Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1

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Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1 Page 25

by Hazel Parker

  I finally managed to drag Ruby into the lounge and back out through the front door. However, when I looked down at my left hand, there was Marcus’s jacket, still in my grasp. I swore and made Ruby stand still as I dashed back in to hang it on the kitchen chair, then stole out as quietly as I could, closing the front door behind me.

  We rushed back to the main resort to find May and Daphne. Ruby was giggling all the way. We found the other girls lounging on the soft golden sands, on beach towels, with a large umbrella shielding their backs from the breeze. Of course, Ruby couldn’t contain herself and began telling the tale as soon as we arrived.

  “And girls?” Ruby announced with a smile like the Cheshire cat. “He’s huge!” She whipped off her nearly sheer wrap, unleashing her latest in porn star chic, and sat down on her towel. “Seriously, a dong to die for! Long, thick…”

  “Okay!” I cried, laying back on my own towel. “That’s enough out of you. You know she suggested we double team him right there!”

  “And?” asked May.

  “Why didn’t you?” inquired Daphne.

  “I really am struggling to understand how we’ve been friends for so long,” I sighed. The other girls burst out giggling and insisted Ruby go back over the story, leaving out no details at all.

  “Honestly though, darling,” drawled May, as the others wiped away tears of laughter, “he does seem ideal.”

  “That’s what I was telling her,” agreed Ruby.

  “Babes, if you don’t at least take him up on the offer to show you around,” began Daphne, “you’re crazy.”

  “At the very least you’ll have a nice time and some good company,” added May.

  I still wasn’t sure. He was attractive, definitely. He seemed nice. He appeared to be into me. However, where could this go? Was I supposed to keep up a fling with a guy that lived half a world away? What was the point? In five days, I’d never see him again.

  “I’ll think about it more,” I told them.

  As the afternoon wore on, we decided to head back to our rooms, rest, shower, and dress for dinner. We planned to head out of the resort and find some local eatery and sample the culture. Agreeing to meet at the resort bar again, we split up. I was grateful that Ruby had decided to lay off hounding me to sleep with Marcus, as we fussed about with our outfits, messed with each other’s hair, watched TV and gossiped like we were teenagers.

  Finally, we both chose to wear jeans. Ruby paired hers with a white tank top to accentuate her glowing tan and draw focus to her cleavage, with some nude, three-inch pumps. I tried not to dress for Marcus, tried not to imagine the look on his face if we ran into him. But I still chose some sexy four-inch strappy sandals to make my lengthy, slender legs look even longer, and slid on a sleeveless, strapless black top that hugged my shapely boobs and tight tummy. We both eschewed necklaces in favor of shiny earrings and, as we stood together examining one another in the mirror, we both smiled at what we saw.

  Downstairs, May and Daphne were already at the bar. Daphne had on her skinny jeans too, curving sexily over her slim butt, with a red halter that left her lean back exposed. May had gone all out, about as far as one could when doing smart casual, looking devastating in a black mini-dress and silver jewelry.

  ‘There you are,” smiled Daphne, as Ruby snuck up and spanked her lightly on the ass.

  “I think we may have chosen our rally point poorly,” smirked May, turning around on her stool to greet us.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. The two girls at the bar moved aside to reveal Marcus, smiling, and pushing a Sex on the Beach towards me.

  “Well, that’s torn it,” giggled Ruby. “We’re not getting out of the resort now.”

  I ignored her. “I thought you said you were busy tonight,” I muttered to him, unable to stop my eyes moving all over his body, seeing him as though he were still naked.

  “Thank you for returning my jacket,” he kept smiling, his eyes traveling up and down my form, as well. “How did you get it back into my room?”

  My heart stopped. I went to speak but could find no words. I froze, feeling the seconds tick by like hours as he stood before me, smiling his wide, bright smile. Lucky for me, his name came over the reception announcement and he excused himself.

  “Well, I guess we’ll see you later,” said May, getting up off her stool.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, snapping back into the moment.

