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by Sam Crescent


  Sam Crescent

  Erotic Romance

  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance

  The Taking of Clara: Taken by the Boss

  Copyright © 2013 Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-634-0

  First E-book Publication: April 2013

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Stephanie Balistreri

  Proofread by Elaine Meyler

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  I would like to thank all the wonderful people at Secret Cravings Publishing, you’re a wonderful place and I’m proud to be one of your authors.

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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  What the hell am I doing? Clara Baines stared at her reflection. Nothing in the world should make her answer the ad in the business section of her local newspaper. The money meant nothing to her if she no longer held any self-respect. Right? But she needed money, fast. Her father’s debt collectors were demanding restitution. If he didn’t have the money soon, they were going to take their displeasure out on her. They had already paid her a surprise visit to give her a firm warning. Being felt up by a thug wasn’t on her list of things to experience before she turned twenty-five.

  She pulled back her long raven colored hair into a ponytail. The locks were too long and thick to leave flying loose. She wore no makeup as she wanted to look earthy, also she didn’t like the feel of the stuff on her face.

  Phoning the ad in the paper, she hadn’t really expected to get a date. However, the quick conversation had led to a date in a local café. The mystery man requesting she wear a red scarf. When she asked how she would recognize him, he informed her not to worry. He would be the one to find her.

  “This is it,” she said to the mirror. She had to work late and there would be no going out for her. Clara couldn’t remember a Friday when she did get a chance to go out. No matter how many times she tried to get out of the current meeting she always came back to the same thing, her father’s debt and her own safety. Grabbing her bag on the way from her bedroom, she walked out her front door.

  She purchased coffee and a bagel at the stand outside the office where she worked. People were all about bumping her. Before entering the building she was determined to drink her beverage. Lunch would be another matter. Her life could end before she got to her lunch break.

  Everyone moved to their cubicles as she walked up to her desk. Her job grew less thrilling with every passing day. At twenty-five she was nothing more than the office slave sorting files and complaints while being asked constantly to make coffee. She’d been transferred to the top floor for the executives’ convenience. Most of the tea making people spent a great deal of time along the bottom floor dealing with the mail or packages. Claire didn’t understand why she’d been moved to the top floor.

  She recognized the glares she received from the other women who worked on the same floor. They clearly felt her beneath them. None of the women on the top floor ever set foo
t on the lower levels. Their taunts always made her feel small no matter how many times she tried to ignore them. The women made her feel like they knew she wasn’t supposed to be on the same floor with them.

  Clara held no control on where management put her.

  During the morning rush where everyone tried to catch up and get ready for the weekend, Matthew Johnson, the company’s owner stopped by her desk. He always sent letters down for her to type, then lingered until she started to squirm under his watchful gaze. Without fail, he found reasons to visit her desk every day. The guy had such a great body. His suit always molded nicely to him, highlighting how big he was.

  Clara, being the fuller woman, knew what it meant to have a man who could take her. All of her dates ended in disappointment as none of them wanted to date the ‘fat’ girl. That continued to be her label—the fat friend to the skinny girl. She knew her friend, Tara, meant well. She just wished blind dating would bring her something more than disappointment.

  By lunch time her nerves were frayed. She checked the clock constantly waiting for the time when she could leave to go to her meeting. The moment her lunch hour came she ran to the café, wrapping the red scarf around her neck. She ordered a coffee with another bagel, and then took a seat where the man on the phone had told her to.

  With her back to the door, she tried not to keep glancing around. She knew the chance of the stranger staying would be a long shot after he saw her. Luckily, the coffee tasted delicious. She lifted her bagel to her mouth when he sat down. Her boss stared at her, waved to the waitress then removed his jacket.

  For several moments she stared at him, not knowing what to do. His piercing brown eyes studied her.

  “Mr. Johnson, I’m supposed to meet someone here,” she said, trying not to stammer. How could anyone tell their boss to go away?

  “I know who you’re supposed to meet, Clara. You’re sitting right in front of him.” His voice made her freeze. The article in the paper requested a paid physical companion. She placed her bagel on the plate, her appetite gone. Reading the advert in the paper left her with no illusions. A paid physical companion pretty much asked for a woman willing to have sex. She wasn’t stupid.

  “I think I made a mistake.” She reached for her bag with the intention to stand when he stopped her, his hand on her wrist.

  “Sit down.” He didn’t ask but ordered.

  She followed through with his order. She had to obey him. Matthew was her boss. She needed her job more than she needed to leave the café. When had her life become all about money?

  “You applied for the position of my companion.”

  Each of his words made her cringe. “I’m sorry,” she said. What else could she say?

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m intrigued by you, Clara.”

  She gazed around the room. Is this all a set up?

  “There is no need to be. I’m boring.”

  “No, you’re not.” Silence fell on their table while he took a sip of his coffee. “Do you have any idea what you applied for?”

  “Yes. You want a physical companion, which I can only deduce as a person you want to have sex with.” Her palms were sweaty. She felt she would pass out from the heat at any moment. Why did she think she could go through with this?

  Matthew reached over and removed her scarf. “We’ve got the rest of lunch to talk. Calm down. Relax. I don’t want you fainting on me. I want to get all the business out of the way before we get down to the pleasure.”

