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Masters of Taboo Presents: Cannibalism, Digesting The Human Condition (Limited Edition)

Page 25

by Stephen Biro

  Wayne and the first officer are rushed by ambulance to the Emergency Room. They are both listed in Critical Condition.

  An hour later the detectives are still trying to piece everything together and figure out what happened and why?

  Wayne's mom quietly sits on the couch looking at her ruined carpet. She remembers how much she paid for the carpet and starts to weep uncontrollably. A moment later she grabs her chest. She suddenly falls to the ground. The detective radios in to have another paramedic come back to the same address, but it's too late. The one detective asks if he should call the coroner?

  The state trooper gives him a cold stare and says "Please have some Goddamn respect. This woman has just lost her child. A child that she raised and watch grow up to be a man. This is no way for a life to end, let alone three."

  After searching Wayne's pants pockets they find a few strange items. They find an empty packet of Benny's bath salts, some hand written song lyrics, and 3 different forms of identification. A New Jersey state driver’s license with the name Wayne, A Cashier's name tag with his picture, but with the name Bill on it, and the third ID is a homemade one with the name Toby. All three have his picture on it. The trooper asks the detective, "What is on that piece of paper you have there?" At first they think its poetry, but they quickly come to the conclusion that it's song lyrics, or at least a poem that could be made into a song.

  The trooper says "Well, with the multiple personalities, it looks like we had ourselves a regular Lennon, McCartney and Manson writing team, all wrapped up in one." The two detective’s chuckle together whilst the second team of paramedics remove the mother’s carcass from the living room floor.

  One detective shows the other that he found a couple of dollars in the suspects other pocket then slips it into his own pocket and says,” You have to read the lyrics, looks like the guy was going crazy for a bit, writing this shit out while sucking down bath salts. I’m going to make a copy of it, if the bastard dies, I have a brother who has a band, maybe they can make a song out of it?”

  The other cop looks at him and says, “Be my guest. That asshole dies; it will just sit in the evidence room. Maybe you can get it played on Dancing With The Stars or something.


  Destiny West

  People call me a chubby chaser. If you don’t know what a chubby chaser is, it is a male or female that is attracted to people of a larger size, the fuller figured varieties.

  I always chuckle to myself when I hear people whisper that description of me to each other in hushed tones hoping that I will not over hear them. The thing is I do hear and it amuses me, because if only they knew how literally true the term Chubby Chaser is for me.

  I hate stick insects. I’ve always wondered about men who like their women so skinny that one hard thrust and their hips might crack. It’s like fucking a bag of bones, I prefer some cushion for the pushing.

  Women with no breasts, you know the kind, with a flat chest and fried eggs repulse me. Women are meant to have curves it is one of the distinguishing differences between a male and a female, oh and a cock and of course brains. I’m no fan of my own species believe me. I’m not going to deny that a man’s brain is the size of a peanut and situated in the knob of his cock. It’s the truth, be him gay or straight or batting for both teams. Some are not afraid to admit it, others, well they are so egotistical and far removed from the ancestral tree that they like to prove their worth differently.

  Men are obsessed with pussies and breasts, most of us will fuck a dog on a chain and then the chain if given the opportunity. And though yes, I subscribe to the point that you don’t look at the mantel piece when you are stoking the fire, I do have my physical preferences and yes the head doesn’t matter much, they can be so ugly that their parents had to tie lamb chops around their neck just to get their pet dog to play with them for all I care. However when it comes to getting my cock twitching, their bodies have to voluptuous, the bigger the better.

  I’ve heard all the jibes before from my mates.

  “Fuck you’d need to roll her in flour first to find the wet spot,” and “Do you wait till she pisses and then head upstream like a trout?”

  Yes I’ve heard every fat jibe that there is, but I’d not change my ways. A skinny bitch won’t even get a slight tremor going in my cock.

