the room. “How did you know what size I am?”

  “I have a really amazing assistant.”

“And?” She grabbed a scarf thing off the chair, and he helped her wrap it around her shoulders. When his fingers grazed her bare skin, a fire started in the pit of his stomach.

  He cleared his throat and stepped back, even though he really wanted to kiss her again. “I sent her a picture of you.”

  “How do you have a picture of me?”

  “I’m sneaky like that.”

  “Scary sneaky.” She grinned. “So, what are we eating? Are you starving? That ride and surviving on Luna bars about killed me, but the fruit, cheese, crackers, and water helped.” She pointed at the bar. “This is unreal. Do you live like this all the time?”

  Chance didn’t know what else to do but shrug. His penthouse in uptown Charlotte was much nicer and ten times bigger than either of these suites, and he had catered food delivered every day. Was she nervous being with him tonight? She didn’t usually rattle on like that.

  “I’m starving too,” he said. “Do you like sushi?”

  “Love it.”

  Chance couldn’t resist squeezing the delicate hand resting on his arm. He’d found the perfect woman. If only he wasn’t also responsible for her family selling their business and her losing her job and designs. He pushed the thought out of his mind. Tonight was about enjoying Summer. Maybe tomorrow he’d get brave and spill the truth.

  Chapter Seven

  Summer felt like royalty as Chance escorted her down the elevator and out into the summer night. It was high-elevation Colorado, so not balmy, but a nice low-seventies. She wouldn’t complain, and especially not about spending more time with the hunk next to her. He looked like every woman’s dream man with the sculpted face, blue-green eyes, and that irresistible dimple when he smiled at her. His button-down shirt and dress pants flattered his frame nicely. Yummy.

  The restaurant was just down the block from the hotel, so they were there in minutes and opted to sit out on the patio. The waiter was quick to bring water, and they were both so hungry they immediately ordered edamame and a shrimp tempura roll to start. Summer perused the menu, but found her eyes drawn back to Chance.

  “What?” He grinned.

  She couldn’t resist pressing her index finger into his dimple. “I love that thing,” she whispered.

  Chance grasped her finger before she could pull back and pressed a kiss on its tip.

  Summer’s mouth went dry. “What do you say we skip dinner and go make out?” she asked.

  Chance’s eyebrows shot up and he laughed, loud and long. He stopped long enough to take a drink of water and pinned her with a look. “Do you just say whatever comes into your mind?”

  “Yes, sir.” She glanced back at her menu, embarrassed that she really had said that. “I was just kidding, though. I really am hungry.”

  “Okay.” He sighed dramatically. “After dinner, though?” He reached over and squeezed her hand.

  “Plan on it,” she murmured, thrills racing through her body. She should probably find a way to slow down this romance train, but she had no desire to.

  Dinner passed quickly—the sushi, garlic shrimp, and baby back ribs were all delicious. She’d been so hungry that macaroni and cheese probably would’ve been a feast.

  Chance paid the bill, offered her a mint, and then helped her from her chair. His warm hand on her back and the spicy mint in her mouth had her remembering her promise to make out earlier. The thought made her shy and embarrassed. He probably dated cultured beauty queens who would never dream of saying something like that.

  As they walked back to the hotel, Chance leaned down and murmured into her ear, “So, make out or hot tub?”

  She giggled. “Or make out in the hot tub?”

  He pumped his eyebrows. “Now you’re talking.”

  She blushed as she remembered the bikini she’d found earlier. “Um, maybe not a great idea. Your assistant lady?”


  “Yeah. The suit she got me does not cover up much.”

  “Even better.”

  She pushed at his arm. “You would say that. Can we please forget I asked you to go make out?”

  “No.” His eyes widened. “Why would we do that?”

  Summer shook her head and stepped into the elevator. “Not one of my finest moments.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  She smiled at him. They reached their floor and Summer wouldn’t mind kissing him again, not at all, but she felt like she’d ruined the mood with her make out comment. Made it all cheap and silly. “How about we go hot tub and we’ll worry about the other part, um, later?” She stopped next to her door and pulled out her room key.

  “Man.” Chance placed a hand next to her head on the doorframe and leaned close. “You know how to elevate a guy’s hopes, then dash them.” His lips brushed her cheek. “All I could think about during dinner was kissing you.”

  Summer grasped the plastic room key tight, woozy from his lingering glance and his nearness. He smelled like the most intriguing mix of cedar, musk, and citrus. “Really?”