  “You’re going to be here all night,” smiled Ruby. “If not in reality, at least in your head. Stay, talk, and flirt. We’ll check in with you two later.”

  “Us two?”

  “Yeah,” she gestured behind her. Daphne was laughing with that bronzed Adonis from the pool the day before, touching his arm and playing with her hair. “May and I will leave you ladies to it.”

  They turned and left before I could object. I looked back at Daphne, who was completely caught up in the guy she was talking to. I looked back to Marcus. He glanced over from the lobby and gave a quick smile, but was busy talking to some guy in a suit. How could they do this to me? I asked myself. I didn’t want to leave them and go hang out with some guy, but they can ditch me whenever they feel like it?

  But what if I did allow myself to loosen up and enjoy some time with this guy? Would it be the most terrible thing in the world? I felt a sudden wave of guilt wash over me. I checked the time. It was still early and I had a feeling Aruba was in the same time zone as Florida, so I pulled out my cellphone. I dialed Josh’s number and said a little prayer of thanks for International Roaming. He answered on the third ring.


  “Hi, Josh. It’s Sarah.”

  “Oh, hi. Is everything okay?” he sounded concerned.

  “Yes, everything’s fine here. I just wanted to check in with the kids. I miss them.”

  “It’s been less than forty-eight hours,” I heard him chuckle, “but sure. Here’s Henry.”

  There was a rustle and some muffled noises as the phone was passed over. “Hi, mommy?’

  “Hi baby, what are you doing?” In my periphery, I caught sight of Marcus heading to the pool area with another older man in a suit.

  “We’re going to have dinner,” Henry announced. “We’re having pizza!”

  “Pizza again?” I laughed. “Let me talk to your sister, I love you.”

  “Hi,” came Samantha’s small voice, “I can see Anna and Ariel.”

  I smiled wider, infected by my sweet daughter’s excitement at seeing her favorite Disney princesses in the flesh. “That’s great, baby. I’m glad you’re having fun. I love you. Can you give me back to Daddy?”

  “Hi again,” Josh offered. “Are you having fun wherever you are?”

  “I am,” I replied. I turned to see Marcus still in view, just beyond the doors. He checked back in my direction and his eyes went to my butt. A warm thrill ran through me, boosting my confidence. It was wrong, but I felt good talking to my cheating ex while being eyed up by a handsome hunk that would fuck me ten times better than he ever had. “I just needed to hear their voices. Have a great time, love to Clare!” I hung up. “You know what I want?” I turned back to the barman.

  “Sex on the Beach?”

  “You bet,” I giggled. “But a drink first, please.”

  The barman laughed and reached for the bottles, tossing them flamboyantly and catching them. I felt amazing. Knowing Marcus was into me was making me feel sexy and attractive again for the first time since I’d discovered Josh’s cheating. However, I was determined not to just be a quick hookup for Marcus. I wanted to make him put the time in, make me feel worth it. To make me feel wanted. No matter what, I wasn’t giving it up tonight. No matter how good he looked as I watched him.

  “A beautiful drink for a beautiful lady,” Marcus grinned, appearing back beside me as I got my cocktail.

  “Really?” I laughed. “Does that line ever work?”

  He was silent for a second, the smile slipping off his face. “Now I think about it, I don�
��t think I’ve used it before.”

  “Well, that explains everything.”

  “If I promise never to use it again, will you let me take you around the island tomorrow?” he leaned in, putting his elbows on the bar and his face leveled with mine.

  “As long as you promise,” I assured him. “So, what brings you to Aruba? You’re not a native.”

  “California native, I’m afraid.” He looked into my eyes as he spoke. We were only making small talk, but I felt like he could see right through my clothes as he stood there. “I used to surf,” he continued. “But I’ve been in the Marine Corp most of my life. I just retired recently and I thought it was time to get back out on the waves.”

  “Sounds… nice,” I smiled.

  “Whatever, lady,” he grinned back. “I put in my time. Now I get to enjoy my life a little until I find a civilian job, but I’m in no hurry. Listen, I have to hang out with this buddy of mine for a while. Will you be around later?”

