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Wild on You

Page 17

by Tina Wainscott

  “Oh yeah, I’m sure you were.” Her voice lowered. “We need to cut this conversation. Your friends are coming.”

  He leaned back, this time in prayer. Please stay over there. Don’t be boneheads and butt into my—

  Water splashed him in the face.

  “Wake up,” Saxby said. “I don’t want to have to pull your sorry ass out of here if you slip under the surface. Water’s hot enough to boil crawfish.” He sank in with all the grace of a manatee. “We’re not interrupting anything, I hope.” He obviously wasn’t thinking they were interrupting that kind of anything, since she was a client.

  Julian angled himself in and propped his arms along the outer edge. “So far, I like what I see. Chase seems competent, and he definitely has the facilities, resources, and technology to make things happen. I’m meeting up with Rath tomorrow to break the news: I’m officially done with the road. It’s been a blast, but I need something to do. I can tell Rath’s feeling the same, but he doesn’t want to sign on with any ‘somebody telling me what to do’ organized establishment, as he puts it.”

  Risk laughed. “I can hear him saying that, too.” He jerked when something touched his thigh. Way up high on his leg, right next to his balls. The water, milky white with roiling bubbles, obliterated any visual on what was going on down there. He kept a calm expression and eyed the two pranksters on the other side of the tub. Nah, they wouldn’t be trying to make him freak, and they wouldn’t be touching him like that.

  Which left Addie, who had a decidedly impish look on her face.

  Delicate fingers stroked up and down his thigh. Even through the material, her short nails were like an on switch for his cock.

  “Is Rath still being psycho about going after the …” Sax glanced at Addie, then back to Julian. “Wolf?”

  Risk nodded toward Addie. “I gave her a thumbnail version of what happened. She recognized me as one of the Rogue Six, so I had to explain.” He turned to her. “Wolf was the code name for the agent who gave us bad information.”

  “Ohhhh,” she said, drawing the word out.

  Her fingers curled around his stiffie, which made him do another of those jerking motions.

  “Yeah,” Julian said. “Dude’s getting scary. You saw him with that whole mountain-man look. But it’s the gleam in his eyes that’s got me worried. I’ve stayed on the road with him, hoping he’d give it up and look into The Justiss Alliance, but I think he’s just biding his time.”

  She was pretending to listen to the guys, her whole focus on them. Well, not her whole focus, because her fingers were making swirls up and down his cock that had his body quivering. “So he wants revenge,” she said. “And you’re worried he’s going to get hurt.”

  Julian and Sax both nodded.

  Her fingers slid to his waistband and then beneath. And now it was her skin that moved over his skin, walking provocatively across his pelvis. She brushed the length of his dick, just enough of a touch to feed his hunger but definitely a tease. The corner of her mouth turned up slightly, giving away her deviousness.

  He loved devious. And he hated devious. Because she had put him in the same position that he’d put her in. He made affirmative sounds about Julian’s concerns but wasn’t mentally part of the conversation. Then she wrapped her hand around his cock. He nearly let out a sigh of Good God, about time. He gripped the rounded edge of the seat as she stroked up and down the length of him. Nice and slow.

  Okay, he could handle this. Wasn’t his middle name control?

  No, not with Addie.

  But he could keep himself from coming. That would not be cool.

  Then she stroked a little faster. When she got to the top, she let her thumb slide over his head and that strip of skin, which made him suck in a breath, then have to cough to cover it. The rumble of the hot tub seemed louder than their voices all of a sudden. Or was that the roar of blood in his ears?

  The rush of pleasure built, threatening to explode. If she continued, he definitely wasn’t going to maintain control. He clamped his hand over hers to stop her motion and gave her a subtle shake of his head. Could they leave the hot tub and dash off to the cabana without arousing suspicion?

  “So I figure if I join TJA, too, he’ll see that coming aboard is a much better idea than skulking around Mexico looking for some guy who’s probably dead,” Julian was saying. “And we’re all still working together.”

