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A Father's Secret

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by Yvonne Lindsay

  Paternity Crisis

  There’d been a mistake at the fertility clinic. Now widow Erin Connell has to face the possibility that her baby son is not her husband’s child. And worse, that Connell Lodge, her son’s legacy and the only real home she’s ever known, may be lost to them both.

  But billionaire Sam Thornton’s arrival at her bed-and-breakfast changes everything. Erin is stunned by the ferocity of her sudden attraction. Sam, too, is thunderstruck…and tormented. He’s come here for one reason only, and falling for the pretty owner isn’t it. He’s not leaving without her son—his son….

  “I Want You, Erin.

  Tell me to stop now and I will. Or tell me you want me, too.”

  “I want you, Sam,” she said. “But I don’t know what you want out of this.”

  He knew exactly what she meant. They were each so emotionally raw in their own ways.

  “I don’t know, either,” he admitted. “But I know I’ve felt alone and empty for too long. I think you know how that feels. I think we can make that emptiness go away, for a while, together. We deserve that, don’t we?”

  “And in the morning?” she asked. “What then?”

  “I won’t think any less of you, Erin. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since we kissed last week. I know you felt something then, just as I did. You even said it was what was right for us at the time. And so is this.”

  Dear Reader,

  Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we plot a book. This story has gone through many incarnations both in my mind, in the planning stages and, recently, as I’ve written it. As a result of the threads that needed to be woven and unwoven then rewoven in the telling of Erin and Sam’s story, I would like to take this time to send a deep and personal thank you to the wonderful Toni Kenyon for her assistance in making sure the legalities of Erin and Sam’s situation were very clear to me. Interestingly, that situation meant uplifting my characters from their original New Zealand based setting to one on the shores of another lake I love, Lake Tahoe. As a result of this move, I would like to send another deep and personal thank you to Alan Mazer for the U.S.-based legal information provided. Any mistakes in the story are very definitely my own.

  Through the years, I’ve seen many couples, in reality and in books or on film, struggle with infertility. It’s such a difficult issue to face as we are born with an instinctive desire, well most of us, to procreate at some stage of our lives. The battles fought and won or lost in the quest to have a child can be heart-wrenching for all involved, both directly and peripherally.

  As a writer, I’m always absorbing things that happen through media and life experience, and I’m always thinking “what if” and how life can change and twist in a moment. And so, A Father’s Secret was created. I do hope you enjoy reading about Sam and Erin’s quest for parenthood, against all odds.

  Happy reading!

  Yvonne Lindsay

  Yvonne Lindsay

  A Father’s Secret

  Books by Yvonne Lindsay

  Harlequin Desire

  Bought: His Temporary Fiancée #2078

  The Pregnancy Contract #2117

  ††The Wayward Son #2141

  ††A Forbidden Affair #2147

  A Silken Seduction #2180

  A Father’s Secret #2187

  Silhouette Desire

  *The Boss’s Christmas Seduction #1758

  *The CEO’s Contract Bride #1776

  *The Tycoon’s Hidden Heir #1788

  Rossellini’s Revenge Affair #1811

  Tycoon’s Valentine Vendetta #1854

  Jealousy & A Jewelled Proposition #1873

  Claiming His Runaway Bride #1890

  †Convenient Marriage, Inconvenient Husband #1923

  †Secret Baby, Public Affair #1930

  †Pretend Mistress, Bona Fide Boss #1937

  Defiant Mistress, Ruthless Millionaire #1986

  **Honor-Bound Groom #2029

  **Stand-In Bride’s Seduction #2038

  **For the Sake of the Secret Child #2044

  *New Zealand Knights

  †Rogue Diamonds

  **Wed at Any Price

  ††The Master Vintners

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  New Zealand born, to Dutch immigrant parents, Yvonne Lindsay became an avid romance reader at the age of thirteen. Now, married to her “blind date” and with two fabulous children, she remains a firm believer in the power of romance. Yvonne feels privileged to be able to bring to her readers the stories of her heart. In her spare time, when not writing, she can be found with her nose firmly in a book, reliving the power of love in all walks of life. She can be contacted via her website,

  To Toni Kenyon, with grateful thanks for her research in all matters relating to NZ Law and this story, even though we had to transplant to another country in the end! And to Alan Mazer for helping to make that transition seamless.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  “What are you going to do?”

  Erin looked from the worried face of her friend to the letter in her hand and shook her head. “I don’t know what I can do.”

  “You have to find out more. At least then you’ll be better informed if you have to fight it,” Sasha said vehemently. “What did that letter the other day say? That someone had come forward to say mistakes had been made at the fertility clinic? And with nothing to back up their claims? Seriously, it could just be a disgruntled employee creating trouble.”

