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Becoming James Black

Page 1

by Skye Turner

  Book 2 James Black


  Becoming James Black

  Book 2 James Black

  by Skye Turner


  Digital Edition


  Skye Turner Copyright ©2015

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the author. Please help prevent the piracy of ebooks. If you are reading this book and you did NOT purchase it or get it as a one-time loan from someone who purchased it from one of the FOUR above mentioned places, you have an ILLEGAL copy! I like to eat and I like to feed my children, so please support myself and other authors by acquiring our work the LEGAL way. Don’t be a douche and steal our hard work.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, places, events, or occurrences is purely coincidental unless otherwise noted below.

  The author acknowledges the real people or places and copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Arizona, Fort Worth, Happy Meal, Hollywood, Ireland, Jesus, Louisiana, Maxim, McDonalds, Mother Nature, New Mexico, Sam Houston University, Stetson, Texas, The Babysitter’s Club.

  Cover Design by: Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs

  Cover Photography: Rich Roth

  Cover Model: James Turner

  Editor: Mandy Schoen

  Formatting: BB eBooks Thailand/ Paul Salvette

  Author Bio Photography: James Turner

  *** This book is NOT suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised.

  Very dark topics are immersed within the pages and certain readers may find the content objectionable.

  The main characters of the book are TEENAGERS, however Becoming James Black is for those 18 and older. ***


  For those who truly choose to serve and protect those who need it…

  Because things aren’t always black or white…

  There are many shades of gray.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Books by Skye Turner

  Chapter One – Prologue

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five




  Letter from the Author

  About the Author

  Sneak Peek of With Gratitude & Love

  Books by Skye Turner

  **All books by Skye Turner are/ can be Standalones with the exception of the Novella.


  Alluring Turmoil, Book 1 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Seduction, Book 2 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Ties, A Bayou Stix Novella, Book 2.5 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Temptation, Book 3 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Infatuation, Book 4 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Surrender, Book 5 Bayou Stix


  James Black, Book 1 James Black

  Becoming James Black, Book 2 James Black












  Unwanted Desire

  Chapter One – Prologue


  Present day

  Her arms wrap around my waist as I feel her press against me. A kiss whispers against my back through the cable-knit of my sweater. Turning, I smile down at the love of my life and we both look across the vast expanse of our back yard. Our children are running around, squealing and laughing as they’re chased by their cousins.

  She moves to stand in front of me. My arms automatically encircle her as my hands trace circles on the roundness of her protruding stomach. She’s pregnant with our third child and more beautiful than ever.

  Sighing as she relaxes into my arms, she says, “Are you sure you’re ok with this?”

  I nod as I watch my first love, my best friend, Scarlet, calling out to her own children as they race around the yard with ours in childish jubilation. “Yes. It’s time. It’s been six years since the story broke and people found out about our past. If telling our story can help someone else, then it needs to be told.”

  She leans her head back and my gaze meets hers. The love in her eyes is unmistakable. Her hand cups my stubbled cheek as she says, “I’m proud of you… Of both of you. I love you, James.”

  I smile as my heart races. Those three little words coming from her lips still take my breath away. I can’t believe this strong, beautiful woman in my arms is my wife, the mother of my children… my saving grace… my love. “I love you, too, Avangeline Black. More than you can ever imagine.”

  She chuckles and pulls my head down for her kiss.

  A throaty laugh penetrates the haze that her kiss still creates. “Hey, you two. Get a room. Not in front of the children.”

  We break apart and laugh together as we face Scarlet. I reply, “Yeah, well if my wife wasn’t so sexy and I didn’t love her so much that would be much easier to accomplish.”

  AJ blushes. The fact that after all we’ve been through and that we’ve three babies together, yet she still blushes… endears her to me even more.

  Scarlet laughs in delight at our happiness again. Her husband walks out of the house and joins her, as he catches the tail end of the conversation. Pulling her into him, he kisses the top of her fiery head. “Leave them alone. No need to be jealous, love. Affection is healthy for children to witness.”

  She snuggles against his chest and looks at our combined broods racing around the grounds of my and AJ’s antebellum home. She sighs. “Yes, yes it is. We are blessed with love.”

  A car door closing solidly can be heard from the front of the house. Scarlet takes a deep breath and looks at me. Reaching one hand out, I capture her hand and squeeze it. She squeezes back before she smiles with acceptance before saying, “Ok then, let’s do this. Time to meet the person who’s going to capture and share our story.”

  I hug AJ tightly again and look at the children once more as they carelessly play in the backyard, blissfully unaware of the evils of the world. Nodding at Charles, AJ’s surrogate father, as he lounges in the swing watching the children, I take a deep breath and reply, “Yes let’s do this. Let’s get it all out. By sharing our story, maybe we can save someone else’s life. Or make them understand that they don’t have to be victims.”

