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The Journey to the West, Revised Edition, Volume 3

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by Unknown

  Investigative Hearing, 3: 112

  Iron-Fan, Immortal, 3: 121–22, 127, 130

  Iron Fork Mountain, 2: 296

  Isles of the Blest, 1: 110

  Jade Capital, 1: 196

  Jade Cloud Mountain, 3: 121–22, 126, 130, 135, 142, 146–47, 158–59

  Jade Cloud Palace, 3: 112; 4: 75, 338

  Jade Countenance, Princess, 3: 133, 136–37, 140, 143–45, 152, 154

  Jade Emperor, 1: 101, 102, 141–43, 146–48, 150, 151 (510 n.8), 157–59, 161, 168, 174, 176–78; 2: 84–86, 89, 91, 116–18, 227–28, 238, 260, 293; 3: 1–4, 10, 25, 66, 73, 77, 84, 107, 160, 179, 217, 225, 228, 276, 379; 4: 118–19, 122–26, 179–80, 183–85, 257

  Jade-Flower District, 4: 191–92, 197–98, 211–12, 214–15, 225, 232, 374

  Jade Liquid of Transmigration, 4: 228

  Jade Perfection Abbey, 4: 342–43, 363, 367

  Jade Sage Palace, 3: 281, 314

  Jade Terrace, 3: 255

  Janitor of the Altars, 4: 382–83

  Jasper Pool, 1: 164, 167, 174, 176–77, 379; 3: 56

  Jetavana Park, 1: 203 (516 n.18), 286, 334; 4: 84, 266–67

  Jia Mo, 1: 439–46

  Jiancheng, 1: 254

  Jiang Kunsan, 4: 335

  Jiang Qianyi, 4: 335

  Jiangzhou, 1: 218, 220, 223, 227

  Jianzhang Palace, 3: 178

  Jing River, 1: 231, 241–45; 2: 200, 262; 4: 244

  Jingyan, 4: 272 (400 n.10)

  Ji River, 2: 187, 261

  Jisi, 1: 217

  Jiu Tangshu, 1: 5

  Jizi, 3: 212

  Joined-Ring Cave, 4: 159

  Jupiter, Star Spirit of, 1: 148

  Jupiter’s Rival, 3: 281, 285–86, 292, 301

  Kāśyapa, 1: 193, 195–96, 199, 203; 4: 29–30, 349, 351, 353–54, 372

  Kehan Bureau, 3: 3 (381 n.3), 7

  Ketu, Star of, 1: 169; 3: 3

  Kingdom of Women. See Western Liang

  King Kṣitigarbha, 1: 285; 4: 338, 339

  King-Making Thing, 2: 170, 174–76

  King Powerful, 3: 133

  King Pure Joy, 3: 227

  Kings of Five Quarters, 1: 382

  Kings of Four Quarters, 1: 456

  Kinship of Three, 4: 361 (406 n.3)

  Knotty Virtue, 3: 199–200, 202–4, 209

  Koguryǒ, 1: 4

  Kong the Sage, 4: 163

  Kou, Squire, 4: 310, 313, 321, 323, 330, 341

  Kou Dong, 4: 314, 317, 323–24

  Kou Liang, 4: 314, 323–25, 330

  Kou Ming, 4: 333

  Kōzanji, 1: 7

  Kṣitigarbha, King, 1: 141, 142; 3: 111–12; 4: 338–39

  Kunlun Mountain, 1: 182, 451 (533 n.2); 2: 134, 135, 221, 296; 3: 127, 160, 212; 4: 27, 88

  Lady of Peach-Blossom, 2: 136

  Lady Queen Mother of the West, 1: 161 (512 n.10), 163, 167–68, 174, 185–86, 197; 3: 172, 192, 276, 359, 379

