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Slave Girls of Rome

Page 9

by Don Winslow

  He looked at me for a moment above the fray, and then, with a fierce shout, plunged towards me, swinging his ax wildly. It was no contest, for by now the Teuton chieftain had lost his few remaining companions, and the big man went down alone under the weight of our numbers, swinging defiantly at his pursuers till the very end.

  By the time we made our way back to the scene of the battle, the last remnants of the enemy were being dispatched. We heard the pitiful cries of the wounded as the swords came down; the smell of blood was strong in the air. Parties of soldiers had begun looting the enemy camp, gathering the captured booty that was now ours, rounding up the women and children, sorting out those that would be taken to serve Rome. I found my trusty Sergeant, in the middle of organizing the mopping up operations.

  He stood talking to a Teuton girl: a slender reed of a girl, fair featured and small-breasted, her name was Minta. The young woman had been a slave of Unix, and now she would be a slave of Rome, perhaps a most valuable slave as the clever girl spoke Latin, as well as Gaullic and the Germanic tongue of the Teutons. For the first time since the onset of the battle I looked at my Sergeant and smiled, and he smiled back, and we stood there saying not a word, smiling at one another, bloody and dirty and weary but triumphant at this, our first victory, and a most decisive one at that!

  As we were congratulating ourselves, a shrill scream caused me to spin around just in time to see a crazed woman flying at me from behind one of the wagons. She was brandishing a nasty dagger over her head and would surely have struck me, had not Metelus alertly stuck out his foot to trip her, sending her sprawling across the grass. Her weapon was knocked from her grasp by the impact, but she quickly got to her hands and knees to scramble after the knife when two of my men pounced on her. She howled her outrage and struggled under them, screaming all the while in that guttural tongue of the northmen. I knew only a few words, but I recognized the Teuton words for “Roman pigs.”

  She was expertly subdued, and one of the men who knelt on her with his knee pressed between her shoulders, gathered up a fistful of long blond hair and lifted back her head, exposing her throat while he drew his dagger. He would have dispatched her on the spot, had I not stopped him with drawn dagger in mid-air. At my command the soldiers got the would-be assassin to her feet and brought her to me. Holding her firmly by the arms they dragged her before me.

  She was a magnificent blond animal! Even though her face was contorted with sizzling rage, I could see she possessed those proud Nordic features of her kind. Hers was a face of rare beauty, the angular plains of her cheeks defined by fine high-set cheekbones, a long sculpted nose with flaring nostrils, precise lips and those big eyes of icy blue that, flashing in insolence and cold anger, penetrated to the soul. Her hair was wild and matted, but it had the quality of pure spun gold. Hanging in sheets of silvery blond, it fell in bangs across her forehead, and framed her long oval face, as she stood before me, twisting in the painful grip of her grim guards.

  As she was brought face to face with her new Roman master, she screamed her defiance, repeating the same words again and again. Minta translated. “Kill me! Kill me!” the young woman demanded. She wished only to die, for she swore she would rather face death than submit to a Roman. Of course, I had no intention of granting that proud beauty her wish, for it would be a tragedy indeed to slay such a creature who had so obviously been made to give pleasure to men.

  Now, I regarded her blazing eyes, and let my gaze deliberately drop to take in that tall, handsome blond body. Her single garment was a roughhewn tunic of animal hide that hung from her shoulders to mid-thigh and was belted at the waist with a thin strip of leather. I asked her name and waited while Minta translated. She said nothing, but eyed me coldly. I nodded to the guard who stood behind her and applying pressure to her arm, we got to her spit out her name: Helva.

  I nodded, then ordered the men to strip her, pulling off the tunic, ripping off the loincloth she wore underneath so that she was left standing before me in nothing but her sandals. For a moment, I stood regarding her long-limbed body. Her breasts were not large, but the gentle swells were so tautly drawn that they stood out like thickened disks, circles of bas relief standing out on her exquisitely made chest with wide pink nipples that were precisely centered. Between long, lean thighs, a softly mounded pubis waited invitingly, sporting a thick fleece of silvery gold, that only half hid the thick pink labia that nestled in its profusion of tiny curls.

