Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1

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Boys: Alphas of 2017 - Vol 1 Page 26

by Hazel Parker

  “I know,” he smiled with embarrassment, “but I came that way.”

  Marcus put his arms on my shoulders and turned me to face the direction he was talking about. I hadn’t seen the opening in the trees and could barely believe my eyes. It was like the whole green island had been laid at my feet. The bright sun illuminated the fields and treetops as they stretched out before us, rolling up the mountain to our right, and the distant blue of the sea edged everything, reminding me how small this piece of land was in contrast with the vastness of the ocean. It was beautiful.

  “Well,” I breathed, “I guess there’re worse places to get lost in.”

  “Come down a bit further,” he beckoned me. I followed him on and kept quiet as he instructed, crouching down beside him as we peered into another, smaller and more covered clearing. “There!” he whispered. I followed his pointing finger to see a cute little parrot. “It’s a brown-throated parakeet.”

  It was an amazing, emerald shade of green, with a lighter colored head and beige neck. It seemed quite happy, just sitting on a branch preening its feathers, until it suddenly lifted its head and began to sing. That’s when I noticed another parakeet, as it started to sing too, then another, and another, and then it seemed like the whole clearing was filled with these sweet little birds, all singing at once. It was magical. However, as quickly as they’d started singing, they suddenly took flight, almost as one, in a flurry of flapping noises and crashing branches.

  “Wow,’ I smiled. I’d never seen anything more beautiful.

  “I’d hoped we’d find that little colony there. I don’t know why or exactly when they do that, but it’s cool. I’m glad you liked it,” he offered.

  “It was incredible. Thank you, Marcus.”

  When we got back to the Jeep, Marcus said that he wanted to take me for lunch on the other side of the mountain. I said it was early for lunch, but Marcus assured me it wouldn’t be, by the time we got there. We slowly traversed the rocky roads again, crossing two small rivers and skirting a steep cliff to reach a tiny shack built from wooden beams with a dried grass roof. It wasn’t the sort of place I would normally visit, but Marcus insisted they made the best chicken empanadas he’d ever tasted.

  Not having ever had any empanadas, I couldn’t argue. However, they were delicious, pulled directly from an old clay oven and served with spiced yucca chips and iced Malta. The ancient lady that served us said little in English and not much more in the Dutch that Marcus spoke to her in, but she seemed more than happy to use her big stick to lift the small pies out for us. I was unsure about the yucca chips at first, until Marcus began feeding them to me by hand. He held the chip out for me, forcing me to lean in and take it. I had to place my hand on his knee, looking into his eyes as I took it into my mouth. Given the way that simple act excited me, he could have been feeding me deep-fried grasshopper and I wouldn’t have cared.

  “Hold still,” Marcus ordered me. “You’ve got a little…” He dipped his napkin in some iced water and wiped the crumb from the side of my lower lip. His fingers touched my chin, stroking softly along my jaw line, bringing a sigh from my lips and sending a shiver straight down to my clit. He let his gentle touch linger, slowly easing his mouth toward mine. My senses singing as he approached, I closed my eyes and let it happen.

  I could feel him, his lips a breath away from mine, only to be suddenly interrupted by a shriek of “You pay! You pay now!” from the ancient lady behind the counter. We both broke into a smile, laughing gently as the moment passed.

  “I guess I should pay, then,” he grinned, sitting slowly back up.

  “I guess you should.” I agreed. “And then, where to?”

  “That depends. Are you up for a hike?”

  “I didn’t dress like this to look cute,” I lied.

  “Whether you did or not,” smiled Marcus, as he counted out about five dollars in local currency, “you sure succeeded.”

  I felt a little flush creeping up my cheeks, thankfully I could blame the humidity if need be. Marcus helped me step back up into the Jeep again, and we drove off back down the mountain. I was reveling in the wind blowing through my hair and over my skin, cooling me down. I couldn’t wait to find out where we would go next. I only hoped he would make his move quicker this time. Wow, this isn’t like me I thought to myself, I’m thinking like Ruby or Daphne, getting impatient for a guy to jump me. What’s wrong with me? Then I heard Ruby’s voice so clearly that she could have been sitting behind me. ‘There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just horny, bitch!’

