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The Big Ohhh

Page 12

by Ashton, Nikki

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I was lucky not to break my nose.”

  “Well what a tragedy that would be.” I laughed and kicked off my shoes, feeling totally at ease in their home.

  “It would have. Imagine it spoiling my good looks.”

  It was then my turn to do the eye roll.

  “Here you go,” Charlie said and handed me a glass as he turned to Johnny. “You want a beer?”

  “No thanks, I’m going to bed. I need some kip after last night. Anyway, it’ll give you two some alone time.”

  Johnny winked at us and started to wheel himself out of the lounge, reaching out to poke my knee.

  “Don’t wear him out.”

  “Fuck off to bed, dickhead,” Charlie growled and dropped down onto the sofa next to me. “You need any help?”

  Johnny didn’t answer but flipped Charlie off and wheeled himself out.

  “You not having a beer?” I asked, as Johnny closed the door behind him.

  “Nah, don’t feel like it.”

  He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and I knew exactly what he was considering, and I was most definitely on board with that.

  I put my glass down on the floor and pretty much pounced on him.

  “Oh my God, I really need this,” he moaned against my lips. “Kissing you makes me forget all the crap.”

  “Good.” I gasped, as his hand slid under my top and he pinched my nipple over my bra.

  “Shit, sorry did that hurt.”

  My mouth covered his hungrily, not wanting to talk, but to kiss and taste him. As the blood pounded in my head, my hunger for Charlie increased and my lips enticed him to open up so that my tongue could explore his mouth.


  “Hmm.” I continued my assault on him, still not wanting to chat.

  “So, bloody hot.”

  He started to rub and knead my left boob and weirdly thoughts of a cottage loaf flitted through my head, but pushing the idea of crusty bread away, I reached down to his crotch where I could feel his rock-hard cock, pushing against the fabric of his trousers.


  Charlie’s hand that wasn’t treating my boob like a hand pump, moved down my side and pushed up my skirt, with a finger skimming the edge of my thong, so close to where I was desperate for him. My coochie was hungry and throbbing, desperate for some attention from Charlie, so when he pushed the lace to one side, I let out a sigh of pure contentment.

  He immediately began to rub at my clit but was doing it so fast I wondered whether he’d end up with blisters – or at the very least friction burns. I wanted him to slow down and go gently so I pulled my hips back slightly, trying to lessen the contact, but Charlie was a real trooper and evidently believed if you kept rubbing that stick, you’d get a spark sooner or later.

  I was wet, no doubt about it, but his fervent fingers weren’t doing much to bring my big ‘O’ home. Not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable, I decided to go with it and try and rid my mind of images of loaves of bread and Boy Scouts trying to start a fire.

  After a few more minutes of heated kisses, I moved my hands up to the button of his trousers and popped it open before I slowly pulled down the zip and slipped my hand inside. I was surprised to find he didn’t have any undies on but didn’t pause to think about it before I wrapped my fingers around his smooth, hard, cock.

  “So good,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth down to my neck, sucking on it.

  His suck was hard, but unlike his boob grabbing, it was fucking good and I felt myself get a little wetter and started to pump him.

  His cock felt so good, that my mouth started to water at the thought of taking a lick of his cock and giving it a nip with my teeth before I wrapped my lips around it.

  With a little force, I pushed Charlie onto his back, sat back on my heels and stared down at him as his big, beautiful cock poked out through his trousers.

  I licked my lips and breathed in and out slowly, which I knew made my boobs look fantastic and then bent down to take him in my mouth.

  “Come on in love,” a voice slurred behind us. “I’ll get us a dri-.”

  Charlie shot up and banged his head against my chin, and scrambled to get off the sofa. As I straddled him, I was unceremoniously dumped on the floor and landed with a bang on my arse.

  “What the hell?” Charlie cried, pushing up to his feet.

  “Oh my God, really Charlie.”