  Lady Water Mother, 3: 231

  Lady White (moon goddess), 4: 302 (402 n.7), 304

  Lady White Bone (Cadaver Demon), 2: 26, 68

  Langyuan, 4: 55 (389 n.5), 109

  Laozi (also known as Supreme Primordial Old Lord), 1: 166, 167, 168, 171, 174, 185–86, 188–89, 333, 342, 382, 384; 2: 12, 85, 111, 114, 134 (380 n.1), 135, 145–46, 193–97, 225, 231, 281; 3: 27, 28–30, 31, 66, 133–34, 179, 379; 4: 228

  Law-Expounding Platform, 2: 150

  Law Gate, Temple of the, 1: 293; 3: 168

  Lei Huan, 4: 90

  Leopard’s-Head Mountain, 4: 203, 206–7, 212, 227

  Level-Top Mountain, 2: 91, 122, 143, 193

  Leviathan, 3: 365 (404 n.1)

  Liang, King, 4: 84

  Lianlian, 1: 440 (532 n.2), 445, 447

  Libations, River of, 1: 178, 180, 184

  Li Biao, 1: 220, 228

  Li Cuilian, 1: 268, 269–71

  Li Ding, 1: 231–37

  Liezi, 3: 201

  Life-Saving Monastery, 4: 367, 370

  Li Four, 2: 214

  Light, World of, 2: 190, 191, 192, 194, 196

  Light of Ratnadhvaja. See Conductor Buddha

  Li Jing (also known as Pagoda Bearer Devarāja), 1: 151 (510–11 n.9), 152, 154, 156, 157, 169–72, 175–76, 179, 184, 186, 209; 2: 246; 3: 4–8, 10, 13–14, 16–17, 19, 23, 25–30, 107–8, 160; 4: 66, 90, 116–24

  Li Mountain, 1: 336

  Lingbao, 3: 202

  Lingji, Bodhisattva, 1: 416–18; 3: 127–28

  Lingling, 1: 122

  Lingxuzi, 1: 75

  Lingyan Tower, 1: 275, 289

  Lion-Camel Ridge, 3: 353, 354, 360–62; 4: 25, 28, 30, 33, 153–54

  Lion Monster King, 2: 223

  Lishe Shrine, 1: 330, 332–33

  Li Shimin, 2: 200 (386 n.4). See also Taizong (emperor of Tang dynasty)

  Little Black Dragon, 2: 261

  Little Mao Mountain, 2: 313 (390 n.1)

  Little Sumeru Mountain, 3: 127

  Little Western Heaven, 3: 219

  Little Wind Cutters, 3: 358–62, 365–67, 371–72

  Little Yellow Dragon, 2: 261

  Little Zhang. See Zhang, Prince Little

  Liu (monkey marshal; divine hero), 1: 138, 145; 2: 31, 32; 4: 298

  Liu Bei, 1: 250 (520 n.36)

  Liu Boqin, 1: 302; 2: 27

  Liu Cuicui, 3: 10, 69 (385 n.2)

  Liu Hong, 1: 220, 221, 224–25, 227–28

  Liu Quan, 1: 267–68, 269–71

  Liu Xiaoer, 1: 219, 225–26, 229

  Li Village, 3: 243–44

  Li Yuan, 1: 253, 254

  Li Yuying (sister of emperor Taizong), 1: 259, 268, 269–71

  Lokājyeṣṭha, 1: 203 (516 n.20), 278 (522 n.14)

  Lonesome Rectitude, Squire, 3: 199, 202–9

  Longevity, Star of. See Slanting Moon and Three Stars, Cave of; Star of Longevity (also known as Star of Long Life)

  Long-Life Li. See Gold Star Venus (also known as Long-Life Li)

  Long Life Mountain, 1: 175 (star), 204 (star), 453, 469; 2: 3, 11, 14

  Longmen, 1: 236 (519 n.10)

  Long Pit and the Great Serpent Range, 1: 7

  Lords of Oceans, 2: 91

  Lotus-Flower Cave, 2: 91, 100, 110, 122, 125, 135, 140, 142

  Lotus Platform, Treasure, 1: 191

  Lotus Pool, 1: 431

  Lotus Sūtra, 1: 304, 418, 468; 4: 84

  Lü Dongbin (Mr. Lü), 1: 471 (534 n.2); 2: 113 (380 n.10)

