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Lunar Mates Volume Two: Books 4-6

Page 19

by Loribelle Hunt

  “You must be Delilah.”

  He was on the porch in two big leaps. Her stomach knotted, but fear quickly morphed into something dark and dangerous. Power surged in her veins, logic and cunning took over her mind. She tried to remember what she’d heard about the rogue as she set her cup on a side table and stood. She couldn’t get to the door. He blocked it, grinning. The birds called to her, and she realized the forest may have gone quiet, but none of the wildlife had left. They urged her to flee, to get away from the stranger. Told her they’d help her escape. Lead her someplace she’d have the upper hand.

  The kitchen door had been locked when she came outside, and she bet the twins had locked all the other doors, too. The house was not an option. The birds were flying again, circling high over the yard. They implored her to run, demanded she get off the porch where they couldn’t help her. They wanted the stranger in the yard where he’d be at the mercy of their talons and sharp beaks. She wasn’t sure how much damage they could really do to a werewolf, but all she needed was room to shift and maneuver. Aaron or Cooper would come for her, but if the world was going to know who she was maybe it was time they saw it all. She was done hiding.

  Smiling a little, she slipped off her shoes—she hadn’t bothered with socks thank god—and stood up. She opened her senses completely, intending to communicate with the animals and immediately felt Aaron, his warmth surrounding her, him filling her, and his alarm at the situation. She sensed him moving, running through the house stripping his clothes off as he did.

  She didn’t have time to focus on him though. The rogue gathered himself, his muscles bunched in preparation. She didn’t wait to see what he’d do. With a quick warning flung to the birds, she jumped off the porch and took off barefoot into the woods. She stripped off her sweater and bra, unfastened her jeans and prepared to shift on the run.

  Behind her, the yard filled with screaming; the outraged calls of the birds, and the man’s reaction to their attack. She wanted to know how they were doing but didn’t dare slow enough to look back. The animals sent her images as she ran. The man turning, snarling back at the birds, and taking off after her. Her heart thundered in her chest and she shifted, leapt and kicked off her jeans. The power was incredible and she realized she’d somehow called up her Regis genetics. She’d never been stronger or faster even over the unfamiliar terrain. She sensed Aaron, worried and awed, racing towards her. Showed him where she was and felt Cooper through the connection, too, knew he was also running through the woods to her. Not that it mattered. This was hers to deal with and she knew they wouldn’t be in time.

  Someone directed her to a deer path. She had no idea if it was Cooper or Aaron or one of the smaller animals following her, but when she saw it, she swung onto it. It was an easier run, flattened by years of use, but narrow. There was another vision, and she knew there were boulders up ahead and a small clearing. Huge rocks with cracks and crevices in them, places big enough to hide a small wolf. She realized then the vision was from one of the animals. Instinct told her Cooper and Aaron wouldn’t lead her to a place like that. Away from people. Away from help.

  The birds called warnings when she spun in the clearing and waited. The wolf skidded to a halt, stared in shock, and the birds renewed their attack. Aaron entered her mind while she waited for an opening. He was close and he wanted her to climb the boulders to buy another few seconds. Fuck that shit.

  The birds knew what she wanted and back winged at just the right minute. She didn’t bother toying with the other wolf. She went right for his throat, the way her grandfather had taught her, and using her new strength wrenched hard. Heard bone snap and dropped the lifeless form.

  She heard them before she saw them. Not just Cooper and Aaron, but many wolves moving through the forest. Lips peeled back in a snarl, she saw Gage first. What the hell was he doing here? He yanked off his sweater and she shifted, caught it and slipped into it while the others all stared pointedly above her neck. The birds swung out of the way, finding perches in the trees and scattered around the rocks behind her. She moved to one who lifted his wing so she could see the long scrape on its underside. She crooned softly to him, thanking him for coming to her aid, and cradled in him in her arms before standing.