  We seemed to go all the way down to the bottom of the mountain and then start to climb back up. Eventually, Marcus pulled the Jeep over once more and helped me climb back out. “I apologize in advance,” he began. “It’s a long walk, but I promise you it’s worth it.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” I told him, keen to show how in shape I kept myself. “Just lead the way.”

  He wasn’t kidding. We must have trekked for thirty minutes, in hundred-degree heat and ninety percent humidity. It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time but, just as I was beginning to wish I hadn’t been so keen to come, Marcus put his arm out protectively.

  “Careful,” he said, taking my hand and leading me slowly forward. He brushed the leaves aside and I felt my breath catch up in my throat. Behind the branches was a sheer drop-off, straight down to a crystal-clear pool of water. Opposite us was a thin but very beautiful waterfall, with white, foamy water running from high up in the mountains to crash down into the pool below. The rocks beneath us, running all the way around to the waterfall, were covered in vibrant green moss. There was a low bank to the pool about halfway between the waterfall and us. The air was cool from the water spray, and I decided this was exactly how I’d imagined paradise, when I thought about it.

  “Wow,” was all I could manage.

  “I know, right?” agreed Marcus. “How brave are you feeling?” he asked, pulling his t-shirt up over his head.

  “Why?” I wasn’t sure what he was thinking. And I stopped thinking completely as he whipped down his shorts, pulling his shoes and socks off with them. I couldn’t help my eyes running all over his body, specifically his bare butt, as he stood there. “What the hell are you doing?”I eventually croaked.

  “Seeing if you’re brave enough to follow me,” he smiled over his shoulder, before leaping over the side.

  “Marcus!” I screamed, running to the edge. In reality, it was only about ten or twelve feet to the safety of the pool, but it shocked me, nonetheless. “Are you crazy?” I yelled down to him as he resurfaced, shaking the water from his eyes.

  “Come on in!” he called back up.

  “Seriously, Marcus, I can’t!” I shouted back.

  “Okay, don’t worry,” he smiled. I was grateful he didn’t pressure me or call me chicken. “Follow the path to your left. It’ll bring you down to the bank.” I nodded and turned the way he’d said. “Oh, Sarah!” I heard.


  “Bring my clothes with you, would you?”

  It was literally three minutes further down to reach the bank. I dropped his clothes onto the wet grass and watched as he swam toward me.

  “Are you coming in?” he smiled.

  “I don’t have my bathing suit,” I told him.

  “And…?” he asked. “Nor do I, if you hadn’t noticed.”

  “Oh, I noticed.”

  I wanted to. I wanted more than anything to swim naked with him, right there. Only, I still didn’t feel comfortable, undressing directly in front of him. But I had to be more confident. Hands trembling, I pulled my tank top up over my head, turning my back to him as I did. I bit my lip and unhooked my bra, throwing it onto the discarded top. I slipped my shorts down and pulled them off with my shoes and socks, just as he’d done. Only, I left my black lace panties on. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t reveal that much of myself. Not yet.

  Covering my breasts with my arms, I turned back to him and stepped swiftly i
nto the water. It was deliciously warm and quickly came up past my waist, until my feet left the floor and I had to swim. I got within arms-reach of Marcus, then dived down below the surface as he stretched out to me, swimming around him as he stayed in place, treading water. The water was clear enough for me to get a good eyeful of his cock again, bobbing around between his legs. I couldn’t see the bottom of the pool, though.

  “Be honest,” I said, emerging behind him, “this is your spot where you take all the girls you’re trying to sleep with right?”

  “Honestly?” he raised an eyebrow, turning in place to face me. “Honestly, no. I’ve never brought anyone here before. Ever. Like I said, it’s been… a while since I had the opportunity to be anywhere near a woman.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I stayed still, kicking my legs to keep my head above the water. Our eyes met again as he slowly swam closer. I waited as he approached, coming nearer and near until, finally, he was right by me. I felt his hand slide up my back, pulling me to him, my floating breasts brushing against his smooth chest, the contact of my nipples against his skin sending a delicate tingle down between my legs.