  Scarlet and her husband join AJ and me. We all link arms, creating a united front, and head into the house to welcome our guest. Things are about to get
difficult and memories we never wanted to face again are about to be brought to the surface before being released to the public, but it’s time to demolish the demons.

  James Black and Scarlet Lockhart-Hollins, two of the biggest names in Hollywood, head into the house with the full support of the ones they love.

  Jaye White and Rose Hart answer the door… it’s time to tell their story.

  Chapter Two



  Near Fort Worth, Texas

  “What’s your name, buddy? How old are you?”

  I answer in a whisper. “Jaye. I’m three.”

  The nice policeman says I have to go with him. He squats down and tells me his name. Sam. He gives me a green lollipop. Green is my favorite color. I keep asking for my mommy, but he just tells me that we have to go for a ride and he’ll let me play with the sirens in his police car.

  Mommy says if I’m scared I should trust policemen because they are supposed to help people. So, I’m going to be a big boy and go with him though I’m very, very scared.

  “Do you have a blankie, son? What about a stuffed animal? Do you want to get it before we take our ride?”

  I’m terrified, but I have to be a big boy and not cry in front of Mr. Sam. I just want my mommy. Why isn’t she home? Mr. Sam asks me about my blankie again and I nod as I race to my bedroom to get it and Mr. Patches.

  Mr. Patches is my bear. He doesn’t have a nose anymore and his eyes are buttons. My mommy sewed them on when his brown ones fell off. He has lots of colorful patches, too. When he gets a new hole, Mommy fixes him with another patch. I love Mr. Patches. Hugging both my blankie and Mr. Patches tightly to my skinny chest, I head back into the living room of the trailer we live in.

  Mr. Sam leans down and ruffles my mess of blond hair. “You ready for our ride, buddy?”

  I look around at the sparsely furnished trailer before looking back at him and my big blue eyes clearly show him my fear. “We need to wait for Mommy.” He sighs and leans down again. “Jaye, we have to go for a ride. A nice lady is going to talk to you when we get to the police station, ok?”

  My lip quivers as I ask once more, “Where’s my mommy? I want my mommy!”

  He closes his eyes and pinches his nose as he whispers, “I know you do, son. I know you do.” He looks at me and tries to smile. It looks sad. “We need to get going, buddy. Do you want a Happy Meal? Are you hungry? I can stop at McDonald’s on the way.”

  I like McDonald’s. I get it as a treat sometimes when Mommy says I’m a good boy. I nod. Mr. Sam holds his hand out and I place my small one in his much larger one. We go to the police car and he opens the back door. “You get to sit in the back, buddy. I don’t have a car seat and this is the safest place for you.”

  I’ve never ridden in a police car before. I’m scared, but I’m also excited. I quietly ask, “Can you make the siren noise?”

  He laughs and hits the siren button. It’s loud. There are a few police cars on my street. The red and blue of the lights are making pretty pictures on the trailers and the people standing around outside. Leaning back, he looks at me through the cage. “Ok, buddy. We need to get going. We’ll stop at McDonald’s.”

  A bit later, I’m clutching my Happy Meal tightly and holding onto my blankie and Mr. Patches with my other arm. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m scared. This place is scary and full of policemen. It’s loud. I don’t like it.

  Mr. Sam leans down as we reach a door. He looks sad again. “There’s a nice lady in here, Jaye. She’s going to take you someplace safe, ok? You be strong, buddy.”

  Sudden overwhelming fear grips me. I drop my Happy Meal, blankie, and Mr. Patches onto the floor and fling my skinny arms around his legs as I cry out, “No. Don’t leave. Where’s my mommy? I want my mommy. Don’t leave!”

  Mr. Sam leans down and scoops me up. He cradles me to his chest as the door opens and a woman steps out. She has red lips and is frowning at him. “I’ll take him.”

  My arms clutch his neck tighter. “No. No. Don’t leave me. I want my mommy.”

  Tears are streaming down my face as I turn terrified eyes on the lady with the red lips. She bends down and picks up my Happy Meal, blankie, and Mr. Patches. She frowns at Mr. Sam again. “You got him McDonald’s?”

  He scowls at her before he looks down at me. His face softens. I like his face. He makes me feel not so scared. Hugging my small body to his chest, he nods. “I did. He’s terrified and you’re about to destroy his world. He can have a Happy Meal!”

  Her face softens as she looks at me cradled against his chest. “Yes, I suppose that’s true. Bring him in here.” She walks back through the door to the room I don’t want to go into. I don’t know why, but I know I don’t want to go into that room.

