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Big Book of Smut

Page 26

by Gia Blue

  When she began to pull the bodice buttons open to cool off the men began to hoot and applaud in appreciation. She began to laugh and tease them with the lower buttons and preened, as the men grew louder and more raucous. Serena flushed with whiskey fueled laughter then stood and with a mighty heave ripped open the remaining buttons (much to my surprise) on her blouse until her pale milky breasts spilled out for the men to enjoy.

  The men were wild with enthusiasm and Serena being the ultimate flirt slowly began to dance around the room as she played with the buttons on her skirt. Stopping to replenish her dry throat with another deep swallow of tea she spun around the piano and as she did she kicked her heels off and began to flash her stocking feet and legs at the assembled men who applauded all the louder and with greater abandon.

  Playing rather haphazardly I laughed as I watched her breasts bounce in abandon before the gathered men. My own head was swimming from the doctored tea and I was feeling slighted by having to play the piano while Serena had all the fun so I asked one of the men to start the gramophone so that I could dance too.

  Soon the men surrounded us, helping Serena and I both out of our clothes until we stood before them naked as the day we were born. Our bodies were flushed with the admiration of the men and as their hands skimmed our bodies, we felt as if we were on top of the world. Having these worldly men ooh and ah over our bodies was the greatest aphrodisiac we had ever experienced and it wasn’t long before the men had shed their coats and shirts and were peeling down to their bare skins to dance naked with us around the room.

  What a sight we must have made bare breasts and cocks flopping about as we took our turns around the piano. Well the cocks were flopping at first, but we soon noticed as they became stiff and large and we were fascinated by the differences between the four men.

  * * *

  Sitting there with the book in my hands, I closed my eyes before turning the next page. I could imagine what would happen next and my stiffening cock reflected my arousal as I continued to read.

  * * *

  “August 27 – I watched as Serena was lifted onto the piano top and my throat suddenly became dry as Mr. Thomas led me to the sofa. Turning I looked into his eyes and saw for the first time that they were a beautiful shade of Wedgewood Blue and wondered at the color. Seeing the expression of lust on his face, my own became heated and I turned away and as I turned, I felt a trail of long fingers sliding down the side of my cheek and trembled as they flowed down to the sensitive spot at the base of my neck. I sat in silence as I felt his fingers begin to play with the nipples on my breasts. I turned my face back towards him and was startled as the tips of our noses briefly touched.

  Laughing in surprise, I made to move back a bit when I suddenly felt his soft warm breath fall upon my lips. Shyly looking up to the warmth in his eyes, I watched as he leaned in closer until I felt the tickling sensation of a mustache on my face. My private fantasies had always been about men with mustaches so it felt like a dream come true when I felt it move down the bridge of my nose until it moved side to side at the tip. I suddenly realized that he was teasing me and I definitely wanted to play along. Opening my mouth to speak, I felt the slip of a warm tongue flow in to touch my own and my senses became overloaded.

  I closed my eyes and with a soft moan, I succumbed to the arousal I was feeling. Even now as I sit here, pen to paper, the fire of that first kiss is hard to describe. I was consumed by the touch of a man that I hardly knew but with each touch of his tongue and lips, he drew me into him closer. The feel of his mustache was so enticing that I pulled his head down to the top of my breasts. I agonized at the feeling it invoked there and waited anxiously to see what he would do.

  Rubbing his face across my bare breasts made me feel faint and when he latched on to one pink tipped rigid nipple I moaned as if dying with pleasure. Holding his head close to me, I felt him move back and forth rubbing that mustache across my breasts and he continued to suck and pulled at the tight peaks they held. It wasn’t until I felt a hand sliding up between my thighs that I realized that I was lying flat on the sofa with him between my legs.

  I felt the cool air in the room mingle with the moist trail he left behind on my breasts and watched as he lifted his hand to move his member closer. I could not look away from the turgid length that he held.