  Her hand continued stroking despite his hold. Which made him feel like he was stroking himself, so he let go. “Stop … stop him … from going.”

  Julian narrowed his eyes at him. “I think the heat’s getting to you. Rath’s not going to take orders from me, you know that.”

  “Yes. Yes, the heat is getting to me. I can’t stand it anymore.”

  He lurched from the hot tub, splashing water everywhere as he ran across the deck—and lost control about halfway to the cabana.

  * * *

  “Okay, we’re even,” Risk said as he steered the boat toward the docks outside the Bayside Restaurant.


  “Yeah, the whole ‘getting off while having to make polite conversation’ torment. I didn’t realize how difficult a wonderful thing could be.”

  “Hm. I thought I was just doing the wonderful part, since I got to come and you didn’t.” She gave him an innocent smile while he eyed her with suspicion. Okay, it had been a bit of both kinds of getting even. “Did you, uh …”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Come?”

  “I like the phrase get completion better.”

  His mouth twisted in a half grin. “I got completion during my sprint. That was a first.”

  “You could have stayed in the hot tub.”

  “No way could I come and not give myself away. I make noise.”

  Suddenly she wanted to hear that noise, the evidence of the pleasure she’d given him. Wanted to feel him thrust into her as he made it. She swallowed back her own sound. “Is it a growl? Or more like a grunt? I’ve never heard a guy make noise before other than a long exhale.”

  “I’ve never had to categorize it.”

  “Humor me. I’m curious.”

  “It’s a combination of both, actually.” He arched one eyebrow at her. “You do realize that talking about orgasms is its own kind of torture where we’re concerned?”

  She winced. “You’re right. Forget I asked.”

  He turned the wheel and expertly maneuvered into the last space available. She was so busy enjoying the view of his tight shorts across his tight butt as he learned over to secure the boat, she nearly forgot that she was probably supposed to be helping. She jumped up to play first mate.

  Once they had the boat secured, he helped her onto the wooden dock. He rested his hand on her back as they wandered up to the entrance. It felt as warm as the sun, warm and right and a little proprietary. Her mind screeched to a halt as it replayed the “right” part. Not right, just … nice. Yeah, let’s go with that.

  The restaurant’s decor was dark wood with intimate seating areas. Just as she panicked at the thought of them tucked into a cozy spot, Risk requested a table outside on the deck. Even out there, the tables were covered in linen cloths and adorned with flower-and-shell centerpieces. Soft music drifted from hidden speakers, and the breeze caressed the flowers of the potted plants scattered throughout. Darn, still romantic.

  After they ordered drinks, she asked, “Did you insist on being seated here so we could watch the boat?”

  “Yep. Never hurts to keep an eye on our transportation.”

  She couldn’t imagine how difficult it was to transition to civilian life for someone used to living on the edge. She picked up her menu but kept her gaze on him. “You’re like a cat. Even when they’re sleeping, their radar is going. You never relax, do you?”

  “I do. But not while I’m operational. I’d bet my left nut that we’re perfectly safe here, at least from your predators. No way could they have traced me to Chase or followed us down here. Still, it never
hurts to be vigilant.”

  Just the mention of his left nut brought back the way he’d felt in her hand back at the hot tub. Big. Hard. Tempting.

  Their iced teas arrived, and they placed their food orders. Was he ordering steak just to tempt her?

  Damn, he was tempting. Having control over him, even as she’d held all that male power in her hand, had been nearly as erotic as his bringing her to life beneath the table. His whole body had quivered, his thigh muscles tightening. And the way his breath had caught …

  She really had to expunge those thoughts. Wanting Risk was like wanting steak. So good and so bad all at once. She’d been doing just fine all these years without. Sure, she’d been around steak. And good-looking men. But none had ever tempted her one iota. Until Risk came along.

  “Addie, I’d give you twenty dollars for your thoughts right now.”

  She blinked to find him studying her. “They’re not for sale.”

  He sprawled back in his chair, legs spread in that easy masculine way. “Yeah, that’s probably wise.”