  Chance simply nodded. Her body was trapped against the door, but she wasn’t complaining. Chance cupped her face with his palms, trailing his thumbs along her cheeks. Summer dropped the room key, wrapped her hands around his back, and tugged him even closer. He grinned, then finished covering the distance and pressed his lips to hers. With his hands on her face, he gently tilted her head and quickly deepened the kiss. Summer stood on tiptoe and clung to him.

  A door opened at the end of the hallway and pulled them apart. They were both breathing raggedly. A middle-aged couple sauntered by, giving them knowing glances.

  Summer slipped out of his arms and bent down to retrieve her room key.

  “Summer?” Chance whispered when she straightened.

  She wasn’t brave enough to look at him and see what power those eyes and that dimple had over her right now. “Yes,” she muttered.

  “Can I come in?”

  “No.” She glanced up in time to see the shock cross his face. “I’m not like that, Chance.”

  He nodded quickly. “I know. I just meant, well, I didn’t mean—”

  “What happened to the guy who said he was a good Christian boy and didn’t want a piece of my tush?”

  He smiled and trailed a hand down her face. “I didn’t know how appealing your tush would be.”

  “Chance!” It was her turn to be shocked.

  “I’m teasing. I really didn’t mean come in, come in. More like can we please go to a place where we can kiss uninterrupted?” He winked, and she went hot and cold.

  “Not a good idea.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, though his lower lip protruded like a little boy denied candy. “Can we still go hot tub, or are you tired?”

  Summer bit at her cheek and wanted to kiss that pouty lip. Chance was a good guy. One of the best, really. Too many times she’d been pushed to the limits of what intimacy she would allow before marriage. She didn’t want to deal with defining boundaries and slowing this down with someone as appealing as Chance. She’d be in water hotter than any Jacuzzi. “Sure, let’s hot tub.”

  “Perfect. See you in a few minutes.” He walked across the hallway to his room.

  Summer inserted the key card into the slot with trembling fingers. It would have been so easy to invite him in, but she’d traveled with boyfriends too often and her rule was always in effect: separate rooms and no kissing visitation rights. Hanging out in the hotel’s main gathering areas was much, much safer, especially as tempting as Chance was to her.

  She hurried through the living area and into the spacious bedroom, wrinkling her nose at the bikini she’d pulled out of one of the drawers earlier tonight. Flashing a lot of skin was not her usual mode of operation, but this dress had also shown flesh with a more daring neckline than she’d ever worn. She’d felt classy and pretty in the dress. She wasn’t so sure about the suit.

  Quickly changing, she eyed herself critically in the mirror. At least the bikini had good coverage of both ends. It was sporty w
ith thick bands over the shoulder and under the chest, so it was really more her abdomen and lower back that were displayed instead of her cleavage and bare rear. She hated those suits that were so high in the back they were basically a thong.

  She wrapped up in the hotel robe and slipped into the flip-flops she’d found in the closet. Chance’s assistant was impressive. She’d need to send her a thank-you of some sort. When she’d asked if this was his usual, he hadn’t said no. Her family had been pretty well off and her dad had been generous with her salary and royalties from toy sales, but she still wasn’t used to staying in suites and having someone set up clothes, toiletries, and food for her.

  A rap on her door announced Chance. She hurried through the suite and swung the door wide. Once again, her mouth was dry and her palms were sweating. He had on blue swim trunks and nothing else. His chest was very nice. Firm musculature and smooth skin.

  “The assistant did better on your suit than mine,” she managed to spit out.

  Chance grabbed the tie of her robe and tugged her closer. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “Don’t!” she cried out, clinging to the robe to keep it closed.

  “Come on, just a little sneak peek.”

  “No.” Summer held her robe closed with one hand and pushed at his chest with the other. Yep, the skin felt as taut and smooth as it looked. My, oh my. Good thing he knew she wouldn’t invite him in, or she’d be sorely tempted to break her rule. Just to kiss for a little while uninterrupted.

  He laughed and reached for her hand. “You’ll have to take the robe off sometime.”

  “I’m going to swim in it.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

  He led her down the hallway. “I’m sorry Yvonne didn’t get you a suit you liked.”

  “Yvonne’s amazing. I wasn’t trying to complain, but the women you usually take on two-day dates and spoil rotten probably all wear bikinis.”

  Chance stopped before the elevator and faced her. “I’ve never taken a woman on a two-day date, or asked Yvonne to set something like this up before.”


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