  I had only seen one in illustrations and the one that the young apprentice had, but what Mr. Thomas had was like nothing I had seen before. The length and width were as if it was abnormal. There are no words to describe how thick and long it appeared to be. He watched my expression and I could only look with shock in return. The end was almost the like of a doorknob only deep purple in appearance and it was leaking fluid at an alarming rate. I watched as he lowered down to me and felt him try to move it between my legs.

  The slippery head slid into the apex of my thighs and womanhood and managed to move against my mound until I felt his knees press my legs apart further. Moving back a bit, he moved its position through my legs and it landed between the folds of womanhood to slide up and down its length. The heat of his manhood slid against the fine hairs and he used its length to rub against my inner thighs until I felt its first contact at my pleasure point.

  With my small gasp, he realized its position and used it to his advantage. Rubbing the knob up and down against the swollen point his hips danced against my body until I widened my legs further apart to allow him greater access. Taking that advantage, his right hand came down and lifted my leg further up and over the crest of the camel back sofa until I was open to his use completely.

  I moaned in excitement as I felt the heated thickness against the opening of my womanhood and squirming on the sofa to get closer I felt the first portion of the knob try to gain access. Hands came down to lift my hips into better position and suddenly I felt my body give way to its fullness. He waited a few moments as I writhed around the hot slippery invader and seeing that my body was moist with its own excitement he proceeded to push his length in inch by inch until he was seated fully into my depths.

  Gasping in excitement, I couldn’t lay still while his member was in me. I kept writhing about on the sofa as a woman possessed until he began to pull out. Feeling him slip from me, I tried to clench it with my inner muscles and at my first attempt; I elicited a deep groan of feeling from him as he gasped in excitement. I wanted to beg him for more but he became so still at that moment that I did not speak. Suddenly, it was as if he had given in to his excitement because he began to pull out and then thrust in at such a speed that I couldn’t speak. His hands cupped my bottom as if for better purchase as he thrust and moved his hips in a blur. Leaning down to suckle my nipples his member was forced against my pleasure point so that I could feel every stroke and movement of his body.

  The fire of excitement began between my legs and raced to the top of my head as I screamed out in ecstasy, I came at the pinnacle of pleasure. My body shook in the throes of a violent orgasm as my inner walls clutched on his hard member for more. I felt faint with excitement as he continued to plunge in and out of me driving the pleasure on and on until it built into a second explosion that I felt to the tips of my toes.

  Feeling the shudders of my body had him come with a roar of excitement that he buried between my breasts. His hips continued to move after the first explosion and I felt his member pulse deep within me as if it would never end. Gasping in pleasure, he suckled on first one nipple then the other until the quivering in our bodies slowly came to a halt. Wriggling his hips one last time he finally pulled out his magnificent manhood and turning to the man behind him he motioned him closer.

  Helping me sit up he motioned for Mr. Winchester to sit down on the sofa, and lifting me up he sat me back down upon him. I felt Mr. Winchester’s chest rub the skin of my back as I sat down upon a thick member that was even now slipping into the place that Mr. Thomas had just left. As he thrust up into me, Mr. Thomas moved in front of my face and gently placing his hands onto my head, he moved his m
ember closer to my mouth. I licked my lips anxiously and wondered what he intended and in that moment, I knew.

  With a short thrust, the purple head of his cock was between my soft lips and when I gasped in surprise, he pulled me on to him deeper. Gently he thrust until I became accustomed to his stride while the man below me plunged me deeper into lust. His fingers held me tightly in place, playing with pleasure point from the front as he moved me up and down with his thrusts.

  With my eyes closed, I moved in concert with the two men that played my body, each pulling and thrusting in their own way until the overwhelming pleasure began to fill my body to such an extent that I moaned aloud in anxious need. Suddenly, it felt like lightning struck the pleasure point that was being tweaked with each thrust. I screamed in ecstasy as my body shuddered from the waves of pleasure that ran up and down its length.

