Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1

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Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1 Page 24

by Hazel Parker

  “About time,” muttered Daphne, as all four of us got up and headed to the straw-roofed pool bar. We each slipped into the warm water and made our way to the submerged barstools, all of us trying to keep our hair from getting wet.

  It was odd to be sitting on a stool at a bar while still being in the pool, at least for me. I tried to read the cocktail menu but wasn’t sure what sounded good. Aside from some wine with the girls and champagne on special occasions, I just wasn’t much of a drinker.

  “Do you know what you’re looking for?” I heard the voice of the man sitting next to me ask. I looked up to ask him for a recommendation, only to lose the words as soon as they formed on my tongue. He was stunning.

  As he was standing by the bar, his wide, tanned and muscled chest appeared right in my eye line. His dark nipples appeared to strain at the limits of his bulging pectorals right before me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I forced myself to look upwards. His jaw was square with light stubble and, when he smiled, beautiful bright white teeth shone out from behind his full, soft lips. After what felt like an hour, I finally met his eyes only to find them as dazzling as the rest of him. Sparkling, blue, and looking out from under a short cut of sandy-colored hair. He was clearly in his early forties but he was amazing to look at. He just didn’t seem like an older man.

  “I’m Marcus,” he said, his voice deep, warm and pleasurable to my ears. It took a moment for me to realize he was speaking directly to me. His eyes hadn’t wandered to May’s Baywatch body or Ruby’s bouncing, barely covered tits. He was looking at me directly in the eye and smiling.

  “Erm…” I stumbled. Good start Sarah, I snapped at myself, pull it together! “I’m not really sure what I fancy. I mean, what we feel like.” I was faltering. Then I had a brainwave. “Can you recommend something?”

  His genuine smile staying in place and I saw his eyes flit over my body real quickly. Normally that would make me feel a little creeped out but Marcus had such an air of honesty about him, as well as being gorgeous, that I really didn’t mind that a bit. In fact, it excited me. “Ma’am,” he began, “only one drink springs to mind as I see you sitting there.”

  Before I could say anything further he turned and said something to the barman that I didn’t catch. He became a blur of action, spinning glasses and flipping bottles through the air, just as I’d seen in movies. Seconds later a tall glass of ice and deep orange liquid was placed in front of me. I took a sip. It was amazing. “What do you call it?” I asked.

  Marcus held my gaze and smiled again. “Sex on the Beach. I’m glad you like it.”

  I felt a tremor flow through my body. Despite myself, I felt it end in my loins as a light tingle between my legs. “Can I get the same for your friends?”

  At first, I wondered who he was talking about. Quickly, I turned back to my companions, all of who were staring at me, wearing huge smiles. “Er… sure. Sex on the Beach for all my friends,” I demanded, immediately wishing I hadn’t.

  “I’ll drink to that!” cheered Ruby, accompanied by whoops from the other two. Marcus chuckled and indicated the barmen to comply, while I cringed with embarrassment.

  “What’s with you lot?” I demanded of my comrades.

  “You tell me, darling,” grinned May.

  “I never said a word,” protested Daphne.

  “Seriously?” hissed Ruby. “He’s the hottest thing I’ve seen in years and he’s plainly so into you. Tell me you’re not going to hit that!”

  “Oh, my God, Ruby!” I shrieked, before clamming up and forcing a smile as I turned back to thank Marcus.

  “If you need anything else,” he smiled at me, “anything at all, I’ll be over here.” He edged away a little to give us some space and went back to looking past the buildings, to the sea beyond.

  “Well?” Ruby continued.

  “I can’t, he’s not…”

  “What?” cried Ruby. “Not your husband? Not young enough? Not short enough? What do you need to tell yourself this time to stop yourself from living the life?

  I had nothing. I looked around at the other two ladies who both nodded solemnly. I took a breath, then broke into a wide smile myself. “He is amazing, isn’t he?”

  “I’ll say,” laughed Daphne. “If he was looking at me the way he’s eyeing you, I’d be on him in a second.”

