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Wild on You

Page 20

by Tina Wainscott


  He shook his head. “Never take anyone’s word for it. Check for yourself.” He slid his thumb over the release button and pushed out the cylinder to show her. She leaned closer and checked the barrel. “Very good,” he said.

  “I saw you do it earlier.”

  He snapped the cylinder back into the frame. “Always treat it as though it is loaded. Know where the muzzle is pointed at all times.” He tapped the end of the gun to show her. “Unless you intend to shoot, keep it pointed down at a forty-five-degree angle.”

  She slid her fingers against his as she took the gun. It was odd to enjoy that bit of contact over the cool metal of a revolver, but there it was.

  He waited until he knew she had a good hold on it before releasing her. She was staring at it as though it might turn into a snake, but her grip was solid. All wrong but solid.

  “Let me show you the proper way to hold it.” He came up behind her, wrapped his body around hers, and positioned her hands in the correct way. “Always keep your trigger finger straight until you’re ready to pull it. Thumbs on the same side.” Damn, he liked the feel of her plastered against him. “Perfect.” In more ways than one.

  When she turned to give him a smile, her cheek brushed his, and her mouth was way too close. Discipline. What the hell had happened to his discipline? He stepped back, barely wrangling it under control. “Let’s go into the range, and you can fire a few rounds.” He grabbed the ammo and led her to one of the lanes, then instructed her to squeeze off a few empty rounds to get the feel for it. “Ready for the real thing?”

  She nodded. “It feels strange to hold a weapon.”

  “Chase likes to remind us not to call it a weapon, though that’s what I call it, too. It’s a tool that can be used as a weapon. Go ahead and load the cylinder.” She inserted one cartridge and looked at him for approval.


  She continued to load. “It’s almost … sexual, don’t you think?” She held up one cartridge. “They even look phallic.”

  He guided her hand to shove that one in. “Let’s not go there.”

  “Sorry. After our … experience on the boat, my brain is going there a lot.”

  She gave him a smile that was both provocative and innocent at the same damned time. He wasn’t sure how she managed that, or whether she was doing it on purpose, but it had an instantaneous effect on his body. “A lot of me is going there lately, but we have an agreement.” He guided her hand down because she’d turned to him and inadvertently shifted the gun in his direction.

  “Sorry. I got distracted.”

  “Never get distracted when you’re holding a loaded gun.” He shifted her toward the target. His hands slid to her hips. “Stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder width apart.”

  “See, for example, when you said that, all I can think of is you nudging my legs apart—”

  “Addie.” He lowered his head. “Are you trying to drive me crazy? Because it’s working.”

  More of that guileless look. “I’m just trying to learn how to shoot.”

  He shifted her so that she was facing the target, because it was all he could do not to kiss that look right off her face. Guileless, his ass. “Then shoot.”

  She gave her shoulders a little shake. “You don’t have to get testy about it.”

  Testy. She was calling him testy? Why was she teasing him? It was Addie who’d been adamant about no more physical contact. Now she was wiggling her ass as she got into shooting position. Testing him.

  Yes, that’s exactly what she was doing. There was only one reason he could think of for her to do that: She’d changed her mind. He could see the hunger in her eyes, a hunger he recognized down to his bones. So she wanted to goad him into making the overture. No way. He had to live up to his word. It was a matter of honor. Unless she played her wild card. But maybe he could nudge her toward doing just that.

  Two can play at that game, sweetheart. And while it would stretch his resolve thin, he was going to give it right back to her. As her teacher, he had to assess her posture and alignment. Which meant checking out her backside, and oh, what a nice backside it was. He ran his hands along her upper thigh, pulling her legs apart just another inch. While he’d been doing that, he let the front of his body just barely touch the back of hers. Then he ran his hands down her arms and shifted their angle. He leaned right next to her ear and whispered, “Now you’re perfect.”

  He thought she shivered. His hands remained at her wrists. “Do you know if you’re right- or left-eye-dominant?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Sight the bull’s-eye with both eyes open. You want the center square between the two notches on the gun’s sight. See it?” He’d left himself plastered against her.

  She nodded, which rubbed her cheek against his. Okay, this was as tough on him as it was on her. He had withstood grueling conditions and powered through; he could power through the raging hunger for Addie without giving in.

  “Now close your right eye. Is the gun still pointing at the target?”


  “Then you’re left-eye-dominant. You want to aim with that eye. Are you ready to pull the trigger, Addie?”

  She must have picked up the subtext in his voice, because she turned to him. “Uh … yes.”

  “Good. And you’re not scared, right? You should never be afraid to shoot.”

  “I’m not scared. I have some trepidation. Nervousness. It’s good to try things that make you uncomfortable. That makes your heart race.”

