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Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 2: The Years of Extermination

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by Saul Friedlander

Propaganda Ministry, 22–23, 98. See also Goebbels, Joseph; propaganda campaign

  property, registration of, 41, 65–66, 180, 289–91, 375–76. See also expropriation campaign

  prophecy, Hitler’s, 132, 239, 265, 273–74, 279–80, 287, 331–39, 402–4

  Protestant churches. See also Christian churches

  antiliberalism and, 68

  French, 115, 193

  German, 55–57, 202, 215–19, 299–302, 515–17, 539–40

  Hungarian, 619–20

  Slovak, 373

  protests. See also resistance

  British Catholic, 461

  Dutch, 124–25, 410–13

  Finnish, 449

  French, 116, 257–58, 417

  French Catholic, 74–75, 113, 420–21

  German Catholic, 94, 185–86, 202, 302–3, 516–17, 576–77

  German Christian, 57

  German Jewish, 103–4

  German military, 27, 30, 215–19

  German Protestant, 299

  in Greece, 489

  in Hungary, 484–85

  lack of European, xxi–xxiii

  lack of German military, 210

  Polish, 455

  Polish Catholic, 25–26, 537–38

  Slovak Christian, 485–86

  Slovak Lutheran, 373

  in Soviet territories, 224

  Vatican, 74

  Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 19

  Provisional Church, 301 Prüfer, Kurt, 503–4

  Prützmann, Hans Adolf, 138, 200, 360

  publications, anti-Jewish, 22–24

  public reaction. See

  populations publishers, French, 117, 379–82

  Pugliese, Stanislao G., 560

  purity, racial. See racial

  purity Pütz, Karl, 361–62

  Pyrenees escape route, 90–91

  Quisling, Vidkun, 80, 162

  race defilement, 50–51, 365–67

  racial purity, xx, 11–16

  Raczkiewicz, Wladislaw, 598

  Raczynski, Edward, 462

  Rademacher, Franz, 81, 265

  radio program, Himmler and, 542

  Radnoti, Miklós, 642–43

  Radom, 12, 36, 427

  Radzilow, 223–24

  Rahm, Karl, 592–93, 637–38

  railway line bombing plan, 625–28. See also trains Rangell, Johan, 449

  ransom money, 323, 559–60, 582–84, 594. See also bribery; exchange Jews; extortion

  Rasch, Otto, 14

  Rauca, Helmut, 323–24

  Rauter, Fritz, 356, 406

  Rauter, Hanns Albin, 122, 179

  Ravensbrück concentration camp, 296, 299

  Rebatet, Lucien, 111, 174, 380

  Reche, Otto, 33

  Red Army, 66, 249–50, 401–2, 628. See also Soviet Union

  Red Cross, 461, 489, 582, 579–80, 582, 625, 637, 642, 648

  redemptive anti-Semitism, Hitler’s, xviii–xix

  Redlich, Egon (Gonda), 352–55, 439–40, 445, 579, 638–39, 662

  Reeder, Eggert, 422

  Reformed Churches, Dutch, 125

  refugees, Jewish. See also migration, Jewish

  in France, 109

  Sturma ship, 329–30

  in Sweden, 449

  in Switzerland, 447–49

  in United States, 596

  in western Europe, 7–9

  Regenstein, Annelies, 510


  Belgian Jews, 259

  Dutch Jews, 123

  French Jews, 116–17, 172, 256

  German Jews, 370–71

  Polish Jews, 41

  Reich. See Nazi Germany Reichenau, Walter von, 210, 216–19

  Reich-Ranicki, Marcel, 151, 428, 534–35

  Reichsbank, 498–99

  Reichsvereinigung (German Jewish organization), 16, 59–61, 97–98, 103–4, 290, 425–26

  Reinhardt, Rolf, 161

  Reizer, Franciszka, 535

  religion. See Christian churches; Judaism

  Rémond, Paul, 421

  Renteln, Adrian von, 588

  Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, 545

  rescue operations

  Allied rejection of, 602, 625–28

  in Belgium, 421–23

  Christian, 576–77

  discussions of, in United States, 594–96

  in France, 84, 420–21

  in France by Italy, 552–54

  in Germany, 372

  in Greece, 489

  in Holland, 410–12

  in Hungary, 620–28, 642 by

  individuals, 193–94

  in Italy, 453–54, 561, 572, 612–13

  in Palestine, 597–98

  in Poland, 534–38

  Romanian offer and, 594

  in Slovakia, 374

  in Sweden, 546–47

  research on Jews, German, 160–64, 206–7, 237, 296–98, 505, 586–93, 655–56

  resistance. See also protests; uprisings

  absence of, 330–31, 478–79 (see also passivity)

