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My Love Break

Page 5

by Antonia, Anna

  A smile flirted with the corners of my mouth. “You think I’m that naughty?”

  “Absolutely.” Damian shifted his fingers a millimeter closer. It wiped the smile clean off my face. “But you’ll be a good girl for me, Risa. I won’t have it any other way. You’ll be my very good girl, Risa. Won’t you?”

  The things he said to me! My brains must’ve left the building along with my courage because I was smitten with longing.

  “I think I can be.”

  Damian’s lids lowered until I could barely see the hint of silver and gold. “That’s not a good enough answer, little girl. Not by a long shot.”

  I licked my lips as the appropriate answer bounced on the tip of my tongue. He didn’t have to demand or instruct me on the correct response. I just knew it.

  “I’m sorry, Damian. Can I try again? Please?”

  He studied me, speculation running higher as each torturous second passed. “Get it right this time, Risa.”

  Would he leave me here like this if I didn’t get it right? He would. Damian was that kind of man. He didn’t dance on attendance for me. His lack of regard drove me crazy as well as challenged me.

  It unleashed a well of masochism I never suspected I contained.

  “I know I can be a good girl for you, Damian.” His fingers crept closer but not close enough. I bit back a whine. Of course, my reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Damian. He seemed pleased.


  “Yes, you will. You’ll be a very good girl for me—especially if you want my cock. Do you want it, Risa?”

  Heat warmed my cheeks, spreading down my neck and across my chest. “I want it more than anything.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes!” He inhaled sharply, cheeks hollowing out in his lean face. Satisfaction wisped through me. I wasn’t the only one affected. “You want me too, Damian.”

  “Were you ever in doubt?”

  I reached out and brushed my hand across the hard lines of his face. “All the time. Even now.”

  “You knew this was going to happen tonight.”

  I searched for something clever to say. I came up empty.

  Damian held himself above me, thumbs edging ever-closer to my pussy. “What do you use in your wash? Lavender?”

  “Yes. In the fabric softener.”

  Wait. What the hell was going on here? Were we really talking about laundry?

  “I like it.”

  “Glad you approve.” I expected at least a smirk, but all I got was a placid stare.

  “You knew I’d be here tonight. You want me here.”

  My nervousness made it hard to keep from licking my lips. “I hoped for it.”

  Damian leaned so close I could see the dark flecks in his unique eyes. “So why insult me? My dick has been hard for you since the beginning. There’s no need for hesitation, Risa. No room for doubt.”


  “No. Where did the bold girl in the living room disappear now that you’ve got me?”

  Biting my lip, I searched for an answer that would satisfy us both. Losing my pride, inch by inch, was painful and disconcerting. I put on a brave front, saying with a saucy grin, “I didn’t expect an interview. I thought we were here to fuck.”


  I didn’t have to guess at his reaction. Damian’s displeasure communicated itself in his hands. They stopped right in the crease of my inner thigh. He was so close. I needed his touch. I couldn’t take this teasing.

  “Is that so, Risa? Would you really prefer me to fuck you like every other man you’ve been with has?”

  “No.” I instantly regretted the words that brought me to this point. “I don’t want that at all.”

  “In that you’re actually telling me the truth.” Damian dragged his fingers back down to my outer thigh. I could’ve screamed with frustration.

  “I’m not a liar you know. I tell you the truth.”

  “Not on purpose.” I opened my mouth to refute it when he pinned me with a warning glare. “I already told you I don’t do easy. I’m not going to be like those other men you’ve had. I’m not going to kiss your pretty ass just for the honor of slapping it later tonight.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to be like them.”

  I meant it. God how I meant that. Unfortunately, Damian wasn’t done with telling me like it was.

  “I don’t do casual, Risa. I don’t do one-night stands. I don’t fuck those not worth spending time out of bed.”

  I took his declarations as the digs against me that they were. I’d inevitably lost interest once I took a man to bed. Whatever did that say about me? Nothing good I imagined.

  My lips widened into a bright smile. “Lucky me.”

  “Yes, you are lucky.”

  “You’re not the slightest bit shy about that confidence, are you?” There was a bite to my words, but if I was expecting Damian to bleed then I was destined for disappointment.

  “Be glad for it otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.” His hand stayed where it was. Punishment.

  My thoughts careened, desperate to unlock the right combination to get my way. I was always good with my words, instinctually able to say the right thing at the right time. It was this gift that made me a star saleswoman.

  Too bad for me that I failed spectacularly from the moment I realized my feelings for Damian were running too fast. I needed to get back on track. Things were getting messy and I didn’t do messy.

  His mouth ticked up at the left corner. I got the strong impression he knew exactly what I was trying to do.

  “I’m not like them, little girl. You can’t talk circles around me.” His lazy tone belied the hard glint in his eyes. “I don’t want you to hide from me, Risa, behind your cherry-picked words.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “I want you real. I want you messy.”

  My heartbeat drummed in my ears at his particular choice of words. Just the thought of being anything less than polished, than being the best in front of Damian, made me feel a low stab of panic.

  “You don’t want that,” I whispered.

