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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

Page 27

by Amanda Heartley

  Nick smiled. “Go ahead and turn on the TV. We have satellite. You can get just about any channel you want.”

  “Sah-weet!” she exclaimed as she grabbed the control and turned on the TV. Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’ was playing and she noticed it was set on the old movie channel.

  “You like old movies?”

  “I sure do, watch them at night sometimes when I stop. Why? What’s on?”

  “‘The Birds’, Hitchcock was great! Have you ever noticed the effects? We’ve come such a long way.” She laid back into the bunk, thinking about all the old movies she watched with Annie, she needed to call Annie soon. She was probably home having amazing sex with Tommy. Meh, I’ll call her later, this trip is way more fun than digging up old wounds!

  Marti lay there thinking about the previous night’s fuck session, Nick, and what she was going to do when she got to L.A. After watching a couple of old black and white sitcoms, she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Marti felt the truck rumble to a stop and opened her eyes. She looked up through the front window and saw it was dark outside. The TV was still on and Nick got up from the driver’s seat and came towards her.

  “Everything ok?” she asked through sleepy eyes.

  “Yes, Peach, just need to sleep for a bit. You ok? Thirsty?” he smiled, handing her a Diet Coke. He reached up and opened the moon roof on the bunk; the desert’s night air cooled the truck instantly.

  “Where are we?”

  “A little bit outside of Albuquerque. I need to stop here, get a few hours sleep, and then we’ll get back on the road.”

  “Cool. I must have slept all day. This truck makes me so sleepy. When are we going to eat? I’m hungry.”

  “You did sleep, Preciosa, I’m glad you got some rest. Now I need to get some. There are some snacks in that little fridge over there.” He gestured to a small refrigerator in the wall. “Grab whatever you want.” Crawling into the bunk, he took off his shirt and lay across the huge bed, exhausted. Within minutes, she heard his rhythmic breathing as he fell asleep.

  Marti grabbed a snack from the fridge and sat up front, wide awake, eating and thinking about Annie. She pulled out her phone and texted her.

  ‘R U there?’


  ‘yes, its me. can you talk?’

  ‘where R U?’

  ‘Somewhere outside of Albuquerque.’

  ‘U OK? ive been worried sick.’

  ‘Sorry bout that. im OK Met an amazing man. We are on our way to LA. R yall OK? Married yet?’

  ‘no not yet. I found the pictures. tommy told me all about you and him. it’s OK. you can come home now. i miss you. i need my friend here with me.’

  ‘not that ez. theres nothing there. having fun here.’

  ‘i miss you.’

  ‘miss u too. ill call when i get to LA. maybe you can hook me up?’

  ‘yes, please call i miss you. i love you.’

  Tears fell down Marti’s face as she looked at her phone. She missed Annie and the ranch. She sniffled and looked out the window. What am I doing?

  Staring out the window, she reminisced about her life. How her daddy was a drunk and left her and her mama when she was so little. Her mama worked hard to support her. She remembered playing outside with her best friend, Annie. They would go down to the creek and poke sticks at the crawdads. She thought about the hot summer nights when they slept outside on Grandpa Gibbon’s hammock and caught fireflies in a jar. And her Senior Prom…her date, Billy Crawford, was a flippin’ riot. Wonder whatever happened to him?

  Life was so easy back then, no worries, no problems, just young and free, enjoying each day as it came. What the hell happened?

  The city lights were miles in front of them, and all around the outside of the truck was dark. Really dark and really spooky. Where the hell did he park? She shivered. It was scary out there. She quietly stood up and crawled back into the bunk with Nick. She felt a lot safer there.

  His bare chest moved up and down, his breath slow and steady, in and out, in and out. Like a sleeping god laying there in his jeans, his mocha chest and his taut belly showing just a touch of fine hairs. Locks of his black wavy hair lie across his forehead. So how am I supposed to do this? Do I cuddle this guy? Lay here by myself? God knows the bed is big enough. Shit, I just wanna fuck him again.

  She slid into the bed, trying not to wake him. She picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels of the big screen TV, settling on an old I Love Lucy rerun and turned the volume down a bit to let him sleep. Lucy and Ethel had her quietly giggling to herself in no time.

