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Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi - Complete 7 Part Series

Page 22

by Minky St Anne

  Then, the energy recedes to coalesce in my core, forming into a tight ball before exploding and flooding me with extreme power and need.

  Always the need.

  “Marlo…” I’m unable to say more than this, but my longing must be evident. He steps up to the goddess and caresses the sides of her legs. I know he can’t touch my skin because of the iron and yet it feels like he has.

  The goddess steps wide, taking my legs with her.

  Marlo then taps behind her knees and she bends them, at right angles to the ground, flattening herself out a-la Matrix and forming herself into a gravity-defying table of sorts with me now lying on my back, spread wide. Ready.

  The longing hasn’t diminished and I desire even more of something undefinable but when Marlo’s mouth covers my sex the craving only intensifies.

  This is what I want. But it’s still not enough

  He doesn’t hold back, sucking on my clit, drawing it out and then rewarding it by licking it into a frenzy. And, oh boy, am I along on that ride.

  I try arching my hips, hoping to increase the pressure that’s building, but I’m held firm.

  “More,” I grit out, hoping Marlo will heed my wishes.

  “As you command,” he says, sliding a single finger deep inside me, and then swirling it around, pressing the walls and fondling my G.

  “More,” I whisper.

  He gives me more, but still it’s not enough.

  “I cannot give you what you want while you reside in the goddess.”

  It looks like the goddess has other ideas. She spreads my legs even wider than I’d thought possible and then I feel the edges of the iron that cradles my back seep their way into my cleft, spreading me wide, and open to Marlo’s hungry gaze.

  “I should not,” says Marlo, still holding out.

  Not that he lasts long after he leans forward and places his hands on the plinth on either side of the goddess’s hips. Or is that our hips? We grab hold of his arms and pull him forward until I can feel the end of his cock, hard up against me.

  No sooner has his fettyr touched my sex than the chain holding it around his waist shatters like plastic, leaving him free to enter me.

  But still he resists.

  The hunger is now so overwhelming that I’m crying in need. My crying soon turns to howling and finally screaming, with the craving having now mutated into pure agony.

  “You have to,” I scream at him. “I’m dying.”

  And indeed that’s what it feels like. My limbs are solid with the pain, paralyzed by it. It’d be unable to move even without the goddess holding me tight.

  Marlo has barely entered me than the agony changes to ecstasy. It happens so quickly that I’m disoriented for a moment but by the time he’s balls-deep inside of me, I’ve mastered it. Or maybe it’s mastered me?

  Held wide by the goddess, I’m at the mercy of his cock, but I still feel safe. And Marlo is gentle, withdrawing and filling me in turn with great skill, driving me ever closer to whatever it is I’m longing for.

  I find out soon enough.

  If I’d thought my last orgasm courtesy of Ben was incredible, it proves tame by comparison to this.

  The pleasure is so intense, that it’s almost as if the pain has returned. I can feel every inch of Marlo as I climax against him; gripping him hard enough that I’ve probably popped a couple of his rivets.

  The ripples of pleasure work their way out from my very core, tingling through my body to exit through my fingers, toes and scalp. Even when beyond my body, I can still feel them as though even my aura is getting in on the act.

  The blast when they return is an adrenalin-laced rush that has my whole body vibrating and heating up until I can feel sweat prickling my skin.

  So, very, very hot.

  I am the goddess and she is me.

  I’m still glorying in it when Marlo reaches climax, and then all hell breaks loose. Not only does he feel incredibly large all of a sudden, but the Goddess of Iron shatters and it’s only by him grabbing hold of me that I don’t fall backwards onto the ground.

  Marlo scoops me up and I wrap my legs around his waist before settling even more fully onto his hard length.

  It’s not until we’ve had a bone-jarring session inside the cave that we feel the need to separate and that we then see Marlo is no longer in possession of his fettyr.