  As the sun lowered we opted to have dinner by the pool too. The resort’s main restaurant had a patio that stepped down toward the water. I chose a table offering a lovely view of the beach and, more importantly, a great view of the bar where Marcus was still sitting. A fact that was not lost on Ruby.

  “Perfect,” she commented, squeezing in next to me. “From here you can see his tight ass every time he bends forward.”

  I ignored her. I was just grateful Ruby had taken a tip from the rest of us and covered her nearly naked body with a wrap so we could be served.

  We ate good, locally sourced seafood and the subject finally began to drift away from the endless topic of men. I continued to steal the occasional glance at Marcus and, on one or two occasions, he caught me looking and smiled back. Of course, whenever one of the girls noticed me looking there, there would be a huge chorus of how dreamy he was, which would force a heat to rise in my cheeks. I was sure he could hear them, but I continued to insist I wasn’t going to try anything and ordered another round of drinks to distract them.

  The conversation and teasing all stopped for the sunset, though. We just watched in awe as that boiling orange ball of flame lit up the sky, turning the few remaining wisps of cloud pink as it plunged, achingly slowly, into the shimmering waters, leaving nothing but quiet blackness behind. We were having too much fun to go to bed yet, though. We headed around to the dry side of the bar where the barman was only too eager to mix us more cocktails. Finally though, we began to agree it was getting late as the clock showed eleven, and it had been a long day. I excused myself to the ladies’ room as the others finished their drinks.

  As I emerged back out I nearly bumped into Marcus who was heading into the lobby.

  “My goodness!” I cried, almost knocking the glass he had out of his hand.

  “Shit! I’m sorry,” he said, steadying me by putting a strong hand on my arm. The touch nearly made me pull away, not ready for such an intimate moment with a man I was so attracted to. He guided me to a chair and sat down opposite, his hand still on my arm.

  “Are you okay?” he asked me.

  “I’m okay, thanks,” I tried to smile back. “Maybe one too many Sex on the Beaches?”

  “Bound to make anyone walk funny,” he laughed, a touch of suggestive teasing in his voice. “You should sit for a minute. Breathe.”

  I took a deep breath to show I was following his instructions. I looked over his gorgeous face and fit body once more in the half-light and felt my heart quicken again. True, he was older than me, but it really was hard to tell. I just couldn’t quite comprehend how handsome he was. He was such a hunk. He could have any girl in the world, I was sure, so I had to be imagining this heat from him. He probably flirts with all the women who stay here, I told myself, the resident lothario. Still, as I took another exaggerated breath, I was sure he saw me eyeing my chest as my bosom heaved.

  “I haven’t seen you here before tonight, have I ma’am?”

  “No,” I replied. “We just checked in today. And call me Sarah.”

  “Nice. Thank you, Sarah. Will you be staying long?”

  “Six nights.” I suddenly realized we were staring into each other’s eyes as we talked. Obviously feeling like he had permission as he’d touched me there before, Marcus gently rested his hand on my forearm again.

  “I’ve been hanging around the island for months,” he dropped his tone to a low, silky richness. “I’d love to show you around sometime.”

  His touch, combined with his deep voice, conspired to send another shudder through my body. For a second I could actually picture him making love to me, towering over me, easing himself slowl
y inside me. I felt my nipples harden and my pussy grow wet. I wasn’t imagining things; he was asking to take me out and knowing I was going to be there less than a week, was sure to try and sleep with me as soon as possible. I was jerked back to reality by a familiar voice.

  “Don’t mind me,” called Ruby. “Don’t let me bother you two as you’re hiding back here. Just carry on.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said to Marcus, as Ruby took a seat next to me, “As you may have noticed, I’m here with friends. I couldn’t leave them--” I felt a hand jab me painfully in the side.

  “She’d love to!” sang Ruby, getting back up to leave as I shot her a death stare. “Excuse me. Little girls’ room.”

  “Well, that’s great,” Marcus returned his attention back to me. “I’m busy tomorrow but I’m free the following day. I’ll leave you a message at reception. And please, have a wonderful night!”

  As I watched him leap up and stride back toward the bar area something occurred to me. “I thought you were heading into the lobby?” I called after him.