  “Mmm, glad you feel that way.” He backed away from her. “A .38 is strong enough to stop an assailant if you hit him in the right place. Might as well start with a sufficient caliber. When you pull the trigger, you’ll feel some recoil.” He saw her narrow her eyes; she was probably wondering if there was subtext in that, too. Just to make it clear, he arched his eyebrow. “Once you shoot, you’re going to like it. It’s immensely satisfying to send a bullet screaming into the target. You’ll feel a rush of power so compelling, you’ll want to do it again. And again.” He guided her arms back to face the target, since her body had swiveled as he’d talked. “Just remember that you’re dealing with something powerful. And dangerous.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She quickly averted her gaze to the target. She was way out of her league if she thought she was going to tempt him beyond reason.

  Except … hadn’t she already? Because he had totally forgotten about ear protection. “Hold your position.” He retrieved muffs from the cabinet and placed one on her head. Then he put on his. “Take a deep breath, exhale, and pull the trigger.” Her first shot nailed the body-shaped target in the lower hip. “At least you hit the guy. You’ve got four more shots in the gun before you have to reload.”

  She let out the rest of them in steady succession, set the gun down, and smiled at her handiwork as he brought the target close. “I kept them all on the bad guy,” she said with a huge grin.

  “Nice job.”

  Her eyes were sparkling with triumph. “You’re right. I do want to shoot more. It feels empowering.”

  “Load her up and go for it.”

  She went through three more rounds, getting a little more accurate with each one, before setting the gun down. With the muzzle faced in a safe direction, God love her. Her grin was still in place. “I want to do it again.”

  His cock twitched. Whoa, there, buddy, she’s talking about shooting. Or is she? “You can shoot all you want,” he said.

  “I don’t mean at this exact time, but I definitely want to shoot some more. Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Come get me whenever you want.” He gave her a pointed look. “Just say the word.”

  She bit her lower lip, and her eyes reflected all kinds of conflict. Because she wasn’t talking about shooting anymore. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She had made him promise not to give in, even if she begged. He hoped she didn’t beg. He wasn
’t sure he could resist, despite the fact that she had clothes on.

  They put the gun and ammo away and walked out into the warm night air.

  “Who are you waving at?” she asked when he closed the door behind them.

  “Security camera.” Risk pointed up at where it was discreetly mounted. “Let’s go send Elrod’s ex-wife a message.”

  They walked down the softly lit path toward the guesthouse. He felt the absurd urge to take her hand. Addie was clearly at war with herself, wanting the thrill and knowing she shouldn’t have it. He knew that battle because it raged inside him, too. Addie needed to be very sure she wanted to go there, because she’d drown in guilt over taking something for herself. He couldn’t push, pull, or cajole her. It had to be her decision, one hundred percent, so he wouldn’t feel bad about it.

  He followed her into her bedroom, where she surveyed the ceilings. “There are no cameras in here, I hope.”

  “No. Just outside the front door.”

  “Not that I think Chase is a perv or anything.”

  Risk chuckled. “No, he seems like a good guy.”

  “He suspects there’s something between us, by the way. Not that he came out and said so, but when I was talking about seeing the sweet little thing, he thought I meant you. I was talking about the cub.”

  Risk laughed. “Crafty son of a bitch. He knew exactly what you were talking about, but he was testing you. Did you pass?”

  She set her laptop on the bed, plugged it in, and fired it up. “I pretended I had no idea.”

  “Yeah, you do guileless very well.”

  She continued looking guileless. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Mmm-hm. Well, the boys are on to us, too. They were poking fun at me earlier. And I don’t do guileless well. Hell, your father called me on the way I was looking at your picture on your Facebook page. That was when he warned me away, said we’d be a dangerous combo. He was right.”

  “How were you looking at my picture? And which one?”

  “It was you in that dark pink bikini, washing cars. And I was thinking that I could do this.” He wrapped his hands around her waist. “Wondering if my fingers could touch. Not quite. Then I thought your boobs were the perfect size, just a little more than a handful.” He held out his hands an inch in front of those perfect mounds. “And I was right.”

  Her cheeks went all pink. “So you noticed my waist before my boobs?”

  He let his hands drop before he gave in to temptation. “Actually I noticed your smile first, then your amazing eyes. In all fairness to my mindless male libido, that was before the bikini picture. I can’t honestly say I would have noticed your eyes before your boobs. But you looked amazing in that bikini. And you looked damned good in the not-quite-bikini today, too.”

  Her gaze was locked to his. “Thanks.”

  If they stayed like that for one more second, he was going to give in. He cleared his throat and held on to his honor. “You were going to send the ex-wife an e-mail.”

  She blinked and seemed to force herself to look at the laptop. He sat behind her as she logged on to her Facebook page and then went to the e-mail. She had to scroll through about a thousand e-mails before getting to the old one from Ursula. Addie dashed off a quick Hope you’re doing well. Do you have a way to find out if your ex has a tiger cub available for hunting? He may have stolen the cub when he assaulted me.

  She set the laptop on the nightstand and scooted off the bed. He forced himself to the door. “I’d better go.” Before I do something I shouldn’t.

  Except she was coming closer. “Risk, you’ve introduced me to a few firsts.”

  He should just nod and open the door. His fingers closed over the knob. “Such as?”

  “Having an orgasm in a roomful of people, for one. Shooting a firearm.”