  He rolled over and his arm flung across her face. She jumped up and yelped. “Ow! Relax! Dang!”Grabbing her face.

  He woke up, startled. “Sorry!” Sleepily, he reached over and grabbed her boob, teasing her nipple. He pulled on it and rolled it between his fingertips. She exhaled, getting wet at his touch.

  “Hey, you’re awake?”

  “Mmm-hmmm,” he whispered, playing with her nipple. She rolled over to face him and their eyes met, he cupped her face gently between his hands and trailed his tongue across her plump lips. He crushed his mouth on hers and she could feel the warmth in his soft tongue lightly dancing with hers. Her heart raced and her body trembled as he held her face, kissing her, biting her, and licking and sucking until their tongues were dancing together in a slow choreographed rhythm.

  Tugging on her shirt, he slowly pulled it over her head. He paused for a second as her breasts sprang free and he grabbed the fleshy globes, moving down to slowly kiss her pert nipples, one by one, circling their hardness with his hot tongue. The contrast of his dark hand against her creamy white breasts turned him on.

  His tongue traced up to her neck gently nipping at the sweet spot right under her ear. He fumbled with the button on her shorts, unzipping them and sliding them down her legs. She trembled.

  Marti could barely hold back. She wanted to scream at him to fuck her now, but she bit her tongue and kept her cool. Nick moved slower than the night before and she felt amazing. He was such a gorgeous man. Fuck! She could eat him alive!

  Marti had never been with such an experienced man, and she really didn’t care that he was a lot older than her. She was used to the wham bam of the boys back home but Nick was a gentleman and he knew how to work it. She wanted him bad.

  She shivered. The coolness of the night felt good against her skin. Running her hands over his shoulders, feeling his hard body molding next to hers, she felt like a princess. A goddess. She caressed his smooth skin as his kisses danced across her neck, down to her breasts, his fingers probing her furry little mound.

  “Aye Diosito, Marti, you are so perfect!” Nick groaned. She excited him. He was old school and he loved her furry little kitten. His fingers slid between her outer lips, finding her fleshy bud, flicking ever so gently.

  Marti gasped. Damn! She was wet; there was no hiding it now. “Nick, let me...”

  “Shhh.....don’t say anything my little peach, just let me touch you…feel you…taste your sweetness.” He moaned as his fingers were tracing their way up and down from her kitten to her heavy breasts, leaving trails of wetness across her tummy.

  “Uh....Nick?” Marti asked nervously.

  “Shhhh, Princesa....don’t talk...” His kisses moved down her belly licking and nipping until they reached her swollen vulva. He gently spread her lips with his fingers and took in the sweet aroma of her sex as he gave her clit a soft slurp. She moaned.

  “Dios Mio! Marti, you are so beautiful and so sweet.” He inhaled. His tongue traced back up her belly to her mouth, the scent of her wetness on his breath. His fingers stayed behind to play with her sensitive bud. Her curvy body trembled.

  He unzipped his pants and pulled them off. His thick cock sprang free, drops of pre-cum glistening on the tip. He quickly rolled a condom down the length and eased himself between her thighs. Positioning himself on top of her, covering her soft body with
his, careful not to crush her as he slid his length inside her. She cried out as his thick cock filled her sex, inch by inch, her inner muscles still so tender from the night before. Nick started lightly rocking his hips, a smooth, tender passion, nothing like the tiger he was the night before.

  Kissing her gently, his hands tangled in her hair, he mumbled something amazingly sexy in Spanish that Marti didn’t understand. She didn’t care. Nick knew how to make her feel beautiful and sexy and hot. Marti never felt more exquisite than she did right now.

  Nick moved his hand down under her ass and tilted her up a bit. His cock moved deeper inside her, she whimpered, looking up at him through hazy eyes and smiled. He held it there for a moment, feeling the amazing sensation of her tight pussy wrapped around his dick. His heart skipped a beat. A look of carnal bliss crossed his face.

  He withdrew and with a powerful thrust, his cock swelled , another thrust and he groaned, another thrust, his body tensed and with a deep moan, he exploded, pushing his hips against hers with such force that Marti cried out as her body shuddered into multiple orgasms. She trembled and quaked in waves of euphoric bliss as he shot his hot seed inside her. She rocked her hips, sucking and pulling every luscious drop out of him.