  “You got me!” he smiled back. “I just wanted to talk to you alone.”

  I felt my heart race again and I wanted to say something nice in return but he was already beyond hearing.

  “You’re welcome,” said Ruby, reemerging from the lobby.

  “Am I?”

  “Uh-huh. You just needed that little push,” she continued, as we headed back towards the other girls, “so I just got you laid. Trust me,” Ruby looked back over at Marcus, lightly biting her lip in appreciation, “you will thank me later.”

  We sat back down around the small bar table with May and Daphne. “Can we go soon?” I asked, rubbing my hands up and down my arms. “It’s getting a bit chilly.”

  “Thank you later for what?” Daphne asked Ruby.

  “I just fixed it for Sarah to blow away those cobwebs.”

  “Cobwebs? What are you talking about?” I pleaded.

  “I’m assuming dear Ruby is referring to those you’ve been hoarding in your underwear,” announced May.

  “Really? Do you have to be crude?”

  “It’s not crude, Sarah,” Ruby piped up again. “It’s necessary! You’re on vacation. You owe it to yourself to have a one-night stand. I know I’m going to while I’m here!”

  “Goddamnit, shut up!” I hissed as I watched Marcus coming closer.

  “You looked cold, Sarah,” he smiled that bright smile again and handed me a light jacket. “I’m off to work now, you ladies have a wonderful night.

  “Wait,” I called as he turned to go, “how will I get this back to you?”

  “I’m in on the south side of the resort. Room 304. Drop it off tomorrow,” he turned his around to speak as his body kept walking away. Ruby and Daphne gave each other knowing looks.

  “If I were you,” said May, staring admiringly at Marcus’s ass as it disappeared into the night, “and God, right now you don’t know how much I wish I were, I’d wait ten minutes then head over there and give him the night of his life.”

  “Well, you’re married,” I offered, “and you’re not me.”

  Chapter Four

  Despite some grumbling, May and I managed to get all four of us down to breakfast the next morning. We attempted to cure our hangovers with bacon, eggs, pancakes and coffee, while trying to decide what to do for the day. It took very little debate before we decided that most of the morning and all afternoon should be spent laying out on the resort’s private beach, as it called to us from beyond the windows of the breakfast room.

  While the other two were up helping themselves to more food, I turned to Ruby. “Can you come with me after breakfast? I want to get Marcus’s jacket back to him.”

  “I didn’t know you were the type that likes to be watched.”

  “Will you please be serious?” I begged her. “I’m just not ready to see him alone. Not just yet. I need a buffer in case I get nervous and make a fool of myself.”

  “So, you do want him to like you?” Ruby grinned.

  “Of course.”

  Ruby’s tone changed from teasing to genuine. “I’m here for you, baby. Whatever you need.”

  After changing into our beachwear and sending our beach bags with the girls, Ruby and I made our way along a balcony, up on the third floor of the south apartment block, looking for room 304. Ruby had agreed to wear a cover over her tiny leopard print bikini this time, much to my relief.

  We found the door and I took a deep breath as I knocked. This is crazy, I thought, why am I so nervous about simply returning this guy’s jacket? Then I realized something. I wasn’t nervous, I was excited. I wanted to see him again. My heart beat loudly and I could feel my skin tingling. I hadn’t felt this way since those early flirtations with Josh, years and years ago. I hope he answers the door with his shirt off, I found myself thinking.

  “I hope he answers the door with his shirt off,” giggled Ruby. I rolled my eyes and knocked again, a little louder.

  “I guess we missed him,” I announced.

  “Or he could be sick and unconscious,” said Ruby, trying the door, “or trapped under something heavy, desperate for our help.”

  To our surprise, the door opened. Ruby let out a shrill gasp as she smiled wide at me, before pushing the door wide.

  “Oh, my God, Ruby!” I hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “It’s fine,” she whispered back, “no one’s home.”

  “Then why are you whispering?”

  “Good point.” Ruby stepped inside before I could stop her. “Woo-who? Anyone there?” she dragged me inside. “See, empty. We can just leave the jacket and go.”