  Mr. Sam brings me in and tries to set me into a chair, but I hang on to his neck for dear life. He looks at me. “It’s going to be ok, Jaye. Whatever happens, it’s going to be ok.”

  I don’t believe him. Something is wrong. Where is my mommy?

  I’m tired. I want my bed. I rub my eyes as I ask quietly, “Where’s my mommy? Why is mommy not home?”

  His eyes show his despair. He looks at the lady with the red lipstick and her face is full of compassion. She nods at him.

  “Your mommy is in heaven, Jaye. She would come home if she could, but she can’t. She lives with Jesus now.”

  Heaven?! I don’t understand. What’s heaven? Mommy can’t be with Jesus. Mommy loves me. She lives with me. Mommy wouldn’t leave me to go to heaven. “Where’s heaven? She’s my mommy. Mommy lives with me… I can go to heaven.”

  Mr. Sam’s voice cracks as he answers me. “No, you can’t. She didn’t leave you by choice, buddy. Heaven is a special place where mommies and daddies sometimes have to go. It’s a beautiful place where people are safe. You can’t go with her, Jaye. You’ll get there… one day. But you can’t go with her. Not now. Mommy lives with Jesus and Jesus loves her. He’ll take care of her and one day… when you’re bigger and have lived a good, long life… then you can be in heaven with your mommy.” He says one more thing, but I don’t think he’s talking to me. “Sometimes bad things just happen and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Sometimes, life is just really unfair.”

  I can’t go to heaven? I want to go to the beautiful place. Mommy keeps me safe.

  Mommy left me?

  The lady with the red lipstick smiles at me. I don’t like her. She scares me. I don’t know why, but I don’t like her. She leans over me. “You need to eat your Happy Meal, Jaye. When you’re done, we’ll leave.”

  Leave? Where are we going? What’s going on?

  I press into Mr. Sam’s chest and grab Mr. Patches off the table and pull him to my face. I hide my face in his threadbare stomach and peek up at her. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay with Mr. Sam.” I turn my head and look up at him. “I want to stay with you.”

  A single tear rolls down his cheek. “I wish you could, buddy. But I don’t have any kids… or a wife. You can’t come with me.”

  I jump off his lap and race to the corner to try to hide. Burrowing behind some boxes on the floor, I start to rock myself as I cry into Mr. Patches’ fur. I don’t want to go with the lady with the red lipstick. Something bad is going to happen. If I wait here, Mommy will find me. She’s my mommy. She loves me. She’ll leave heaven and come find me and we can go home.

  Mr. Sam and the lady with the red lipstick walk towards me. I can hear them. Mr. Sam is trying to talk to me and the lady with the red lipstick is looking at me over the boxes and holding her hand out to me, telling me to come out. I don’t want to. I just want my mommy…

  Why did Mommy leave me?!

  Chapter Three




  It’s my twelfth birthday today. Momma and Da made good on their promise and have thrown me a huge bash. We have fun jumps and a clown making balloon animals and painting everyone’s faces. Th
ere’s a pink cotton candy machine under the gazebo and my cake is pink and purple and three tiers high. I’m running around with my red braid trailing behind me as all my friends chase me around the yard. It’s summer in Louisiana and it’s hot, so we made it a swim party with slip-n-slides and sprinklers for us to run through. We’re on the water, but the breeze is not doing much to cool the temperatures.

  Momma and Da spoil me and they laugh as I run past them with the trail of kids following behind me. Da calls out, “Rose Hart, slow down, girl. You’re going to make yourself sick after all that sugar.” His Irish accent hasn’t faded after all the time he’s been here and I love hearing him talk.

  I turn and smile at him and he laughs again and waves as I lead the crowd on another turn around the yard.

  About an hour later, the party winds down and everyone leaves while Momma and Maw Maw start cleaning up. I’m lounging in the hammock with Da and he’s running his fingers through my long red hair. I take after him with my coloring and hair color, my eyes also mirror his and are emerald green. I look like both of my parents, but I’m a total Daddy’s girl and Da spoils me rotten.

  “Did you have a good birthday, wee dote?”

  I grin up at him as I rest my head on his broad chest and we swing lazily in the hammock. “Oh yes, Da. Thank you for my party and for my new bike. It was a superbtastic day.”

  He chuckles and his chest rumbles underneath my cheek. “Superbtastic, yeah?” His lilt makes me smile and I wish I talked like he does, but I don’t. He promises he’ll take me to the old country when I’m older, but since he has no family left and moved over here after meeting Momma while she was abroad, there’s nothing left for him in Ireland. We, his family, are here.

  Momma calls out to us, “You two just going to laze about all afternoon? You act like it’s your birthday or something, Rose.” She laughs.


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