  “Well,” Erin said, waving the letter she’d received from a San Francisco law firm out of reach of her baby son’s grip. “Clearly someone believes in it enough to follow it up. And besides, if it’s true, if the tests prove Riley isn’t James’s son, do I have any right to fight it?”

  “You’re his mother, aren’t you? You have every right under the sun. This Party A—” Sasha sneered over the moniker “—is no more than a donor.”

  “Sash, really? That’s a bit harsh. The man and his wife were obviously going through the clinic for the same reason James and I were. I think it’s a bit cruel to say he’s no more than a donor.”

  Erin pressed a kiss onto Riley’s head, inhaling his special baby smell and relishing anew the wonder of the life she held on her lap.

  Sasha had the grace to look shamefaced. “Well, either way, you’re Riley’s mother. No one can deny you that, and it means the odds regarding custody are firmly stacked in your favor.”

  It was little comfort, Erin thought as she studied the letter again. She hoped to see something, anything, that would give her some recourse
to refuse to submit Riley to a DNA test to prove exactly who his father was—her late husband James or some stranger. She adjusted Riley on her lap as her heart constricted painfully. The whole situation was impossible. Riley had to be James’s son. He just had to be. Their security hinged on it.

  Mistakes like what they’d suggested simply weren’t supposed to happen. When she and James had won the IVF lottery, which had taken them from their Lake Tahoe home to San Francisco to complete the procedures that led to baby Riley’s birth four months ago, they’d never for one moment thought that the fertility clinic could make such a terrible mistake. Nor had either of them dreamed that the flulike symptoms James had experienced months later masked a bacterial infection—one that led to the congestive heart failure that had taken his life within two weeks of Riley’s birth.

  She was now left to deal with this all on her own, and the reality of it threatened to overwhelm her completely. The sheet of paper in her hand trembled and she set it down on the well-used kitchen table in front of her—a table that had been used by generations of Connells. A table that could only be used by future generations of Connells, according to the terms of the estate’s trust. She’d thought that everything about her home was Riley’s by right, as James’s son. What if she was wrong? She smoothed the letter onto the worn surface and wished to God she’d never gone to the post office to collect her mail today—or ever, for that matter.

  Sasha’s hand came to rest on top of hers. “Don’t worry, Erin. Riley’s your son, nothing can change that, no matter who his father is. Write back and request more information before you’ll agree to any testing. Nothing in the letter you got from the lawyers acting for the clinic has even been substantiated. It’s not as if they’ve sent you categorical proof that a mix-up happened at all—and this letter from the lawyers acting for the other guy is couched in terms of a request, not a court ordered demand.”

  Erin felt her heart lift at Sasha’s suggestion. “You’re right. And, at least if I write to them, that’ll delay things a little longer, won’t it?”

  “Atta girl.” Sasha looked at the kitchen clock and sighed. “Sorry, I have to go. School’s out soon.”

  “You go, get your kids. Don’t worry about me. And thanks for coming over when I lost it before.”

  Erin had been a trembling wreck when she’d read her mail. One call to Sasha had been all it took for her one true friend to drop everything to be by her side. In a world that had changed so dramatically over the past twelve months, having her friend’s constant and loving support had been a godsend.

  “Hey, that’s what friends are for, right? Call me when you get any more news, okay?” Sasha gave her a quick hug. “What time is your guest due to arrive?”

  “Not until five.”

  “At least having a paying guest again will help out a bit financially. I still can’t believe that James didn’t leave you and Riley better provided for.”

  Erin frowned at the censure in her friend’s voice. “He did his best, Sash. Neither of us ever expected he’d die so young. Plus, our medical bills after Riley’s birth and James’s illness—well, you know they pretty much cleaned us out.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, it’s just so unfair…”

  Erin swallowed against the lump in her throat. Yes, it was so unfair. After all they’d been through, all they’d survived. Erin felt the old familiar depression begin to creep back in and she gave herself a swift mental shake. Dwelling on the past changed nothing. She had Riley, and that was all she needed to focus on now.

  After seeing Sasha off, Erin changed Riley’s diaper before nursing him and putting him down for his afternoon sleep. Once he was down, she grabbed the baby monitor so she could hear if he didn’t settle, and quickly went upstairs to check on the room for her new guest. It had been ages since they’d taken guests at Connell Lodge, and she was still suffering from pretty hefty doses of baby brain. She wouldn’t put it past herself to have forgotten something important.