  I let her lead me through the apartment. The entryway led straight into a good-sized living and kitchen room, and I could see the door to the bedroom, slightly ajar, behind the couch.

  “Okay, I’ll just hang it on the kitchen chair,” I said, before turning around to find myself suddenly alone in the room. “Ruby!” I called. “Ruby! What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Wow, Sarah, come and see this,” came Ruby’s voice from beyond the bedroom door.

  “Come out of there,” I snapped. “We shouldn’t be in here.”

  “Check out this bed,” Ruby laughed, turning and dropping herself butt first onto the huge mattress. “It’s enormous. It must be a California King.” She bounced back up. “Hey, you know what they say about guys with big beds…?”

  I heard a noise outside the apartment. Someone was turning the door handle. “Ruby! Someone’s coming in!” I shrieked, as quietly as I could.

  “Oh shit!” Ruby was still laughing. “In here, quick!”

  She grabbed my arm and, before I could say a word, dragged me into the built-in closet, closing the door behind us.

  “You’re going to get us arrested for breaking and entering,” I hissed.

  “Shh!” whispered Ruby. “And we didn’t break anything.”

  My heart was in my mouth as I heard someone moving around in the kitchen. I didn’t really believe we’d get in any real trouble, but the embarrassment of being found sneaking around in some guy’s room was more than I thought I could stand. And it would be even worse if it was Marcus that caught us. I peered out through the wooden slats in the closet door.

  Sure enough, in walked Marcus. He looked sweaty and exhausted, as though he’d been really pounding it at the gym. I watched as he peeled off his tank top. Despite the situation, I felt a tingle between my legs. His chest was huge, toned, tanned, and lay above a six-pack that could have been carved from rock. His pumped arms dropped the shirt on his bed as he turned to step out, showing the sinewy definition of his wide back. He left the room and I heard the refrigerator open. I turned to Ruby.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as she pulled a strange face.

  “I’m gonna sneeze…” Ruby struggled to say.

  “Don’t you dare…” I hissed.

  Ruby held it, screwing up her face tight, until she could take no more. I braced myself, ready t
o be given away, but all she managed was a cute little kitten sneeze, almost inaudible. I half smiled until Ruby wiped her face and looked back up at me, then I smacked her on the arm.


  “Be quiet, will you? He’s coming back in.”

  Marcus strolled back into his bedroom. The bed was close enough to the closet. I could see the small beads of sweat that ran exciting trails down his muscled torso and found myself involuntarily licking my lips. It felt so wrong to be spying on him like this, but it felt good as well. Marcus turned away from us and a quiet gasp escaped from Ruby, as he stooped to slide off his shorts.

  “Oh, fuck me…” Ruby sighed, her eyes glued to Marcus’s taught, tanned buttocks.

  He turned as though he heard something, displaying his full length to us hidden voyeurs. I heard Ruby stifle another moan and I just managed to wrap my hands around her mouth before she exclaimed even louder. Marcus shook his head and headed off to the bathroom.

  “Goddamnit, Ruby!” I whispered, letting go of her head.

  “Holy shit!” she enthused. “He’s hung like a horse! Sorry Sarah, but if you don’t jump him, I will. He looks like he could pound you into a coma.

  I smacked Ruby’s arm again. “Don’t say that!”

  “Stop whacking me!”

  The sound of the shower running came from the bathroom. “Okay,” I announced, “here’s our chance.” I took a deep breath and pulled Ruby from the closet, my friend resisting all the way.

  “We can’t miss the show,” Ruby complained.

  “No! Let’s go!”

  Steam began to gently curl out from the slightly open bathroom door and we could hear Marcus starting to sing an old Tom Jones number.

  “Come on,” grinned Ruby, “please let’s stay. Imagine the look on his face when he finds two hot chicks waiting for him as he steps out of the shower… it’s pretty much every guy’s fantasy…”

  Seriously? I thought, is she really proposing we have a three-way? Right now? I’ve never done anything like that in my life! “You’re incorrigible,” I found myself smiling at her. She meant well, after all. “Let’s go. I see more than I need to of your body every time you sunbathe, thank you.”


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