  I had the guards force the big blonde to her knees. Then I strode closer, to stand over the naked woman as she knelt there before me, head hung low. I drop a hand to her head, and was pleased to feel the silkiness of that fine blond hair. I couldn’t resist taking a strand to rub between my fingers. Then, abruptly digging into the silken mass, I clenched a fistful and pulled back her head, forcing my blond captive to look up at me. I looked down into those resentful blue eyes and I told her of her fate. Her feelings in the matter were of not the slightest concern to me, I explained, while Minta translated my words.

  She would live, but her life would no longer be hers. From this day forward, she was a slave of Rome. As such she must learn to serve the pleasure of her masters. To do, without question, whatever was demanded of her. Above all, she must learn obedience. And if she learned well, and became a good little slave, she would be treated well, but if she was a bad girl, then she would surely be punished. At that, I twisted the handful of hair, bringing pain to her eyes, and the girl spat at me! I laughed and tightened my grip, hurting her, till she cried out. Then I tossed her head down, and had the men stake her out. This fiery hellcat must be tamed, her pride broken, her will bent, her body taken and enjoyed by the Romans she so thoroughly feared and despised.

  The men made quick work of it, even though she continued to struggle in vain. There were four of them, one at each limb, and they easily held her down while the stakes were driven into the ground and her arms and legs outstretched to be tied in place. Her constant screeching annoyed me, and I had her gagged. That helped, although her muffled keening continued unabated for a while, till it eventually trailed off in helpless frustration.

  Now she lay quiet. The sight of the naked blonde, spread-eagled on the ground, every sinew of her long, streamlined body pulled taut by the restraints that bound her wrists and ankles, brought fire to my loins. A surge of lust shot through me, and my cock twitched with eager expectation. The sinews of her arms and legs took much of the strain, drawing taut her sleek torso and stretching her tits into two elongated, slightly flattened, swells crowned with choice nipples that were pertly erect; the bottom ridge of her ribcage was dimly visible under the tightly stretched skin, and below that, a slight hollow had been formed as the skin of her belly was pulled taut as a drum between the points of her prominent hipbones. My eyes were drawn to the splay of pale, silvery pussyfur that marked the mounded pubis, the little fleshy pad that sat there so soft and inviting, the stretched-open vagina, dark fleshy lips agape, showing the brighter slick folds of pink inside. I wanted to curl my fingers up between her outstretched legs and shove them up her splayed-open cunt while palming her Venus mound, pleasuring her till she was maddened by lust. I wanted to see this proud savage’s body betray her as she squirmed with the heat of helpless arousal. The very thought had my prick stirring, swelling, and blossoming forth in full erection as I contemplated that superb specimen. But I would reserve that sweet pleasure for some later time. For now, she would entertain the troops.

  This method was used to initiate those women captives destined to spend their days in army brothels. On several occasions, I had seen an entire cohort of legionnaires being serviced in just this manner. But this slave must be used more carefully. I meant to use our prized captive as a reward for my heroes. Metelus was given the task of selecting those lucky men who had especially proven themselves in battle. Naturally, I allowed him to have her first, rewarding him for his steadfast loyalty and courage. Of course, he politely deferred to me, but I told him I was content to w
ait. I assured him, I meant to have her too, but not just yet . . . and not in the same manner as my men.

  Now, the lusty legionnaires began to line up, grinning and laughing in ribald good humor, hugely pleased with their unexpected good fortune. And when our captive fully realized what was about to happen, her blue eyes grew wide with alarm over the gag, and the muffled braying started all over again. She yanked on her bounds and squirmed, but there was very little she could do and her agitated movements only served to further inflame the randy men who huddled around her, sporting mighty erections.

  The good Sergeant dropped on his knees between those magnificent wide-spread legs. He lifted his clothes in front, and drew out his well-endowed equipment, letting her see his splendid manhood in its fully aroused state as he knelt upright before her. He reached up to run his hands over that splendid body, roughly mauling her served-up tits and then, too excited to wait any more, he guided his prick into her gaping pussy, and fell on her. Helva’s pneumatic body seemed to bounce under his full weight; the big, thick prick slid up her cunt, drawing a deep, throaty groan.