  I looked back over at Daphne. She was smiling with her eyes shut as her man leaned in, either whispering into her ear or nibbling on it. Looks like someone’s getting lucky tonight, I said to myself. “Yeah, I’m going to keep an eye on my friend, I guess.”

  Marcus promised to come back as soon as he could. As luck would have it, it was only twenty minutes before he reappeared. His buddy had some emergency he had to get back to, so he was all mine for the rest of the night, which he spent being very attentive. He kept leaning in close to me and making me feel like I was the only girl in the world.

  He gave me subtle compliments about my appearance and listened as I told him about my home, my job, and my children. I was loving spending time with him, loving how he looked at me, and really loving looking at him. But all too soon, the evening came to an end. The bar was closing and all of the guests slowly slinked away.

  Even Daphne and her newfound companion, who I spotted kissing, were walking off arm in arm when I looked back a moment later. Daphne managed to blow me a kiss over her shoulder and then disappeared.

  “So?” came Marcus’s voice from behind me.

  “Yes?” I turned around to him, smiling still.

  “If I ask you something, will you give me a straight answer?” he leaned in again. It was forward, but he gently smoothed away a stray hair that was tickling my cheek. The slight contact sent another shiver down my spine. Just being this close to him, after our evening of flirty conversation, excited me. I couldn’t help letting my mind flashback to earlier that day, when I’d gotten a full view of the delights that waited under his clothes.

  “Ask, and you’ll find out.”

  “Here goes,” he seemed nervous. “I’m about ready to turn in. Is there anything I can say to get you to come back to my room with me? And please forgive the blunt approach. It’s been a very, very long time since I asked a beautiful woman back to my place.”

  I kept my smile in place, but my head began to spin. He really did want me. Despite me having two kids and a cheating ex-husband, this rugged hunk wanted to take me home. I was so tempted to say yes and head off with him for a wild night; I felt myself get wet at the thought. It took some will to tell him no.

  “I can’t, Marcus, I’m sorry,” I told him. His smile did little to hide his disappointment. “It’s not that I don’t think you’re wonderful. I do. I just don’t know you well enough yet.” Please don’t let him get scared off, please don’t let him get scared off, I chanted to myself.

  “Okay,” he accepted. “How about this. You let me show you around the island like I said before. Say ten o’clock, after breakfast? I’ll take you to some places that aren’t in the guidebooks.”

  “But my friends…” I began.

  “Judging by what I’ve seen, I don’t think they’ll mind.”

  He had a point. The whole vacation seemed to be becoming more and more about getting me laid, and I was beginning to get on board with the idea.

  “Okay,” I finally agreed, a buzz running through my whole body as I took the plunge. “I’ll meet you outside the foyer at ten.

  “Fantastic!” Marcus beamed. He seemed genuinely excited at the prospect. He was still sexy, even though his confidence may have suffered from me turning him down. I hoped that he still had some confidence where it counted, though. “One thing I think I should tell you,” he continued, “My apartment’s not that big, and there’s no way I’d miss two hot chicks sneezing in my closet or discussing threesomes just outside my shower. Just so you know.”

  Chapter Five

  Preparing myself for a merciless assault of teasing and torture, I explained to Ruby that I was planning to go out with Marcus for the day. However, she simply hugged me, giving me a light peck on the cheek.

  “I’m so glad you finally made the right decision,” Ruby whispered.

  “You’ll give my apologies to the girls?” I asked, as I turned to leave.

  “Of course! Now, go get him.”

  I smiled at her, grabbed my bag, and bounced out of the room. Riding down in the elevator I examined my reflection in the huge mirror. It might have looked casual, but I’d put a lot of thought into my outfit. I wanted to look sexy, but not be encumbered if the day took us hiking or traversing difficult terrains. Plus, it was going to be hot and humid. My long brown hair was tied into a Lara Croft ponytail and I’d pulled on a thin, green tank top. It was tight, to accentuate my figure, and plunged low enough to give me some impressive cleavage. Butt-hugging khaki shorts rode low on my hips, ensuring that my flat stomach got plenty of exposure, and ended high up against my thighs to make my legs look extra-long and slender. Simple socks and sneakers left my ankles bare, but it meant I could still scale a mountain if we found one. It’d been tough to make the look seem so effortless, but worth it. I’d even had to dash out early and buy a small rucksack, as all I’d brought with me were purses.