  Lu Gong, 4: 325 (404 n.4)

  Lüliang Cascade, 2: 286

  Luminescent Palace, 3: 72–73

  Lunar Palace, 4: 298 (402 n.5), 302, 304

  Luo Bo (Mahāmaudgalyāyana), 1: 283 (523 n.20)

  Luoyang, 1: 1, 2, 4; 2: 47

  Lü Qian, 4: 90

  Lute, Cave of the, 3: 62, 65, 73, 76

  Lynx King, Giant, 1: 138–39, 157

  Ma (monkey marshal), 1: 138; 2: 31, 32; 3: 1, 106–7

  Mādhyamika School, 1: 198–99 (515 n.20), 202 (516 n.17)

  Magpie Palace, 4: 293, 300

  Mahābāli (the demon king), 1: 177–78, 185, 187, 188

  Mahābrahmā, 1: 7, 8

  Mahāprajnā-parāmitāhṛ-daya Sūtra, 4: 67

  Mahārāja Mayūra, 4: 29 (388 n.14)

  Mahāyāna-deva (Celestial Being of the Great Vehicle), 1: 4; 2: 161; 4: 84

  Maitreya Hall, 2: 149; 3: 236–40

  Male Reception Post-house, 3: 34, 35, 48–49, 50, 55

  Male-Undoing Mountain, 3: 35, 37, 41, 122

  Mane the Sun Rooster, 3: 223

  Manjuśrī (Boddhisattva), 1: 409, 448; 2: 205, 206 (386 n.6), 207, 253 (389 n.1); 3: 24 (382 n.6), 214, 315 (401 n.11); 4: 29, 30, 31, 384, 385

  Manjuśrī Hall/Platform, 2: 149, 205, 207; 3: 214; 4: 29–30, 75

  Many-Eyed Fiend. See Demon Lord of a Hundred Eyes

  Mao Qiang, 4: 290 (401 n.17)

  Mars, 2: 91

  Mass of Land and Water, 1: 43, 57, 261–62, 266, 273, 276, 281; 4: 244, 381

  Master of Adjuvant Holines
s, 1: 190–92

  Meng Ke (Mencius), 1: 239 (519 n.14)

  Mercy Cloud Temple, 4: 232, 242, 244, 247, 254, 258–59, 261, 263

  Messenger of Direct Talismans, 4: 183–85

  Middle Land, 3: 200 (392 n.6), 362 (403 n.2)

  Mighty-Spirit God, 1: 127 (380 n.5), 151–54, 157; 3: 161

  Mighty Wind, 1: 122

  Miluo Palace (Heaven of Highest Clarity), 1: 453, 456; 3: 76 (stream)

  Mind and Heart, Mountain of, 1: 112, 113

  Ming (emperor of Later Han), 1: 274 (522 n.5)

  Mist-Concealing Mountain, 4: 159

  Mistress Ground-Rushing, 4: 121

  Mo’ang, Prince, 2: 262–67; 4: 259–60

  Mohists, 1: 117

  Mokṣa-deva (Celestial Being of Deliverance), 1: 4, 174–76, 177, 207, 208–10, 211, 213, 214, 283, 326, 431–33; 2: 10, 246, 249–51, 354; 3: 92, 102, 106, 116; 4: 119

  Monkey of the Mind (Mind Monkey), 1: 13, 27, 29, 42, 65, 70, 73 (498 n.140), 74, 76, 84, 94, 174 (513 n.1), 188, 190, 306, 385, 388; 2: 34, 57, 66, 72, 119, 133, 147, 220, 221, 300; 3: 1 (381 n.1), 17, 47, 76, 98, 154, 157, 186, 220, 364; 4: 63, 79, 112, 113, 142, 190, 359, 360

  Monster Kings, 1: 138–39, 151, 156. See also Yin, General

  Moon, Goddess of the, 1: 212 (517 n.30), 379 (529 n.16); 3: 324; 4: 88, 100, 149, 281, 290, 302–3