  in Belgium, 423

  Bialystok group, 529–30

  in Bulgaria, 484–85

  Christian, 574

  in Finland, 449

  in France, 257–58

  French Catholic, 551

  French Resistance, 418–19, 610–11

  German Catholic, 58, 185–86, 202, 303, 515–16, 576–77

  German Confessing Church, 56, 516–17

  ghetto youth movements, 153

  in Greece, 487–90, 613

  in Hungary, 451–52, 483–84, 617–20

  in Italy, 452–54

  Jewish armed, xxiv, 250–51, 348–50, 364–65, 520–29, 556–59

  Jewish resistance organization in Vilna, 325–26, 531–33

  Jewish resistance organization in Warsaw, 390–93, 520–29

  Pius XI (pope), 58

  Polish Catholic, 537–38

  in Romania, 450–51, 483

  in Slovakia, 485–86

  White Rose resistance group, 513

  Reuband, Karl-Heinz, 254–55

  Reynaud, Paul, 67

  Rhodes, 613

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 76, 80, 116, 165, 206, 270, 450, 485–86, 546, 552–53, 621–24, 641

  Richert, Arvid, 254

  Richter, Gustav, 450–51

  Riedl, Colonel, 215–17

  Riegner, Gerhart, 460–61, 463

  Riga ghetto, 247, 261–63, 267, 252, 309

  rights, Jewish, 7, 289 Ringelblum, Emanuel, 42–43, 63, 64, 106, 148, 150, 158, 160, 318, 389–90, 431, 524, 629, 662

  Rivesaltes concentration camp, 109, 417

  RKFDV agency, 31, 34–35, 37, 96, 100, 134–35, 179, 346, 509–10, 542–45, 624–25. See also Himmler, Heinrich

  Rodal, Leon, 524

  Rodriguez-Pimental, Henriette, 411

  Roey, Joseph-Ernest van, 184 Rogers, Will, 596


  awareness in, about exterminations, 319

  Catholic Church in, 71 emigration of Jews from, 88–89

  Hitler’s relations with, 70, 80, 606–7, 636

  Jewish policy in, 449–50, 483–84, 636

  Jewry of, 6–7

  literary scene, 77

  mass executions in, 166–69, 225–27

  release offer, 594

  resistance in, to deportations, 483

  Soviet invasion of, 67, 628–29

  Soviet pact and, 11

  SS Sturma ship sinking, 329–30

  Romanian Orthodox Church, 167–68

  Rome, 559–74. See also Italy

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 67, 131, 201, 203–6, 264–65, 270, 279, 462, 618, 655, 657

  Rosenberg, Alfred, 11, 22–23, 76, 102–3, 136, 137, 162–66, 200, 286, 481–82, 499, 589–91

  Rosenberg, Walter, 614 Rosenfeld, Oskar, 310–11, 314–15, 446–47, 493, 527, 630–32, 662

  Rosenheim, Jacob, 462–63

  Rosenman, Samuel, 205

  Rosenthal, Herta, 307

  Rosenthal, Margot, 372

  Rosenthal-Porzellan business, 140–41

  Rosh Hashanah, 116

  Rosin, Arnost, 615

  Roskies, David, 528

  Rossel, Maurice, 580, 582

  Rossino, Alexander B., 45

  Rothaug, Oswald, 365–67

  Rothfels, Hans, 32

  Röthke, Heinz, 551, 601

  Rothmund, Heinrich, 447–49, 625

  Rothschild family, 118, 165

  Rothschilds: Aktien auf Waterloo, Die (The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo film), 19–20, 99

  Rotsztat, Bronislawa, 152

  Rotta, Angelo, 620

  Rovno, 360

  Rowecki, Stefan, 523

  Rozenblat, Evgeny, 45

  RSHA (Reich Security Main Office), 13, 34–35, 103–4, 289–91, 349–50. See also Einsatzgruppen (operational groups); Heydrich, Reinhard