  “Oh yes I do.” His hand slid up a stingy fraction of an inch. “It’s the only way I’ll take you.”

  I closed my eyes. This was too much and not even close to being enough.

  “You’re retreating. Why?”

  I didn’t have to guess whether Damian would accept silence as answer. He’d outwait me if he needed to. That or leave.

  My eyes opened to just a slit. It was all I could do at the moment. “Because this is all too much. I mean, why do we need to talk so much? It’s just weird.”

  Instead of being irritated, offended, or limited by my words, Damian seemed to take them as a challenge. He leaned closer with a smirk. “My talking in bed makes you uncomfortable? That’s too bad, Risa. I plan on talking a lot, especially when I’m balls-deep inside you.”

  Heat slammed into me, especially between my thighs. I groaned in response.

  “Not so weird now, is it?”

  I closed my eyes. The darkness was my refuge. “It’s fucking hot is what it is.”

  “Good girl. I’m glad to hear you see it my way.” Damian suddenly pressed his palm against my aching pussy. I jolted up and a little cry passed my lips. His mouth was only scant inches away from mine. I could lick a trail down his chin and neck if I wanted.

  And I wanted.

  Suddenly I saw this for what it was. “You need to control me,” I blurted out.

  “Wrong. I don’t need to control you, Risa. I enjoy to do so. I look forward to all the millions of ways I’m going to exercise my joy. Spoiling you will be a gift and a punishment for us both.”

  I read between the lines. Needing to control me would put him under my thumb. Damian would never do that. Not in this lifetime.

  “Then let me show you how I feel, Damian. Make me messy that way.”

  His middle finger slid slowly up and down my slit. I choked out a moan and pushed back against him despe

  Damian considered me. The seconds ticked by torturously slow. All the while his finger slid up and down. I could hear the wetness of my folds clinging to his long digit. I ached for more. I wanted his finger to slide inside me. I wanted his tongue. His cock.


  My breath quickened. I was losing control with each delicate slide.

  Finally, he came to his decision. “By all means, Risa. Show me.”

  I lunged forward and kissed him with no finesse but plenty of enthusiasm. It was as messy as I felt. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and bit down hard enough to make him hiss. I laved the spot with my tongue, not in apology but in the hopes of having Damian return the favor.

  “Bad girl…you’re racking up all these punishments, aren’t you?”

  He claimed my pussy with a firm squeeze while tunneling the fingers of his free hand through my hair. Damian fisted them at the nape, completely controlling my head and just how far I could move it.

  His lips molded against mine and soon enough he took over. Each flick of his tongue sent a thrill of longing through me. I bumped my hips harder and faster against his hand. Already the sweet sting of orgasm settled low in my belly.

  Damian shoved me back on the bed. His rough breathing matched mine. I watched, liquid with lust, as he undressed himself. Every movement graceful and controlled. My mouth went dry as soon as he slid off the black shirt.

  Damian Black was absolutely exquisite. Every ridge and hollow of his athletic body was pure perfection. He didn’t suffer the leanness and lengthening of muscle that often plagued extremely tall men.

  He was perfect.

  I wanted to run my hands across his chest and see for myself how hard the muscles of his well-defined chest were. His chiseled abs were enough to make anyone sigh in bliss.

  His stare branded me while his hands reached down and undid his belt. Something wicked surely lay behind those ebony slacks. I could definitely see the ridge to prove it.

  Damian retreated. I whined but kept my complaints to myself when he tossed me a promise with his grin. He got off the bed and stood up to toe off his shoes and socks. He picked up his shirt and placed it precisely across my dressing table chair. The particularity of his action was one I already recognized.

  A place for everything and everything in its place.

  Dimly, I wondered if that applied to me too.

  Where would my place be? On my back or on my knees?

  The direction of my thoughts returned to a far more exciting destination when Damian slid his pants off. I licked my lips as he stood there for a moment in his dark briefs.

  He let me look my fill before tucking his thumbs in the waistband and pulling them down and completely off.

  I gasped and sat up. It was comical on some level, but I couldn’t believe how strongly seeing Damian naked affected me.

  Simply put—Damian’s heavy, thick cock was absolutely magnificent.

  My mouth watered for a taste. It was beautiful. I couldn’t wait to stroke my hands up and down its impressive length. Unconsciously, I spread my legs. I wondered if I could take him in one go or would he have to work me?

  The corner of Damian’s mouth went up a notch. “Don’t worry. You’ll have my cock in your mouth soon enough.”


  My breath quickened. This was a side of Damian I would’ve never suspected he had. I loved his raw words--the dirtier, the better.

  I spread my legs further. I didn’t want to draw this out. I didn’t want to play anymore either. I wanted Damian’s body on mine and I wanted him to simply fuck me into screaming submission.

  “Get on your knees, little girl.”

  I scrambled up before he’d even finished speaking, already knowing what he wanted from me. I scooted over to the edge of the bed, coming as close as I could without falling. Damian came to me, slow and deliberate, as if he wanted to draw this out to the breaking point.

  My eyes were heavy with lust. I could barely keep them open. Damian ran one finger lightly across my arched brows.

  “You’re so lovely, Risa.”