  I heard the men groan loudly as with a final thrust one exploded his passion into my body while the other rained it down on my lips and breasts. Our sighs of pleasure filled my ears and I felt faint with the pleasure that I had experienced. I slowly opened my eyes to see Serena surrounded by the other two men who seemed to be holding her upright.”

  * * *

  Sitting there reading the book I was amazed at the turn of events. Apparently, Samantha wasn’t disturbed by ending up with Mr. Thomas and Mr. Winchester and I could only wonder if Serena fared as well. Anxious to see if Samantha included Serena’s tale I turned the page.

  * * *

  “August 27 – Mr. Stevenson gently pushed Serena down on her back, flat against the ebony surface of the piano. Covering her with his body, he began to kiss her neck and breasts while she ran her fingers to the hair at the base of his head. He continued his seduction by placing his hands on either side of her head and pulling loose the pins that held her hair, he then threaded his fingers into a secure grip to ravish her mouth. His tongue was quite persuasive and unable to breath she felt quite faint, until he lifted his lips and began to use his mouth on her naked breasts. His lurid tongue made short work of tantalizing her nipples until they stood at attention to the workings of his lips.

  She told me in stunned surprise that she felt as if she was melting in place when she felt his hands invade the slit between her legs. His fingers began to slip and slide their way through the delicate folds of her private area until she moaned in lust at the feelings he was awakening.

  The hands that were once playing in his hair were now clutching his arms to keep them close to her burning body. Feeling a sudden loss of pressure on her breasts, she raised her head to see him disappear past her abdomen. Suddenly she felt something exceedingly moist and probing on her private parts and after a moment’s revelation realized that the man now had his mouth over her womanhood.

  Her own hands muffled her soft shriek, when she realized that it was his tongue now probing her most intimate folds. She swooned at the thought and sensation of his lips moving over her private area and was jolted to sudden awareness as she felt his tongue impale the opening that was deep between her legs. Her hands were again buried deep in his hair as her moans of lust filled the room. His animal grunts of pleasure filled the air, and time stopped when she reached a peak of excitement that had her shrieking in pleasure. He continued with his lips and tongue until her pants of lust fell away to soft groans of completion.

  She felt him lift his lips and raising her head she looked deeply into his eyes and watched as his hands moved to lift his organ into place. Anticipating what was to come she lay still until she felt the first hard thrust bury deep within her. Gasping in delight, he grunted, thinking that he was the first to breach her maidenhead since her sheath was so tight. He pulled back and then spreading her legs wider thrust his hips forward until he was buried to the hilt. Not giving her time to catch her breath he started thrusting in and out with the spirit of a young man. Grunting, and heaving he leaned forward to arch further over her, and managed to slide his manhood against her exposed pleasure point. She was in the throes of a violent pleasurable experience once again.

  Hearing her gasps of pleasure set his own pleasure to its peak and he tightened for one last thrust as he grasped her nipples to tweak them once again. Mounding her firm breasts in his hands, he shook with the pleasure of his release and after finally sending the last spurts of his seed deep within her he leaned over to suckle her nipples in pleasure.

  Standing next to him, Mr. Jones patted him on the back and urged him to help him turn Serena’s heated body over onto her stomach on the cool piano. Swooning in pleasure of feeling two men’s hands on her body, she wasn’t prepared for the salacious kiss that was pressed to her naked buttocks. She felt a pair of strong hands pull her legs open while another slapped her ass cheeks teasingly. Long fingers began to rub and massage the soft mounds and she felt the cool air fall between the globes as they parted.

  She flushed at being looked at in such a private place and wondered what the men were doing. With each pass of the hands, she felt her legs slide on the hips of the man that held her. In fact, it seemed as if he were drawing closer as her legs were being spread wider as each moment passed. Suddenly fingers were playing with her nether lips and she felt the first tentative touch of hot flesh at her opening.

  A deep thrust into the depths of her body and she felt her womanhood being stretched in a new way, from a deeper angle. Mr. Jones toyed with her, pulling in and out, in and out, until his member sat at the tight ring of her opening. Feeling fingers once again playing with her pleasure point she was at first distracted until she felt a hot pressure slightly higher up.