  We watched him fuck her, while she threw back her blond head and shut her eyes, receiving the savage pounding as the randy noncom worked himself up to a lust-driven frenzy, pumping into her, bucking furiously. It took only a few seconds of this intense fucking till he tossed back his head, his body stiffening back into an arc, and straining upward, came with a long strangled cry. We watched him wearily dismount, depleted, and breathing heavily. His softening prick, still throbbing, carelessly dribbled the last trickles of ropy sperm on the girl’s open thighs. He staggered away to collapse in a heap, while the second man eagerly knelt down to take his place. And so it went, one after the other, until the sex-ravaged woman had accommodated my N.C.O. and six of my best men.

  Now I stood over her, looking down into those dazed blue eyes, and realized that all the savage anger had been beaten out of her. There was no loud braying now, no frantic twisting in her bounds. Her splayed cunt twitched, the pinkish folds throbbing in the aftermath of her multiple orgasms, oozing a trickle of Roman seed, mixed with her own copious spendings. I placed a sandaled foot between her crotch and nudged her well-used sex with my toes. The blond girl groaned, but otherwise lay inert, thoroughly drained, without the least shred of resistance when my men loosened her bounds, only to flip her limp body over and re-tie her, this time stretched out facedown.

  At last, for the first time since she had been taken prisoner, I was able to fully appreciate the beauty of Helva’s lush naked bottom—a perfectly splendid ass, nicely-curved twin mounds that swept up in the most pleasing invitation. It was my turn to get my hand on that healthy, young body!

  Kneeling between her out-stretched legs, I used both hands to thoroughly savor the sinuous lines of the barbarian’s long streamlined body, running them up the backs of those taut-muscled calves, relishing the satiny smoothness of those elegantly curved legs. I followed the sleek contours up to the hollows behind the knees, and beyond, traveling up the smooth skin at the back of her tapering thighs. My fingertips sampled the silken band of flesh high up along her inner thigh and then I traveled a few inches higher and my questing fingers were exploring the soft purse of her thick wet labia. I pressed along the heated cove of Venus, feeling my way along those rubbery, slick lips, dipping a finger into that honey pot, and getting a soft shuddering moan from the skewered blonde. I withdrew my sticky finger and ran it up the perineum, and then drew it along the crack of Helva’s handsome ass, while my captive twitched uncontrollably in a simmering excitement. In spite of herself, the girl wiggled, thrilled by the stab of pleasure as my finger probed between the lips of her cunt.

  And now I spent a few leisurely moments, delighting in the warm, satiny feel of Helva’s magnificent ass. I lovingly fondled those twin, shapely cheeks, so neatly symmetrical, so breathtakingly perfect: the soft silkiness, the plaint resiliency, the deep inner firmness. I couldn’t resist cupping my hand, and whacking that provocative ass of hers, delivering a solid slap to test the bouncy resiliency of those meaty mounds. Helva’s head jerked up in shocked reflex, and she yanked on her bounds, clenching her fists in spasms of rage. I calmly laid my flattened hand on the small of her back and moving it slowly in a deep, massaging caress, brought it up the sweeping slopes to clutch a single rubbery cheek, and squeeze firmly, digging my fingers into her hidden valley, and clutching a handful of cheek in a tight grip. And in that way, I leisurely played with Helva’s superb bottom, feeling her up, mauling, kneading those twin mounds to my heart’s content, while the helpless girl squirmed, caught in rising sensual heat, her healthy young body responding instinctively to the touch of a man.

  Her excited squirming had gotten me hard as a rock, my prick aching, demanding satisfaction. I moved my clothes up out of the way and brought my erect manhood up along her crack, pressing my loins down against those heavenly pillows, my prick snuggling happily between them, as I rubbed it up and down that hot, tight valley.

  Easing off, I clasp her butt, and slipping my thumbs into the crease, I pried her open so I might examine her anus. I touched my finger to her there, to find her rear entrance warm and dry, and incredibly tight. The little rosette stubbornly resisted the pressure of my stiff, probing finger. Suddenly angry, I slapped her rump, hard.

  “You have a lot to learn my beauty,” I muttered, leaning down to bring my lips close to her ear.

  Now, I made some extra preparations for my next attempt to storm that clenching citadel. First, I called for rolled blankets to be placed under her loins. This additional padding had the effect of pulling the outstretched limbs even more tightly and elevating her heightened rearend to even greater prominence. Next, I had them bring us some oil, and this was poured in a generous stream down her rear divide while I held her cringing cheeks apart. I worked some oil into the cringing rear portal, and rubbed a bit on my hardened cock.