  He held me in place, his other hand coming out of the water to cup my cheek, and move my face closer to his. He hesitated again, his lips so close, then pressed his soft mouth to mine. I couldn’t stop the moan escaping from me. My head swam and my heart raced as he finally kissed me, gently parting my lips with his, so our tongues could meet, sliding over each other and sending electric shocks straight down to my clit. I could sense the thick wetness from my pussy soaking my panties and mix with the warm water that surrounded us, as I felt his cock touching my thigh, climbing its way higher as it grew harder. My clit throbbed again, as I felt him getting stiffer and stiffer. I longed to have that thing inside me, stretching me, filling me completely.

  He deepened his kiss still further, bringing his hand down to slide across my breasts, forcing my hot nipples to tighten at his touch. My need for him growing inside me, I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping my legs tight around his waist. How we were still staying afloat, I didn’t care. All I could feel was his hard body against mine and, wanting him so badly, I couldn’t help flexing my hips, trying to grind my aching clit against him.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned, breaking off the kiss, “tell me you want this… tell me you want me.”

  “I want you,” I whispered, my voice nearly drowned out by the sound of the waterfall, not twenty feet from us.

  “Say it again,” he insisted, his hand going even lower. He slipped past my underwear and traced around the edge of my slick lips with a finger, forcing me to draw in a sharp breath.

  “I want you, Marcus,” I cried, “I want you inside me! Please, please fuck me, Marcus!”

  Needing no more convincing, he pulled the crotch of my panties wider, making way for the tip of his staff to push against the entrance of my willing hole. I felt his cock open me as it slid slowly inside. The sensation made me grip his shoulders and stiffen as inch after trembling inch pushed passed my soft folds. It was an unbelievable, almost paralyzing feeling, as I surrendered myself to his huge rod. I cried, whimpered, moaned, and sank my teeth into his shoulder, as his hips finally hit my thighs.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” he panted. “You are so hot, so sexy. I’ve been dying to fuck you since the first moment I saw you.”

  I tried to respond, but as he suddenly began pulling his great length from me, I could feel every ridge, every vein of him, as he glided over the velvet walls inside me, sending such incredible thrills through me. I couldn’t stop myself from crying aloud. Just as he was nearly out, he suddenly pushed himself back in again, much faster than before, gripping my ass and forcing me onto him as hard as he could. I yelped in pleasure again, before he began to retreat once more.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, as I felt the disappointment of him sliding all the way out, “but if we keep going like this, one or both of us is going to drown.”

  “I can think of worse ways to go,” I smiled lazily at him. Marcus laughed out loud and took my hand. He kicked off powerfully through the water, dragging me with him, toward the waterfall. Skirting the churning section of the pool where the stream plunged into it, he let go of me to clamber up onto the side. He turned and offered me his hand again, helping me climb up onto the stones. They were gentle on my bare feet, worn smooth as glass by millions of years of erosion.

  Taking a minute to appreciate my surroundings, I saw that we were standing behind the waterfall in an enclave that was cut off from the rest of the world by an endless curtain of water. I looked up to see it cascading over the cliff edge, maybe twenty feet above us, and followed it down, where it lit up a rainbow as it crashed into the pool.

  “Oh, my God, Marcus,” I gasped, unable to keep the smile off my face. “This is just amazing. It’s beautiful.

  “You are beautiful,” I heard him say. His voice drew my eyes back to him, standing there, lean and muscled, his still-hard member standing proudly to attention. He looked amazing, too, and the look of desire on his face as he stared at me, wet and half naked, made things low in my body clench and throb. The ache between my legs suddenly became almost unbearable. In a move that made me feel liberated and so, so sexy, I slipped off my soaked panties.

  “Well? What are you waiting for?” I whispered.