  Shock held her in place when she felt his member at her darkest place. She couldn’t imagine what he was doing until she felt the first tentative push into her private passage. The shock of his first thrust was countered by the fingers that were tweaking her pleasure point. The pleasure and pain were mixed and then dissolved as he thrust deeply into her dark place. The movement in her deep passage was incredibly arousing as the fingers played with her engorged excitement in front.

  Sobs of excitement fell from her lips as the man covered her completely with his body as he thrust into her depths. His firm hips bounced off her plush ass checks with vigor as he sought his release and the man who played with her below kept her on the edge of excitement until with one mighty thrust and groan the man that thrust into her above was met by the man who sucked her pleasure point into his mouth. Her screams of joy filled the room as her body twisted and heaved in every direction until the tips of her toes curled in glee.

  Tears of pleasure coursed down her cheek as she fell to the cool ebony on the piano top. Exhausted she lay sprawled wide until she felt hands gently lift her down from the smooth wood. Standing there swaying on her feet, she saw me on the sofa, riding one man while the other was standing before me. Suddenly, the rattling of the doorknobs drew our attention. We turned as one, the men and my sister, pleasure forgotten, as we watched the door slowly open.”

  * * *

  I felt the hairs on my neck and arms stand up as I closed the journal. I was afraid to read what happened next. Finishing the story would have to wait, standing abruptly; I headed down the stairs unable to continue further until I had a stiff drink inside me.

  Chapter 7

  Normally I don’t drink alone, but that night I headed to my dad’s liquor cabinet and pulled a bottle of whiskey from the bottom shelf. Heading to the kitchen, I felt a swift rush of cold air rush by me. A feeling of impending doom was upon me. Standing there in the hallway, I eyed the living room that I had just left and the stairs that I had just come down. I knew that the house was empty, as my father was attending a business conference and my mother had decided to go along.

  I’d never been frightened of the dark, or of being alone, or any number of other things that people managed to acquire in their life. Now however, I had the oddest feeling that I wasn’t alone. Somehow, I knew that it wasn’t my ghosts. Whatever was there in the house with me was someone else. Shaking my head,
I went into the kitchen for some ice and smelled smoke.

  Whirling around I began to sniff, but knew that it wasn’t the wiring or anything else with the house itself. It was cigar smoke, just the faintest smell, and suddenly I suspected who was there in the kitchen with me.

  Calmly reaching for a glass tumbler, I pulled open the freezer door to get some ice and as I did, a mist of cold air began to swirl in front of me. It was just like the old horror shows, when a waterfall of foggy cold air begins to fall over the sill of the window, only it was happening in front of me, and out of my freezer. It began to coalesce first into a person’s face and then a figure. It was a man and he appeared to be nearly as tall as I was. The portion of the head that was supposed to be a face was barely recognizable but it managed to form what appeared to be a young man’s persona. I watched, as the lips seem to move before me and emit a slight hiss of sound. I couldn’t be certain but it sounded almost as if the words, free them, were whispered.

  In that instant, the room turned back to normal. The refrigerator stood there with nary a bit of smoke anywhere around it. The empty glass was still in my hand, the lights in the kitchen were on but I stood alone, knowing that I had to go back upstairs and finish the journal.

  Chapter 8

  “August 27 – We watched in horror as the door seemed to open in slow motion and there at the entrance to the room stood our father and the apprentice. A roar of such rage exploded from our father’s depths that the glass in the windows seemed to shake with fury. The men scrambled around the room some reaching for their clothing, others trying to place furniture between themselves and our father’s outrage.

  Serena and I watched as the apprentice, our first tutor in love, fell to his knees and as we watched we saw him cover his face as if in pain. I moved to gather our clothing as our father advanced on our persons with fists tightly clenched and arms shaking. By now, the men seeing that our father’s attention was solely on us, had managed to flee the scene one by one until we were the only ones left in the room.


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