  Now Chubby Chasers come in all different types, there are the ones that like them just a bit plump, and what is usually characterized as the average size of a woman. Then there are the ones that won’t settle for anything that doesn’t have trouble breathing when it moves, and of course then there are the likes of me, I’m not only a Chubby Chaser I am also a feeder. I don’t mind if they are on the smaller side of chubby when I first meet them but by the time I’ve finished with them they are bedridden mountains of pasty sweaty flesh.

  And before you go casting accusations at me, just remember I’m not forcing the food down their gobs, they are welcoming it, they are begging for it and at times they are gagging for it, but more on that later.

  If you haven’t buried your head between the gigantic thighs of a heavy woman then you don’t know what you are missing. Soft flesh pressing up against the sides of your face as you peel open their juicy big flaps and bury your face into their sweet tasting holes. Just talking about it now is getting me a semi.

  Feasting on a juicy wet pussy like that and hearing them moan and groan, feeling their bodies jiggle like jelly, it is fucking heaven. Of course there is the down side. The larger they get the more care they need and when they are truly bed ridden then it’s basically full time care required. Sure you can prop them up in bed, put a few boxes of Twinkies by their side and leave Oprah on and go out for a few hours, yeah that is no problem at all, but when you get back it won’t be a pretty sight.

  Once a chubby gets too large, then you can’t get disposable diapers for them and they can’t get out of bed on their own to take a crap, so you usually come home to a filthy shit stinking hole in more ways than one.

  I do know Chubby Chasers who get off on the cleaning. For me though I’m not overly fond of it, but the pros outweigh the cons and when they get to that size well it’s an occurrence that doesn’t happen for that long, let’s put it that way.

  A feeder knows that his chubby has a shelf life, usually their heart gives out. I’ve had that happen to one of mine whilst I was down growling her out. There I was thinking she was having the orgasm of her life, the way her body was jerking and in spasms, and then only to discover she was actually having a heart attack, so now I’ve added necrophilia to my list of vices.

  If their hearts don’t give out then they can sometimes smother themselves. Say during clean up, when you have to recline the bed to get at their asses to clean all the shit out, well the weight of their stomachs and breasts can press back and course pressure on their lungs which results in one hell of an asthma attack and death.

  You are probably wondering how I get away with all this death around me? Well I’m not only a Chubby Chaser and accidental Necrophiliac; I am also a qualified carer. I get paid to care for these morbidly obese women and in this industry death is part and parcel of everyday life.

  I have the best job ever, I get to live out my fantasies and get paid for it.

  Jealous aren’t you?

  Bet you have never had such an eager greedy tight little mouth begging to suck your cock as much as I have! Oh yes, another pro of the job. All you got to do is smother your cock in your condiment of choice; I usually go for peanut butter because it takes longer to suck off. Then you place it near a chubbies mouth and she will suck your cock like there is no tomorrow. Gobble, lick, suck and take every inch of you in her mouth until at times she is gagging on it, but that won’t stop her, nothing will stop her until your cock is polished clean and then she will more than welcome your shot of warm hot jizz down her throat.

  Now doesn’t the benefit of that make shit cleaning seem all worth the effort?’ If you’ve ever changed a baby’s
diaper well that is nothing compared to a cleaning a chubby.

  The thing is a larger a person gets the more erratic their bowel movements become. One minute they are constipated the next minute they have the squirts and its coming out their back end like water. Shitty yellow water or sometimes black sludge and there is a tendency for it to get everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Not only is it smeared all up their ass crack and all over their huge dimpled buttocks but it also manages to squelch its way into their vaginas and any layer of fat within the vicinity.

  You have to make sure that between all the layers of fat are clean, they accumulate sweat, lint, food particles and feces and if they are not cleaned properly then the sores begin to erupt all over the place. Once there is a sore, there tends to always be a sore, there is no hope of being rid of it when it thrives in such a dark sweaty environment. The bacteria love it and the sores become festering, pus filled volcanos of redness.