  I pushed myself to sit up and saw his mum and a short, dark-haired guy were watching us from just inside the doorway. The guy, to be fair, had a hand in front of his eyes, but Teresa was staring at Charlie and pointing at him.

  “Put that away.”

  Charlie grabbed at the zip and before I could warn him, he yanked it up and almost immediately screamed out in pain.


  I scrambled to my feet, using the sofa for leverage and stumbled toward him.

  “Oh my God, Charlie, are you okay?”

  I cupped his face that was screwed into a grimace of agony.

  “Fucking Christ, shit.”

  I looked down and shrieked; the skin was actually trapped in the zip and I felt a little faint.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Charlie cried, and looked down at it. “Oh shit.”

  He then looked up to me, his eyes pleading for help as sweat started to form on his brow.

  “Willow, please.”

  “What shall I do?” I cried, looking at Teresa, who was puffing on a cigarette, and then back to Charlie, my hands hovering over the trapped cock.

  “Yank it down,” Teresa said, swaying a little.

  “Oh, I feel funny.”


  I looked to see Teresa’s date had flaked out and was lying at our feet.

  “It really hurts.” Charlie hissed and pushed the heel of his hand against his forehead. “I can’t take this, fuck.”

  “I’ve told you, just yank it down.”

  Teresa moved to Charlie with her hands outstretched and I didn’t hesitate in smacking them away. For one I didn’t think ‘yanking’ the zip was the best action, and for two, no twenty-five-year-old man wanted their mum touching their appendage, especially when she had a lit cigarette hanging out of her mouth.

  “No! Don’t do that. It could make it worse.” I looked up at Charlie and wanted to cry for him, his face was still screwed up with pain. “I think you’re going to have to go to A&E.”

  He shook his head vigorously. “Nope. No way. Not a fucking chance. You can do it, Willow, please.”

  I looked down at his cock which was going a very funny shade of purple and grimaced. It had been such a beautiful cock. It was a tragedy that it was meeting such a sorry demise. I would remember it fondly.

  “Please Willow, do something.” Charlie’s voice was a little high pitched and when I looked up at him the colour had totally drained from his face.

  “Hang on, let me call my mum.”

  “What?” he cried. “No way. Oh shit, I feel sick.”

  I reached for my bag and fished around for my phone and as I pulled it out, Johnny wheeled into the room wearing only a pair of cotton pajama bottoms.

  “What the hell is going on?” he asked. “I was about to get into bed.”

  “Your brother has his dick caught in his zip,” Teresa said, bending down a little unsteadily to study her date.

  “No way. Fucking hell, Charlie. Let’s see.”

  “Piss off,” Charlie groaned, pulling his shirt down over his cock. “Will, please don’t call your mum.”

  With a start I remembered I was supposed to be doing exactly that and dialled her number.

  “Hello love,” she answered within two rings.

  “Mum, I need your help. Please don’t question me about it, just give me the answer.”

  “Ooh are you on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, love. You never said.”

  “No,” I sighed, impatiently. “We have a situation and as a teacher of sixteen-year-old boys, I figure
you’ll know what to do.”

  “Oh, okay.” She sounded hesitant. “You’re not with a sixteen-year-old boy, are you?”

  “God no. That’s weird. I’m with Charlie.”

  “Please, Will, I feel sick.”

  I turned to see Charlie was indeed very grey and very sweaty.

  “Shit, that looks like you might need surgery,” Johnny added, not really helping the situation.

  “I’ve told him to bloody yank it down.” Teresa bent back down. “Are you okay now love, bit faint, were you?”

  Johnny turned to see who his mum was talking to.

  “Shit bro, I think you’ve killed him with your dick,” he laughed, pointing at the man on the floor.

  “Listen Mum,” I said, turning away from the devastation. “How do you free a penis from a zip?”


  “I know you heard me, Maureen,” I snapped in annoyance. “So please tell me what to do.”

  “I think Charlie’s got his winky caught in his zip. You know Ivan, like in that film you like, the one about Mary…you know the girl with sperm in her hair-.”