  Nick grabbed her tight and held her in his arms, gasping for air. Their bodies twitched and shuddered, melting into each other like swirled ice cream, riding out the last waves of pleasure, tears of ecstasy welled up in Marti’s eyes, beads of sweat on her brow. She panted and moaned a low growl.

  He grabbed her tight to his smooth, heaving chest, catching his breath, his head spinning, wondering what just happened. A flood of intense emotions ran through his body. He gently eased off of her and lay on his back lifting his arm above his head, inviting her in, his breath finally steady. Staring at the dark night and the stars shining through the moon roof, he thought about the most beautiful woman he had ever seen lying by his side. Who is she? How does she make me feel like this?

  “Fuck...fuck. Holy shit! Nick, wow... wow!” She exclaimed in her sassy southern drawl, accepting his wordless invitation into the crook of his arm. Her head found the perfect spot on his shoulder.

  They lay there for a while, taking in the fresh air, the night and the stars. She stroked his chest, gently tracing circles around his nipples with her fingers. He took a deep breath, stroking her hair with his hand. “Glad you like it, my little Peach. You still hungry?” he asked. “I’m starving. Vamos a comer, y después...”

  “Hey, speak English will ya?” She sassed.

  With a sparkle in his eye, he chuckled. “Ok, mi amor, let’s go get something to eat.” He stood up and pulled on his pants. Looking into her sparkly green eyes, he bent down and kissed her. He shivered, turned around and jumped into the driver’s seat.

  Chapter 8

  Annie and Tommy had been in the city shopping all day, looking at wedding packages from excruciatingly plain to wonderfully exquisite. She couldn’t make up her mind. Big wedding? Who would come? Small wedding? Who would they forget?

  They stopped at a nice little hole in the wall Italian restaurant before they headed home. Lucio’s was bustling with customers, as always, but they found a corner booth, out of the way of the crowds for a relaxing dinner and conversation.

  She played with her menu and bit, fumbling with the corner. “What are you having, hon?”

  “Oh, I was thinking of some fettuccini and veggies. You ok? You seem a bit distant. Don’t like Italian?”

  She sighed “I love Italian, just have crap on my mind. Marti texted me last night.”

  “She did? What did she say?”

  “She’s on her way to L.A. with some truck driver, I feel so bad for her, wish she would come home.”

  He stretched out his massive arms and sighed. “I know, honey, but she’s grown and she’s gonna do what she wants. I wish she were here, too.”

  “I know, it sucks. I hope she finds what she’s looking for. I mean, I love her and I miss her, but if she’s not happy here, she has to find what makes her happy. I just wish she was closer to home. She said she’d call when she got there.” Her eyes welled up with tears. “I just miss her… a lot.”

  “Honey, do you really want to eat? I mean we can head on home if you aren’t up to it.”

  “No, I’m okay. Let’s eat, I’m starving.” She dabbed her eyes, straightening herself up.

  Tommy reached across the table to hold her trembling hand, wishing he could make all the hurt go away. God! How he loved this girl. Every time he thought about her, his heart thumped and he just wanted to take her in his arms and protect her and hold her until all the hurt and sorrow disappeared.

  They ordered their food and as they were talking, making googly eyes at each other, the waitress brought them some wine. Tommy was designated driver, so he slowly sipped his wine, while Annie proceeded to get tipsy. She giggled a lot when she was buzzed and tonight was no exception.

  They talked about the wedding, she wanted a small wedding and he wanted a huge one. She hoped she’d win that competition. Hell, she’d elope to Vegas tonight if he asked her.

  “More wine?” the waitress tipped the bottle to her glass. She noticed Annie was playing wino tonight and at these prices, she was happy to oblige.

  “Sh - ure” Annie giggled as the word slid out of her mouth.

  “Honey,” Tommy’s deep voice sent shivers down her drunken spine. “Let’s get going, we have a lot to do.” He nodded to the waitress for the check and pulled out his card. Annie was giggling to herself, not sure if she could even walk out of the place.