  “I had no idea you were the person who placed the ad in the paper.” She rubbed the perspiration from her brow. Would she have answered the ad if she’d known?

  “Are you not relieved to know that the person is someone you’re acquainted with?”

  Clara shook her head. “You’re my boss. I can’t apply for this. Why are you advertising for a woman? Don’t you have plenty of women to keep you occupied?” Her mouth always ran off when her nerves got the better of her. His next words left her speechless.

  “I want you.”

  Chapter Two

  Matthew gazed at the woman staring across from him. He knew her nerves were getting the better of her. Her nerves didn’t stop her looking any less than gorgeous. Since he’d seen her working in his offices he had worked to try to get her closer to him. Clara had become an obsession to him. The moment he saw her, he’d known he had to have her. She wore her innocence like a coat. He wanted to show her how to lose it.

  For the last few months he’d been testing the waters with her. Her reactions to him spurred him into action to place the ad in the paper. He knew far more about her than he let on. Her father’s gambling habits being one of them. The need she had for money. He’d placed an advert in the paper, and waited. Every woman who applied he rejected. Everyone until he heard the sound of her voice over the line. He had anticipated her call. Each time another woman answered he’d been filled with disappointment. Matthew refused to give up. He wanted Clara. His hopes and plans hadn’t been for nothing.

  Clara didn’t need to know he controlled her father’s debt. She didn’t need to know her father had given her to him. He never requested anyone’s permission but he held the contract binding her to him as payment for his debt. Her fingers trembled as she picked her bagel up again. He watched her lift the food to her lips then placed it back on the plate. Her movement’s jerky.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she said.

  “I’m your boss, Clara. You have no choice. This morning you accepted the job.”

  “I didn’t know who you were. This changes everything.”

  “Do you really think knowing the man you’re going to be servicing is a bad thing? Were you hoping for a complete stranger?” he asked.

  She stopped fighting like he knew she would. Her shoulders slumped in defeat. The submission inside her would be clear to any Dom who saw her. Matthew had seen her submissive nature the instant he saw her. Her submission was the sweetest thing he’d witnessed in a long time. He looked forward to teaching her what true submission meant. He couldn’t wait to get started. Every minute he wasted turned into a minute less of pleasure.

  “Are you going to fire me?” Her voice a mere whisper.

  “I’m not going to fire you. I like keeping an eye on you.” Matthew sipped his coffee while watching her eat. Her curves were one of the first things to grab his attention. She possessed full high tits with a small waist, which curved out into glorious hips. He’d masturbated imagining his hands on her hips as he fucked her from behind. The desire intensified every day for him. Her job on the top floor had come courtesy of him. He saw the way the other women looked at her. They knew the reason behind her transfer. Only the owner of the company could allow her transfer. Matthew didn’t give a fuck what others thought. He took what he wanted. “What I’m offering is a contract where you become mine, heart, mind, body and soul.”

  “That’s not what the advert said.” She argued with him even though her eyes were downcast. Didn’t she realize her submissive nature? No matter how many times she tried to argue, he’d always win.

  “The advert holds a lot of restraint. The newspaper required a quick, simple but brief description. Don’t mistake me, Clara. I will fuck you.” He caught her attention. She stared at him. The shock on her face evident in the way her lips parted. There were other signs. He saw the budding of her nipples. The unmistakable dilation of her eyes showing her arousal. He noted the flush of her cheeks as well. Each were a sign he recognized for her arousal.

  He knew she’d be wet. Her body responded to him in ways she didn’t understand. Her body knew what he wanted more than her mind. In time she’d understand what he wanted completely. Until then, he’d find great pleasure in teaching her what he desired. He’d spend all the time with her to show her how great they’d be together.

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked.

  “Why do you need to know?”

  “You’ve entered into an agreement with me, Clara. I want to know everything about
you including who you fucked.”

  She gazed round the café for several moments before shaking her head. “I’m not a virgin.”

  “I want the date of your last sexual encounter?”

  “The night I lost my virginity at eighteen.” Her response came quick without hesitation. He reached over the table to grasp her hand. She went to pull away but he stopped her by holding onto her hand tighter. “Let go.”

  “No.” Her resistance lasted a few seconds before she went limp in his hand. “Why haven’t you had any another sexual experience?”

  “After the first bad experience, I never wanted to relive another,” she said. Her attitude came up like a force field that protected her. Clara hadn’t experienced much pleasure in her short life. He couldn’t wait to get her to submit to him completely.

  “Yet, you apply for a job where you’re expected to fuck at will?”

  “I need the money. This is the easiest way for me to get it.”

  Matthew smiled. “I’ll make that first time become nothing more than a bitter memory.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “Because I know what I’m capable of. I’ll have you screaming and begging for my cock before the end of the day.”

  She licked her lips. Her breathing changed as he caressed her. The pulse in her wrist pounded against his fingers. His touch affected Clara deeply. He knew his effect on her and intended to exploit it. The way he felt for her had taken him by surprise but he wouldn’t stop until he possessed her.

  “You want me, Clara.”

  “I know,” she whispered. The fight left her as she submitted to him.


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