  Rubinowicz, Dawid, 64, 106–7, 144, 197, 320–21, 385–86, 663

  Rudashevski, Itzhok, 64, 221, 241, 324–25, 437, 439, 446, 531, 533, 663

  rue Amelot, 176

  rule of law, 10, 191

  Rumkowski, Mordechai

  Chaim, 61, 62–63, 145–46, 245–46, 311–12, 314, 387, 434, 555–56, 631–32

  Rundstedt, Gerd von, 211

  Russia. See Soviet Union

  Ryder, Theodor, 152

  Saar-Palatinate, 65, 93–94

  Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 14, 60, 104, 349

  Safran, Alexander, 226

  Sagalowitz, Benjamin, 460

  Sajmiste concentration camp, 363–64

  Saliège, Jules-Gérard, 420–21

  Salonika, 487–90

  Salus, Greta, 505

  Sankt Raphaelsverein, 58, 86, 92

  Sauckel, Fritz, 76, 272–73, 346, 424

  Scavenius, Eric, 546

  Scavizzi, Piero, 463

  Schächter, Raphael, 638 Schäfer, Emanuel, 363–64 Schäfer, Ernst, 592

  Schall, Jacob, 589

  Schellenberg, Walter, 647 Scher, Mira, 222

  Schieder, Theodor, 32–34, 297–98

  Schipper, Yitzhak, 588

  Schirach, Baldur von, 139

  Schlegelberger, Franz, 344

  Schleier, Rudolf, 285

  Schlesinger, Kurt, 548

  Schmelt, Albrecht, 34

  Schmidt, Fritz, 179

  Schmidt, Rita, 339, 517

  Schneidemühl, 35, 94

  scholarly institutions. See academic institutions

  Scholem, Gershom, 127

  Schöngarth, Karl Eberhard, 282

  Schuckburgh, John, 89

  Schulman, Jakob, 317

  Schulte, Eduard, 460–61

  Schultz, B. K., 587

  Schulz, Bruno, 246–47, 436

  Schwartz, Isaie, 118, 120

  Schwartzschild, Leopold, 654

  Schwarzbart, Ignacy, 456, 598

  Schwerin, Jürgen von, 141

  scientists, xxi–xxii, 50. See also research on Jews, German

  SD reports, xxii, 653

  Sebastian, Mihail, 77, 166–67, 198, 227, 269, 319, 327, 330, 402, 444, 474, 662

  secular Jews, 6–7

  security risks,

  slave labor, 81, 345–51, 495

  Seidl, Siegfried, 578

  Seiler, Irene, 365–67

  Seligsohn, Julius, 104

  Sephardic Jews, 6, 285

  Seraphim, Heinz-Peter, 162–63

  Serbia, 227–28

  Serbs, Christian Orthodox, 228–30

  Seredi, Justinian, 619–20

  Sereny, Gitta, 357, 432, 558

  serial numbers, 505–6

  sexual relations, Aryan-Jew, 50–51, 141, 365–67

  Seydoux, Roger, 118

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 76, 122, 179, 547

  Sézille, Paul, 173, 257

  Shanghai, 86–87

  Shapiro, Abraham, 324, 445–46

  Shavli ghetto, 632

  Sheptyskyi, Andrei, 464

  Shertok, Moshe, 622–23, 627

  Shirer, William, 95

  Shoah, 397–663

  Sierakowiak, Dawid, 4, 5, 28–29, 64, 146, 152, 198, 268, 312–13, 347, 387–88, 433–34, 533, 662

  Sievers, Wolfram, 592

  Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 48, 457, 598

  Sima, Horia, 70, 166, 169

  Simon, Gustav, 142

  Simon, Hugo, 84

  Simonides, Vassilis, 487

  Sinclair, Archibald, 627

  Six, Franz Alfred, 589–90

  skeletons, Jewish, 592

  skull collection, 166, 591–92

  slave labor, Jewish

  armed resistance and, xxiv

  Auschwitz, 235–36

  demands for, 481, 495–97, 646–48

  exchange Jews and, 582–84

  extermination plan and, 340–43

  in Germany, 59, 424–25

  in labor camps, 154–55, 358–59, 529 (see labor camps)

  Nazi Party and, 76

  in Poland, 34, 42–43

  security risks, 81, 345–51, 495

  selections for, 340, 501, 505–6, 577–78

  in Soviet territories, 137, 209–10, 215, 233

  Slezkine, Yuri, 249

  Slovakia, 71, 80, 230–31, 372–74, 463, 485–87, 626, 639–40

  Slovak Lutheran Church, 373

  Smetona, Antanas, 220

  Smolar, Hersh, 365, 384

  smuggling, 148–49

  neh, Moshe, 44

  Sobibor extermination camp, 356, 357, 395, 440, 486, 533, 559

  social democracy, 5, 9, 68 socialism. See Bolshevism; communism

  Soldau concentration camp, 14

  soldiers, Jewish Soviet, 249–50

  soldiers, Nazi

  anti-Semitism of, 28, 643–44

  at Auschwitz, 509–10

  awareness of mass executions by, 217–18, 293–96

  diaries of, 399–400

  encounters of, with Jews, 159

  Jewish, 49–52 (see also special commandos, Jewish)

  letters of (see letters, German soldiers’)

  mixed-breed, 52, 94–95, 141, 292–93

  slave labor for, 209–10

  solidarity, Jewish, 60, 192, 354, 355–56, 407–8, 479, 508–9, 528, 548–49

  Sommer, Margarete, 303, 515–16

  Sonderkommandos. See special commandos, Jewish

  South America, 86, 87

  Soviet Union. See also Bolshevism

  anti-Jewish measures in territories of, 207–12, 323–25

  anti-Semitism in, 212–19

  anti-Soviet exhibit explosion, 348–49

  attack on Finland by, 66

  collecting skulls of commissars of, 591–92

  deportation of Volga Germans to Siberia, 264

  Hitler’s plans for Jews in, 130–38, 207–12

  Jewry of, 6, 247–51

  Jews in Soviet-occupied Poland, 43–48

  liberation of camps by, 628–33

  massacre of Polish officers by, 475

  massacre of Ukrainian nationalists by, 212–15

  mass executions of Jews in territories of, 207–25, 240–47, 267, 282–83, 358–61

  migration of Jews into, 82

  Nazi assault on (see Eastern Front Nazi assault on Soviet Union)

  Nazi gassing of POWs and civilians of, 236

  Nazi pact with, 11


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