  The server arrived with their dinners a short while later. He set the grouper almondine in front of her and then passed her to set down Risk’s meal. The aroma of seasoned beef wafted past her, making her mouth water.

  She tried to tell herself that the fish was awesome. It was cooked to perfection, moist and flaky and everything grouper should be. But honestly, it wasn’t satisfying. Not like Risk’s meal. Oh, he was trying to downplay it, not even making any of those pleasurable sounds. However, when the waiter came over to ask how their meals were, Risk said, “Incredible.” And he meant it. Then he set his fork and knife down on the edge of the plate and propped his chin on his upturned hand. “I promise I’m not trying to make this hard on you. I really do like steak. And bacon. Maybe it’s a farm-boy thing, but I like meat. And you know what, Addie? So do you. I know you gave it up because you think you should. Because it’s the right thing to do, in your opinion. As I said, I respect that. But the way you are looking at me is making me want to satisfy you on some serious level. So pick one: steak or sex.”

  All righty, then. He’d called her on it and laid out a huge temptation all at once. And oh, Lordy, he was tempting. She ached to give in.

  Just when the word sex wanted to pop out of her mouth, Risk held out a piece of steak that was speared on his fork. “I won’t tell anyone. I won’t judge you.” When she struggled visibly with the offering, he added, “One taste of the forbidden won’t kill you. You can tell yourself that it probably won’t be as good as you remember.”

  Was he talking about the sex option? She knew, down to her bones, that sex with Risk would be oh, so good.

  Her resistance crumbled, and she leaned forward. He placed the bite in her mouth. While guilt and recriminations screamed inside her head, her lips wrapped around that juicy piece of steak. Her tongue sang. She closed her eyes and chewed.

  Only after she swallowed did she realize Risk had been watching her the entire time. His smile wasn’t smug but pleased. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

  “It was delicious and wonderful and I want more of it. That’s always the problem with giving in to something you want and shouldn’t have.”

  He cut another piece of steak. “So what if I give you one more bite of steak and tell you that’s all you can have? Take the issue of wanting more right off the table? Will that help?”

  She eyed the square he was holding out. “Maybe.”

  “I’m going to give you the steak, but you can’t have any more. That’s an order.”

  She nodded, and he slowly brought the juicy bite to her mouth. There was something oddly erotic about his feeding her. It reminded her of the way she felt when he was spanking her. She liked it but knew she shouldn’t. Her mouth closed over the bite, and she savored it more, knowing she wasn’t getting another bite.

  “Why are you smiling like that as you watch me ignore my code of ethics?” she asked after she’d swallowed.

  “It has nothing to do with corrupting you, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s the first time I’ve seen you actually enjoy eating. I’ve watched you pick at salads, poke at fish, and I know you’re telling yourself that it’s good. But you never close your eyes and savor it.”

  “I do savor those things sometimes. When they’re done right.” She tucked in to her fish now, sticking a bite into her mouth and following it with a spear of broccoli.

  “How about sex?”

  She nearly choked, patting her chest to facilitate breathing. “Come again?”

  He leaned back in his chair, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Exactly.”

  Damn, she felt her cheeks flush. “I meant repeat that.”

  “And I meant come again. This time I want you to be able to scream and moan as much as your heart desires.”

  Her appetite fled. “I won’t, because we’re sharing a house with two of your friends. Like that won’t be awkward. And I’m not setting foot in the haunted house, so don’t go there at all.”

  She was rambling, because every nerve in her body—especially the nerves down there—had gone on super-alert. They all wanted to come again. And, well, so did she.

  Risk lifted a finger, which made her think of the way that finger had driven her crazy. “One time. We give in, let ourselves go a little crazy because we deserve it, and then you’re cut off. Just like with the steak. You can enjoy it because you won’t be tempted to partake again. The option will be off the table.”

  She watched him put another piece of beef in his mouth as he let her consider it. Her body was screaming a big fat yes! Her brain was backpedaling, but it wasn’t making much headway.