  Morning Assembly, 1: 146

  Morning-Sun Tower, 2: 149

  Mother of Lightning, 2: 293, 294, 296; 4: 184–85

  Mountain Guardian. See Boqin

  Mountain Lord, 1: 296–97

  Mountain-River Altar, 1: 275

  Mount of Northern Spring, 1: 127

  Mount-Viewing Lodge, 2: 149

  Mūlabarhaṇī,3: 3

  Muslims, 1: 333

  Mysterious Flower Cave, 4: 242–43, 247, 249–50, 258

  Mythic Beast, Cave of, 3: 281, 285, 293–94, 314

  Naked Feet, Immortal of, 1: 164 (512 n.12), 174–75, 199

  Nālandā Monastery, 1: 4

  Naṭa, Prince (Third Prince of Li Jing), 1: 151, 154–57, 169, 172, 175, 185; 2: 116–17, 246; 3: 4–7, 13, 19, 23, 160–61; 4: 116–17, 119–21, 126

  Needle-Pusher Zhang, 4: 333–34

  Net the Moon Crow, 3: 223

  Night Patrol God, 2: 116, 166, 167, 187

  Nine-Bends Curvate Cave, 4: 214, 220, 222, 225, 227

  Ninefold Darkness, 1: 125

  Ninefold Heaven, 2: 202, 293; 3: 4, 170, 180, 230; 4: 172, 183, 364

  Ninefold-Numina Primal Sage, 4: 213–14, 217, 225, 229

  Nine-Heads, 3: 172, 176, 180, 183, 187, 191

  Nine Heroes, 1: 163

  Nine Luminaries, 1: 160 (511 n.3), 169, 171, 189, 196; 2: 84; 3: 84; 4: 153

  Nine Springs, 2: 179 (385 n.1)

  Nine Streams, 3: 226 (395 n.1)

  Ning Qi, 3: 9 (382 n.8)

  Nirmāṇarati, 1: 146 (510 n.1)

  Nirvāṇa, 1: 3, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 63, 190, 275, 278, 328, 390; 2: 24, 314; 3: 104, 116, 201, 204; 4: 43, 44, 377

  Nirvāṇa Sūtra, 1: 3

  Niṣṭyā, 3: 3

  No-Option Bridge, 1: 259–60; 4: 338 (404 n.5)

  Northern Dipper, seven heads of, 3: 2

  Northern Dipper Scripture, 2: 108 (379 n.3), 305

  Northern Spring, Mount of, 1: 127

  North Heaven Gate, 2: 116–17; 3: 9–10; 4: 22 (387 n.8)

  North Uttarakuru (one of four great Buddhist continents), 1: 100 (506 n.5), 204; 3: 228

  Number Seven, Great King Fox (also known as Venerable Maternal Uncle), 2: 143–44, 266

  Numinous Earth District, 4: 310, 323, 335–36

  Numinous Power, Great King of, 2: 324–27, 330–33, 343, 348

  Numinous Terrace of Seven Treasures, 1: 196

  Nüwa, 2: 134, 135 (380 n.2)

  Old Gao Village. See Gao Village

  Old Li, 3: 243–44, 251–53

  Old Madam, 2: 121, 122–26, 132

  Old-Time Sūtra, 1: 468; 2: 2

  Old Woman of the Wind, 2: 292, 294, 295

  Oṃ and Ram, 2: 181; 3: 216; 4: 20 (387 n.7)

  One-Horn Demon King, 1: 171–73

  One-Horned Buffalo, 2: 369, 370

  One Load of Gold, 2: 328–29, 330–31, 348; 4: 367

  Orangutan King, 1: 138–39, 157

  Orionis, Star Lord, 3: 72–75, 347–48

  Ouyang Xiu, 1: 5, 6

  Ox the Gold Bull, 3: 223

  Pagoda Mountain, 1: 388; 2: 254

  Palm-Leaf Cave, 3: 121–23, 135, 137, 142, 145–47, 149, 153, 157, 161

  Pan An, 2: 59 (378 n.3)

  Pāncavidyā, 1: 146 (510 n.1)