  He hides his shock well, I’ll give him that. I’m less concerned having ridden in this particular rodeo before. Holy hell Praedytus is going to be super pissed that two of his sons are now equal in power to him.

  “I need to speak to my father,” says Marlo, disappearing without further explanation.

  “And I need to speak to Ben,” I say, to the now empty cave.

  All I do is wonder if he’s still on The Metal Beast and I’m there in the master cabin watching him skewer that bitch, Cuprum.

  I yank hard enough on her copper onesie that I rip her off Ben’s cock and deal to a few of her pubic hairs in the process if her yelp is any clue.

  “He is mine,” I scream loud enough that she pulls away as far as she can, which isn’t far given I’m still holding onto her copper slut suit.

  I’m speculating on what to do with her when she twists violently, slams her hand down on top of my head and, bam, we’re back in the fucking Fields of Obadyn.

  “This time my father will not save you,” she spits out, and then she disappears before I have a chance to slap her into next week.

  “Back so soon?”

  I whip around but there’s no one there. It’s only when I look up that I see Seolfer’s standing above the entrance to the cave looking smug. Not that he stays smiling for long when I bend down and pick up a couple of large rocks.

  I wait until I see his naked ass disappearing over the ridge before I speak again.

  “Praedytus, come to me!”

  Fuck it all to hell, what has that bitch done that I can no longer summon The God of All Desire. It’s not like I haven’t tried either.

  Damn it, I shouldn’t have gone straight to The Beast. If I’d headed for my truck I could have come up with a better plan.

  I wish I was in my truck right now.

  “Fucking hell!”

  I don’t know what shocks me more, that I’ve managed to escape the Fields of Obadyn or how cold the vinyl seats in my truck are on my bare ass.

  I continue swearing while rummaging around behind the front seats looking for my bag of spare clothes. After being caught naked in the snow that time behind Ben’s hill cabin, I’ve always made sure to have spare gear on hand. Mind you, this is the first time I’ve had to use it with most of my travels having been from one naked location to another.

  Once dressed, I realize I don’t have the keys to my truck. They’re in my backpack on The Beast with Ben and the copper floozy.

  I run the length of the floating walkway until the final branch and from there I tiptoe, keeping as quiet as I can, inching my way towards the boat with as much stealth as possible. With any luck, I can sneak on board, grab my backpack and get out of there without being sent back to Seolfer again.

  For all I know, my escaping the gravitational force of that place could have been a fluke. I’m sure as hell not going to risk going back again even if it was fun to chuck rocks at the God of Silver and his old hag of a mother.

  I’m sneaking across the back deck like something out of a Pink Panther movie when Ben pops up next to me, giving me enough of a fright that I nearly have an accident.

  “Gahhhhh,” I utter, inarticulately, while clutching my throat as if he’s about to steal my pearls.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, before pulling me into a tight embrace. “Hope you’re hungry.”

  I’m lying in Ben’s arms in the very early hours of the following morning before I have space to think on the latest developments. Due to another of those weird-ass Nyphrazi time slides, I’d ended up back on The Beast before Cuprum had even arrived. The copper barbells had popped u
p on Ben’s cock not long after, but I was having none of it and took to him with a pair of bolt cutters that soon made short work of the charms. He’d been a complete girl about it, and it had taken a while for me to get him hard again after I’d safely chucked all the copper bits into the harbor.

  But it worked. No Cuprum.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve got until the ceremony, but it can’t be long even in earth days. I know I’ve got to go back to Marlo to finish my training and I’m going to have to go soon. I only hope I can time it so that he doesn’t know I’ve been back to visit Ben while he was with his father.

  Timing is, as they say, everything.

  Goddess of Obis

  Erotic Tales of the Nyphrazi

  Part 7

  Chapter One

  I’m in my usual training spot on the platform outside Marlo’s cave. The effort I’m putting into this latest exercise has my entire body covered in a fine sheen of sweat. I hold on for as long as I can, resisting gravity, honing my skill.