  Oh and they stink, they stink worse than the yellow shit water. Holding a heavy layer of fat bulge up whilst with the other hand you get an antiseptic soaked cotton bud and clean out the putrid sore is by no means an easy feat. If you are lucky and the sore is like under a breast, well then you might be able to get your chubby to hold back their own layers of fat so you can give the infected ulcers a good clean out.

  Some sicko chubby chasers like the sores; it’s just part of the glorious all for them. I’ve read in the Chubby Chaser forums online about some guys have fucked sores. And before you go “What the fuck?” Well yeah the sores can get big enough to fit a cock in them. I’ve never done it though, and I’ve never had the desire too. I don’t think my stomach could handle it, not when there are three good holes already for the taking.

  One of the cons about being a feeder is that the larger they get the harder it is to enjoy the delights of a chubbies asshole. Most chubby girls I’ve met like nothing better than being sodomized and who I am not to shove my hard throbbing cock up their tight little ass’s right till my balls slam their buttocks? And if you can reach your hand around there and get passed the bulging pubic mound then you can rub their engorged clits and ride them home.

  I’ve had some greedy fat whores even gobble on my cock afterwards regardless of their own shit encasing it. They will gobble until you blow your load down their throat. Maybe they feel the need to be so obliging to men because chubby chasers are few and far between, well the ones out of the closets are, there are not a lot of men that will admit to the pursuit due to the pressure of modern culture and such.

  Do I feel bad participating in the feeding? Not at all, the women enjoy it, like I said not all chubbies are that way inclined. Most women’s weight fluctuates, going from one diet to the next trying to achieve what is glorified in the media and mostly impossible to achieve. I just let a woman be a woman; she is beautiful and desirable to me no matter how much she eats. There is no need to encourage, and who am I not to give into their desires.

  Once they reach a certain weight there is no turning back. Once they are so bedridden that even lifting a limb is a struggle then there is nowhere left to go but 6ft under or into an urn jar.

  What do I get out of being a feeder and a Chubby Chaser? I get all my sexual desires catered to and I get to fed as well.

  No, I’m not obese, I’m far from it. I use to be a bit plump, but years of caring, lifting, cleaning and fucking chubbies and I’ve now go a six pack any body builder would be proud of.

  Feeding is the encore of my caring. It is the pinnacle of why I chubby chase besides all the benefits I mentioned previously. I love fat!

  When I was a kid I could never get enough of the fat around a juicy big piece of steak or around a good lamb chop. I loved the rind of the bacon and when my mom made a casserole that would sit in the fridge for a day or two, when the fat would rise to the surface and solidify into off whitish shards of lard I would sneakily peel them off and relish every bite.

  When I was older I started buying blocks of lard, at first I’d heard how when left at the right temperature and slathered all over ones cock it made the perfect lubricate to wank off with. And it does, get a good rhythm going and it even starts resembling the creaminess that comes from an aroused woman’s cunt.

  Then of course I’d eat it too, slice of chunks and devour it. Got that way I was eating a block or two a week. I tried to resist my cravings, but I just couldn’t. I was a fat addict and my body was showing it.

  I got my first job as a caretaker when I was eighteen. Her name was Annie, big glorious Annie. When I first started working she was already well and truly bedridden, but she was as sweet as honey and had a sexual appetite that could match her eating one and there I was an eighteen year old in my prime and as delicious and finger licking to her as a fried chicken drumstick.

  Annie had been my first, my first chubby, my first fuck, my first everything.

  As a teenager I had been too shy when it came to girls. A few approached me during my high school years but I’d become tongue tied and put my foot in my mouth time and time again that I was soon labeled a misfit loser in the whole social system of high school. I’d never been smart enough to go onto college so when my mom found me a job in her chosen profession I couldn’t knock it back.

  It was either work or she’d kick my ass out onto the streets, and I knew I was neither street smart or tough enough to survive that kind of environment and the idea of selling my ass down dark alley ways was enough motivation to take on my new job with gusto.