  Pang (divine hero), 1: 145, 341; 2: 84; 3: 10; 4: 92 (391 n.14), 298

  Pan Gu (the first human), 1: 99 (506 n.1), 100

  Peach Blossom Cave, 4: 210 (397 n.2)

  Peacock Sūtra, 1: 304, 468; 4: 316

  Pearl-Bearing Dragon Girl, 2: 354

  Pei of Lu, 3: 259 (396 n.6)

  Peng. See Penglai Island (and Penglai Mountain)

  Penghu, 2: 338

  Penglai Island (and Penglai Mountain), 1: 351 (525 n.2), 409 (531 n.6); 2: 2 (373 n.4), 6, 14, 37, 70, 114, 120, 238, 279; 3: 101, 123, 141, 320; 4: 55 (389 n.6), 109, 236

  Peng-Ying (collective name of the Three Isles), 2: 369 (392 n.5); 3: 136 (389 n.5)

  Pengzu, 2: 24 (375 n.4)

  Perfect Light, Hall of, 1: 164, 174, 187; 4: 118, 179, 183, 185, 255

  Perpetual Shade Mountain, 1: 256–58;

  3: 110

  Phoenix-Down Slope, 3: 312

  Phoenix-Immortal Prefecture, 4: 177–79, 183–85, 190, 374

  Physicians, 1: 117

  Platform of Canopus, 1: 146 (510 n.2)

  Plum Mountain, 1: 178–82; 2: 30; 3: 187

  Polestar, Palace of the, 1: 101, 102, 174

  Poluo, 1: 7

  Pomegranate Pavilion, 3: 281

  Pool of Wangmu (Queen Mother of the West), 1: 7

  Potalaka Mountain, 1: 174, 206, 279, 326, 329, 333, 360, 365; 2: 10, 14, 242, 245, 247, 252, 264; 3: 92, 101–2, 105, 107

  Prajnā-pāramitā, 1: 66, 146 (510 n.1), 418

  Pralambā, 3: 344 (404 n.4), 345, 346–48

  Precious Flower Mountain, 4: 307–8

  Precious Grove Monastery, 2: 150, 162, 172, 180, 194–95, 201, 207–8

  Precious Hall of the Great Hero, 2: 151, 154

  Precious Image Kingdom, 2: 44 (377 n.2), 46–47, 54, 60, 73, 79; 3: 59; 4: 374

  Precious Light, 1: 146

  Precious Permanence Sūtra, 4: 367

  Pregnancy Reflection Stream, 3: 34, 48

  Primal Secret, Treasure Palace of, 1: 196

  Pulpy Persimmon Alley, 3: 242, 250, 252

  Pure-Cool Cave, 3: 159

  Pure Florescence Village, 4: 53–55, 57

  Pure Land Monastery, 1: 2

  Purgation Stream, 3: 336, 340

  Purple Cloud Mountain, 3: 344, 345

  Purple Tenuity Hall, 3: 141 (389 n.11)

  Pūrva-Aṣādhā, 3: 3

  Pūrva-Prosṭḥapada, 3: 3

  Qi, 3: 3

  Qin, Tower of, 2: 159 (382 n.14)

  Qinguang, King, 1: 140, 142, 143; 3: 110

  Qin Qiong (Qin Shubao), 1: 244, 246, 262, 264

  Qiu (Celestial Master, also known as Qiu Hongzhi), 1: 141, 174, 213; 3: 1–2, 107; 4: 118, 179, 255

  Qi-Yu, 3: 205 (393 n.20)

  Qoco Kingdom, 1: 369, 442; 2: 201; 3: 59, 167; 4: 373

  Quanzhen Order (of Daoism), 1: 453; 2: 113, 164 (384 n.4), 175; 4: 405 n.5

  Queen Beauty, 4: 36, 51, 58

  Queen Mother of the Jade Pool. See Lady Queen Mother of the West

  Quick-as-Fire, 2: 236, 238

  Rāhu, Star of, 1: 169; 3: 3

  Rākṣasī, 2: 219; 3: 122 (388 n.8), 123–32, 133, 138, 142–47, 149, 158, 161–63. See also Immortal Iron-Fan