  I can’t help but let out a whoop of joy when the iron Kegel finally drops to the ground. A whole goddam minute. I really will be able to crack nuts as a party trick!

  But so I should be strong, I’ve been doing the exercises set by Marlo with religious fervor; anything to avoid becoming a fallen maiden. It had taken a lot of nagging to find out what they were with the reality being a whole lot worse than anything I could have imagined.

  Think the Best Little Nyphrazi Whorehouse, but with zombies rather than hookers. There is no fucking way I’m gonna end up like that.

  The other thing I’m having trouble with is holding back on my orgasms. I’d always found them to be a rare and precious thing and the idea of keeping one at bay is an anathema to me. It’s just not natural.

  “Did I hear a whoop?” says Marlo, strolling out to stand next to me. His hands are behind his back and I know from experience I’m about to be given another challenge.

  “You sure did. I lasted a whole minute. And with the heaviest one too!”

  I’m expecting praise, but am I ever wrong and instead he hands me a miniature of the Goddess of Iron. It’s surprisingly heavy and of concern is the hook on top of her head. I look at this, and then the chain attached to the iron bullet lying at my feet.

  “You have got to be joking?”

  “Not up to the challenge?” he says, lifting an eyebrow in a manner that throws down the gauntlet.

  “Piece of cake,” I say, with a healthy dose of bravado.

  He grins at me, not taken in for a second, before turning to go back inside.

  “Try squatting, so that the goddess’s feet may touch the ground.”

  This remark, casually thrown over his shoulder, nearly has me throwing the statue at the back of his head.

  He can’t be serious. Never mind cracking nuts, I’ll be able to open bottles of beer!

  The closer we are to the ceremony, the harder Marlo pushes me, until I’m bone-tired, but think I’m up to the task. It’s hard to believe all this work is necessary just to ensure every one of the gods gets their rocks off during the course of the ceremony.

  I’m lying in an ungainly heap on the sleeping ledge in the cave when Praedytus flickers into being in the entranceway.

  “It’s not time already, is it?” I’d been hoping to have more of a chance to recover from my final mega session with Marlo.

  “It’s certainly past time you prepared for the ceremony,” says the God of All Desire, walking over and looking down at me in a speculative manner.

  He holds his hand out but I resist taking it because I know as soon as I touch him, I’ll be wetter than Sitka in October and panting for him to fuck me.

  He curls his fingers, beckoning to me to take hold of them and seeing he’s not going to go away, I reluctantly put my hand in his. He doesn’t even allow me to stand before we disappear from the cave and blink into existence on the Isle of Obis. The only difference in our positions being that he’s now holding me in his arms, although he eventually allows me to stand.

  That’s strange.

  I’m not overcome by lust.

  Perhaps that’s only allowed in the pink pool deep inside the Isle? So hard have I been contemplating that when the rock we’re standing on dissolves under our feet, it scares the crap out of me.

  Not that I freak completely given I know what I’m in for. I land safely with a plop in the gel, but Praedytus isn’t next to me and rather than be Hulk green, the gel is now a beautiful, soft pink.

  I’m lying in its embrace and wondering what’s going to happen this time when a woman right next to me tells me to relax, and then I’m about as relaxed as an ironing board. Twisting around, I try to see who’s spoken to me, but I’m alone.

  “Relax child.”

  Fuck, there she is again. It’s at this moment the rock above reforms itself and I’m well and truly in the dark, although not as alone as I’d thought I was.

  “I am to help you prepare for the ceremony,” says the woman.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am Goddess of Obis and guardian of the isle. Lie back and let the balm do its work.”


  It doesn’t take long to realize that while I’m not going to get any more out of her, neither am I going to come to any harm. Not that this makes me feel any more relaxed. Last time I’d been in here in the dark, I’d had a tight hold of Vyran’s hand.