  “Maureen! You can tell Dad when we’ve finished on the phone. Give me the answer please, he’s in agony.”

  “No, don’t let her tell your dad,” Charlie groaned behind me.

  “You want to sit down bro? You look like you might faint along with him in a minute.”

  “I’m fine thanks, a cup of sweet tea would be nice,” Teresa’s date replied.

  “Mother, please.” I implored her. “He’s in real pain.”

  “Oil. Baby or vegetable. Smother it on really thick and pull the zip down gently. If the skin is broken put antiseptic cream on it and maybe get him to go and get a tetanus injection.”

  “Thank you. And if you ever mention this to the boys, or me or Charlie ever again, I will take a hit out on you, is that understood?”

  “Oh, you are dramatic, but yes, it’s understood.”

  “Not even a knowing look from either you or Ivan.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  “Thank you,” I sighed and ended the call before turning back to Charlie who was looking down at his cock in despair. “Have you got baby oil?”

  “I have,” Johnny answered. “It’s in my room.” Without another word, he whizzed off.

  “You okay?” I asked, stooping to look up at Charlie, whose head was still dropped as he looked at the damage.

  “I feel a little sick, but I’ll be fine.” He gave me a small, sad smile and lifted a hand to run a finger down my cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Hey, you’ve nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  His shoulders slumped in defeat and if I hadn’t thought it might cause him excruciating pain, I’d have given him a hug.

  A couple of seconds later, Johnny came back with a large bottle of baby oil on his knee. He stopped and passed it to me.

  “You want me to do it?” I asked.

  “Well I’m not and she certainly isn’t.”

  He nodded toward Teresa who was emptying the ash from her cigarette into her hand.

  “Please, Will,” Charlie said breathlessly. “Just do it before I puke.”

  I nodded, flipped open the lid and slathered my hands in oil.

  “Err Willow, I think you’re supposed to put it on the dick and the zip,” Johnny said, with a throat clearing cough.

  “Oh yes. Sorry.”

  I squeezed oil along the zip and onto the trapped skin, there was so much of it that it was dripping down the sides and onto the floor.

  “Okay, try pulling the zip down now…slowly,” I urged.

  Charlie took a deep breath and gently edged it down. When he sucked in a breath, I squeezed some more oil on. He looked up at me through his lashes and started again. Finally, after lowering it slowly, inch by inch, his beautiful cock was free.

  We all let out a huge breath of relief, Charlie’s being the loudest, as if he’d defused an unexploded bomb.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “That was…”

  “Fucking gross,” Johnny finished for him. “I never want to see that again. Either your dick or your dick caught in a zip. That skin was stretched to the max.”

  “Yeah I do know,” Charlie huffed out as he carefully tucked himself into his trousers.

  “Is the skin broken?” I asked. “Mum says you need antiseptic cream on it if it is.”

  He turned his back to us and lowered his head to take a look. “Nope, it’s fine. A little bit bruised.”

  “You want arnica on that,” Teresa’s date offered. “Will help with bruising and swelling.”

  Johnny gave me the side-eye and then shook his head.

  “Well much as I’d love to be introduced to my new step-dad and discuss how we stop Charlie’s dick from swelling to the size and colour of an aubergine, I need to sleep.”

  “Night Johnny and thanks.” I handed him the oil and gave him a small smile.

  “Yeah night, and if you want my advice bro, wear some damn underwear in the future.”

  “Yeah,” Charlie groaned, walking a little gingerly toward his brother. “I will. You sure you don’t need my help.”

  Johnny held up a hand. “I got it covered, that’s what the damn electric hoist is for, so stop fussing.”

  I looked to Teresa who was helping the man up from the floor with one hand, while she still held her cigarette ash with the other.

  “Come on Dean, we’ll go into the kitchen.”

  I guessed she was actually going to take him into the shed for the secret stash of wine.