  He was on me in a flash, his tongue in my mouth, his hands fondling my tits and ass. I ran my hands over his firm buttocks, pulling his crotch to mine. I could feel his stiff rod hot against my stomach and, as he lowered his face to take a burning nipple into his mouth, I couldn’t help circling my small fist around his thick shaft. He sighed at my touch, driving me on to pump it a few times, which drew a loud groan from him. His lips and tongue were all over my chest, each touch increasing the throbbing I felt in my pussy.

  “It’s been a while, remember? I won’t last long if you keep doing that,” he groaned, dipping down to circle his arms under my butt again. His powerful body picked up my slight frame again, lifting my feet right off the floor. I instinctively wrapped my long legs around his waist, hooking my feet behind his back, as I felt the tip of him rubbing deliciously at my moist slit once again. It took the barest of flex of his hips and he slid back in, sending those ecstatic sensations flooding right through my body once more. A low moan slipped from my lips, as he glided beautifully back up inside me, as far as he could go. He shifted his weight, keeping one hand on my back, crushing my breasts against his chest and placing another on the cave wall behind m. He began thrusting.

  Loud gasps poured from my open mouth as he thrust himself in and out of me, sending heavenly thrills through me, making me crave the feeling of that hard muscle pounding into me. I tried to kiss him as he increased his tempo, but found it hard to make my body respond as I felt my orgasm fast approaching. I’d never expected to find myself getting off so quickly, but I remembered it’d been a pretty long time for me as well. He hammered himself into me, ever harder, each time deeper, pushing me closer and closer to rapture with every movement of his powerful hips.

  The water was pounding down behind him, sending out a light, cooling spray that kept us damp, but the noise was drowned out by the blood thundering through my head and the wet slapping of his hips as he slammed himself against me. He gasped the words, “Oh fuck!”, and I felt him grow even bigger inside me. He stopped thrusting. He just pushed, pulling me hard against him and trying to cram as much of his huge cock inside me as I could take, going deeper than ever before.

  Teetering on the edge of ecstasy, I felt him throbbing deep inside me, and it gave me the push I needed. Sudden waves of pleasure crashed through me, ripping screams of delight from my throat, causing my whole body to shake, my pussy to clamp tight around him, pulling him in further still, and forcing me to drive my nails into his neck and shoulder. Marcus drew in a sharp breath, as he held me, still speared on him, and then groaned as he released his seed, his rock-hard rod pulsing jet after jet of thick fluid deep inside

  We both fought for breath as he held me up, our bodies still joined even though I could feel him shrinking from my full, trembling sheath.

  “Holy shit!” Marcus coughed, a smile breaking out on his face. “That was really…”

  “Something else,” I breathed, finishing the thought. I didn’t have the strength to do more than lay my head on his shoulder, my eyes closed and a dreamy smile on my face. My whole body felt alive, my skin singing, and every nerve ending tingling. I’d forgotten how good it felt. It had been months since I’d separated from Josh, and years before that since we’d had good, passionate sex. Pretty much before the kids were born. And snatched sessions of bringing myself off when the need got too great just weren’t the same as a good, satisfying fuck. As I uncoiled my legs from around him, all I could think about was how long it would be before we could do it again.

  Chapter Six

  The hike back to the car and the drive back to the resort passed in a blur. I found it hard to keep the grin off my face as we talked about everything and nothing at the same time. Marcus pulled the jeep into the turnaround outside the lobby, jumping out again to help me climb down. He turned his back to the resort, shielding me as he leaned down to kiss me softly. I responded, opening my lips for him and caressing his tongue with mine, the soft sensation causing my clit to throb once again.

  “Damn,” he said, “I need to stop kissing you. I don’t want to give everyone the idea that you’re spoken for, right after you’ve got here.”

  “That’s just not right,” I pouted.

  “I know, right? If I had my way, I’d be bending you over the hood of my jeep, right now.”

  I felt the blood rush to my head and a heat fill my loins. I wanted him again, too, right then and there. But this was hardly the place.

  “Can I take you out again tomorrow?” he asked. “In the afternoon?”


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