  No one approached and she looked over the rogue who’d shifted back into his human form after death. The twins were pissed but there was something else there. Something she didn’t like. Fear? Someone she didn’t know emerged from the woods, opening a bag and tossing jeans at wolves around the clearing. She held Cooper’s gaze as he shifted and pulled on the offering. Everyone in the damn house must have followed them. Jackson, Billy, Trey, Darius, Eric. The Sanders twins, and she didn’t like what she was picking up from them at all.

  She focused on the rogue. “Anyone know who he is?”

  “He isn’t one of mine,” Jackson said.

  “We don’t know him, but there are a lot of unknown and unconfirmed Society members,” Rule said and hesitated like he might add something then decided not to. “We’ll get the usual samples and incinerate him.”

  Everyone watched as the twins picked up the body and left.

  “You were told not to leave the house.” Cooper. She turned back to look at him. God, he was good and pissed now. He held a hand out. “Come here, Delilah.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “It might be safer over here.”

  There were several nervous laughs and she rolled her eyes. A big black bird cawed at her, asking if they should attack this man, too. She grinned at it, sent a no message.

  “Uh, baby, think you could put the bird down?”

  “He helped me. I’m not leaving him out here.”

  Cooper and Aaron approached cautiously, eyeing the big bird she cradled against her chest.

  “Careful, baby. His claws can do a lot of damage.”

  She recalled the dead rogue, the gouges that raked its sides and head. “Yeah. Handy to have around, isn’t he?”

  Jackson’s eyes narrowed and he looked around the clearing. Several animals shrank under his predatory gaze, but they didn’t flee. There was wonder in his voice and respect in his eyes when he met her gaze. “They all helped you. The animals.”

  “They did,” she answered, smiling when the last pieces fell into place. “They led me here. I thought that was a mistake when they did, but I don’t have the bird’s eye view. They knew we’d meet in the middle here.”

  The black bird cawed again, a reminder.

  “The doctor. Um. Vet. Whatever.”

  Cooper shrugged and jerked his head toward the bird in her arms. “Sure, but will he let one of us carry him?”

  The bird’s reluctance was clear in her mind and she shook her head. He’d paid for his help, and she wouldn’t upset him further by letting her mates insist.

  Aaron bristled and Cooper sighed. “We’d really prefer it if one of us carry the bird, Lilah.”

  She frowned. What the hell? They didn’t have time for this. She just stepped around them, ready to go on her own. Cooper caught her arm.

  “You’re pregnant. We’d rather you not be that close to those talons. Explain it to him.”

  She stared at him, unable to voice her shock. “I’m not pregnant.” But she had the strangest sensation he was right.

  “You are,” Aaron insisted. “Probably anyone here can confirm it.”

  She should be angry. She was a little and she glared the twins. “That’s just not right. No one should know I’m pregnant before me.”

  But she couldn’t keep the anger up while excitement and anticipation bubbled. She’d wished for a family, for acceptance and someplace to be herself. Looked like got one. She communicated with the bird, tried to show that she was pregnant and that was why they wanted to carry him. Finally, she made herself clear and it agreed. The transfer was made from her arms into Cooper’s.

  “I need a word before you leave,” she said to Gage.

  He nodded. “I’ll meet you at their house after you get the bird
taken care of.”


  She’d never felt so light and exhilarated. Not even the events of the last few hours or Aaron’s arguing about her going outside alone—hadn’t happened yet, but she knew it was coming—darkened her spirits. Yeah, the conflict was coming and he’d probably claim it was about safety but she knew better. She felt him withdrawing. Felt his anger and resentment growing. That fight was coming soon enough. For now she just wanted to enjoy the euphoria.

  The bird, which the twins christened Hawk even though it turned out he was an eagle, was cleaned up and ensconced in the clinic. That had taken all her powers of persuasion, both human and animal. The doctor wanted him in a cage and he absolutely refused to be penned in. She didn’t blame him. In the end, the vet agreed he could stay loose inside the clinic for a few days while he healed, and Hawk agreed not to attack any people or feed on the local inhabitants, namely the clinic’s pet cats that had free roam of the building. She’d left him perched on a filing cabinet, he and the cats having reached a wary kind of truce.