  “And you did very well. At the shooting, I mean. Both, really.”

  “Experiencing an internal orgasm. On a boat. All firsts. Eating meat was a first in a long time, anyway.”

  Whew, she was back on a safer subject. “And you liked it.”

  She nodded. “I have to admit, I enjoyed eating that steak. But I don’t want to eat meat again.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “But I liked the other things. And I want to do them again.” She slid her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “It felt so good with your body around mine, you inside me. I never imagined that feeling so … right. So I’m skipping past the begging and using my wild card.” A shadow of doubt crossed her face. “Unless you don’t want to.”

  “Cripes, Addie, I get a hard-on every time you look at me.” He pulled her closer so she could feel it for herself, then drew his finger from her chin down to her collarbone. “I don’t want you thrashing yourself afterward.”

  “I won’t, because it’s just for tonight.” She ran her hands over the front of his shirt. “That’s all you want, right? You’re not looking for a long-term thing. You said you felt relieved when you had to say goodbye.”

  Yes, he had, but he didn’t feel relief at the thought of cutting ties with Addie. “Nope, not looking for something permanent.” He didn’t want to scare her away from this moment.

  “So when you’re finished with this job, we’ll promise to keep in touch. You’ll get busy with another assignment, and I’ll be out with my cape, saving animal kind, and we’ll drift apart, like you said. Right?”

  He felt a sinking at her prediction. Yes, his own prediction, but he’d only been trying to quell her fears. Maybe she was doing the same. “Right.”

  He cupped those perfectly sized breasts in his hands, and she closed her eyes and inhaled softly, as though she’d been waiting all day. He brushed his thumbs over the pebbles of her nipples and took her mouth. She opened to him immediately, sliding her tongue against his and leaning in to his palms. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt as she devoured his mouth.

  Addie had clearly become addicted to his touch. And he would use that craving to get her addicted to him. All of him.

  Within seconds, they were naked, falling onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. Damn, he craved her, too. He nudged his knee between her legs and pushed gently against her apex as his hand explored her body. Her skin was silky smooth and soft, and he visually soaked in every inch of her.

  “You’re beautiful, Addie.”

  She had a dreamy look on her face, her cheeks rosy from increased blood flow. She traced her hand down his chest, over his stomach, and circled his cock with her fingers. “You, too. Though I guess it’s emasculating to be called beautiful.”

  He chuckled. “I can handle it.” She had called him that before, and he’d liked it. No woman had ever called him that before.

  She arched an eyebrow. “I bet.” Then she started stroking down the length of him, and he wasn’t chuckling anymore. “That was another first,” she said. “Going down on you.”

  He let out a low groan, but it was as much over her words as her stroking. “Well, you did a damned fine job.”

  She grinned. “I could practice more.”

  I am so in love with this woman. This time the knowledge settled in, right down to his bones. She pushed him back on the bed, straddled him, and moved her mouth over his pecs. Her sex snuggled right against the base of his cock, slick and hot. She stroked him as she kissed across his body, drawing her hands over his hardened nipples and his abs. And to judge by the way she was looking at him, she appreciated every ridge … especially that ridge.

  He was the only man she’d ever gone down on. She’d come internally only with him. He suspected that she’d never been so responsive with anyone else. Damn, damn, damn.

  She scraped her teeth lightly across his head, then pulled him fully into her mouth. She alternated hard sucking with soft licking, and it about drove him crazy. Since he knew she wasn’t experienced, he could draw one conclusion about the amazing way she was making him feel—she was enjoying it.

  He swam through the
fog of pleasure and lifted his head. She was watching him, and though her mouth was preoccupied, a smile lit her eyes.

  She sat up, and yep, she was grinning. “I like watching the muscles of your face contort, and how your mouth goes a little slack, like you’re completely lost.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely lost.” In more ways than one.

  He pulled her up and flipped her over so that he was hovering over her. He dipped down in a low push-up, kissing her. His cock pressed in to her stomach, sandwiched between their bodies. Though it was throbbing with the need for release, he was in no hurry. This wasn’t the urgent lovemaking on the boat. They were in the privacy of her room, on a comfortable bed, and they had all night.

  She had a hazy gleam in her eye, like she’d had at the benefit dinner after drinking a little too much wine. Since she’d had nothing alcoholic recently, he knew the hazy, dreamy quality was all about this, this moment, pleasure.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms over his shoulders. He cocooned her with his body, remembering how she’d said she liked having his body around hers. Yeah, he’d get to the inside-her part soon enough. For now he liked having her close, her body perfectly tucked in the confines of his. She felt right there.

  He rolled them to their sides and drew his fingers over the planes of her face, tracing her soft lips. Her blue-eyed gaze was locked to his. He gently scraped his fingers through the waves of her hair and then massaged along the shell of her ears. She let out long sighs, a smile stretching across her face.

  “I thought guys wanted to get right to it,” she said.

  “If that’s been your experience, you’ve been with the wrong guys.”

  “I can see that.” She paused. “Does that mean you’re the right guy?”


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