  “So if we do this, it’s just one time. Even if I beg you, naked, you won’t give in?”

  “Don’t beg naked. That might be too much to resist.”

  “You have to promise. Naked begging or not, you won’t have sex with me.”

  That was the moment when the server decided to refill their iced teas. He cleared his throat and turned away.

  She covered her face. “You make me crazy.”

  “Back at you, babe.” Risk pushed his plate away even though half the steak was still sitting there. “I promise, even with naked begging, I will not give in. Besides, getting all hot and bothered when there’s potentially someone out there trying to hurt you is a really bad idea. We have the perfect opportunity while we’re here in Miami, a small window.”

  She snorted. “Like the one that was cut into the back of your briefs?”

  He smirked. “I’m trying to be serious. After this one time, we put our complete focus on finding out who’s behind your assault. When you’re safe, you’ll go back to being a celibate vegetarian, and I’ll go on to another job. We’ll write and talk on the phone, but eventually we’ll drift apart. Feel better about it now?”

  “Okay,” she said on a long exhale. Now that her body had permission, it shot into a heightened sensual awareness. She felt throbbing between her legs, and he hadn’t even touched her yet. “Go on, finish your meal.”

  Risk waved the server down. “I’m not in the mood for steak anymore.” He aimed a heated look at her. “But I am in the mood for a vegetarian.”

  All of her nerve endings went up in flames. Whoosh. God, she wanted this man.

  The server brought their bill, and Risk shoved cash at him. “Thanks for everything,” he said, taking Addie’s hand and leading her toward the stairs that went directly down to the docks.

  She would follow him into the haunted house if it meant she could totally let go. Hmm, maybe that’s what the ghostly sounds were all about, moans and groans of a whole different sort. Risk glanced her way when she giggled at the thought. She was giddy. Giddy! She occasionally got that way when her blood sugar took a dive. Clearly she was in need of something sweet. Immediately. And Risk fit that bill nicely.

  She made her way to the open bow, balancing on bare feet as the boat bounced off the waves. Everything looked brighter, clearer,
as he steered away from the docks. The sun hovered above the skyline of Miami in the distance, shiny and sparkly and—Okay, she was imagining things. The wind tangled in her hair the way she wanted Risk’s fingers to. The wind buffeted her and created a chop across the water’s surface.

  She wished he’d go faster.

  The sort-of sentence he’d made on her fridge came back to her: MINDLESS CRAVINGS ABOVE AND BEYOND.

  He had that right. Every cell of her body craved him. The feel of him beneath her hands, his touch on her. Though he’d been scanning the horizon, his gaze slid to her. Heat fired in his hazel eyes. She loved being a craving, relished that this sexy, skilled man wanted her so badly. His hair didn’t move at all, but the breeze snapped at his cotton shirt. He once said he could make the impossible happen, and he was doing it again. Offering her a sensual experience without expectations. Her body would be completely sated and her mind would have nothing to panic over.

  Right in the middle of the huge bay, he cut the engine. Not one boat in sight. He had a hungry look in his eyes as he came around the transom toward her. Her heart thrummed tight and fast in her chest as she stepped toward him. They crashed together, his hands cupping her face, his mouth devouring hers. She twined her fingers in his short hair, sliding through the soft brush of it. His erection, so hard it was almost painful, pressed against her stomach. She ground herself against it, reveling in the evidence of his wanting her.

  He braced his feet on the deck, balancing both of them as his hands slid down her backside. He squeezed her butt and made low growling sounds that vibrated through her. She’d never made any kind of noise, but something like a soft whimper came from deep in her throat.

  He pulled away with what looked like great effort, taking her in with eyes filled with heat. And deep longing. “Addie,” he whispered, kissing her, his tongue sliding against hers.

  She loved hearing her name whispered hoarsely like that, as though he needed her and only her or he would die. “Risk,” she said, and it sounded the same. How had she come to want—need—him so much?

  Just for right now, she told herself. Right now I can let myself need him more than air.


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