  When they walked through the door of the kitchen, she grabbed the phone she’d left charging and Cooper nudged her into the den to the couch. She reluctantly sank into it while Aaron checked his voicemail. She raised an eyebrow when she saw a tree propped against one corner of the room.

  Aaron slid his phone in pocket. “Mom called. They’ll be here in about an hour, and they’re bringing lunch. We need to get things set up here.”

  He was just going to skip the confrontation? She’d take a few hours respite but damn it, she wasn’t ready to hang out with the in-laws. Especially since she didn’t know if she was staying. She stood though, ready to pitch in with the added bonus of distracting herself from the inevitable.

  “What things?”

  “Not you, baby. You’re gonna plant your sweet ass on that sofa and not move.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Is that right?”

  “That’s right, sweetheart.” Cooper cocked an eyebrow when she didn’t sit back down, his eyes promising retribution if she didn’t follow his order.

  “Ya know,” she said, imitating their Southern drawls. “I think y’all need to reevaluate how you feel about this relationship.”

  They crossed their arms over their chests at the same time. She bit back her grin.

  “At least you’re acknowledging there is one,” Cooper said.

  She shrugged. “That depends on whether you want a mate or a possession. A partner or a dependent. You know, that doesn’t really work for me.”

  And she’d fight them both every step of the way if that’s what they tried to make her. Smiling now, she looked around the room, opening her mind to them and letting them see what she wanted. A home. A family of her own. Her palm settled over her stomach. The sex was great, phenomenal, but that was the last reason she was staying. Well, maybe not the last.

  Cooper’s reaction was immediate. Love. Acceptance. Her breath caught in her throat, and she looked at Aaron. Waiting, wondering.

  “I think we’re both going to have to learn to compromise.” He said it like it was a four letter word.

  She nodded, hiding her disappointment. She was pretty sure he loved her, but he wasn’t going to admit it or accept her as she was. Cooper sent him a disapproving glare, but she shrugged it off and straightened her back. “So, what things?”

  Before they could answer Gage walked in.

  “Sit down,” he ordered when she started around the coffee table, shooting Aaron an Cooper an amused look when they went on alert.

  “You should have knocked, Gage,” Aaron snapped. “This isn’t your pack. Hell, even my alpha would knock before coming into my house.”

  Gage’s amusement didn’t dim an ounce. “You didn’t tell them?”

  She shook her head. She’d get to that later. “You knew didn’t you? That I can shift?”

  “Sean told me.”

  Aaron snarled. “Why the hell leave her alone then? Unprotected?”

  Gage cocked his eyebrows. “You felt her power. You know what she is.”

  Two dangerous growls filled the air. Didn’t faze Gage one bit. “What did you think about Rule and Lawe?” he asked her.

  Sighing, she shook her head. “Did you feel it too? My bet is Anthony has a standing order to bring any female shifters to him.”

  That shut up Aaron and Cooper. “No, he doesn’t.”

  “You’re sure about that?” she and Gage asked at the same time.

  They didn’t look so certain when questioned. “I didn’t scent anything off. Well, shock and a little trepidation, but none of us have ever seen anyone like you, sweetheart. Not just a female werewolf but the power of the Regis line. Most of us figured that was a myth,” Cooper said.

  She sighed again. She’d just sent up a big giant red flag.

  “Any chance of getting you to relocate?” Gage asked.

  “It’s too late. Unless Jackson wants me to leave, of course.”

  “He won’t,” Aaron said confidently.

  Cooper didn’t express an opinion either way. He just listened, watched, and she saw the moment he realized why Gage was in on this conversation. Funny, Aaron hadn’t really questioned his presence after his initial challenge.