  I smiled in pleasure.

  Damian’s finger traced a line down my nose and across my jaw before pushing firmly along my bottom lip. I opened at his unspoken command.

  “You’re going to suck my cock like it’s the only thing you could ever want in this world. You’re going to take it as deep as you can and then you’ll go deeper. You’ll do this for me, won’t you?”

  My nipples, already hard, tightened to the point of pain. I nodded, mouth already opening wider in preparation of showing Damian just how well I was going to obey.

  But Damian removed his finger and stepped back from me. His tone became proper, as if he were back at work. The polite impersonal quality didn’t push me away. It only made me want to get closer.

  “Ground rules, Risa. When I ask you a question you will answer it. No nods, grunts, whimpers, or sighs. I want your words, little girl.”

  He waited, obviously to see how well I listened.

  “Yes, Damian.”

  “Good girl.” A ghost of smile appeared on his lips before disappearing like smoke.

  I wanted to make him smile again. I truly wanted to be his good girl. I needed it. My heart gave another jagged beat. The specter of love rose again. Was I already this consumed by Damian because of love?

  If so, the pain would undoubtedly continue to grow. I knew then I’d learn to make very good friends with pain.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Risa, hard and well. Your pleasure will be mine in all ways. I control when you come, how often you come, and how hard you come. Any time you try to subvert my control will result in my displeasure. My displeasure will absolutely become yours.”

  “You’ll punish me.”

  “Yes. Thoroughly. Otherwise, you won’t learn, will you?”

  Damian crossed his arms. The effect on my body was instantaneous. I swayed forward and had to snap my spine into a rigid line to keep from falling over. How did he have this power over me? I never imagined myself to have a taste for masochism.

  Damian seemed to bring out all the hidden aspects of my personality--submissiveness being key.

  A small part of me questioned the rightness of this all. We were here to have sex and then maybe develop a relationship from there. Instead, Damian stood over me and reeled off his quiet demands.

  Shouldn’t I have some of my own?

  “What if you need punishing, Damian? Will I get to do it?”

  His eyes widened ever-so-slightly. “Punish me? No.”

  “Then how will you learn what displeases me?”

  Damian shook his dark head. “Already so spoiled, aren’t you?” He came close enough for me to touch. It was a daring temptation. “Look at me, Risa, and not my cock.”

  I whipped my head back, chagrined to be caught staring at the deliciously thick shaft. Despite the softness of his tone, the look in Damian’s eyes was wild. It excited me beyond anything he could’ve said. I wanted to peel back his layers and know him. I wanted to know everything.

  “Yes, Damian.”

  “You won’t control me, little girl. Ever. If you cannot accept that, then this will never happen. Do you understand?”


  A tiny gasp escaped as a foreign pain bloomed in my chest. The world swam and sloshed about as my eyes flooded with tears. I quickly hid my face. Damian growled my name in warning but it wasn’t enough inducement to risk letting him see just how deeply his threat had cut.

  I couldn’t bear the idea of him walking away from me, but Damian apparently didn’t have any issue with leaving. He would do it without hesitation.

  This love of mine was terrible, painful in its infancy of emotion. I couldn’t allow it to devour me like this. I had to find a way to control it like Damian already controlled me.

  I was in too deep but that didn’t mean I couldn’t find a solution that would allow self-preservation to exist with Damian.

just sex. I can play with him as much as we can stand it and still keep safe. I can give him my body but I don’t have to ever let him know he has my heart too. I can sell anything to anyone.

  I can sell this too.

  By the time Damian’s hand lifted my chin up, I was composed. My tears were gone as if they never were. A frown creased his brow before smoothing out. He stared into my eyes while I fell into his.

  The strangeness of his gaze punctuated the fate I knew I held. This couldn’t last forever. A beautifully unique man like Damian would leave my life as unexpectedly as he came in. That was the truth I had to embrace.

  I would take what I could from him and when the time came, I’d eventually see the sun and the moon and not think of the time when I held them both against my heart.


  “Yes, Damian?”

  “Where did you go?”

  My smile, the one I always wore to dazzle, appeared. “Nowhere. I’m here with you, Damian, for as long as you’ll have me.”

  His warm hand tightened its hold on my chin before releasing me completely. “Is that so?”


  “I hope you don’t come to regret those words, little girl. Because I know I won’t.”

  Before I could say anything in response, Damian pulled me to him. His mouth claimed mine. Helpless to his domination, my body melted against his. Damian’s hand squeezed my ass hard while his arm wrapped around my back like a band of steel. I couldn’t go anywhere even if I wanted to.

  Apparently the time for talking was over.

  He ravished me. He took my breath from me, letting me only breathe the same air he did. I loved the taste of him, sweet and spicy. Kissing him was the same high I’d get from scoring an impossible account. Adrenaline and victory buzzed through my veins when Damian tossed me on my back.

  Despite the tenderness of my lips, I couldn’t get enough of Damian. I wanted to kiss him until my last breath.

  Oh no. Backsliding so quickly already? That was no good.

  Damian ran his hands up my legs, possessive as only a lover with longstanding right could.

  “Don’t fucking move, Risa.”


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