  Tommy laughed. He knew how feisty she got when she was tipsy and tonight was going to be fun. They had over an hour’s drive to Mountain View and he hoped she could wait till they got home.

  He stood up, threw a few dollars on the table and helped her out of the booth. She stumbled and slurred her words as they oozed out of her mouth, “I’m sho shorree, honeee, zjust hold meee up-p-p.” Good thing she wore flat shoes today or she would have been face down on the floor.

  Walking out to the pickup truck, he found it was a lot easier to just carry her; she was stumbling with each step, so he just picked her up and walked to the truck.

  He thought about his woman. She’s sexy, fun, drop dead gorgeous and now she’s rich on top of that. God had really blessed him in his life and he wasn’t ever going to take these things for granted. He was proud to be her man and couldn’t wait to call her his bride.

  Opening the door, he lifted her up into the truck. She was giddy and he was glad to be there to protect her. He fastened her seat belt and walked around to the other side and got in the truck.

  “ you...ever....mas - mash - turbate?” barely pronouncing the words, giggling as she asked the question. “Mash - tur - bate. You wish your dick?” She asked, running her hand hungrily over his crotch.

  She was drunk. “No, honey,” putting his arm her around her neck, pulling her closer to him. ”I don’t ‘play with it’, I have you,” he said, kissing her on the head.

  “Good, caush I wants to be all you ever need. Lesh get married.”

  “Darlin, we are getting married; we just have to get everything ready . It takes time, honey bun. We will be married soon and you will be Mrs. Tommy Donovan, the most beautiful bride in the world.” He hugged her.



  “When we get married, will…will you…fuck my ass? That was fuckin amazing…remember, I was scared…and… you…you did it anyway? That big ole….dick, sliding in and out….in and out….my ass….Fuck, Tommy, I love you…” she exhaled, falling off to sleep.

  “Yes, baby, I’ll do anything you want.” He smiled; his bulge sprang to attention in his jeans with the thought of her tight ass wrapped around his fat dick. He was a gentleman, but still so much a MAN. Sex with Annie was heaven in all its glory. He would give her anything she wanted, within reason. She fell asleep in his arms, the pickup truck bouncing on the old highw
ay to home.

  He pulled up into the driveway at the ranch. He nudged her gently to wake her. She didn’t budge. He went to the passenger side and lifted her out of the cab, carrying her to the house and up the stairs. Looking down at her, she was a mess, hair all over, lipstick on her face. He laughed. He should take a picture of this and show her in the morning.

  Laying her on the bed, he took off her clothes and covered her with the blanket. He wasn’t getting any tonight. Oh well, he was exhausted from their shopping trip and sleep couldn’t come soon enough.

  Undressing, he thought about what she said in the truck. Did he ‘play with it’? He chuckled. No, he never had to with her. She was a hot little sex kitten and he was happy to give her every bit of him, everything she craved. He slid under the covers of the king sized bed; wrapping his arms around her. The coolness of the sheets mixed with the warmth of her body felt incredible. He kissed her cheek and whispered “I love you, Angel” in her ear. A few minutes later he was fast asleep.

  Chapter 9

  Nick had been driving all day. Marti was chatting and checking out the scenery, but she knew by morning she would be all alone again. Not that it mattered, Nick had his own life and she, well, she never thought her trip was going to be so fucking exciting in the first place.

  She looked over at him, his eyes watching the road ahead. His bare chest was luscious. Shirts didn’t seem to stay on him very long. His eyelashes were luscious. His thighs tight in his jeans were luscious. Hell, his whole body was luscious. Damn!

  Nick drove the big rig like he had been doing it all his life. Marti watched as he instinctively knew exactly what to do to get the heavy cargo across the country. Up the mountains, down the mountains. Jake brake, brrrrrrrrrrr…..Clutch, shift, clutch, shift, relax. All the while gently singing Spanish songs along with his iPod and smiling and blowing kisses at Marti. She was totally impressed.

  “So, we’re almost there?” turning away to hide the sad face. She knew this trip was almost over. She didn’t want it to be, but it was. She only had a few more hours with him and it was starting to wear on her. The trip had been amazing but she knew it was over.


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