  At last, I was ready to resume my place up between her legs. Holding her open with one splayed hand, I guided my prick to its target. With increasing excitement I held her open, and pressed down on her anus; the girl cried out to feel my determined assault. Suddenly furious, I stabbed at the clenched ring of muscle, intent on forcing the tiny gate, pressing inexorably, till I felt the portal begin to yield to me. I slapped her butt, again and again, smacking her smartly as I kept up my unrelenting pressure. My captive howled her outrage into her gag; I slipped in and gained a quick inch or so. The tiny ring of muscle that had loosened for an instant now contracted immediately as I gained entrance, but I was in! Now I fell forward, letting her take the fullness of my weight, while driving my rigid cock smoothly right up her curvaceous ass. The barbarian shook her blond mane in frantic refusal; a soft gurgling sound came out from around the gag,

  I savored the sweet tightness I found there, the way the savaged asshole clenched me, the way her shifting mounds felt pressed solidly against my hips. I let my hips rock forward, delighting in the bouncy resiliency of Helva’s wonderful ass, while a strangled groan escaped from my impaled captive.

  Soon I was fucking the blond barbarian’s asshole, pumping in slow, even strokes, pulling out almost to the very tip, only to lunge in, in a full, deep plunge, that buried my sword up to the hilt in her churning butt. The little anus clung tightly to my shaft, sucking me in as I drew back. Fired with lust, I speeded up my cadence, pumping into her, more quickly now, my prick pistoning in and out with brisk, short strokes. Soon I was raging out of control, bucking furiously, crazed with lust and fucking my beautiful blond captive’s churning ass with wild abandon, while my randy men cheered me on. I felt the teasing trickle of pleasure rising up in my loins; felt its gathering power, till it became a mighty surge of lust, a raging, unstoppable geyser that erupted into the Teuton’s undulating ass, sending jets of Roman seed deep into her barbarian bowels. The explosion of pleasure shook me as I fired my essence into that bounding ass. I felt her inner heat, her tightening on me as if her asshole were milking my throbbin
g cock dry, and I fell back, extracting my still pulsating prick to let the last dribbles of my sperm decorate that pretty rump.

  Well satisfied that our new slave had been properly introduced to her subservient status, I felt that one further refinement might be added as I stared thoughtfully at that twitching ass. Calling Minta over I had her crouch down by the head of the pinioned slave, to translate my words. I told her that her Roman master would undoubtedly want to revisit that choice rearend of hers, and there was considerable room for improvement there. Therefore, I would see to it that a proper butt plug was inserted, to exercise that portal, and to remind her that she must be much more accommodating in the future.

  And at my command, a squat, wooden plug was quickly fashioned, oiled, and promptly inserted in the ravaged anus of the outstretched blond girl, while she whimpered plaintively from behind her gag. And that was how she spent her first night as a captive of Rome. Spread-eagled and tied down, the rude butt plug lodged well up her behind, the squat end left to jut out from between clenching cheeks, moving each time she contracted her buttocks, the well-fucked woman could do nothing, but contemplate her fate. The other captives were brought over to see her in this sorry state, so they too might reflect on the price of obstinacy to the will of Rome.

  Chapter Nine


  In Bernesium it is said the people still talk of my triumphant return. A glorious day it was, with banners flying, crowds cheering, slaves marching in bondage and, trailing behind me, the fairest captive of them all, a magnificent blond barbarian, trussed up and swinging from a pole. When we were yet a day out of town, I had my men prepare Helva for my triumphal entry. She was made to lie face down on the ground; her arms were pulled back, and her legs bent at the knees so that wrists might be bound to her ankles, one loop of rawhide binding all four limbs together. This method of tying her up, pulled her body back till it was lightly bowed. Now a long, smooth, wooden pole was passed under her bound wrists and ankles; a soldier at each end hoisted it up, raising our captive so that her long body hung swaying beneath the pole, nipples pointing to the ground. In this ignominious manner, my blond beauty was paraded through the village behind my horse, her place in the column a sign of her special status, telling the world that the commander had claimed her as his own personal sex slave.


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