  “You want me to call you a taxi?” Charlie asked, grimacing.

  “I could stay.”

  God, I really wanted to stay. He looked so sad that I wanted to be there for him.

  “I don’t think-.”

  “A little cuddle will be fine. If you’re okay with that?”

  A beautiful smile lit up his face and our latest failed sexual experience didn’t matter. I was sure next time would be much better…hopefully.

  The blood vessel-like seam on the underside of his penis that runs from just below the shaft to halfway down the scrotum is his scream seam. Massaging it will directly massage his urethra, a super sensitive tube that is capable of registering intense pleasure - maybe wear a raincoat in case of a surprise evacuation.

  * * *


  When I woke up, I was roasting hot and there was a warm, soft arse against the small of my back. It was then I remembered the nightmare of the dick situation the night before.

  I groaned quietly, before I pulled at the waistband of my boxers and looked down at the damage. It didn’t look too bad, thank God, but it was definitely tender and throbbing a little – and not in a good way. I was only glad there hadn’t been blood, I’d heard horror stories about men losing pints of blood and even having to have their dicks operated on, so things could have been much worse.

  I looked over my shoulder to see Willow was still fast asleep and making funny little purring noises from the back of her throat. It sounded really weird, but she looked cute, all curled up with one hand under her face and the other cupping her tit, which I was getting a pretty good view of as my sports vest she was wearing was far too big for her. As I looked at her, I thought about having my hands on her fantastic tits and felt myself getting hard, but my poor fella couldn’t muster up the energy and soon flopped to snuggle back under the waistband of my boxers. He was probably still traumatised, I knew I was.

  Yawning, I stretched and glanced at my phone which was charging on the set of drawers next to my bed. It was still pretty early, and I didn’t want to wake Willow, so I settled back down to get some more sleep.

  “Morning.” Willow surprised me, her voice raspy with sleep.

  “Morning, sorry did I wake you. I was trying not to.”

  Gingerly, I turned onto my other side to find Willow doing the same so that we were facing each other.

  “You sleep okay?” she
asked, with a huge yawn in my face.

  “Not bad. I think those painkillers helped. I daren’t even ask Teresa where she got them from.”

  “It was good that she had them, and nice of her to bring them in to you.” She smiled and moved a little closer.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’ll take a lot more than a couple of painkillers to make her mother of the year.”

  “I suppose so, but at least she knocked this time.”

  Willow giggled and although I tried not to, I couldn’t help but laugh too. We’d been getting into bed when Teresa knocked on the door offering some pain relief. I was a little wary of taking them at first, but she’d offered, so I took them instead of the paracetamol from the bathroom cabinet. I’d zonked within ten minutes of swallowing them and had a pretty restful sleep.

  “How is it feeling?” Willow nodded in the general direction of my dick.

  “Well I’ve checked it out and there’s no major damage, but it aches a bit, like it went a few rounds with Tyson Fury, and he managed to get a couple of punches in, but not enough to knock it out.”

  “So, it’s still active then?”

  The smirk on her face told me she wanted to start where we painfully left off the night before and I hated that it was going to have to be a no.

  “Not that you’d notice. I thought about getting my hands on your beautiful tits before and while it made a valiant effort, it wasn’t happening.”

  “You were thinking about my boobs?” Now she had a full-on grin. “Nice.”

  “Yeah, it was.” I sighed, giving her cleavage another quick glance. “But thinking is all I’ll be doing for today at least.”

  “We could talk instead,” she offered, looking a little unsure.

  I frowned, wondering why she’d said that, we talked quite a lot, or so I thought.

  “Do you think I’ve neglected the getting to know you part?” I asked as I brushed her hair from her eyes. “I’m sorry if you do.”

  “God, no.” She caught my wrist with her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Not at all. I just…well, I could do with your advice about something.”


  “Yes, as someone with a younger brother, you might be able to help. Also, I’m sure you’re very wise, even if you are stupid enough to trap your cock in your zip.”


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