  I stepped into the wet heat outside the lobby and the humidity almost floored me. My shirt felt almost instantly soaked through. I was about to reconsider my wardrobe choices when I heard a deafening engine snarling its way towards me. I turned to see Marcus pull up in a red Jeep. It looked battered, had huge black tires, no roof, no doors, and, as far as I could see, no glass where the windshield should be. He killed the motor and stayed sat in the driver’s seat, sliding his Aviators down his nose with a cheeky grin.

  “Well, hello,” he said.

  “Hello yourself,” I replied.

  Marcus jumped up and clambered over the passenger seat. “Let me help you with that,” he said, grabbing my new rucksack and tossing it in the back. He held out a hand for me to take as I stepped up onto the Jeep and, as I settled into my seat, our eyes locked as he held my hand for a heartbeat or two longer than he needed to. I was instantly taken back to the night before, feeling the tension that had been building up between us return with a vengeance. It made my heart beat faster and brought a warm tingle to my center.

  “S-so,” I cleared my throat, “where to?”

  “Well, not wanting to sound like a tour guide, it might surprise you to know that this place is only about twenty miles long and six miles wide.”


  “But, it’s still possible to get lost here, as I’ve found out first hand.”

  “Really?” I giggled.

  “Hey, don’t laugh! It was harrowing!”

  “So, take me to where you got lost.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he grinned. “That’s just what I was planning to show you first, you’ll love it.”

  It took some driving, and Marcus’s Jeep wasn’t the smoothest ride, but I was smiling ear to ear as it bounced down the rough roads, roaring along and kicking up dust. I had to shout a little to be heard, but we managed to talk along the way. This time, I asked him questions. He told me that he’d spent twenty-five years in the Marines and it was all he knew. He’d joined as a kid and worked his way up the ranks, transitioning from an enlisted man to a Major. It had taken him all over the world, into p
aradises and warzones but, he told me, he’d never been able to settle down. Now that he’d retired, he was keen to get back on track with his romantic life as he took some extended R&R.

  I hadn’t expected to hear anything like this from him. Truthfully, I didn’t know what to expect, but this was definitely a shock. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. It didn’t really matter what his life story was but, to hear him talk, it sounded as though he was a little more invested in this than I was.

  After about forty minutes, Marcus pulled us over into a leafy lay-by. We’d been ascending Aruba’s central mountain for nearly ten minutes. It wasn’t a steep incline, but I was still a little unsteady as Marcus helped me back onto solid ground. Maybe he was taking a liberty as he held me when I stumbled, but I found I didn’t mind a bit. He steadied me as I fell back a little, right against his firm chest, and I thought he smelled amazing as his arms instinctively circled around me. Now, it was my turn and I leaned into him a little longer than was necessary, enjoying being close to him and breathing him in.

  “Whoops!” He caught me, and then stood me up carefully once I’d regained my footing. “Take this,” he said, feigning nonchalance and passing me a water bottle along with my pack. “Stay close, you have to see this.”

  He led me off into the trees. I followed, feeling a little like Jane of the Jungle, as Marcus pushed our way through the tropical plants. We were following a trail, but a very seldom-used one, it seemed. A tiny part of me was wondering how far this big, strange man was going to lead me off the beaten path before he murdered me, but the rest of me was loving the heat, the smells, the sounds of a dozen birds I couldn’t identify, and the sight of Marcus’s strong back and tight butt, in his shorts and t-shirt, as he beat a way through the trees.

  We didn’t go far before he stopped in a clearing and turned to me. “Here we are,” he announced.

  “Here’s where you got lost?” I giggled. “The road’s like ten minutes that way.” I pointed back the way we’d come. “Aren’t marines trained in that sort of thing?”


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