  But no. The room was perfect and, with the afternoon sun streaming through the steel-paned windows, welcoming. Fresh lavender-scented linens graced the wide bed, a selection of roses from the garden, casually arranged in a crystal vase, decorated the tallboy against the wall, and the wide-plank flooring gleamed with polish. The en suite bathroom was equally pristine, with fresh towels on the rail all thick and fluffy, and a newly dry-cleaned robe on a hanger behind the door with its belt neatly knotted. Soaps, shampoos, yes, everything was there in abundance.

  She’d arranged for the room across the hall from this one to be converted into a study at her guest’s request. He was, apparently, working on a book and had expressed a desire for privacy during his stay. Well, there’d be no problem with that, Erin conceded. He would be the one and only visitor here for the duration. In fact, he would be the first visitor she’d had here in months. His enquiry through their website had come at just the right time.

  She’d missed this—the pride in getting a room ready for guests, wondering what they’d be like, whether they’d return. It was good to be getting back to business. During James’s illness they’d stopped taking guests and let their staff go. It had been too much for her to handle—being pregnant, caring for James, and having to look after everything on her own.

  Erin mentally ran through her checklist and gauged what she had still to do before five o’clock. Yep, despite her mini-breakdown over the mail, she was still on track. And, provided the guest was punctual, she’d have time to get him settled in, and his evening meal warmed and served, before Riley woke for his feeding, playtime and bath. As she made her way back downstairs, her feet cushioned by the ornate carpet runner that snaked from top to bottom, she found herself feeling happy for the first time in a long time. Maybe things were starting to look up after all.

  * * *

  Sam Thornton let himself out of the car and gasped a little at the old familiar pain in his right leg and hip. Sitting for as long as he had during the four-plus hour drive from San Francisco certainly hadn’t done his frustratingly slow-to-heal body any favors. He should have flown into Reno, but then he would have been stuck with a driver he neither knew nor trusted. So Sam had convinced himself he was better off being driven the whole distance. He straightened, breathing through the pain and slowly stretching out his muscles.

  “You all right, sir?” his driver asked, coming around the side of the car.

  “I’ll be fine, Ray, thanks. I should have listened to you and let you stop more often along the way—for your sake if not for mine.”

  Ray cocked an eyebrow. “Was that an admission of fault, sir?”

  “You know it was, now shut up and help me with my bag.” Sam smiled to take any sting from his words. It didn’t matter, though. Even when Sam had been at his worst, and there’d been many days like that, Ray had merely endured whatever his irritable boss had flung at him and carried on doing his job. After all they’d weathered together, Sam considered Ray a friend as much as an employee—and he was silently grateful to have a friend with him at this particular moment as he braced himself for what he was about to do.

  Sam looked at the imposing old English-style country house ahead of him. Two-storied, the concrete stucco exterior hosted multiple vines of some kind of creeper. The growth was a little unkempt, as if it hadn’t been pruned in a while. In fact, the whole property had the air of something beginning a slow, inexorable slide into neglect.

  He shook his head slightly. It wasn’t the house that i
nterested him, and he couldn’t care less about how well it was maintained. He was here with a far more important agenda.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you for a day or two, sir?” Ray asked as he handed Sam his bag and laptop case.

  “I don’t need babysitting,” Sam responded, a little sharply. He closed his eyes a moment and sighed. “I’m sorry, Ray. What I meant to say is, no, thank you. I’ll be fine. You head on off and go vacation at your daughter’s as you arranged. I’ll call you when I need you. Hopefully that won’t be for a while.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Ray gave him a nod, then climbed back into the sleek black Audi A6. He guided the car around the circle of the drive and out onto the road. Alone now in the driveway, Sam knew there was no going back. He bent to pick up his bag and started to walk toward the lodge just as a tall, slender woman with short dark hair opened the wide front door and stepped out onto the shaded portico.

  The private investigator he’d hired to track her down had failed to mention just how attractive the young widow was.

  “Good afternoon,” she said, “Welcome to Connell Lodge. You must be Mr. Thornton.”

  Sam stopped in his tracks. His hand gripped the handle of his carry bag so tightly it made his knuckles ache. This wasn’t happening. He was not attracted to this woman—he wasn’t allowed to be. He pushed against the hot thud of desire that beat through his veins, hard. But his body, traitorous thing that it was, was on fire. Flames licked through parts of his physique that he’d ignored now for so long that he thought he’d grown numb. Welcomingly numb.

  “Mr. Thornton?”

  He was caught by the worried look in her eyes—eyes that were a chocolate-brown so deep a man could get lost inside their depths and never care. He gave himself a swift mental shake. He was not attracted to this woman. Not on any level. He would not allow it.


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