  It was the first day I’d been left alone to care for Annie that she made her move. I can’t say that at first sight I was attracted to her. I was kind of overwhelmed by what she was and who she was. This large morbidly obese human being that could barely move a muscle and was relying upon me for any quality of life she might partake in.

  She was also the first real woman I’d seen naked. The only other women I’d seen in the altogether was in magazines that eventually had their pages stuck together by insatiable need to stroke my cock.

  I was fascinated and repulsed what lay before me. Her huge mountainous breasts were nearly the same size as her first fat roll; there was a lot of fat rolls, roll after roll, like the exaggerated human equivalent of a Shar Pei dog but without the cute puppy dog eyes.

  I couldn’t even see her cunt at first, the last roll of her stomach had covered that up a long time ago and even if you reclined the bed right back until she was lying flat down it was still difficult to make out the large pubic mound from just another fat roll.

  I knew she liked me; she didn’t even hide it, not even in front of the other caretakers.

  I was a fresh piece of meat to her and she sniffed me out as virgin territory the moment she laid her greedy pudgy eyes upon me.

  When it had come time for her sponge bath she had made it more than clear that her groin area needed special cleaning, she had made it more than clear that she was on her rags.

  I’d had to recline her back as far as possible without giving her too many breathing difficulties. With help from her, we had managed to spread her legs wide enough apart for me to gain access to ground zero.

  Her thighs were stained with blood from her period. Though we had managed to secure sanitary pads haphazardly to her cunt, they had leaked out the sides and drenched her thighs with their crimson madness. I reluctantly peeled away the red sodden pad and tossed it into the bed next to the bed. What lay before my eyes was a great big blood stained cunt begging for my attention.

  Her mound was shaved, she insisted that it was kept that way and for hygiene purposes the other caretakers had agreed. Pubic hair was an unnecessary evil and the harbor of bacteria and odors that were genuinely avoidable.

  With a warm wet flannel I began the cleaning job, gingerly dabbing at her thighs like I was dusting the most expensive and breakable crystal.

  Annie had barked at me to do my job properly and that what I was doing wouldn’t clean a gnat’s ass let alone her big cunt.

  After getting her thi
ghs cleaned I’d had no choice but to use one hand to open up her huge vagina, the blood carnage was not too bad, nor in truth the smell. Sure there was a bit of a fishy odor lingering but from what I gathered that was normal for the nether regions of a woman’s body.

  As I rubbed with the flannel it was obvious she was getting aroused, the moans said it all. Her huge frame wriggled beckoning me to keep rubbing. I don’t know what made me do it, but I was compelled to bury my face into her cunt, regardless of whether the painters and decorators were in or not.

  My tongue delved, twisted and explored her delicious cunt with all the enthusiasm of a guy munching out a playboy bunny. It was the taste and the sensations against my tongue that were arousing me, and the knowledge that she was getting off on what I was doing to her, something I had never done before.

  I’d heard her groan the word fingers and I didn’t need any further instructions; one finger, then two until I had four fingers buried in her snatch and fucking the living daylights out of her eager cunt.

  I pushed and thrust harder and harder, whilst flicking my tongue over her engorged aching clit until Annie came in my mouth, her hot nectar spilling over my tongue and introducing me to the delights of pussy juice.

  I’d emerged a changed man. My chin glistening with pussy juice and blood and my cock was rigid as rock and aching for release. Her eyes caught it and she licked her lips like my throbbing member was a big taste hot sausage ready for the eating. I’d managed to position myself between her gigantic thighs and find my knobs way into her hot steaming crimson cunt. For her size and age she was damn tight and the walls of her vagina hugged my cock so snug I had to do everything to stop myself from blowing my load there and then. Due to my over indulgence of self-pleasuring I’d mastered some form of control over my cock and could back myself off easily, though this gorgeous tight cunt was far from the same as my hand or other ‘objects’ I’d fucked for my sexual satisfaction.


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