  “How the fuck has no one ever seen that?” Cooper said. “There’s a portrait gallery at hunter headquarters. It’s in the attic so it doesn’t get much traffic but everyone’s been in it at least one.”

  “Never seen it,” Gage said. “You?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Have you ever been to headquarters?” Cooper asked.

  “Not exactly the safest place for us, man,” Gage drawled.

  He was enjoying this way too much but he hadn’t given her permission to confirm Cooper’s suspicion.

  “Gage,” she chided. It didn’t lessen his amusement but there was a new glint in his eyes. Dangerous. Waiting.

  “Let me have a little fun, Lilah,” he said, using her old nickname. “You know what happened to the last Regis who went to hunter headquarters.”

  Aaron and Cooper went hunter still at the acknowledgement and she rose slowly, tapping into the power she’d just discovered. It would kill her to intervene, to be forced to use it against her mates, but it was one instinct she didn’t even try to fight. Gage shook his head.

  “It’s not necessary,” he told her softly. “They’d never betray you.”

  “We wouldn’t betray our king, either,” Cooper said. “Not even to the hunters. And definitely not in any way they would hurt our mate.”

  He kept his eyes on Gage as he said it but she felt their bond deepen as he spoke. Felt the last of her resistance fade away. She sank back onto the couch as Gage nodded, turned back to her.

  “There’s someone in the area who should be warned.”

  It took her a second to realize who he was talking about and she burst out laughing. “I will but I don’t think we have to worry about her. If those two ever come into contact with each other fur will fly. His.”

  He grinned. “I’ve been trying to bring her back in the fold for years.”

  Delilah shook her head. “You think I’m mistrustful of werewolves? She hates them. It’ll never happen.”

  “Lilah, she can’t hate us all. She’s one of us.” She knew he didn’t want to believe her but he had enough doubt he’d never pushed it.

  “Okay, she hates male werewolves. She has good cause. Just leave her alone. I’ll make sure she knows to watch her ass.”

  “And anyone else you think needs a warning.”

  “Certainly, my king,” she said sarcastically.

  He heaved a put upon fake sigh. “You are a major pain in the ass.”

  “Yeah, but I’m family so you’re stuck with me,” she pointed out and for a split second he froze. Had she gone too far?

  “It’s about time you remembered that. They’ll watch over you,” he said, looking over Aaron and Cooper. “But if you need me, call. Don’t disappear into yourself again, Lil

  She rose and accepted his hug. Held on tight. “You should have someone for yourself,” she whispered. He did. She even knew who his mate was, though he’d made no move to claim her.

  “When it’s time,” he answered. He pulled away and gave her a cocky grin. “I’ll see you soon. I have to make sure they’re taking care of you and the next generation.”

  She snarled but there was no malice behind it and they both knew it. “You better go before you incite them to violence.”

  He was gone before that could happen and she was left alone again with two mates who’d had a hell of a lot of shocks lately. Aaron was withdrawn but Cooper just looked entertained.

  “What?” she asked and he grinned.

  “I can’t believe Anthony would do anything to hurt you or Gage or any female werewolf, but he is an uptight son of a bitch most of the time. The thought of a woman who can kick his ass and turn his expectations against him…”

  “That’s evil.” She thought about it. Thought about her cousin. “Might be worth looking into.”

  In a lot of ways, Gia had been alone way more than Delilah ever had.

  “Do we know this woman? If she lives in the same area we might,” Aaron said.

  “You don’t, babe. Trust me on that.”

  “So how do you know Ellen? She was very surprised to see you.” He was so cold, so reserved, it made her hackles rise.

  “That was a few years ago. She was out west for something and Pop had found a small group of rogues. He didn’t have any backup and he was already sick by then so I took a message to her. She was on her own, and he was close so there wasn’t any danger, but I had to give her my real name. Anthony wouldn’t have a way to verify it was legitimate information otherwise and Pop didn’t want to risk them leaving. We waited until the hunters reached the area and left.”


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