  As before the absolute darkness is slowly broken by the gel glowing brighter and brighter until it’s all Barbie accessories.

  My body feels amazing, but whereas the green goo had had me feeling like a kid again, now I’m all woman.



  I don’t think I’ve ever been as aware of my womanhood before. Sure I’ve felt sexy during my dealings with the gods, but this is so much more. It’s sex and power, wants and needs all bound together in an overwhelming package.

  “You may get out now.”

  The disembodied voice breaks in on my own awareness, but it still takes me a minute to force myself to stand.

  “Fucking hell!”

  I look down at my boobs and know it’s not my imagination that they’ve gone up at least a couple of cup sizes. Even more noticeable is that they’re sitting as high as they did when I was in a training bra and my nips are as erect as they’d been when daisy-chained by those magnetic pebbles of Axel’s.

  If Ben could see me now, he’d blow.

  Once standing safely on the side of the pool, the Goddess tells me to move forward. I start walking tentatively; scared I’ll slip given the soles of my feet are covered in the slippery balm. Thankfully the fine sand on the floor of the tube she directs me down soon solves this problem for me.

  A dozen rights and a couple of lefts later and I’m more than lost, I’m disorientated. My pace slows of its own volition as I think on whether or not I’ll be able to find my way back to the pool.

  “I will make sure you are safe.”

  She can read my mind?


  “Fucking hell.”

  Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

  I’ve been so focused on the goddess being inside my head that I’m surprised when I come upon a group of women. The racket they’re making with their chatter should have alerted me to their presence if not their appearance alone with each and every one of them being stunning in her own way. It’s like a Miss World final on steroids.

  Cuprum is at the heart of this group and I’m thinking her companions must be goddesses too as there’s no way the stuck up bitch would deign to mix with anyone she considered beneath her in status. Certainly it’s been a while since I’ve seen this many tits in one room.

  Actually vacuous is probably a better description.

  On seeing me, Cuprum’s husky laughter catches in her throat causing her face to turn an unbecoming red. She sure as fuck wasn’t expecting to see me again and I’m unable to stop myself from breaking into a shit-eating grin.
/>   If anything, this has her turning even redder. Stand back, she’s going to blow!

  “You!” she says, her eyes wide.

  In answer to her unspoken question, I shrug my shoulders because really, I don’t have a clue either as to how I managed to escape the Fields of Obadyn on my own.

  “You must be Jasmine,” says a wood nymph of a girl. “My brother has told me all about you. I am Vyra,” she says, confirming for me that she’s Vyran’s sister and proving beyond doubt that Praedytus has no imagination when it comes to names. Mind you if he’d fathered this lot plus all the brothers, it’s no wonder he’d gotten a little formulaic in naming them.

  After Vyra has introduced herself, the other goddesses step forward. There’s Marla Goddess of Iron, Alexis Goddess of Nickel, Aura Goddess of Gold and last, but definitely not least, Seol Goddess of Silver. She’s the female equivalent of her asshole brother right down to what I suspect is a shitty personality beneath the beautiful exterior.

  Great, I can count two enemies amongst them and am ruminating on what this can mean when I once again hear the Goddess of Obis inside my head. “They cannot hurt you. You are stronger and smarter, thanks to my sister of iron.”

  I’m preening when she adds, “But neither should you underestimate them.”

  “Come,” says Vyra, holding her hand out towards me. “I will show you to your chambers.”

  “Lead the way,” I say, deliberately not taking her hand. It’s not in me to walk hand-in-hand with a chick. It would feel too weird. Unfortunately, she stays right where she is and short of putting my hands behind my back and waiting her out, I have to put my hand in hers.

  Big fucking mistake.

  My senses are fried in seconds and I go from being relaxed from the gel to being over-the-top stimulated. I try to pull my hand free but the little bitch is having none of it, with her sneaky look letting me know that I’m being blitzed on purpose as though in a test of sorts.


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