  Rear Gate of the Servants, 2: 177–78, 180, 184; 4: 23, 24

  Receive Life Sūtra, 2: 136

  Reclining-Beast Dragon, 2: 261

Red Aura Palace, 3: 7, 10

  Red Boy, 2: 219, 223, 227, 229, 235, 237–38, 242, 354; 3: 122 (388 n.9), 125, 127, 130

  Red Cliff, 3: 9 (382 n.9)

  Red Millions, 2: 213

  Red Mound Elixir Platform, 1: 166

  Red Pine, 1: 318 (524 n.16)

  Red Thousands, 2: 213

  Red-Whiskered Dragon, 2: 261

  Revatī (also known as Wood-Wolf Star and Great King Yellow Robe), 2: 84–85, 86

  Reverent Dragon, 2: 261

  Ripe Peach Mountain, 1: 117, 180

  Rising Sun, Star God of the, 3: 72

  River Float (Xuanzang), 1: 222 (518 n.6)

  River Jin, 3: 135

  River of Libations, 1: 178, 184, 186, 189

  Roaring Mountain, 2: 218, 219, 221, 227, 229, 234, 242, 246; 3: 39, 125, 138

  Roc of Ten Thousand Cloudy Miles, 3: 360

  Roof the Moon Swallow, 3: 223

  Sacrifice Kingdom, 3: 170, 179, 194; 4: 374

  Ṣaḍ-varṣa, 1: 286 (523 n.25), 334

  Śākya, 1: 198; 4: 84

  Śākyamuni, 2: 149 (382 n.8); 3: 112; 4: 347–48. See also Mahārāja Mayūra

  Śāla Trees, 1: 201

  Salvific Rain Monastery, 4: 188, 225–26

  Samādhi, 1: 413 (wind); 2: 219, 230, 239, 242, 244

  Saṁsāra, 1: 3

  Sanlun School. See Mādhyamika School

  Śārī-land, 2: 89

  Śārīputra, 1: 282, 390, 409 (531 n.3)

  Śatabhiṣā, 3: 3

  Scarlet-Purple Kingdom, 3: 256, 262, 267, 290, 298, 306, 309; 4: 374

  Scattered Cloud, 1: 146 (510 n.1)

  Scattered-Rocks Mountain, 3: 140, 149, 153, 172, 176, 180, 183

  Scripture-Watch Tower, 4: 370–71

  Sea-Lolling Dragon, 2: 121–22, 124–25, 131–32, 261

  Sea-Pacifying Chan Grove Monastery, 4: 76, 79, 106

  Sea-Turtle House, 2: 346, 356–57

  Second Boy of the Wind, 2: 292, 294, 295

  Serpent Coil Mountain, 1: 321, 326; 3: 369 (404 n.2); 4: 374

  Seven Extremes, Mountain of, 3: 242, 250, 252, 254

  Seven Regulators, 3: 3

  Seven Stars, 1: 196

  Seven Worthies, 2: 338 (391 n.9); 3: 199 (392 n.2)

  Shaanxi Province, 1: 217

  Shadowless Tree, 1: 201

  Shangguan, 4: 175–76 (395 n.3), 180

  Shanxi Province, 2: 261

  Shao Kangjie, 1: 99 (506 n.3)

  Shao Weng, 1: 364 (526 n.14)

  Shao Yong, 1: 99 (506 n.3)

  Sha Wujing, 1: 41, 78, 79, 83, 433; 2: 55; 3: 48, 49, 80, 86, 99, 102, 106; 4: 52, 382

  Shengjiao xu (Preface to the Holy Religion), 1: 5; 4: 379

  Shifty-and-Freaky, 4: 208–9, 211, 216, 218, 221, 223

  Shimin. See Taizong (emperor of Tang dynasty)

  Shizong, 1: 6

  Shouling Monastery, 1: 6

  Shrine of Sylvan Immortals, 3: 202, 209

  Shu, 1: 256 (521 n.8)


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